before you leap

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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WebGeek Presentation June 2011


Successful Freelancing

for WebGeeks

Successful Freelancing

for WebGeeks

What is “success”?

Fame? Fortune?

If that's the case, then I'm not successful

No car

No fancy gadgets

Not famous

But success is not that simple

Understand Success

before you leapstuff you have to do before you go freelance

Bryan Bibat

Freelance Software Developer

Before everything else...

The “Fresh Grad” Question

Should I go freelance right after

graduating college?


work for “the man” first

Of course there are exceptions.

And I encourage students to go

freelance before graduating.

With that out of the way...

1. Do your homework.

• Why do I want to go freelance?

• Pros and Cons of Freelancing

• Do I have the skills to go at it alone?

2. Plan

• What are my short-term

and long-term goals?

• What do I want?

• What don't I want?

• What are my strengths and weaknesses?

Make the most of your strengths

Work around your weaknesses

• What else do I need to succeed?

• Can I do part-time first?

3. Get your (financial) shit together

L'argent est un bon serviteur,

mais un méchant maître.(Money is a good servant, a dangerous master.)

- Francis Bacon

• Know how much you spend in a month.

Multiply it by 6.

That's how much you need to save.

• Frugal ≠ Cheap

Spend on what matters.

• Money = Time

• last thing...

Just... no.

Much better

Additional Resources



Thank you for listening!

Summary:● Do your research. A lot of it.● Set objectives and goals. Determine the

best way to meet them.● Get the money “problem” out of the way. | @bry_bibat

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