basic hrm

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Human Resource Management

Superior Group of Colleges 1








Basic HRM

MBA Professional (Evening) Session 2007-09


Human Resource Management

a. Contrast management, personnel and human resource management.


Management, personnel and human resource management. Are different

concepts. In management we get the people organized and gather to

achieve the some specific goals. In other words,” Get things done by the

people or with the people effectively and effieciently”.Whereas in human

resources management put the person according their skills. In other

words putting the right person at the right place in the organization”. This

is the difference between management and human resource

management .In Personnel and human resource management are

frequently used interchangeably, it is clear that these are two different

aspects. he human resource department head ,once a single individual

heading the personnel function, today may be a vice president sitting on

executives boards and participating in the development of the overall

organization strategy. Personnel management deals with the holidays and

vacations of the employees. Planning, organizing, leading and controlling

are the functions of the management whereas staffing, maintains, training

and development and Motivation are the functions of the human resource


B. Explain the purpose of HRM in an organization?


As we know that HRM means that putting the right person to the right


Now these days’ organizations are become more complex and this the

period of competition and every organization want the right skillful

workers who can complete their works according to the requirements of

this work. HRM specialists are trained in psychology, sociology,

organization and work design and law. That is why they have the sills and

abilities to paste a right person at the right place of work. So, the

organization fulfill their goals.HRM done different works like planning

company picnics, scheduling vocations, enrolling workers for the health-

care coverage, and planning retirement ,recruitment and selection of the

new employees .That is why ,HRM is become important in the

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Human Resource Management

organizations. Through this every one has clear mind what he is going to


C. What activities are involved in the staffing function of HRM?


In staffing we have three functions which are as

Strategic Human Resource Planning



HR managers exists in the darkness, or for that matter, in a receive model.

Not until organization mission and strategy have been fully developed

human resource management begins to determine human recourse needs.

When an organization plans strategically, it determines its goals and

objectives for a given period of time. All the jobs are analyzed and then

recruitment is started.

“Hiring the appropriate employees for the organization”.

The goal of recruitment is to give enough information about the job to

attract a large number of qualified applicants and simultaneously

discourage the unqualified from applying. The after the recruitment, the

next step which 9s come is the process of Selection.

D. What role does HRM play in the strategic direction of an organization?


HRM play a different role in the strategic direction of the organization. It

helps to shape may events like globalization, technology, workforce

diversity, changing skills requirements ,continuous improvement ,work

process engineering decentralized work sites ,teams ,employee

involvement ,and ethics..HRM tells to the organization how much skill

person are required and what kinds of people are required. In this way it

effects on the organization strategic direction of the organization. HRM

must also serve the organization by determining lowest cost strategies to

its HRM practices it must look for ways to reduce personnel costs and find

more effective mean of offering employee amenities.

E.How does HRM effects on all mangers?

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Human Resource Management

Ans:-One thing should be clear that all other managers for HRM manager

is called Line Managers. Now there is a question hoe HRM manager effect

on other manager’s .No drought they affect on the mangers through

different ways. It is the responsibility of HRM manager to stable the other

managers. If HR department hire that person for the mangers post who has

no idea about that post then it will be harmful for the organization. If HR

department hire the marketing manager but he is not fit for the marketing

department, In fact, he has no skill for nay job or he is fit for the finance

department .In these cases loss only come in the part of the organization.

That is why, HRM affects on the other managers.

Next think that it is the part of the HR managers to measure the

performance of the other managers. So in this way they also affect on


F. Explain how HRM Practices differ in small businesses and in an

international setting?


Practices that go into HRM services include rewarding productive work,

creating a flexible, work-friendly environment, properly recruiting and

retaining quality workers, effective communications. Many of the

practices viewed as the latest HRM”fad,”such as 360-degree appraisals.

These all rewards present only in the international organizations .In small

organizations there will be many things will be missing.

No dought if any small whether it is international organization wants to

motivate their employees then they will have to use these practices.

G.Define employee involvement and lists its critical components?


Involving employee means different things to different organizations and

people, but by and large, for today’s workers to be successful, a few

necessary employees’ involvement concepts appear to be accepted. These

are delegation, participative management, work teams, goal setting and

employee training –the empowering of employees.

Organizations use different techniques to involve the employees. An

employee needs certain amounts of authority to make decisions that

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directly affect their work. Even though delegation was once perceived as

something that managers did when lower levels of management,

delegation is required at all levels of the organization –in essence, peer

delegation, or using influence without authority. Useful employee

involvement requires demonstrate leadership, as well as supportive

management. Additionally, employees need training and that’s where

HRM can make a valuable contribution.

H.Discuss how cultural environments affect human resource management?


No dought culture affect of the department of HRM of the any

organization. Because in the organizations employees come from different

cultures ,this thing crate a problem for the HRM.They have different

lifestyles, family needs, and work styles and more important thing they

have different way of thinking. In these ways it is difficult to handle the

problems. That is why culture affects on the HRM.

I. Describe how changing skills environment affect human resource

management practice?


Skill environment affect on HRM because during the hiring a lot of

candidates are called for interview and only selected the who are require

for the job. In recruitment a lot of candidate are called fro interview. But

this thing is clearly mentioned that only those candidates apply for the jobs

that are qualified. All the process depends on the type of the job.

J.Describe how technology is changing in HRM?


Technology has positive impact on HRM.It helps as by linking computers,

telephones, fax machines, copies printers and the like, they disseminate

information more quickly. Knowing the effect of technology, helps

managers better facilitate human resource plans, make decisions faster ,

more clearly define jobs and strengthen communications with both the

external community and employees. Technology has help in the process of

recruitment. Many applicants drop their resumes through online. In this

way scanne their resume and make decisions through efficiently. Through

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the help of technology organizations able to selection the require

candidate. The term in HRM is used which is HRIS which stands for

Human Resource Information System.

Q.3) Answer the five questions of case study 2-B “Team Fun”.


A.)Which of the HR functional processes can be identified in Tony’s area?


1. Training and development 2. Motivation

B.)Identify the environmental influences important to Team Fun?

Ans:- The environment often Team fun is very complex because there is no proper mangemnt.They have no extra people for work. No body have appropriate job. Even though the employees of its own company are not happy and there are no proper rules for checking the goods which they are manufacturing.

C.)How do its HR functional areas line up with the overall HR Process?


The main role in this conditions in the HR process is the role of Tony who was acting as a director of the Human resource department and his responsibilities were like HR managers like they have the responsibility to train their employees and motivate them for doing a work because he knew his employees have the abilities to do every type of jobs.

D.)Which motivation theorists has Tony applied to Team Fun?


Maslow Hierarchy of need theory is use by the Tony and its

management.Maslow Hierarchy consist of

Self Esteem Needs

Self Actualization Needs

Psychology Needs

Social Needs

E.)Does Tony need to do anything else to set up a strategic HR function?


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No dought there were a lot of improvements were remaining like Tonry

has the responsibility to improve the skills of the employees because he

knew that his employees have the abilities to do anything. He should make

his training and development programmes.

Q.6) Read the article and prepares the one page summary.


In this article that thing has been discussed is all about HR

practices and how these affect on the productivity. Now firms are adopting

the new practices like problem solving teams, enhanced communication

with workers, employment security, and flexibility in job assignments,

training workers for multiple jobs, and greater reliance on incentive pay.

By adopting these practices we can see high level of productivity than do

more traditional approach involving narrow job definitions ,strict work

rules ,and hourly pay with close suopervision.if we apply these practices

on individuals then these practice swill not create nay affect on

productivity,. Two primary results consistently emerge from the empirical

models. First ,certain forms of incentives wage contracts and related

employment practice raise the performance of the production workers,

relative to their performance under the more traditional employment

practices of fixed hourly pay and extensive monitoring by foremen. The

next thing which we have reviews of theories predicts that clusters of

practices due to complementarities among a firm‘s work practices.

Incentive contrary theory addresses the issues of how to motivate

employees hard when their performance cannot be perfectly measured or

monitored. It suggests that sets of complementary HRM practices will be

effective in addressing the kinds of issues that entire often confront when

designing their employment practices.

In particular firms can overcome free-rider problems by developing a

‘Norm” or “culture” of high effort among employees. According too the

Kandel and Lazear some practices can enhance the effectiveness of group

incentive contracts like careful employee selection, indoctrination and

orientation at the time of entry, team oriented work groups ,and other

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Human Resource Management

opportunities for workers and managers to meet.HRm practices ,such as

teamwork ,cooperation in problem solving initiatives ,and pay plans that

require subjective evaluations ,should therefore be complements with

objective pay-for-performance plans ,because the objective pay plans the

firm profitability and thus the value of its reputation. A commitment to

longer term employment relations policies once it makes a job security


Productivity effects by the HRM practices like incentive pay schemes, the

use of work teams, and enhanced training for the production

workers.HRM practices have a large effect on the production of the

workers performance, while changes in the individual employment

practices have little or no effect. Incentive pay plans and their related

supporting practices raise worker performance, relative to the effects of

more traditional practices in manufacturing, such as fixed hourly pay.

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Human Resource Management

Q.5) Interview with a Human Resource Manager and ask following


a. How he/she learnt about Human Resource Management.

Ans:-He told me that he learnt different books and case studies and when

he came in practical line then this is the major part of his careers where he

learnt about human resource management and till every day he getting a

lot new things which making easy to understand the human resource


B.)How attractive the career is?


He told me now these days the concept of human resource management in

the minds of the people is getting established and making its place in the

market. There are lot of jobs in the different companies because now

companies are establishing the HRM department in the organizations for

achieving the organizational goals.

C.)What he/she does on the job and what are he/she job responsibilities?


He told me he done different types of jobs. But the most important in

handle the employees in the better ways. So that there is no or any type of

in justification occur. Firstly our HRM department hires the new

employees then if needed any type of training is required then trained

them TO motivate and attract the employees. The main job which e do are

the clarity of the employees tell them what their responsibilities and what

things are include in their responsibilities.

D.)What are the qualities of good HR Manager?


He answered that he should have the following qualities.

Ethics in Communication

Ability to face the problems

Clarify the Roles of the Employees

Design the job according to the employee capabilities

People Oriented

E.)What are the challenges faced by the Hr Manager?

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Human Resource Management


There are a lot of challenges faced by the HR Managers. The main

problem is faced is culture differences and in these conditions to increase

the motivation level of the employees. They have to reduce the different

conflicts with the help of respective department managers.

They have to make decisions very care fully in giving the reward to the

capable employees. There are many other challenges which have to face

by the HR managers.

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Q.6)Go to society of Human Resource Management’s website and follow the following points.


a.)Briefly explain the procedure of student registeration.


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B.)Give five advantages of this site for the students.


There are many advantages foe the students to use it. Some are given as

They can get different case studies with respect to the HRM.

They can get different Competitive practices.

They can get different Seminars on HRM.

They can get different HR Graduate programmes.HR Undergraduate


They can get different SHRM library.

They can get different HR measurement.

They can get Public sector law.

C.)Give five advantages for the Professional.


They can get knolewledge how place a job.

They can get knolewledge articles on career.

They can get knolewledge corporate training and development


They can get knolewledge on business leadership.

They can get knolewledge get knowledge on hr technology.

They can get knolewledge get knowledge on workplace laws.

They can get knolewledge awards and benefits. Competitive practices.

They can get knolewledge hr solution.

They can get knolewledge salary survey directory.

They can get knolewledge workplace trends.

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D.)Write down all the terms states from “j”.



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