barbara howard, director ii session four: ~ cycle 7: strategies for a successful end of the year ~...

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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  • Barbara Howard, Director II Session Four: ~ Cycle 7: Strategies for a Successful End of the Year ~ Completing Induction Experience The 2014-15 Reflective Coach Professional Learning Session 4 CSTP 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
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  • 1.Limit Side Bars 1.Engage Fully 1.Use Technology Respectfully 1.Ensure all of your questions/concerns are addressed before you leave
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  • Agenda Overview End-of-the-Year Strategies Ending the Year Right Strategies Social Emotional Closure Student Self-Reflection Self-Reflection and Multi-Media Project Back up Wikis and Resources Collect Feedback 3
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  • Candidate Feedback: Youre a Star! Program wide Reflective Coach data from the candidates end-of-cycle surveys. Data also displayed on Reflective Coachs Haiku page. 4
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  • Cycle 7 Candidate Outcomes 1.Explore resources on Haiku 2.Apply an end-of-year strategy & post in the discussion board 3.Create a culminating multi-media project (3 minute max) 4.Complete CSTP Final Self-Assessment NamePositive Attribute NamePositive Attribute studen t 5
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  • Candidate Reflective Coach Watch the tutorials Explore resources for ending the year Reflect on and discuss resources for student engagement Complete Final CSTP Self-Assessment ES.: Verify attendance at advanced PL. Make connections to Professional Growth goal. Review ES completion requirements in Cycle 1 Meet Week One - Extend Knowledge 6
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  • Week Two - Apply Candidate Reflective Coach Create PLP: Where am I now? Compare/contrast initial and final self-assessment. (Provide link or results) Where am I going? In regards to final CSTP. What would you like your reality to be? How will I close the gap? What are your strengths and opportunities for improvement? Specific actions you will take to continue to grow. MeetEngage in goal setting conversation Post the PLP Link in Wiki Content Block Monitor Wiki (25) 7
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  • Week Three - Reflect Candidate Reflective Coach Post an initial post to the discussion board for wrapping up the year. Share ideas and successes for ending the year including additional teacher duties. (50) Create Multimedia projectAdvise and support Meet(50) 8
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  • Multi-Media Project: Synthesizing Induction 1.Name, grade, subject 2.Summary Statement of your Induction experience, including your growth. successes. an example of student success or achievement, and any future goals or next steps for yourself. 3.Projects should be less than three (3) minutes. 4.On the End-of-Cycle survey, you will be able to give your permission to use your project on our website or for future program examples. 9
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  • Formats for Multi-Media Projects Archive all induction work and evidence Multi-media project that will capture your candidate(s) journey o Video Reflection (Screencast) o PowToon o Prezi o Infographic o Power Point o Twitter Account with New Teacher Groups o Facebook page for new teachers Celebrate the year by sharing highlights of your transformation at your Colloquium. 10
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  • Week Four - Collaborate Candidate Reflective Coach Respond to peer 50 points Final Reflective Conversation to confirm all tasks are complete Meet Post all completion points Collect/archive resources for future use Archive all induction workDiscuss next steps for clearing credentials End of Cycle Survey Record dates, times, activities for this cycle in comment section. Attend Colloquium(25) 11
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  • Exploring Coaching Resources 12
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  • An Additional Resource: Share Out on Reflective Coach Page Discussion Board What have you done in the past to promote a successful end-of-year experience with: students? candidates? 13
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  • Next Steps for Candidates Candidates must verify posting of all points for Cycles 1-7 Suggestion: Have them contact you when this has been done.
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  • Archive Work in Secure Electronic Storage Account Please be sure candidates have backed-up the amazing work they have completed. Candidates will NOT have access to their Haiku work after this induction year (June 30). 15
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  • Induction Closure Remind Candidates to: Verify completion of any additional CTC Requirements Coaches please: Ensure all completion points are entered by Colloquium Be reminded that access to Haiku ends June 30 16
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  • Coaches Double Check Go to the Candidates Wiki Project Peruse the entry(s) to ensure all criteria are met Look specifically for evidence Contact candidate if work is incomplete Post completion points when all criteria are met 17
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  • Next Steps for Coaches of Ed Specialists 1.Ensure your candidate has completed all requirements a. Professional Growth Goal each year (Cycle 1 - CSTP Self-Assessment) b. Advanced Professional Development with Verification Document- once by the end of the final year of induction (Cycle 1 - CSTP Self-Assessment) c. Gen Ed/Ed Specialist Dual Credential Candidates must have documentation or demonstration of Gen Ed experience before completing their last year of Induction (Cycle 5) 2.Refer candidates who have additional CTC statutory credential requirements (e.g., Level 2 content courses, etc.) to CTI Credential Services (
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  • Coaches Verify Completion On the candidates Haiku class, go to the ASSESS tab at the top of the page Drop down to Grades Click on your candidates name to bring up the individual Grade Summary Check the Cumulative Grade report to ensure points are entered for each completed requirement for all cycles If a candidate cannot complete a portion of the WIKI, please contact your Program Manager Notate completion points prior to Colloquium 19
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  • Sample Grade Summary Cumulative Grade 20
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  • Program Completer Clear Credential Recommendations Information will be provided at Colloquium for the clear credential recommendation process. It is also posted on the Candidate Credential Resources 21
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  • Optional University Units for Reflective Coaches and Candidates Available on the Candidate Credential Resources website (also see link on the Announcements page of the candidates Haiku class). 22
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  • Table Race: Check Your Understanding 23
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  • Learning Through Reflection A defining condition of being human is that we have to understand the meaning of our experience. ~Jack Mezirow 24
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  • Students Reflections: enhance the meaning of experiences. help with insights and complex learning. occur alone but are also enhanced when done with others. draw cognitive and emotional information from several sources: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile. apply to contexts beyond the situation in which learning occurred. 25
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  • Jigsaw II on Student Reflection Number off at table groups, one through five. Regroup at numbered expert table groups. Read assigned reading on steps to promote student reflection. Discuss in expert groups. Return to original table groups, share various sections. 26
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  • How Do I Get My Students to Reflect on their Learning? Making Reflection Relevant For student reflection to be meaningful, it must be: metacognitive applicable shared with others Top-Notch Teaching Website 27
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  • An Awareness of Our Own Processes as We Complete Them Metacognitive Reflection 28
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  • Applicable After-the-fact reflection often dominates the reflection process. By giving students the big picture of learning (structure), students have a framework for assessing how past performance will influence future work. Reflection then has purpose with students -- know where they are going so they can improve the journey. 29
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  • Sharing Once a classroom becomes a safe place the classroom can become a collective support instead of individual competition. By sharing reflections, students can both advise and seek help. Sharing achievements helps those who have struggled with a task. Sharing weak spots helps students troubleshoot as they work through a problem set. 30
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  • Using The Digital Connection to Help Reflections to be Meaningful Metacognition: Keep a log of tasks and habits. Applicable/Documentation: Helps students reflect on past performance so they can improve. Sharing: Can be instantaneous when material is available online. 31
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  • What would reflection look like for students with ID - Intellectual (significant) Disabilities? Glance Response (Verbal/Non-Verbal) Picture Exchange Thinking Time Wait Time Express Feelings or Emotion (Verbal/Non-Verbal) 32
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  • Four Corners Activity Facilitating Candidate Conversation Around Student Reflection 1.What might be beneficial for students to reflect on: At the Beginning of the Year? After a Test? Done Well/Done Poorly At Grade Reporting Time? At the End of the Year? 2. What strategies/resources might you suggest that could help your candidate provide opportunities for student reflection? 33
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  • Coaching Opportunity: Candidate Year-End Reflection A recent study released from Harvard Business School reconfirms what John Dewey said long ago: We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience. What can we learn about our experience without the use of reflection? 34
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  • Prepare for Caf Experience Please pack up all belongings and clear your tables. Take a 10 minute break and come back to visit our World Caf. 35
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  • Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. Peter Drucker BREAK 36
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  • World Caf A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of ideas. John Ciardi Use the prompts on each table menu to provide your feedback about the CTI Induction program. Have someone at your table capture the table consensus on the menu order form. 37
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  • Please complete the session evaluation found on the Session 4 Reflective Coach page. Please include a highlight of the voyage this year with your candidate. Session Evaluation 38
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  • Thank YOU! Exit Video Link 39 Secretariat Video Link

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