banks donte ted_talk

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Donte BanksSMMBS

Tuesday, March 12, 13

David Anderson

Tuesday, March 12, 13

David AndersonHe talks about the brain and fruit flies test that how its similar to

human brain.

Tuesday, March 12, 13

In his introduction he capture there attention by starting out by engaging the audience with “raise your hand if you know somebody

with mental illness.”

Tuesday, March 12, 13

Throughout the speech he told a couple of jokes to try and keep

audience engaged. By tell joke he kept the audience laughing while

getting point across.

Tuesday, March 12, 13

Some tips he used was

engaged his audience.

Tuesday, March 12, 13

I give him a 4. I thought he kept the audience

entertained while still getting his point across

Tuesday, March 12, 13

What i learned bout delivery is

tell a joke or two. Get

straight to point. Engage

audience presentation.

Tuesday, March 12, 13

The difference is that one of them are pictures and words while other two are speeches. Some of them both talk about ADHD. They tell jokes and keep audience


Tuesday, March 12, 13

Tips i would give my classmates is to keep audience into what you saying. Don’t be boring while speaking. Get point across

in decent amount of time.

Tuesday, March 12, 13

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