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SIlabus kuliah Robotika 2013-2014


Robotika - EL 4023/5023

Robotika – EL4126• Referensi

– K.S. Fu, R.C. Gonzales, C.S.G. Lee, Robotics : Control, Sensing, Vision, and Inteligence, Mc. Graw Hill, 1993 (Manipulator)

– Alexandar Lazinica, Robotics Infinity Science Press, LLC, Masachusets, 2007

– Jean Christophe Jouferrey, Bio-Inspired Flying Robot, EPFL Press, CRC Swiss, 2008

– Ranjan Vepa, Biomimetic Robotics : Mechanism and Control, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2008 Ranjan Vepa,

– Dan BM, Mechanisms and Robots Analysis Using MATLAB, Springer Verlag, 2008

– Vladimir G, Tijana T, Human-like Biomechanics, Springer Verlag, 2006

Silabus Kuliah

I. Pendahuluan (3 jam)1. Klasifikasi Robot 2. Aplikasi Robot3. Sejarah Robot4. Definisi dan Terminologi

II. Sistem Penggerak (Locomotion System) (6 Jam)1. Mekanisme Dasar + Sistem Transmisi2. Robot Manipulator : Joint dan Link3. Robot Bergerak : Roda dan Kaki4. Robot Aerial dan Underwater5. Actuator & Transmisi : Elektrik/Hidrolik/Pneumatik6. Perhitungan Daya Statik dan Dinamik

Robotika - EL 4023/5023

Silabus Kuliah

III. Kinematika Robot (9 jam)1. Matrik Transformasi untuk Posisi dan Orientasi

2. Metoda Denavit Hartenberg (DH)

3. Kinematika Balik

4. Mekanisme dan kinematika Mobile Robot

IV. Dinamika Robot Manipulator (6 jam)1. Formulasi Lagrange – Euler

2. Formulasi Newton - Euler

3. Diferensiasi Matrik Rotasi

4. Matrik Jacobian

5. Studi KasusRobotika - EL 4023/5023

Silabus KuliahV. Sensor Robot dan Navigasi (3 jam)

1. Internal Sensor2. External Sensor3. Sensor Citra

VI. Perencanaan gerak Robot (6 jam)1. Robot Manipulator (joint trajectory, path trajectory,

pembangkitan trajectory)2. Mobile Robot (Ruang Konfigurasi-Free Space,

Obstacle Space-, Motion Planning -Roadmap, Cell decomposition, potential field, bug algorithm-)

VII. Pemetaan dan Lokalisasi (3 jam)1. Pemetaan dengan Sonar 2. Metoda Pemetaan : Bayes Rule dan Evidence grid3. SLAM (Simult. Loc. And Mapping)


PenilaianUjian Bobot Bahan Waktu Unsur yang dinilai

1 Demo 2 Rube Gouldberg Minggu ke 1-2 Teamwork, Kreatifitas

2 Quiz 1 1 s/d Locomotion Minggu ke-4 Analitis

3 Quiz 2 1 s/d Kinematic Minggu ke-6 Analitis

4 UTS 3 semua Ruang /Waktu Jadwal ITB Teori dan Analitis

5 Tugas Besar I(Person-al)

2 Konsep Desain Robot Yang diaplikasikan pada Lingkungan Tertentu

Minggu ke-8laporan serahkan paling lambat minggu ke 11 (bila ada waktu akan dipresentasikan)

Kreatifitas, keterbaruan, implikasi terhadap lingkungan dan manusia

6 Tugas Besar II(Tim)

3 Mobile robot untuk Tugas Tertentu (line/wall follower), atau inisiatif sendiri Platform + motor drive diberikan, Micro.+ Sensor buat sendiri,

Minggu ke-9presentasi dan demo s/d jadwal UAS

Pembahasan makalah : penjelasan Mengapa (why) dan Bagaimana (how), organisasi dan deskripsi pekerjaan masing2 anggota, DAN DEMO!!!

7 Quiz 3 1 s/d sebagian Motion Planning Minggu ke-12 Analitis

8 UAS 3 Semua (setelah UTS) Ruang /Waktu Jadwal ITB Teori dan Analitis, Hanya untuk yang bernilai < A/AB

Robot continuum

...1921 242121502020

Karl Capek



Autonomous Robot Examples (2010)


Autonomous Robot • Goal: To develop a vision-guided robot which can

autonomously carry out functions applicable to search and rescue, surveillance, law enforcement, inspection, mapping, and aerial cinematography, in any weather conditions and using only on-board intelligence and computing power


The Honda Humanoid


Mengapa menggunakan Robot ????

• Application in 4D environments– Dangerous– Dirty– Dull– Difficult

• 4A tasks– Automation– Augmentation– Assistance– Autonomous

Robotika - EL 4023/5023

• Berdasarkan Kerangka Koordinat Dasar Static (Manipulator) Mobile

• Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Penggerak Wheeled (roda) Mobile Robot Legged (kaki) Mobile Robot

• Bipedal Walking Robot : dua kaki Propulsion : dorongan fluida (Aerial :

Helicopter, pesawat, Underwater )

1.1 Klasifikasi Robot

Remotely Operated : Dikendalikan secara jarak jauh, tidak ada kebebasan bergerak secara mandiri

Autonomous : Kemampuan navigasi secara mandiri maupun pengambilan keputusan secara mandiri dalam menjalankan sebuah misi

• Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Kecerdasan

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1.2 Aplikasi Robot Field Robots/Mobile Platform


Service robots


Service robots

• Robots for Assistive Technology

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Industrial robots


DARPA menugaskan Virgina Tech Univ. untuk mengembangkan sebuah robot pemadam kebakaran dengan julukan SAFFiR (Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot). SAFFiR dibekali dengan bermacam sensor untuk mendeteksi api, kamera. Robot ini mampu berjalan dan memanjat dengan mulus.Dapat dioperasikan jarak jauh melalui remote control



2. CheetahDikembangkan oleh Boston Dynamics, Cheetah dijuluki sebagai robot tercepat di dunia dengan kecepatan lari bisa mencapai 45 km per jam. Ia mempunyai empat kaki.

3. Big DogRobot ini ditujukan untuk membawa beban berat di medan pertempuran. Ia mampu berjalan cepat di berbagai medan, termasuk di kemiringan sekalipun. Bahkan ketika terpeleset di tempat yang licin, Big Dog dirancang mampu menyeimbangkan diri secara otomatis.

4. RHex

Militer AS sedang mengujicoba robot bernama Rhex ini yang mempunyai enam kaki. Rhex dikembangkan oleh Boston Dynamics terinpirasi dari binatang kecoa. Sedang diujicoba di Afghanistan untuk tes.

Si robot dapat melintas dan melompat hampir di segala medan. Ia mempunyai sistem kamera untuk pengintaian dan dapat dikontrol dari jarak jauh.

5. Sand Flea

Sand Flea bisa melontarkan diri hingga mendarat di atas gedung setinggi sekitar 10 meter ataupun ke area perbukitan. Bisa melakukan sekitar 25 kali lompatan sebelum dayanya habis. Didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga pendaratan mulus dan tidak sampai merusak bodinya.

6. Recon Scout

Recon Scout dikembangkan oleh ReconRobotics (nilai kontrak USD 1,7 juta oleh Angkatan Laut AS). Robot ini beroperasi di semua tempat dan mentransmisikan video secara real time. Ia akan membantu militer dalam mengamati berbagai lokasi, seperti bunker dan sebagainya

7. PetmanPetman yang dikembangkan oleh Boston Dymanics, dideskripsikan sebagai robot pertama yang mampu bergerak secara dinamis seperti manusia. Dia dapat berjalan dengan mulus, bahkan melakukan push up. Mungkin Petman akan menjadi cikal bakal robot humanoid militer AS

8. Ekso SkeletonEkso Skeleton adalah kerangka robot dengan berbagai macam kegunaan. Tujuan utama dikembangkannya perangkat Ekso Skeleton ini adalah untuk menambah kekuatan para tentara. Tentara bisa memakainya sehingga lebih kuat dan terlindungi

9. TerraMaxKendaraan truk dapat dapat beroperasi secara otonom. Dikembangkan pleh persh. Oskhosh. TerraMax dirancang dapat membawa berbagai peralatan sampai memonitor wilayah-wilayah terpencil.

10. Rover Curiosity

Wind powered organHeron of Alexandria (10 – 70 M), egyptMathematician, Engineer, inventor

Hidro powered water rising machineAbū al-'Iz Ibn Ismā'īl ibn al-Razāz al-Jazarī (1136 – 1206 M), MesopotamiaMechanical Engineer, Craftman, Artist, mathematician and astronomer

1.3 Robot History

Buku fí ma'rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya (Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices) : Menggambarkan 50 jenis perangkat mekanik disertai dengan penjelasan bagaimana membangunnya

Automaton (self-operating machine).Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519 M) Painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer.

Slaves of steelSlaves of steel

• The first person to use the word robot was a playwright, Czechoslovakian writer Karel Capek in his satirical play, R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). 1921

• The word “robot” from the czech “robota” which means a serf or one in subservient labor

Cover page of the first edition

– in the early 1940’s MIT developed a numerically controlled (NC) milling machine (the first NC machine tool)

– The term 'robotics' refers to the study and use of robots and was coined and first used by the Russian-born American scientist and writer Isaac Asimov (1942). Asimov also created the ‘Three Laws of Robotics’.

1) a robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;

2) a robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders conflict with the first law; and

3) a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or the second law.

Calculators and computers Calculators and computers • John Atanassoff built the world's

first digital computer.• J. Presper Eckert & John Mauchly

at Univ. Pennsylvania build the first large electronic computer called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator). But these devices could only handle numbers.

• The UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer) would be the first device to deal with letters. ENIAC computer (1946)

• 17.468 vacum tube transistor, 70.000 resistor, 10.000 kapasitor

• 5 million soldered conection

• Dim : 2,4x0,9x30 m, Space :167 m2, weight : 27 Ton, Power : 160 kW

A Unimate serves Devol and Engelberger with a cocktail

A Unimate employed more profitably

– In 1961 George Devol created his patent for parts transfer machines. Joe Engelberger teamed with Devol to form Unimation and was the first to market robots. As a result, Engelberger has been called the 'father of robotics.'

– The first industrial modern robot - the Unimate - developed by Devol and Engelberger - was installed at GM (New Jersey) in 1962.

– In 1964 Artficial Intelligence (AI) Labs open at MIT, Stanford (SRI) and University of Edinburgh

– The mobile robot ‘Shakey’ was developed at Stanford in the late sixties.It had a camera and touch sensors and could move about the lab floor

– SRI develop the ‘Stanford Arm’ - an electrically powered manipulator and then ‘WAVE’ - the first robot programming language. This was subsequently developed into VAL for use with Unimation robots

– In 1974 ASEA introduce the all electric drive IRb6. Cincinnati Milacron also introduce computer controlled T3 (The Tomorrow Tool) robot. Kawasaki use Unimation machines to weld motorbike frames.

– In 1976 Viking I & II space crafts equipped with robot arms land on Mars– Unimate PUMA’s (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly)

introduced in 1978. SCARA’s (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) introduced in 1979.

– Vision based workcell demonstrated at University of Rhode Island in 1980 (Kirsch).

Definisi ROBOT

• American Heritage Dictionary: ro·bot (rbt, -bt) n. 1: A mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human being and

is capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance.

2: A machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control.

3: A person who works mechanically without original thought, especially one who responds automatically to the commands of others.

• Websters: 1 a : a machine that looks like a human being and performs various

complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being; also : a similar but fictional machine whose lack of capacity for human emotions is often emphasized

b : an efficient insensitive person who functions automatically

Robotika - EL 4023/5023

Definisi ROBOT

2 a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks3 : a mechanism guided by automatic controls

• RIA • A re-programmable multi-functional manipulator designed to

move material, parts, or specialized devices through variable programmed motion for the performance of a variety of tasks" (RIA, Robot Institute of America, A group within Society of Manufacturing Engineering)

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Ciri-ciri (Features) Umum Robot Melakukan Tugas (Perform a Task) Pergerakan (Movement) Merasakan (Sense) Memutuskan (Decide) Melakukan Aksi (Respond)

1.3 Definisi/Terminologi

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Komponen Robot • Locomotion (Mekanisme gerak dan Aktuator)• Sensor • Kecerdasan (Perilaku dan Interaksi)• Navigasi (Pemetaan, Trayektori, Lokalisasi)

Robotika - EL 4023/5023

crawling Sliding/snaking running jumping

walking rolling gliding flying

swimming propulsion Branchiating/climbing

LOCOMOTION : Bergerak dari satu tempat/posisi ke tempat/posisi yang lainnya (Moving one place to place)

• NAVIGASI berkaitan dengan menggerakkan seluruh platform (fisik) menuju tujuan yang ditentukan

• Kemampuan2 yang perlu dimiliki oleh sebuah sistem navigasi :

Membuat representasi lingkungan kerja (mapping)

Mengetahui posisinya (localization)Membuat rencana jalur berdasarkan

representasi yang dimilikinya (motion planning)

Mengambil keputusan dan melakukan aksi pergerakan (follower, obstacle avoidance)

Robotika adalah .............

Robotika - EL 4023/5023

Robotika adalah Inter-discipline

Object & Environment

• Architecture

• Mapping

• Sensing and Motion

• Cooperative Robotics

• Visual Control

• Entertainment

• Planning / Modeling • Robot Learning

• Biology

• Neuroscience

• Cognitive Science

• Mech. Eng.

• Electrical Eng.

• Control

• CS & AI

• Vision, HCI

• Software Dev.

Robotika - EL 4023/5023


• Faktor Desain Sistem Robot

– Maneuverability (kemampuan Bergerak, maju/mundur lurus, berputar)

– Controllability (Dapat dikendalikan)– Traction (Daya tarik/Power)– Climbing ability (Kemampuan memanjat)– Stability (Kestabilan)– Efficiency (Efisiensi)– Maintenance (Pemeliharaan) – Environmental impact (pengaruhnya terhadap

lingkungan, obstacle minor boleh ditabrak, hanya bisa dihindari, atau di geser)

– Navigational (navigasi/pengenalan posisi)

Robotika - EL 4023/5023


Topics• Robot Manipulator

– Kinematics model of manipulators– Dynamic Model of manipulators– Trajectory generation – Robot Control

• Mobile Robot – Kinematic &dynamic model of wheeled mobile robots – Feedback control of mobile robots with nonholonomic

constraints– Motion planning – Mapping and Navigation

• Robot Sensing:– Visual and non-visual sensors – Sensor fusion algorithms– Vision and laser based tracking control

Robotika - EL 4023/5023


Summary• Robotics--interdisciplinary research

– Mechanical design

– Computer science and engineering

– Electrical engineering

– Cognitive psychology, perception and neuroscience

• Research open problems– Manipulation, Locomotion

– Control, Navigation

– Human-Robot Interaction

– Learning & Adaptation (AI)

Robotika - EL 4023/5023

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