b7 c13 self-marketing tools

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OCASI Fall Conference 2010Self-Marketing Tools for Professionals

Designed & Delivered by: Dolores Montavez Ruz


Warm Up Activity: International Marketplace Group Discussion: Self-Marketing Elements Learning Point: Products, Tools & Outlets Activity: Creating a tool Activity: Sharing the tool box Evaluation: “Dancing Thumbs”

Workshop Goals

Review traditional and new professional self-marketing tools

Complete a marketing tool Practice self-marketing skills

The Twist to Successful Self-Marketing

More than what you have to say about yourself focus on who is listening and what’s in it for them.

Make their time worthy. Deliver impact.

The International Marketplace

In your groups, please design a market strategy to sell your fruit.

– What would you do or say to showcase your fruits to the purchasing company?

– You want to outshine the competition!

Marketing Principles

Self-Marketing Principles

The basic principles of marketing a product or service can also be applied to self-marketing for job search or promotion.

Products, Tools & Outlets


Products, Tools & Outlets


Products, Tools & Outlets

Desire (motivation/purpose/lifework)

"Without passion, you don't have energy; without energy, you have

nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without


Donald Trump

Products, Tools & Outlets

Abilities (qualities, natural/acquired -as skills),

“Most [people] do violence to their natural aptitudes, and thus attain

superiority in nothing”

Baltasar GracianThe Art of Worldly Wisdom,1647

Products, Tools & Outlets

Temperament (social/interpersonal skills/personality)

“Nature is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished”

Sir Francis Bacon

Products, Tools & Outlets

Assets (incidental/acquired advantages)

"It's no t e no ug h tha t we d o o ur be s t; s o m e tim e s we ha ve to d o wha t's

re q uire d . "Sir Wins to n Churchill

Self-Marketing Tool-Kid

Products Tools Outlets

What you have to offer, to market to an employer.

The formats, templates, styles to present your “products”.

The events, sites, venues, places where you can showcase your “products”.

Products(what you have to “sell”)

Motivation, purpose Attitude (personal, professional) Abilities (natural, acquired) Accomplishments (work, life,

community) Essential Workplace Skills

(technical, Interpersonal, analytical)

Experience (job, work, leisure) Education (formal, informal) The best of you, your lifework

Tools(how you “package” your products)

Resumes (chronological, functional, mixed, specialized)

Cover letters Professional profiles Calling cards Portfolios (paper, electronic) D.A.T.A. document Portfolios

Outlets(where you “showcase” them)

Job Boards & Job alerts Networking sites Blogging Web pages Social Media Specialized networking


Products, Tools & Outlets

http://www.charityvillage.com/cvnet/seeker_desk.aspx http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/dolores-montavez-ruz/26/425/194 http://ilovetypography.com www.brendablackburn.com www.twitter.com www.whyhire.me/kshields www.portfoliovillage.com

Products, Tools & Outlets

Let’s take a brief inventory….

– How many of you use, or plan to use, any of these tools or venues to network or advance your careers?

– Your clients…?

Your turn in the spot light…

Designing your 30 second commercial…

Or your professional profile (short version)

Showcasing among colleaguesLet’s share some of those self-marketing messages…


Thumbs Up… – if your enjoyed the

workshop– take new and useful

knowledge away with you.

Thumbs Down…– If the workshop or

content did not meet your needs

– If it was not the best use of your time.

Time to go…

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