awp 2013 panel: comics as legitimate literature

Post on 06-May-2015






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From AWP 2013 Boston: S211. Video Games, Fan Fiction, & Comics: Alternative Genres as Legitimate Literature Alternative forms of narrative are often perceived with disdain or suspicion even though they address the same plots, themes, and conditions of respectable literary forms. Comics have begun to break away from this stigma, but what about more mainstream genres, such as fan fiction and video games? How do all three of these alternative forms both threaten and reinforce ideas about originality and narrative? This panel will make the case for alternative genres as creative literature. To listen to the entire panel, visit:


Video Games, Fan Fiction, & Comics: Alternative Genres as Legitimate Literature

Saturday, March 9 - 3p to 4:15p Room 103, Hynes Convention Center

AWP Boston 2013

By: Leslie Salas, Elaine Phillips, & Kirsten Holt.

*Jim Miller is unable to attend.

What do we mean by “comics”?

What do we mean by “comics”?

• comics, graphic narrative, visual storytelling, sequential art

What do we mean by “comics”?

According to Scott McCloud, comics are:

What do we mean by “comics”?

• comics, graphic narrative, visual storytelling, sequential art

• “juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.”

According toDouglas Wolk,comics historyhas deep roots.

• Simonides of Keos’s:“poema pictura loquens, pictura poema silens”

• “poetry is a verbal picture; painting is a silent poetry”

• Horace: “ut pictura poesis”

• “as is painting, so is poetry”

Academic Research

Some samples of current research.

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research

Mainstream Appeal

Movie Adaptations

Mainstream Appeal

Movie Adaptations

Mainstream Appeal

Classics Adaptations

Mainstream Appeal

Classics Adaptations

Other Types of Comics

Besides the American comics we are used to


Bandes Dessinées

A Brief History

of where comics came from

A Brief History

Single-panel captioned illustrations

A Brief History

Magritte’s famous painting

A Brief History

Gag strips

A Brief History

Propaganda - Tijuana Bibles

A Brief History

More WWII Propaganda

(note how Captain America is punching Hitler in the face)

We Live in a Visually Literate Society

(all of these shapes should be familiar to you)

Comics challenges us to read in new ways

(for instance, panels are read from right to left in manga)

(American and European comics are read from left to right)

Comics provides new ways of expressing internality

In the Classroom

(this is an excellent resource)

In the Classroom

(and so is it’s sequel)

Reading comics interests and challenges students!

We should look for more ways to incorporate comics in our curricula!

For the audio that goes along with this presentation,please visit

Thank you!

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