audience research powerpoint

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Audience Research


Q1. How old are you?

We have included this question in our questionnaire as

we wanted to find out the age range of our audience

that will watch our documentary so we can make is

suitable for them. This pie chart shows that the most

popular age range was under 18 which is 38.18% and

the second most popular age range was 36-45 years old

which is 20% of the people that filled in the

questionnaire. This tells us that these are the age ranges

that are interested the most in pets and would be

interested in watching a documentary about pets. This

means that we will have to aim our documentary at a

broad audience.

Q2. What is your gender?

We have included this question in our questionnaire as we

wanted to find out if one gender is interested in a

documentary about pets more than the other. The results

show us that there is a slightly higher percentage of males

which is 51.79% than females which is 48.21% that would

be interested in watching a documentary about pets which is

shown in the pie chart.. However it is only a small difference

which means that there is interest in the documentary from

both genders meaning that the documentary will be aimed at

both genders.

Q3. How regularly do you watch


We have chosen to include this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out how often people

in our target audience watch documentaries. This will

help us with planning the scheduling of our

documentary. Most of the people that have answered

our questionnaire have said that the watch

documentaries more than once a week which is 26.79%

however the second most popular answer was fortnightly

which was 25% and shown on the pie chart. This means

that the best time to schedule our documentary would be

once a week as it is in between the two most popular


Q4. What types of documentaries are you

interested in?

We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out what

other types of documentaries our audience is

interested in. The most popular tops of

documentaries that our audience is interested in is

nature which was 45.45% of people asked, which

is shown on the bar chart. This shows that our

documentary will be suitable for those people as a

documentary about pets could be similar to

documentaries about different aspects of nature

in which a part of this is animals.

Q5. What features do you like in a


We have chosen to include this question in our

questionnaire as the answers will help us decide on

the features to include in our documentary that

would appeal to them. The graphs shows that the

most popular feature in a documentary that they

like was interviews which was 54.55% of people.

However 45.45% of people have said that the

feature that they like the most is archive footage.

This will help us with the planning of content of

our documentary as we will know to include lots of

interviews and archive footage to appeal to our


Q6. What time of the day do you most watch


We have included this question in our questionnaire

as we wanted to find out what time of the day the

majority of our target audience watches TV which

will help us with deciding the scheduling of our

documentary. The majority of our audience which

was 59.26% have said that the time that they watch

TV the most is in the evening. This means that we

will schedule our documentary in the evening time

so that it would be suitable for our target audience

and convenient for them to watch.

Q7. What channels do you predominantly


We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out which

channel is the most popular within our target

audience. The graph shows us that the most

popular channel is ITV which 72.73% people

have chosen and the second most popular was

BBC1 which was chosen by 43.64% of people.

This means that our documentary will most likely

be aired on ITV as it will be suitable for our target


Q8. What is your favourite colour?

We have chosen to include this question as the

results will then help us to decide on an

appropriate colour scheme for our documentary

that will appeal to our target audience. The pie

chart shows that the majority of the people have

said that their favourite colour was blue which was

25%. The second most popular favourite colour

was red which was chosen by 23.21% of people.

This shows us that if we incorporated these

colours in our colour scheme it would appeal to

our audience. The table on the side shows some

of the other colours that people have written

down in the other section.

Q9. What is your favourite type of music?

We have included this question to help us

to decide on the genre of music to play as

the background in our documentary. The

pie chart shows that the most popular

genre of music that our audience listens to

is pop which was chosen by 41.82% of

people. This means that the background

music for our documentary will be a pop

song that is suitable for the topic of our

documentary and will also appeal to our audience. The table on the

side shows the answers that have been picked for the other


Q10. Why do you think people have pets?

We have chosen to include this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out the reason

why people have pets to help us with deciding

with the content of our documentary. The

majority of people which is 89.9% of people

have said that they think people have pets for

company. And 40% of people have said for

entertainment which was the second most

popular answer. This gives us an idea of what

people think why other people have pets which

will help us with deciding on topic ideas in our


Q11. Do you have a pet?

We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out how many

people in our target audience actually have pets

themselves. The majority of people in our target

audience have said that they do have a pet which

was 92.73% and only 7.27% of people have said

that they do not have a pet which is shown in the

pie chart. This shows us that people in our target

are interested in a documentary about pets as they

have a pet themselves which might be their


Q12. If so what pet do you have?

We have chosen to include this question in

our questionnaire as it will give us an idea of

what pets people in our target audience

actually have. The most popular answer was a

dog which is owned by 64.71% of people in

our target audience. The second most popular

option was the other box and the answers that

people gave a shown on the table. The most

popular answer within the other category was

fish. This will help us with deciding what

animals to include in our documentary.

Q13. Why did you choose this pet?

We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out the

reasons why people have chosen the pet that they

have. The most popular reason that was chosen

by 78.43% of people was for company and the

second most popular answer was for children

that was chosen by 27.45% of people. This will

help us with deciding on the content in our

documentary and one of the sub-topics may be

how pets help people with loneliness.

Q14. What do you like about your pet?

We have chosen to include this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out what

people like about their pets. 56.86% of people

have said that the thing that they like about

their pet the most is companionship, and

43.14% of people have said that they find their

pet funny which means that their pet provides

entertainment. This again will help us with

deciding on the content in our documentary.

Some other answers are shown in the table and

on the bar chart.

Q15. How many pets do you currently have?

We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out

how many pets on average people have.

68.52% of people have said that they

only have one pet, and the second most

popular response was 2 which was

chosen by 11.11% of people. This

shows that on average most people that

own a pet only own one or two pets at

the most.

Q16. How many pets have you have had in the


We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out how

many pets people have owned in the past.

29.09% of people have said that they did not

own any pets in the past and 27.27% of people

have said that they have owned one pet in the

past, as shown on the pie chart. This shows us

that people usually do not own many pets within

their lifetime. This will help us with choosing

people to interview and give us an idea of what

questions to ask during the interview.

Q17. Do you have any exotic pets?

We have chosen to include this question in

our questionnaire as we wanted to find out

if any people within our target audience

actually own any exotic pets. 90.91% of

people with in our target audience have

said that they do not own an exotic pet,

however 9.09% of people have said that

they do own an exotic pet, as shown on the

pie chart. This will help us with deciding

what content to include in our


Q18. If so what exotic pet do you have?

We have included this question in our

questionnaire are we wanted to find out what

exotic pets people actually have the most popular

answer was a Lizard as 11.11% of people have

said that they have one. Most of the answers in

the other category said that people don’t have an

exotic animal so the question was not applicable

for them. The results from this question will help

us with deciding on what exotic animals to

include in our documentary as people that own

exotic animals would be interested in seeing them

in documentary.

Q19. How much money do you spend on your

pet in a month?

We have included this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out how

much money people spend on their pets. 40%

of people have said that they spend £16-25 a

month on their pet, and 26% of people have

said that they spend £6-15 a month which was

the second most popular option. This shows

that different people spend different amount

of money on their pet and that different pets

may require more money to look after. This

will help us with deciding on the content for

our documentary.

Q20. Where did you get your pet from?

We have chosen to include this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out where do

people get their pets from. The most popular

answer was from the Breeder which was picked

by 36% of people and the second most popular

answer was a Pet Shop which was picked by 30%

of people. This will help us with deciding on who

to interview in our documentary and the

relevance they will have in our documentary, that

will appeal to our audience. The small table on

the side shows what people have answered in the

other category.

Q21. What do you spend the money on?

We have include this question in our questionnaire

as we wanted to find out what things people

actually spend the money one and the amount that

was mentioned in the previous question. The

majority of people have said that they spend the

money mostly on pet food which was ticked by

90% of people. The second most popular choice

was treats which was ticked by 60% of people

followed on with pet insurance which was at 44%.

This shows us the expenses of owning a pet which

we can include in our documentary and talk about

it more as this may be something our audience will

be interested in.

Q22. Where do you buy your pet supplies?

We have included this question in our questionnaire

as we wanted to find out where do people buy their

pet supplies from. 58% of people have said that

they buy their pet supplies from Supermarkets

which was the most popular response. The second

most popular response was Well Known Pet Stores

which was ticked by 34% of people. This gives us

an idea where people buy their pet supplies so we

can then include that in our documentary and

interview some people that work at those places.

The table at the side of the graph shows the

responses in the other category.

Q23. If you could have any pet

what would it be?

We have chosen to include this question in our

questionnaire as we wanted to find out what pets

would people actually have if they could have a

choice of having any pet in the world. The

responses are shown in the table. The responses

from this question will help us to decide what other

animals to include in our documentary that people

from our target audience will be interested in


Q24. What would you like to see in a

documentary about pets?

We have chosen to include this as the last question in

our questionnaire as we wanted to find out what

people in our target audience would actually be

interested in seeing. 39.63% of people have said that

they would be interested in seeing How Pets are

Treated which was the most popular response

followed by domestic pets at 35.85%, Breeding at

33.96% and exotic pets at 30.19%. All the responses

were close in terms of people wanting to see it in a

documentary, so we are going to try to incorporate

all of it as much as we can so that the documentary

will appeal to our target audience.

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