
Post on 12-Jul-2015






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We would like our short film to appeal to a young

demographic audience (15+) however we do not want to

just appeal to teenagers, by using slang words or topics only

a teenage audience could relate to; as this will alienate the

older people in the audience.

Demographics of our audience: AGE; 15+, SOCIAL CLASS;

middle class and students. Our audience will be people who

enjoy unique and quirky films such as ‘Science of Sleep’

As well as entertaining, we aim for our film to make our

audience think. After researching numerous short films, we have been inspired to use a theme or a moral throughout.

1. We are going to start by using an enigma

code, which is an element in the text that is

not explained, therefore raising questions

from the audience. The enigma code in our

short film is going to be the relationship

between the two leading characters, as this

will not be revealed until the end of the film,

which will keep our audience watching to

find out.

The main business man character is going to be represented in a negative light, here we plan to use a closed narrative, by ensuring that our audience all react the same way to the character; however the business man is also someone that our audience is able to relate to, by ignoring the homeless character day after day and behaving selfishly throughout his daily routine.

After researching other short films, we have

realised how much the music in a text can

effect the outcome and message it

conveys. Therefore we plan to include a

fitting piece of music which will create

empathy from the audience.

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