assignment on pedagogy debates

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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Debates is contention in argument, dispute, controversy,

discussion; especially the discussion of questions of public interest in

Parliament or in any assembly. Debate is a method of interactive and

representational argument. It is a broader form of argument than

deductive reasoning, which only examines whether a conclusion is a

consequence of premises and factual argument, which only examines

what is or is not the case, or rhetoric, which is a technique of persuasion.

Though logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of

emotional appeal to the audience are important elements of the art of

persuasion, in debating one side often prevails over the other side by

presenting a superior “context” or framework of the issue, which is far

more subtle and strategic. The outcome of debate depends upon some

formal way of reaching a resolution, rat

Debating is commonly carried out in many assemblies of

various types to discuss matters and to make resolutions about action to

be taken often by a vote. Deliberative bodies such as Parliaments,

legislative assemblies and meetings of all sorts engage in debates.

Debating is also carried out for educational and recreational purposes,

her than the objective facts as such. In a formal debating contest, there

are rules for participants to discuss and decide on differences, within a

framework defining how they will interact. usually associated with

educational establishments. The major goal of the study of debate as a

method or art is to develop the ability to debate rationally from either

position with equal ease. Although informal debate is common the

quality and depth of a debate improves with knowledge and skill of its

participants as debaters. The outcome of a contest may be decided by

audience vote, by judges, or by some combination of the two.


In the scholastic system of education of the middle Ages,

disputations offered a formalized method of debate designed to uncover

and establish truth in theology and in sciences. Although debating in

various forms has a long history, and can be traced back to the

philosophical debates of Ancient Greece, modern forms of debating and

the establishment of debating societies occurred during the Age of

Enlightenment in the eighteenth century.

Emergence of Debating Societies

Debating societies emerged in London in the early eighteenth

century, and soon became a prominent fixture of national life. Debating

topics ranged from current events and governmental policy, to love and

marriage. The societies welcomed participants from both genders and all

social backgrounds, making them an excellent example of the enlarged

public sphere of the Age of Enlightment. Debating societies were a

phenomenon associated with the simultaneous rise of the public sphere,

a sphere of discussion separate from traditional authorities and

accessible to all people that acted as a platform for criticism and the

development of new ideas and philosophy.

The first student debating society was the St. Andrews

Debating Society, formed in 1794 as the Literary Society. The

Cambridge Union Society was founded in 1815, and is the oldest

continually operating debating society in the world.


Debates help to improve our speaking, listening, reading and

writing skill. In which, two teams are debating, instead of just using their

speaking skill, at the same time, they are also using their listening skill

because they have to hear all of the detail of the opponent team’s

argument. One more thing is, before the debate they are also have to

prepare their material of debate, in which when doing so, they often

have to search the information related to the topic in the internet or other

sources, this activity automatically trains their reading skill too, since

they have to search for information that would be relevant to support

their argument. After that they will have to write down all of those

information and arrange it into the most suitable way that can persuade

and can be easily understood by the audience and the adjudicators. Thus

debates help to improve our speaking, reading, writing and listening

skills. This is of course the most suitable way to enhance our English

skills. Also enhance our confidence to speak in front of public and also

enhancing our analytical thinking where you will be trained to analyse

every national and international issue around the world in a critical way

and logical way of thinking.

Critical debate technique has great contribution in speaking since it

is a task-based. It encourages the students to practice their English in

real communication. Language is a tool for all people to communicate

with others and express their ideas, opinions, emotions, attitudes, feeling

and so on. Overall, debates help to improve skills in English language.

Debate is an appropriate technique to improve speaking skill.

U.S. Presidential Debates

Since the1976 general election, debates between presidential

candidates have been a part of U.S. Presidential campaigns. Unlike

debates sponsored at the high school or college level the participants,

format and rules are not independently defined. Nevertheless, in a

campaign season heavily dominated by television advertisements, talk

radio, sound bites and spin, they still offer a rare opportunity for citizens

to see and hear the major candidates side by side. The format of the

presidential debates, though defined differently in every election, is

typically more restrictive than many traditional formats, forbidding

participants to ask each other questions and restricting discussion of

particular topics to short time frames. Many different types of debates

are used at the high school and college level, as well as in the political

arena. Every kind of debate has two sides, but there are two general

types of debates; problem debates, which are centered on philosophical

questions, such as whether something is right or wrong: and mechanism

debates which deal with practical problems; such as how something

should be done.

Team Policy Debate/National Debate Tournament

Team policy debates feature two teams of two debaters each.

The format consists of eight speeches- four constructive speeches and

four rebuttals- and four periods of cross- examination. Emphasis is put

on presenting large amounts of evidence as quickly and as coherently as

possible. The National Debate Tournament (NDT) format is the same as

that of team policy debates, but it’s used at the college level.

Generally, in debates need a chairperson, proposer, opposer,

proposer and opposers’ seconders and a time-keeper. In debates

chairperson controls the debate and starting with a proposer, calls

alternate sides to speak. The chairperson has a script but as to maintain

the formality of the contest. Proposer speaks for the motion, defines it

and shows that there is a need for change. Opposer speaks against the

motion, often defends the current system or asserts only minor changes

are needed. Proposer’s seconder supports the proposer’s ideas and often

presents a plan and its benefits. Opposer’s seconder attacks the plans of

the proposer and seconder and often suggests minor changes to the

present system. Rebuttals means no new evidence can be introduced but

arguments can be extended.

The Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Lincoln-Douglas Debate is primarily a form of United States

high school debate named after the Lincoln-Douglas of 1858. It is a one-

on-one event focused mainly on applying philosophical theories to real

world issues. It is also known as the two men debate. In this debate there

is only one speaker in the side of the affirmative as well as in the side of

the negative. The speaker in the affirmative side opens the debate then

followed by the negative speech.

The Rebuttal Debate

This is a kind of debate where each team from the affirmative

and the negative side is composed of about two or three members. As

the debate starts, the affirmative speaker opens the constructive speech

and the negative speaker starts the rebuttal. Every speaker is allowed to

deliver a rebuttal speech. The debate is closed with the affirmative side

delivering the last rebuttal.

The One-Rebuttal Debate

The One-Rebuttal type of debate is considered as a modified form

of the Lincoln –Douglas type of debate. However, in this type of debate,

there are about two or three members in both the affirmative and the

negative side. In this debate all of the speakers have a chance to refute

the argument of the opponent with the exception of the first affirmative

speaker who is given the opportunity to close the debate in his or her

rebuttal speech.

The Oregon- Oxford Debate

The Oregon-Oxford type of debate also allows two to three

speakers in both the affirmative and the negative side. In this kind of

debate, the first speaker in the affirmative side delivers the entire

affirmative case. After the delivery, the first affirmative speaker will be

interpellated by the first speaker of the negative side. After this, the

second speaker of the negative side will present the entire negative case;

then the second negative speaker will be interpellated by the second or

the first affirmative speaker. After, the first speaker of the negative will

deliver his or her rebuttal speech followed by the rebuttal of the second

affirmative speaker.

Competitive Debate

In Competitive Debates teams compete, and one is judged the

winner by some criteria. There are many different styles of competitive

debate, organizations and rules. One purpose is to train young people

who may in future be required to debate and resolve matters. This type

of debate is carried out at the local, national and international level. In

schools and colleges competitive debate often takes the form of a contest

with explicit rules. It may be presided over by one or more judges. Each

side seeks to win, following the rules. Each side is either in favour of or

opposed to a statement. The “for” side must argue supporting the

preposition; the “against” side must refute these arguments sufficiently

to warrant not adopting the proposition; they are not required to propose

any alternative.

Parliamentary Debate

This type of debate is conducted under rules derived from British

Parliamentary procedure. It features the competition of individuals in a

multi- person setting. Throughout the world, parliamentary debate is

what most countries know as “debating”, and is the primary style

practiced in the United Kingdom, India, Greece and most other nations.

Mace Debate

This style of debate is prominent in Britain at schools level.

Each speaker will make seven-minute speech in the order, first

proposition, first opposition, second proposition, and second opposition.

Two teams of two debate an affirmative motion (e.g. this house would

give prisoners the right to vote). Which one team will propose and the

other will oppose.

Public Debate

This is a style of debate involving two teams of two. Each team is

given their topic at the beginning of a round, along with the side they are

to take. The teams are given fifteen minutes to create an outline before

they begin to debate, it requires little planning and instead a wide

knowledge of different topics.

Australasia Debate

Australasia debate style debates consist of two teams who debate over an

issue, more commonly called a topic or proposition. The issue, by

convention, is presented in the form of an affirmative statement

beginning with “that”, for example, “That cats are better than dogs” or

“This house”, for example, “This house would establish a world

government”. Most topics are usually region specific to facilitate interest

by both the participants and their audiences.

Policy debate is a style of debating where two teams of two

debaters advocate or oppose a plan derived from a resolution that usually

calls for a change in policy by a government. Extemporaneous debate is

a style involving no planning in advance, and two teams with a first and

second speaker.

Debating is used;

To solidify and extend understanding of an issue.

To demonstrate and develop cognitive thinking, research and

public speaking skills.

To enhance English language skills and enhance our speaking skill.

To examine unfamiliar contexts.

To explore a current or historical or social issue in depth.

Characteristics of debate

Requires a level of expertise or comfort in a range of oral

(skills e.g.: logical argument, thinking quickly on your feet,

clear expression of ideas and arguments)

Follows a clearly defined format (e.g.: who speaks first and

last, how long each team speaks.

Promotes risk- taking and problem solving.

Teacher’s role in debates

The teacher identifies and assigns roles.

The teacher ensures students understand the nature of

argumentation, varied argumentation structures.

The teacher emphasizes the difference between challenging ideas

and challenging people/ personalities.

Considerations debating

Not to be used until the classroom comfort level has been


It requires a clear understanding of the value of positive versus

negative argumentation.

It requires an awareness of sensitive, shy or reticent students.

It requires the per-teaching questions debating skills and structures.

Should probably be moderated by the teacher.


Debate is a teaching way to improve verbal communication

and teach critical thinking for the students where they can be more

active in every situation. When we conclude a debate, stress the

importance of the points so far and give the speech a sense of

completeness. A debate is a structured discussion or contest in

which two or more people or teams present their arguments trying

to persuade an audience or judge. Although debates vary in

formats, often one side takes the affirmative position, supporting

the resolution, while the other person or team gives the negative

view, opposing it. On the whole, having to speech and listen in

English every week will help to develop our language skills. Thus

debates help us to improve our English language especially the

basic skills in English such as listening, speaking, reading and



1) Mary Tale, “London Debating Societies in the 1790’s, The

Historical Journal” 32, 1989.

2) Bright. C, “Technology of Teaching English”:2005.

3) Donna T. Andrew, "Popular Culture and Public Debate" in The

Historical Journal, Vol. 39, Issue 02 (Cambridge University Press,

June 1996), p. 406

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