asio, australian federal police corrupt - compromised

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 ASIO, Australian Federal Police Corrupt - Compromised



    Monday, September 05, 2011

    From The Desk

    Toby A RobinsonAustralias Most Senior Person inGovernment Corruption & False Flag Terrorism

    Under Australian Law Al Qa`eda is listed as a TerroristOrganization, being a member of it, supporting it viaWeapons, Money and other material support is Illegal.

    By Australia supporting the Rebels in Libya, who haveconfessed to belonging to the Terrorist Group Al Qa`eda,they are in true fact breaking the law.

    The Law is written very clearly Al Qa`eda Is listedas a Terrorist Group!

    Being a member of this group is against the Law!

    Supplying Weapons, Money and other MaterialSupport to a Terrorist Group is against the Law!

    ***** Isnt that what David Hicks was tortured

    into confessing and being found guilty of?

    For helping fight with Al Qa`eda in Afghanistan?,For lending material support to a Terrorist Group.

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    The Australian Federal Police & ASIO is here by called toarrest the following people for lending Material Supportto a Terrorist Group / Organization in Libya.

    If Australian Federal Police & ASIO refuse to arrest thesebelow people, then everybody looking on can see theseOrganizations are corrupt, compromised, and the Headsof these Organizations stand Guilty also of Aiding thesefollowing politicians into breaking the Law.

    Plausible Deniability

    I never got the phone call My Secretary never told me I was away on Holidays My advisers, informed me wrong

    And all the other excuses these politicians can think upwill not help.

    Soon as it was reported in the Mainstream Media who iswith the Rebels in Libya Al Qa`eda members, asreported in The New York Times, Russia Tonight andmany, many other Mainstream Media News, CurrentAffairs, Radio, and Alternative Media (These followingpeople should have and not commit any Australian

    Resources & Materials).

    I didnt know!

    I am sorry I promise not to do itagain!

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    These excuses wont wash, As an Australian citizenI demand the below politicians be held accountableto obey the same Laws every other Australian hasto obey.

    The Shame List

    Julia Gillard MHR - Prime Minister Kevin Rudd MHR - Foreign Affairs Minister Craig Emerson MHR Acting Foreign Affairs Stephen Smith MHR - Defense Minister

    Robert McClelland MHR Attorney General Tony Abbott MHR Opposition Leader Julie Bishop MHR Deputy Opposition Leader &Shadow Foreign Affairs Senator George Brandis - Shadow Attorney-General Senator David Johnson - Shadow Defense

    If Australian Federal Police and ASIO refuse to ACT andarrest all these people for supporting A Terrorist Groupand giving material support to a Terrorist Group, thenthis gives the Australian People a Trigger for Marching onParliament House and demanding the whole Parliamentresign or be pulled out of Parliament House ropes thrownup over a few trees and hangings to take place.

    Evidence To Follow The above peopleare supporting A Terrorist Group

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    Evidence 1) The Government & ParliamentAdmission They Are Supporting A Terrorist Group.

    Australia Supports the New Libya at InternationalConference

    Media release: Dr Craig Emerson, Minister for Trade andActing Minister for Foreign Affairs

    1 September 2011

    Speaking at a conference on the new Libya, ActingForeign Affairs Minister Craig Emerson today pledgedAustralias support for international efforts to meetLibyas urgent humanitarian needs and for reconstructionand the transition to democracy.

    The International Conference in Support of the NewLibya, held in Paris, was co-chaired by French President

    Nicolas Sarkozy and UK Prime Minister David Cameron.

    It brought together key figures of Libyas NationalTransitional Council (NTC) and leaders and ministersfrom around 60 countries and 10 internationalorganisations, including US Secretary of State HillaryClinton, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, ItalianPrime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and UN Secretary General

    Ban Ki-moon.

    Addressing the conference, Dr Emerson said: Australiapays tribute to the courage, determination and sacrificeof the Libyan people since February in their pursuit offreedom and justice.

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    And we pay tribute to the National Transitional Councilfor leading the Libyan people in their struggle to achievea new and better Libya, in which Libyans can determinetheir own future.

    Dr Emerson joined other speakers in urging Qaddafi tostep down and for his forces to lay down their arms toavoid further, senseless bloodshed.

    Dr Emerson pointed out that Australia had demonstratedits unwavering commitment to support the Libyan peoplefrom very early on in the conflict.

    Australia was one of the first and most vocal countriesto call for a no-fly zone and Australia had been the third-largest contributor of humanitarian assistance to Libya,Dr Emerson told the conference.

    Dr Emerson advised the conference that that Australiawould contribute an additional $4.6 million to theInternational Committee of the Red Cross to support

    immediate humanitarian needs such as urgent medicalassistance in conflict areas, food and water in Tripoli andthe removal of explosive ordnance.

    This extra Red Cross funding would bring Australias totalcontribution to Libya from within its existing aid budgetLibya to $41.1 million.

    Dr Emerson also informed the conference of Australiasdecision to extend financial support to 650 Libyanstudents in Australia as a demonstration of support forthose left without funds because of the conflict.

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    It is students such as these who, when they returnhome, will be invaluable to the rebuilding of Libya, DrEmerson said.

    And he offered Australias technical support for any

    revival of Libyan efforts to accede to the World TradeOrganization.

    Australia supports aid for trade and what better way ofsupporting Libyas economic future than assisting thecountry to join the World Trade Organization if that is itswish, Dr Emerson said.

    Dr Emerson welcomed collective international efforts torelease Qaddafi assets frozen in offshore accounts tohelp meet the immediate humanitarian needs of theLibyan people.

    Minister Emerson's Office: (02) 6277 7420 DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555

    Evidence 2) The Rebels are a Collection Of AlQa`eda and other listed Terrorist Groups

    Libyan Rebels Listed by US State Department asTerrorists

    In March 2011, the London Telegraph reported thatLibyas rebels had direct ties to Al Qaeda and that bothleaders and fighters had spent time in both Iraq andAfghanistan combating US troops.

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    The article titled, Libyan rebel commander admits hisfighters have al-Qaeda links featured Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, who had been captured by the US after fightingAmericans in Afghanistan, returned to Libya, and

    released under a bargain for Hasidi and his LibyanIslamic Fighting Group (LIFG) militants to abandonextremism and become productive members of society.

    Quite obviously, and with the US, UK, and NATOs help,Hasidi and his men went back on this bargain and arenow sowing murder and mayhem across Libya.

    Libyan Rebels Listed by US State Department asTerrorists

    NATO leaders are guilty under US code of providingmaterial support to terrorists.Whoever knowingly provides material support orresources to a foreign terrorist organization, or attemptsor conspires to do so, shall be fined under this title orimprisoned not more than 15 years, or both, and, if thedeath of any person results, shall be imprisoned for anyterm of years or for life.

    To violate this paragraph, a person must have knowledgethat the organization is a designated terroristorganization (as defined in subsection (g)(6)), that the

    organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity(as defined in section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigrationand Nationality Act), or that the organization hasengaged or engages in terrorism (as defined in section140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act,Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989). -USC 2339B. Providing

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    material support or resources to designated foreignterrorist organizations

    In March 2011, the London Telegraph reported thatLibyas rebels had direct ties to Al Qaeda and that both

    leaders and fighters had spent time in both Iraq andAfghanistan combating US troops.

    The article titled, Libyan rebel commander admits hisfighters have al-Qaeda links featured Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, who had been captured by the US after fightingAmericans in Afghanistan, returned to Libya, andreleased under a bargain for Hasidi and his LibyanIslamic Fighting Group (LIFG) militants to abandonextremism and become productive members of society.

    Quite obviously, and with the US, UK, and NATOs help,Hasidi and his men went back on this bargain and arenow sowing murder and mayhem across Libya.

    The New York Time more recently reported in an article

    titled, Exiled Islamists Watch Rebellion Unfold at Homethat LIFG has renounced Al Qaeda and are part of themosaic of rebel fighters united under the umbrella of theTransitional National Council, the opposition leadershipthat the United States formally recognized as Libyaslegitimate government.

    Of course, renouncement is exactly what these very

    same men did to be released from Qaddafis prisons inthe first place before immediately taking up arms andlaying waste to the nation.

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    The New York Times also notes that exiled LIFG leaderAbu Sohaib, currently being harbored in London, isunable to return to Libya because he and LIFG is a listedterrorist across the Middle East and throughout most ofEurope, including the UK.

    His LIFG fighters are noted as having combat experiencein Iraq or Afghanistan, and that they are part of thesocial fabric of eastern Libya, namely Benghazi, Tobruk,and Darnah in a region often referred to as Cyrenaica.

    Image: Taken from a US West Point study, these graphscreated by data obtained in Iraq clearly show that Libyaseastern region, and the cities of Darnah and Benghazi in

    particular, provided by far more militants found fightingUS troops in Iraq than any other nation, including SaudiArabia.

    An apt summary of the report can be found .

    To get a clearer picture of just how much of the social

    fabric of eastern Libya these Al Qaeda LIFG fightersmake up, a study from West Point US Military Academyindicates that this region produced more foreign fightersper capita found in Iraq than any other nation includingSaudi Arabia.

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    The vast majority of these fighters came from Darnahand Benghazi, the latter being the epicenter of thecurrent Libyan rebellion.

    The report, explained in detail by geopolitical analyst Dr.

    Webster Tarpley, proves just how understated the NewYork Times article is in portraying these terrorists aspart of the social fabric of eastern Libya.

    The facts prove quite clearly that terrorism is the socialfabric of eastern Libya.

    Just this week, the UK Independent provided its

    readership with a watered down headline that reads,Rebel military chief says he was tortured by CIA.

    The article indicates that the current rebel leader,Abdulhakim Belhaj (aka Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi) is in factan LIFG founding member, with combat experience inAfghanistan against the Russians, omits that he was alsoinvolved in fighting US troops there in 2001, but does

    mention that he was held by the CIA, then the Libyangovernment before taking command of NATO-backedrebels in Libya.

    The Daily Beast reports in an article titled, LibyasPowerful Islamist Leader, that Belhaj was in fact, face-to-face with Osama Bin Laden back in the 1980s, andthat the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) is listed by

    both the U.S. State Department and the British HomeOffice as an international terrorist organization.

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    Image: A screenshot taken directly from the US StateDepartment website showing the Libyan Islamic FightingGroup (LIFG) clearly listed as a foreign terroristorganization.

    This is important, as US Code prohibits providing materialsupport to listed terrorist organizations.

    With revelations of Al Qaeda and LIFG fighters leadingthe Libyan rebellion with NATO-members full military,financial, and diplomatic support, attempts are beingmade to plea ignorance as to the true nature of therebels.

    Listed below LIFG, is MEK, an Iraqi/Iranian group also

    being armed and supported by the US.

    With the corporate medias help, Belhaj/al-Hasidi and hismen are being portrayed as reformed terrorists despitethe fact that they are still LIFG fighters and LIFG itself isstill listed as an international terrorist organization.

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    And while many will applaud the corporate media forcoming forward with this information, it should be notedthat Pepe Escobar first broke this story on Russia Today,and the US and British propaganda outlets have merely

    been forced to address the growing public awareness ofwho these pro-democracy rebels really are and whatrole the US and British governments have had inbetraying their people by providing material support formen who literally killed US and UK troops in both Iraqand Afghanistan over the 10 year War on Terror.

    According to US Code Section 2339A & 2339B, the

    leaders of NATO, along with the US, UK, and Frenchgovernments, are clearly guilty of providing a listedterrorist organization with material support in the mostegregious, overt case since the code was written.

    The staggering scale of training, arming, and providingair support for Libyan Islamic Fighting Group militants,

    listed by the US State Department itself as a terroristorganization, all done criminally under the guise ofinternational law rubber stamped by the contrived UNand bolstered with support from the equally contrivedInternational Criminal Court, may be partially why morepeople are unable to understand the scope of criminalityinvolved in NATOs intervention in Libya.

    A similar situation exists within Iran, where anotherterrorist organization, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) arebeing covertly armed and aided in fighting the Iraniangovernment. US policy makers are fully aware thatorganizations like LIFG and MEK have US blood on theirhands.

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    In fact, their only concern is how using suchorganizations will appear publicly and how suchperceptions might threaten their agendas.

    In the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution report,Which Path to Persia? we can see clearly the thoughtprocess that goes on behind supporting terroristorganizations.

    Brookings only concern is how to remove MEK terroristsfrom the US State Department list (listed just belowLIFG) so they can be supported more overtly in a Libyan-

    style military intervention.

    Potential Ethnic Proxies, page 117-118 (page 130-131of the PDF): Perhaps the most prominent (and certainlythe most controversial) opposition group that hasattracted attention as a potential U.S. proxy is the NCRI(National Council of Resistance of Iran), the political

    movement established by the MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq).

    Critics believe the group to be undemocratic andunpopular, and indeed anti-American.

    In contrast, the groups champions contend that themovements long-standing opposition to the Iranianregime and record of successful attacks on and

    intelligence-gathering operations against the regimemake it worthy of U.S. support.

    They also argue that the group is no longer anti-American and question the merit of earlier accusations.

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    Raymond Tanter, one of the groups supporters in theUnited States, contends that the MEK and the NCRI areallies for regime change in Tehran and also act as auseful proxy for gathering intelligence.

    The MEKs greatest intelligence coup was the provision ofintelligence in 2002 that led to the discovery of a secretsite in Iran for enriching uranium.

    Despite its defenders claims, the MEK remains on theU.S. government list of foreign terrorist organizations.

    In the 1970s, the group killed three U.S. officers andthree civilian contractors in Iran.

    During the 1979-1980 hostage crisis, the group praisedthe decision to take America hostages and Elaine Sciolinoreported that while group leaders publicly condemnedthe 9/11 attacks, within the group celebrations were


    Undeniably, the group has conducted terrorist attacksoften excused by the MEKs advocates because they aredirected against the Iranian government.

    For example, in 1981, the group bombed theheadquarters of the Islamic Republic Party, which was

    then the clerical leaderships main political organization,killing an estimated 70 senior officials.

    More recently, the group has claimed credit for over adozen mortar attacks, assassinations, and other assaultson Iranian civilian and military targets between 1998 and2001.

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    At the very least, to work more closely with the group (atleast in an overt manner), Washington would need toremove it from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.

    US policy makers, working directly for Wall Street andLondon corporate-financier interests, clearly have noqualms over using or supporting terrorism, withperception management being their only concern.

    We see this diabolical methodology, precisely articulatedin Which Path to Persia? now being executed acrossLibya verbatim. It looks as if there was not enough time

    to get LIFG off various international lists of terroristorganizations as Brookings had hoped to do with MEK,and instead a concerted effort by the corporate-mediaand NATO members is being made to downplay thereality that the US, British, French and Qatarigovernments are openly sponsoring terrorism.

    Look for similar narratives as seen in Libya to be used inboth Syria and Iran with militant terrorists portrayed ashapless protesters being oppressed by a brutalgovernment, before a full-scale military insurrectionfollowed by a US led military intervention.

    U.S. Marines fighting with rebels in Misrata Libya

    A U.S. Marine (Official story is that he is a journalist)talking on what they are going to do & how they aregoing to aid the rebels!

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    Ground operation in Libya could start in April -Russian intelligence international coalition force is planning a ground operation

    in Libya that could start in late April, a high-ranking Russianintelligence service source said on Friday.

    AFRICOM and the Libya War

    Oil industry analysts predict that by the year 2015, theUnited States will be getting 25 percent of its imported

    oil from African sources.

    The biggest oil producers in Africa are Libya, with 47billion barrels in proved reserves (and maybe lots moreyet undiscovered), Nigeria (37.5 billion barrels), Angola(13.5 billion barrels), Algeria (13.4 billion barrels) and theSudan (6.8 billion barrels).

    Handing Libya to Al Qaeda, The Line Has BeenCrossed.

    Libya: The Greatest Betrayal

    First - let's not labor under any delusions.

    Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy are heads of state inname only. It is the depravity and megalomania amongstthe banks, corporations, and the institutions they havecontrived that are responsible for the most egregiousbetrayal in Western history.

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    For 10 years the West's leadership have stirred up hatredand fear amongst their populations to justify a lengthyand very costly global war that has sent US, British,Canadian, German, French, and many other troops,

    around the world, into dangerous adversity, andultimately to their graves to fight "the forces of terror."

    Now, almost as if savoring the irony, the New YorkTimes, on behalf of the corporate-financieroligarchs that presume dominion over the Westernworld, fully admit that Al Qaeda terrorists, men

    who literally killed US troops in both Iraq andAfghanistan are now in Libya and are thebenefactors of billions of dollars in Western aid.

    Diplomatic recognition, training, weapons, thelending of intelligence assets, the full unwaveringsupport of the West's "media," NATO-member air

    support, and even graced with Western specialforces fighting side-by-side with them on theground.

    This timely confession is also in response in part torevelations that the Libyan rebel commander now fillingthe streets of Tripoli with indescribable horror is ahardcore Al Qaeda leader, reported first in the Telegraphmonths ago, and again this week on RT and covered indepth by respected geopolitical analyst Dr. WebsterTarpley.

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    While naive Americans are brimming with pride as themilitary machine bankrupting them into destitution rollsover another minute nation an ocean away, they seemignorant or unable to wrap their minds around how

    egregiously they've been betrayed.

    After 10 years, thousands of dead troops, tens ofthousands broken mentally or physically, an economydiverted to war, occupation, and "nation building"overseas while America's infrastructure rots beneath her,the corporate-financier oligarchs have decided to betrayand infinitely humiliate America's armed forces in the

    worst manner imaginable - have them provide air cover,Intel, and special operational support for blood-thirstymercenaries that hunted and killed their brothers in armsfor the past decade.

    Entire families have been destroyed, communitiesdevastated by the loss of their brothers and sisters,

    friends, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters,fighting what they thought was a war for the verysurvival of their way of life.

    Today, in Libya, with Al Qaeda literally being handed anation-state by these corporate-financiers through theirpolitical and military proxies, the leaders we have electedand the corporations we have helped grow to monstrous

    proportions now squat upon the graves our nation'sfallen and defile their memories and the ideals theybelieved they were giving their lives for in anunforgivable way.

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    And while it will be claimed by many that this is"Obama's War," it most certainly is not.

    The very cadre of Neo-Conservatives that engineered the

    last decade of debilitating global war at the expense ofAmerican blood and treasure have been quietlycheerleading the expansion of NATO's intervention inLibya.

    This can be seen in unequivocal terms in a letter writtento US House Republicans imploring them to end theirresistance to the current, unconstitutional war, and

    instead discard the UNSC resolution and give even moresupport for the terrorists seizing Libya on their behalf.

    Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Max Boot, FrederickKagan, Karl Rove, Ellen Bork, Robert Kagan, Liz Cheney,William Kristol, Dan Senor, and James Woolsey are justsome of the names of individuals that affixed their

    signatures at the bottom of this letter.

    Quite clearly, this is not exclusively "Obama's War,"rather one engineered and promoted by the Fortune 500banks and corporations that include both Obama andAmerica's most notorious Neo-Conservatives as loyalservants.

    If ever there was a time for our military, not just the rankand file, but the officers that lead them and whose handsyoung fighting men put their lives into, to recall theiroath given to the US Constitution and their duty toprotect and defend their nation and their people, it wouldbe now.

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    If ever there was a time to recognize our self-proclaimedleadership, crutching their legitimacy along with thefacade of "democracy" as the self-serving egregioustraitors they are - the time is now.

    And when the people faith in their government falters, letus be vigilant against pretend reformers.

    Let us make sure military men stepping forward to rectifyour nation's slide into the surreal aren't corporate-fascistserving Council on Foreign Relations members likeGeneral Stanley McChrystal or General David Petraeus,

    both of whom are guilty of helping to foist this facadeupon the American people at tragic costs to us all.

    For the average man or woman in America, now wouldbe a good time to start putting these corporations andbanks out of business.

    Boycott and replace them systematically, day to day,little by little. America has misplaced their faith in theseworld-spanning corporations and have traded theirindependence and self-reliance in for the illusion ofconvenience.

    It is time to take that independence back.

    It is also time to vote each and every incumbent out ofoffice that has served these agendas and promoted thiswar, now exposed as an absolute hoax.

    Those like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and JoeLieberman come particularly to mind.

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    Finally, it is time to start getting organized as acommunity.

    Reach out to your neighbors, start a marksmanship club,

    help each other with starting a garden, and startstanding up for one another when this corrupt, parasiticsystem comes searching for sustenance to continuefueling its dark deeds.

    By exercising each and every one of your Constitutionalrights, collectively as a community and on a daily basis,you ensure their vigor in standing up against tyranny of

    all kinds.

    Now is the time, this far and no further - if not forourselves, for the thousands of Americans that shed theirlives in the belief they did so for a higher cause andwhose memories are now being defiled by the despicableactions of Wall Street and London, and the degenerate

    army of sycophants that serve them, from Europe toNorth America, from Israel's leadership, to the corporateoligarchs that manipulate the people of Australia.

    This evil empire has reached an intolerable height.

    For a list of the corporate-financier interests that trulyrun Western society please see, "Naming Names."

    For more information on self-sufficiency please see, "TheGlobalsits' Worst Nightmare." To learn more about whyand how to boycott the corporate-financiers thatdominate our lives, please see, "Destroy the Globalists."

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    Libya: NATO Enabling War Crimes

    Cutting off a city from food & war is a war crime - againthe ICC demonstrates its utter worthlessness.

    According to Fox News, a Libyan rebel "spokesman"recently boasted, "in the end, we will get [the city of]Sirte, even if we have to cut water and electricity and letNATO pound it with air strikes."

    Sirte is one of many cities still standing in defiance ofNATO's operations to seize the nation of 6 million people,

    impose upon them an "internationally approved"government, and begin pilfering their resources underthe guise of "economic liberalization."

    Rebels have intentionally surrounded Sirte to cut offelectricity as well as the flow of supplies including foodand cooking gas in a bid to literally "starve the city into

    submission," as reported by the London Telegraph.

    This latest boast by rebels, now operating openly withnotorious Al Qaeda members leading their fighters, andstill with full military support from NATO, seems tosuggest that water will be cut as well.

    According to the International Committee of the Red

    Cross, the denial of humanitarian assistance is a crimeunder international law.

    The Red Cross adds that "a massacre is not necessarilycommitted only with knives."

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    While many will attempt to portray the premeditatedcreation of a humanitarian disaster as "more humane"than taking the city of Sirte by force - rebels have in factalready tried to take the city by force and were soundly


    NATO airstrikes have apparently proved ineffective andother cities are now bolstering their defenses andrejecting calls by the NATO-backed Al Qaeda fighters tosurrender.

    As the deadline for NATO's military intervention grows

    increasingly nearer, their efforts to seize the nation havebecome increasingly more desperate and in proportionmore depraved.

    As has been pointed out and now clearly evident inTripoli, the Benghazi rebels backed by NATO are notmotivated by inclinations of "democracy" but rather

    tribal, ethnic, and viciously racial prejudices.

    Reuters has recently tried to whitewash what isessentially wholesale genocide being waged againstTripoli's black population by the Benghazi rebels led by AlQaeda's notorious al-Hasidi.

    The targeting of Tripoli's black population has been

    entirely written off by the corporate media as rebelspursuing "suspected mercenaries."

    Why then would Sirte, Bani Waled, or any other city stillstanding soundly in defiance of these rebels and NATO,surrender and subject themselves to ensured genocide?

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    We are faced with a textbook case of a very real crimeagainst humanity, yet the International Criminal Court isutterly silent, as are the voices in the UN that werevigorously clamoring to authorize war against Libya back

    in March of 2011. Silent also are the fraudulent GeorgeSoros Open Society-funded Human Rights Watch andAmnesty International (page 10) organizations.

    The ICC and the supporting myriad of contrived rightsadvocates once again demonstrates they are illegitimateinstitutions contrived solely to serve Wall Street andLondon's interests in a clearly one-sided manner.

    It is no wonder why the African Union has whollyrejected the International Criminal Court's decisionsmade against Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi or whynations across the world exhibit increasing hostilitytoward "independent" NGOs like Human Rights Watch,Freedom House, and Amnesty International.

    Nations should not be expected to permit suchorganizations to operate within their borders when inreality their goal is not defending human rights butfinding a predicate for foreign military intervention onbehalf of the corporate-financier interests that fundthem.

    Who Watches the "Watchers?"

    So who does the world turn to when the "internationalcommunity" begins recklessly mass-murdering entirepopulations, shutting off entire cities from food and

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    water to "starve them into submission," and "pound"civilian populations with airstrikes?

    The answer is, we turn to ourselves - the individual - who

    on a daily basis have facilitated in the first place thecorporations and banks of Wall Street and London whoare the perpetrators of these horrendous crimes.

    We have created these world-spanning financial andcorporate empires, given them the power to act againstentire nation-states with absolute impunity, so it must bewe the people who rein back in this terrible power.

    Just as we gave them this power by dedicating our time,money, talents, and attention to them, we can take itback by denying them likewise our time, money, talents,and attention.

    Turn to local alternatives, do without when we can, and

    entirely replace these corporations with local solutionssystematically.

    If these elitists impose regulations to prevent suchactivity, take a cue from the brave people of America'sNortheast who have passed local ordinances to cancelout US federal dictates.

    Ultimately, we must remember that these people are notthe progressive, enlightened, caretakers of humanitythey attempt to portray themselves as.

    The global elite are essentially violent thugs, dressing uptheir tyranny with the trappings of religion, civilization,political legitimacy, and faux progress.

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    We must be prepared defend our communities, ournation-states, and ourselves intellectually, politically,socially, financially, and physically.

    Our denial of this terrible and ever-growing tyranny willnot spare us when its attention finally shifts toward ourhomes, families, businesses, and communities.

    Just as the Soviets or the Nazis worked their way fromforeigners, then the fringes of society, before it begancannibalizing its own people, so too will this global WallStreet-London tyranny.

    It was the Iraqis yesterday, it is the Libyans today, it maybe the Syrians tomorrow, but inevitably it will be all ofus. Better to stand up now than allow the tragic wheel ofhistory to make yet another predictable revolution.

    Ground operation in Libya could start in April -Russian intelligence

    The international coalition force is planning a groundoperation in Libya that could start in late April, a high-ranking Russian intelligence service source said onFriday.

    "Information coming via different channels shows thatNATO countries, with the active participation of Britainand the United States, are developing a plan for a groundoperation on Libyan territory," he said.

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    "From all indications, a ground operation will be launchedif the alliance fails to force the Gaddafi regime tocapitulate with air strikes and missile attacks."

    If the events in Libya follow this scenario, the ground

    operation could start "in late April-early May," he added.

    This is why US President "Quagmire" will be using primetime on Monday to "sell" this war against Libya to theAmerican people, and will be doing the same thing inprivate with Congress on Wednesday.

    However, I would imagine on Wednesday, behind closed

    doors, the President will be laying out the agenda ofregime change on Israel's "to do" list for the US military,to be bought with American blood and money,whichmay well include Syria and Iran.

    There is no real humanitarian agenda here thiswar is all about the control off Libya's oil,

    water, and other resources.The Truth About Americas Real Agenda In TheMiddle East

    America is the spawn of empire building and from thestart has itself engaged heavily in that activity.

    In nearly all cases it has shown a preference for bribery,coercion, intimidation and force over diplomacy andcooperation.

    As a nation founded on invasion, occupation andgenocide, America has maintained its empire by thosemeans to this day.

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    Although Spain began the slaughter with the voyages ofColumbus, the British colonies that became the UnitedStates continued it with a vengeance.

    On October 26, 1606, King James I of England granted a

    royal charter to establish The London Company, a for-profit, joint stock venture that was also known as theCharter of the Virginia Company of London.

    The companys purpose was the colonization, for profit,of North America.

    From the Start; Murdering the Real Americans

    In 1607 the British arrived in Jamestown and, shortlythereafter, began the calculated extermination of theindigenous population.

    By 1890 an estimated 90,000,000 people, in North,Central and South America had been systematicallyslaughtered in the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny.

    The overt genocide in North America was curtailed afterthe infamous massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890.

    When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, Ican still see the butchered women and children lyingheaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain

    as when I saw them with eyes still young.And I can see that something else died there in thebloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard.

    A peoples dream died there.

    It was a beautiful dream.

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    And I, to whom so great a vision was given in my youth, you see me now a pitiful old man who has donenothing, for the nations hoop is broken and scattered.

    There is no center any longer, and the sacred tree is

    dead. Black Elk, Oglala Holy Man on the aftermath ofthe Massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota,December, 1890.

    The United States Army Seventh Cavalry used Gatlingguns to slaughter 300 helpless Lakota children, men andwomen.

    Although efforts at limited, selective genocide havecontinued, they have become much more clandestine.

    Lee Brightman, United Native Americans President,estimates that of the Native population of 800,000 (in theUS), as many as 42% of the women of childbearing ageand 10% of the menhave been sterilized

    The first official inquiry into the sterilization of Nativewomenby Dr. Connie Urireported that 25,000 Indianwomen had been permanently sterilized within IndianHealth Services facilities alone through 1975

    No one actually knows how many native women weresterilized during the seventies.

    You may rest assured that the eugenics movement,although out of sight, is not extinct.

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    Motivation for Mass MurderThroughout most of American history, the primarymotivation for innumerable annexations, invasions,occupations, coups, assassinations and the installation of

    genocidal dictators has been to advance the agenda ofcapitalist globalization and to protect the privatized profitmachine wherever footholds have been established.

    Whatever the nature of the business that hasentrenched itself in any sovereign nation, it can countupon the protection of its private security company theU.S. government.

    Chiquita Banana Republic?Jacobo Arbenz became the democratically electedpresident of Guatemala in 1951, winning 65% of thevote.

    In 1952 Arbenz announced an Agrarian Reform Program

    which threatened to nationalize the United FruitCompany (Chiquita Banana). Faced with the reforms of asocialist democracy, the corporation sought Americanintervention. (emphasis added)

    The democratically elected, progressive government ofGuatemala was overthrown in 1954 by a CIA-organizedand funded coup.

    The pretense for this assault on democracy was thealleged, ubiquitous threat of Soviet takeover when, infact, Russia had no interest in the country.

    They did not even maintain diplomatic relations.(emphasis added)

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    This act of U.S. terrorism resulted in one of the mostinhumane chapters of the 20th century.

    A forty year reign of terror ensued, eight years of whichwas supported by the Reagan administration.

    This was a period of torture, military-government deathsquads, mass executions, disappearances andinconceivable cruelty resulting in the extermination of atleast 200,000 civilians.

    In 1982 Reagan went to visit General Efrain Rios Montt,possibly the worst of the military dictators, who had

    slaughtered the Guatemalan Indians and peasantsindiscriminately.

    Montts actions had won him global condemnation. Aftermeeting with the butcher, Reagan stated that the generalwas getting a bad deal.

    This is but a single example among many.

    To gain further knowledge, try What Uncle Sam ReallyWants by Noam Chomsky and Killing Hope: U.S. Militaryand C.I.A. Interventions since World War II by WilliamBlum.

    Also visit Serendipity for some rather stark and ghastlyrevelations.

    Ronnie Strikes a Blow for Democracy

    In Nicaragua the proxy army of Ronald Reagan, AKA theContras, was formed from the vicious National Guard ofSomoza, a mercilessly repressive, U.S.-friendly dictator.

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    From 1981-1989 the Contras waged all-out war, onbehalf of Washington, against the Sandinistas.

    Their goal was to destroy progressive government socialand economic programs, which were not favorable to the

    capitalist free market agenda.

    The civilian death toll was well over 13,000.

    John Stockwell, 13-year veteran of the CIA and formerU.S. Marine Corps major, had this to say about theAmerican method of spreading democracy.

    They go into villages.They haul out families. With the children forced to watch,they castrate the father.

    They peel the skin off his face.

    They put a grenade in his mouth, and pull the pin. Withthe children forced to watch, they gang-rape the mother,

    and slash her breasts off.

    And sometimes, for variety, they make the parents watchwhile they do these things to the children.

    These are the activities done by the Contras.

    The Contras are the people President Reagan calledfreedom fighters.

    He said: they are the moral equivalent of our foundingfathers.

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    The Addicted Empire

    Venezuela is the largest oil producer in South America.

    In 2002, a U.S. backed coup in Venezuela became a U.S.

    back-fired coup.

    The democratically elected Hugo Chavez was temporarilyousted and replaced by the Bush-approved businessmanPedro Carmona.

    The outraged response from the people of Venezuela,including most of the military, was so overwhelming that

    the U.S. puppet was forced to give up his stolen prizeafter less than 48 hours.

    He fled Venezuela after he was placed under housearrest pending trial for his part in the failed coup, soughtand was granted asylum by Colombia and later turned upin Miami. (emphasis added)

    The American instigators/enablers of this recentintervention were appointees to the Bushadministration whose careers were establishedorchestrating the dirty wars of Ronald Reagan.

    The reason this coup was attempted and why Chavez hasa target painted on his back by America can be summedup in a single word oil.

    Thats probably the single most important commodity onEarth today, though water may soon overtake it, butthats another discussion.

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    Since Venezuela is a democracy in fact, and not inname only like Americas petroleum industry wants globalcontrol of oil production and the profits from it.

    They dont want to share those profits with the People of

    Venezuela or anyone else, but thats exactly what theyvebeen forced to do by the Chavez government.

    That is to say, the government attempts to act in thebest interests of the majority of the citizens rather thanin service of powerful special interests.

    The social democracy of Venezuela is hindering the

    capitalist profit machine in its impossible quest for infinitegrowth.

    That the filthy peasants of some back-water Third Worldcountry should have their lives improved at the expenseoil company stockholders and billionaire CEOs is simplyunacceptable.

    The U.S. is attempting to do in Venezuela what it didwhen it came to the rescue of the United Fruit Companyin Guatemala.

    Hugo Chavez is a marked man.

    Im surprised hes still alive.

    Then again, look how many assassination attempts Fidel

    Castro has survived.

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    Go East Young Empire!

    The U.S. planned an invasion of Afghanistan well beforethe conveniently timed attack of September 11th.

    There are strong economic and strategic interests,centered on the control of oil reserves in Central Asia,which are the true motivation for the occupation ofAfghanistan.

    The U.S. is eying those reserves in the Caspian andCentral Asia as an alternative to oil from the unstablePersian Gulf region.

    Afghanistan is the preferred gateway to and deliveryroute for the oil, for which American oil companies haveacquired rights to as much as 75 percent.

    Big Oil wants a pipeline through Afghanistan to thePakistani port of Karachi on the Arabian Sea.

    It seems apparent however, that there is littleenthusiasm for such a project from whatever powersmay be in Afghanistan.

    In order for the pipeline to become a reality, an obedientpuppet regime, enabling U.S. remote control of thecountry, is required.

    The slaughter taking place in Afghanistan has little to dowith the war on terror, which is nothing more than apretext for escalating American aggression, and much todo with advancing the agenda of the capitalist profitmachine. Its simply a variation on a theme.

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    Dont Mess With the Dollar!

    Saddam Hussein made a fatal error when he became thefirst OPEC member to demand payment for oil in eurosrather than dollars.

    A shift from petrodollar to petroeuro would have acatastrophic effect on the American economy.

    Continued American control of Iraqi oil is the reason forthe illegal invasion and occupation of that sovereignnation.

    Anyone who was paying the least attention knew longbefore the attack was launched; there were no weaponsof mass destruction and no connection with Al Qaeda.

    One of the first things done after the invasion was to putIraq back on the petro-dollar.

    America was largely in control of the inputs and outputs

    of Iraqi throughout the 1990s.Payment for the oil was in petrodollars, and there was noinvasion.

    No sooner was the switch made to petroeuros thanincontrovertible evidence of imminent danger fromSaddams awesome military might and close ties with AlQaeda were discovered (invented) and used as a pretextfor invasion and occupation.

    Once again the capitalist enforcer, U.S. military might,was brought in to ensure that business as usual wouldnot be interrupted.

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    In the years following the illegal invasions of Afghanistanand Iraq, with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives,big oil is making the highest profits of any industry in thehistory of the world.

    War profiteering and weapons sales have also been veryprofitable.

    The Peasants are Revolting!

    At least thats how the globalist elite feel.

    Suddenly, as if some multi-lingual epiphany has

    simultaneously struck in several places, common peoplein the Middle East and elsewhere are getting uppity.

    They are demanding democracy and insisting that theirhuman rights be recognized.

    They are taking inspiration from each other and,hopefully, a chain reaction has begun that will lead to abetter world for all.

    Even in America, lowly, insignificant, middle-class bluecollar laborers are emerging from a long sleep ofindoctrinated complacency and demanding their civilliberties be returned and their human rights honored.

    Could things get any worse for our masters?

    I certainly hope so.

    Imagine if you will, several OPEC nations suddenly beingtransformed from capitalist-friendly monarchies anddictatorships into social democracies like those that arebeginning to emerge in Central and South America.

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    Envision the peoples of Third World countries all overEarth coming to the understanding that the internal strifein their societies, which is often fomented andexaggerated by outside forces, is allowing those same

    forces to steal their resources and heritage, destroy theirculture and environment and deprive them of theirdignity, integrity and humanity.

    Its one thing for America and its allies to bring in theenforcers and abort one or two isolated, nascent,socialist experiments.

    It would be quite another to deal with a global flare-up ofsocieties, especially those in oil producing nations,suddenly awakened and enraged by the injustices theyhave endured for centuries at the hands of a cadre ofparasitic, psychopathic, self-proclaimed rulers.

    Its the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine! R.E.M.

    Could it be possible that we are about to witness, evenparticipate in, a global, societal sea change?

    Is there a chance that homo sapiens are beginning toaccess their species consciousness, awakening theirpotential to embrace the reality of a single humanfamily?

    Perhaps the would-be rulers of the world have finallypushed too far, hard and wide in their quest forsupremacy over all.

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    Their actions, made so highly visible today by the nearlyinstantaneous global spread of information, may becomethe catalyst that will initiate the disintegration of theirdystopian dream.

    Their lust for power and control and the ruthless pursuitof them may be about to backfire.

    The technological shrinking of our world, the suddenability of practically everyone to know what is happening,almost everywhere, nearly in real time, is making us allmore aware of each other and our shared humanity thanever before in history.

    That awareness also brings the recognition of theinjustice, oppression and exploitation we are all beingsubjected to.

    If sufficient numbers of people realize they ultimatelyshare the same goal if they instinctively work toward that

    single, identical purpose, however independently, nothingwill stop them from achieving it.

    If its true that the darkest hour is just beforedawn, then the sun is just about to rise.

    Libya: The Destruction of a Country. The Bombingof Civilian Targets

    Bombs and rockets struck residential houses and fell nearthe hospital.

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    The glass of the Cardiac Center building was broken, andin the building of the maternity ward for pregnantwomen with heart disease a wall collapsed and part ofthe roof.

    This resulted in ten miscarriages whereby babies died,the women are in intensive care, doctors are fighting fortheir lives.

    Our colleagues and we are working seven days a week,to save people.

    This is a direct consequence of falling bombs and missilesin residential buildings resulting in dozens of deaths andinjuries, which are operated and reviewed now by ourdoctors.

    Such a large number of wounded and killed, as duringtoday, did not result during the total of all the riots in

    Libya.The hypocrisy here reeks mightily, its stench going all theway back to the Oval Office in DC.

    Obama has used the UN resolution as his very own"Trojan horse" mechanism for attempting to ultimatelycontrol Libya's oil and water resources.

    If Russia and China are unable to get an immediate"cease fire" from the UN, one has to wonder how longthey will both refrain from acting militarily on Qaddafi'sbehalf.

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    Remember: China had a lot of development deals withLibya before they had to pull out over 30,000 workerswhen the unrest started to spread.

    Andthat would definitely set the stage for World War 3.

    For a list of many of the corporationsresponsible for these increasingly egregiouscrimes against humanity, please see, "NamingNames."

    Naming Names: Your Real Government

    When dark deeds unfold, point the finger in thisdirection.

    This is your real government they transcend electedadministrations, they permeate every political party, andthey are responsible for nearly every aspect of theaverage American and European's way of life.

    When the "left" is carrying the torch for two "Neo-Con"wars, starting yet another based on the same lies,peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi

    WMD's, the world has no choice, beyond profoundcognitive dissonance, but to realize something is wrong.

    What's wrong is a system completely controlled by acorporate-financier oligarchy with financial, media, andindustrial empires that span the globe.

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    If we do not change the fact that we are helplesslydependent on these corporations that regulate everyaspect of our nation politically, and every aspect of ourlives personally, nothing else will ever change.

    The following list, however extensive, is by far not all-inclusive.

    However after these examples, a pattern should becomeself-evident with the same names and corporations beinglisted again and again.

    It should be self-evident to readers of how dangerouslypervasive these corporations have become in our dailylives.

    Finally, it should be self-evident as to how necessary it isto excise these corporations from our lives, ourcommunities, and ultimately our nations, with the utmost


    International Crisis

    Background: While the International Crisis Group (ICG)claims to be "committed to preventing and resolvingdeadly conflict," the reality is that they are committed tooffering solutions crafted well in advance to problemsthey themselves have created in order to perpetuatetheir own corporate agenda.

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    Nowhere can this be better illustrated than in Thailandand more recently in Egypt.

    ICG member Kenneth Adelman had been backing

    Thailand's Prime Minster Thaksin Shinwatra, a formerCarlyle Group adviser who was literally standing in frontof the CFR in NYC on the eve of his ousting from powerin a 2006 military coup.

    Since 2006, Thaksin's meddling in Thailand has beenpropped up by fellow Carlyle man James Baker and hisBaker Botts law firm, Belfer Center adviser Robert

    Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and now RobertAmsterdam's Amsterdam & Peroff, a major corporatemember of the globalist Chatham House.

    With Thailand now mired in political turmoil led byThaksin Shinwatra and his "red shirt" color revolution,the ICG is ready with "solutions" in hand.

    Lent's hands with arguments that stopping Thaksin'ssubversive activities amounts to human rights abuses, inhopes of allowing the globalist-backed revolution to swellbeyond control.

    The unrest in Egypt, of course, was led entirely by ICGmember Mohamed ElBaradei and his US State

    Department recruited, funded, and supported April 6Youth Movement coordinated by Google's Wael Ghonim.

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    While the unrest was portrayed as being spontaneous,fueled by the earlier Tunisian uprising, ICG's ElBaradei,

    Ghonim, and their youth movement had been in Egypt

    since 2010 assembling their "National Front for Change"and laying the groundwork for the January 25th 2011uprising.

    ICG's George Soros would then go on to fund EgyptianNGOs working to rewrite the Egyptian constitution afterfront-man ElBaradei succeeded in removing HosniMubarak.

    This Soros-funded constitution and the resulting servilestooge government it would create represents the ICG"resolving" the crisis their own ElBaradei helped create.

    Notable ICG Board Members:George Soros

    Kenneth AdelmanSamuel BergerWesley ClarkMohamed ElBaradeiCarla Hills

    Notable ICG Advisers:

    Richard ArmitageZbigniew BrzezinskiStanley FischerShimon PeresSurin PitsuwanFidel V. Ramos

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    Notable ICG Foundation & Corporate Supporters:Carnegie Corporation of New YorkHunt Alternatives FundOpen Society Institute

    Rockefeller Brothers FundMorgan StanleyDeutsche Bank GroupSoros Fund Management LLCMcKinsey & CompanyChevronShell

    Brookings Institute

    Background: Within the library of the BrookingsInstitute you will find the blueprints for nearly everyconflict the West has been involved with in recentmemory.

    What's more is that while the public seems to think thesecrises spring up like wildfires, those following theBrookings' corporate funded studies and publications seethese crises coming years in advance.

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    These are premeditated, meticulously planned conflictsthat are triggered to usher in premeditated, meticulouslyplanned solutions to advance Brookings' corporatesupporters, who are numerous.

    The ongoing operations against Iran, including US-backed color revolutions, US-trained and backedterrorists inside Iran, and crippling sanctions were allspelled out in excruciating detail in the BrookingsInstitute report, "Which Path to Persia?"

    The more recent UN Security Council resolution 1973

    regarding Libya uncannily resembles Kenneth Pollack'sMarch 9, 2011 Brookings report titled "The Real MilitaryOptions in Libya."

    Notable Brookings Board Members:Dominic Barton: McKinsey & Company, Inc.Alan R. Batkin: Eton Park Capital Management

    Richard C. Blum: Blum Capital Partners, LPAbby Joseph Cohen: Goldman, Sachs & Co.Suzanne Nora Johnson: Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.Richard A. Kimball Jr.: Goldman, Sachs & Co.Tracy R. Wolstencroft: Goldman, Sachs & Co.Paul Desmarais Jr.: Power Corporation of CanadaKenneth M. Duberstein: The Duberstein Group, Inc.Benjamin R. Jacobs: The JBG Companies

    Nemir Kirdar: InvestcorpKlaus Kleinfeld: Alcoa, Inc.Philip H. Knight: Nike, Inc.David M. Rubenstein: Co-Founder of The Carlyle GroupSheryl K. Sandberg: FacebookLarry D. Thompson: PepsiCo, Inc.

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    Michael L. Tipsord: State Farm Insurance CompaniesAndrew H. Tisch: Loews Corporation

    Some Brookings Experts:

    Kenneth PollackDaniel L. BymanMartin IndykSuzanne MaloneyMichael E. O'HanlonBruce RiedelShadi Hamid

    Notable Brookings Foundation & CorporateSupport: Foundations & GovernmentsFord FoundationBill & Melinda Gates FoundationThe Rockefeller FoundationGovernment of the United Arab EmiratesCarnegie Corporation of New York

    Rockefeller Brothers Fund

    Banking & FinanceBank of AmericaCitiGoldman SachsH&R BlockKohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.Jacob RothschildNathaniel RothschildStandard Chartered BankTemasek Holdings LimitedVisa Inc.

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    Big OilExxon Mobil CorporationChevronShell Oil Company

    Military Industrial Complex & IndustryDaimlerGeneral Dynamics CorporationLockheed Martin CorporationNorthrop Grumman CorporationSiemens CorporationThe Boeing Company

    General Electric CompanyWestinghouse Electric CorporationRaytheon Co.Hitachi, Ltd.Toyota

    Telecommunications & Technology

    AT&TGoogle CorporationHewlett-PackardMicrosoft CorporationPanasonic CorporationVerizon CommunicationsXerox CorporationSkype

    Media & Perception ManagementMcKinsey & Company, Inc.News Corporation (Fox News)

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    Consumer Goods & PharmaceuticalGlaxoSmithKlineTargetPepsiCo, Inc.

    The Coca-Cola Company

    Council on Foreign

    Background & Notable Membership:A better

    question would be, who isn't in the Council on ForeignRelations?

    Nearly every self-serving career politician, their advisers,and those populating the boards of the Fortune 500 areCFR members.

    Many of the books, magazine articles, and newspaper

    columns we read are written by CFR members, alongwith reports, similar to Brookings Institute that dictate,verbatim, the legislation that ends up before the West'slawmakers.

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    A good sampling of the most active wings of the CFR canbe illustrated best in last year's "Ground Zero Mosque"hoax, where CFR members from both America's politicalright and left feigned a heated debate over New York

    City's so-called Cordoba House near the 3 felled WorldTrade Center buildings. In reality, the Cordoba Housewas established by fellow CFR member Feisal Abdul Rauf,who in turn was funded by CFR financing arms includingthe Carnegie Corporation of New York, chaired by 9/11Commission head Thomas Kean, and various Rockefellerfoundations.

    Notable CFR Corporate Support: Banking & FinanceBank of America Merrill LynchGoldman Sachs Group, Inc.JPMorgan Chase & CoAmerican ExpressBarclays CapitalCiti

    Morgan StanleyBlackstone Group L.P.Deutsche Bank AGNew York Life International, Inc.Prudential FinancialStandard & Poor'sRothschild North America, Inc.Visa Inc.

    Soros Fund ManagementStandard Chartered BankBank of New York Mellon CorporationVeritas Capital LLCKohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.Moody's Investors Service

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    Big OilChevron CorporationExxon Mobil CorporationBP p.l.c.

    Shell Oil CompanyHess CorporationConocoPhillips CompanyTOTAL S.A.Marathon Oil CompanyAramco Services Company

    Military Industrial Complex & IndustryLockheed Martin CorporationAirbus Americas, Inc.Boeing Company,DynCorp InternationalGeneral Electric CompanyNorthrop GrummanRaytheon Company

    Hitachi, Ltd.CaterpillarBASF CorporationAlcoa, Inc.

    Public Relations, Lobbyists & Legal FirmsMcKinsey & Company, Inc.Omnicom Group Inc.BGR Group

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    Corporate Media & PublishingBloombergEconomist Intelligence UnitNews Corporation (Fox News)

    Thomson ReutersTime Warner Inc.McGraw-Hill Companies

    Consumer GoodsWalmartNike, Inc.Coca-Cola Company

    PepsiCo, Inc.HPToyota Motor North America, Inc.Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.De Beers

    Telecommunications & Technology

    AT&TGoogle, Inc.IBM CorporationMicrosoft CorporationSony Corporation of AmericaXerox CorporationVerizon Communications

    Pharmaceutical IndustryGlaxoSmithKlineMerck & Co., Inc.Pfizer Inc.

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    The Chatham

    Background & Membership: The UK's ChathamHouse, like the CFR and the Brookings Institute inAmerica, has an extensive membership and is involved incoordinated planning, perception management, and the

    execution of its corporate membership's collectiveagenda.

    Individual members populating its "senior panel ofadvisers" consist of the founders, CEOs, and chairmen ofthe Chatham House's corporate membership.

    Chatham's "experts" are generally plucked from the

    world of academia and their "recent publications" aregenerally used internally as well as published throughoutChatham's extensive list of member media corporations,as well as industry journals and medical journals.

    That Chatham House "experts" are submitting entries tomedical journals is particularly alarming considering

    GlaxoSmithKline and Merck are both Chatham Housecorporate members.

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    No better example of this incredible conflict of interestcan be given than the current Thai "red" color revolutionbeing led by Chatham House's Amsterdam & Peroff withconsistent support lent by other corporate members

    including the Economist, the Telegraph and the BBC.

    In one case, the Telegraph printed, "Thai protests -analysis by Dr Gareth Price and Rosheen Kabraji," withinwhich Price and Kabraji make a shameless attempt atdefending the Western-backed, Maoist themed, violentprotests.

    While the Telegraph mentioned that Price and Kabrajiwere both analysts for the Chatham House, they failed totell readers that the Telegraph itself retains a corporatemembership within the Chatham House as does the Thaiprotest leader's lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam and hisAmsterdam & Peroff lobbying firm.

    Notable Chatham House Major Corporate Members:Amsterdam & PeroffBBCBloombergCoca-Cola Great BritainEconomistGlaxoSmithKlineGoldman Sachs International

    HSBC Holdings plcLockheed Martin UKMerck & Co IncMitsubishi CorporationMorgan StanleyRoyal Bank of Scotland

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    Saudi Petroleum Overseas LtdStandard Bank London LimitedStandard Chartered BankTesco

    Thomson ReuterUnited States of America EmbassyVodafone Group

    Notable Chatham House Standard CorporateMembers:Amnesty InternationalBASF

    Boeing UKCBS NewsDaily Mail and General Trust plcDe Beers Group Services UK LtdG3 Good Governance GroupGoogleGuardian

    Hess LtdLloyd's of LondonMcGraw-Hill CompaniesPrudential plcTelegraph Media GroupTimes Newspapers LtdWorld Bank Group

    Notable Chatham House Corporate Partners:British PetroleumChevron LtdDeutsche BankExxon Mobil CorporationRoyal Dutch Shell

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    StatoilToshiba CorporationTotal Holdings UK Ltd

    ConclusionThese organizations represent the collective interests ofthe largest corporations on earth.

    They not only retain armies of policy wonks andresearchers to articulate their agenda and form aconsensus internally, but also use their massiveaccumulation of unwarranted influence in media,industry, and finance to manufacture a self-servingconsensus internationally.

    To believe that this corporate-financier oligarchy wouldsubject their agenda and fate to the whims of the votingmasses is naive at best.

    They have painstakingly ensured that no matter whogets into office, in whatever country, the guns, the oil,the wealth and the power keep flowing perpetually intotheir own hands.

    Nothing vindicates this poorly hidden reality better than a"liberal" Nobel Peace Prize wearing president, dutifullytowing forward a myriad of "Neo-Con" wars, whilestarting yet another war in Libya.

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    Likewise, no matter how bloody your revolution is, if theabove equation remains unchanged, and the corporatebottom lines left unscathed, nothing but the mostsuperficial changes will have been made, and as is the

    case in Egypt with International Crisis Group stoogeMohamed ElBaradei worming his way into power, thingsmay become substantially worse.

    The real revolution will commence when we identify theabove equation as the true brokers of power and whenwe begin systematically removing our dependence onthem, and their influence on us from our daily lives.

    The global corporate-financier oligarchy needs us, we donot need them, independence from them is the key toour freedom.

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