ascendance indiegogo crowdfunding

Post on 22-Feb-2017






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Life can sometimes be tough, things might seem pointless, people can sometimes be annoying, and it can be really frustrating to have to go

through life in the system set before us, living to other people’s standards, not knowing how or

being able to follow what our hearts want.

So every once and a while, it’s always nice to sit down and contemplate our existence.

Who are we? Why are we here? What are we doing with our lives?

Why are we wasting our times on these pointless little things?

And sadly, we can’t actually give you the answers to these questions. But we can show

you the way how to find them.


An online community of awareness, aiming to bring knowledge, experience, help, guidance, awareness and so much more to the people of

the world.


With the dream to bring awareness to the masses, the idea of our online community was

born. A community where people can collectively grow and evolve as well as help each other out and share our resources to help each other achieve our goals. A place where we can

guide and instil awareness to those who seek it, support each other and work together.

We are building a platform for the dreamers across the globe who wish to learn more about themselves as well as achieve results in terms

of:• their internal happiness

• health• as well as in external terms such as :

material goals wealth

successful businesses

Through this online platform, we will show them the things that are stopping them from being

successful, that they have never really realised are bringing them down.

We’ll give them constant support, guidance and show them the way to being successful while

doing what they love.

We have already started work on this mission, establishing two, yearly subscription based memberships where we go about dispersing

content in the form of articles and media that can help create the awareness and growth that

we seek in the lives of our members.

We are calling these memberships The Community (at USD 9.90) and Ascendance Nation (at USD 59.90). You can learn more about them and see what we have already

started working on at our Website:

And though we firmly believe that this Nation and Community will go far in helping the lives of many, we are still expanding the idea out of it’s

infant stages.

So the idea of this campaign is to gather enough funds to help us improve our services, expand on the things we can do, create better content, and overall do better work so that we can soon make the change that we know can help many

more people out there. So we come to you seeking help to improve ourselves so that we can return the favour and bring light into the

world of others.


All of our operations so far have been funded personally by our founder and mentor Elango

Thiyagu (

That includes three years worth of content production by a team of people who have

worked to create high quality content in the form of a series of empowerment videos. (Refer

to ET Youth Empowerment Series at:

This operation has needed many resources such as video cameras, lighting equipment, editing

computers and software, and so on.

And for the last one year, a team of us youngsters have been working on marketing the product online, while coming up with additional content to support the members the community

that we are establishing.

This team has operated at minimal cost, bootstrapping our operations and utilising

equipment that we already owned.

On top of that, both teams have been operating without any salary or reimbursement being

claimed for the work done.

While our founder has been able to sustain our activities us so far, as a mentor and investor in a

platform that develops entrepreneurs (, he has more than 25 businesses to

channel funds to.

And that is what led to us pursuing this crowdfunding campaign, with a target of

50,000.00 Dollars.

The funds gathered will be used for the following purposes:

• To pay the content production team and marketing team that have been working for 3 years and 1 year respectively without a salary.

• To invest in marketing tools such as flyers, advertisements, promotions and etc, both

online and on the ground.

The funds gathered will be used for the following purposes:

• As a team that mostly operates online, we need to establish better internet connection so that we can do our regular postings and uploads of products that we have. Part of the funding will

be used to pay for faster and consistent internet.

The funds gathered will be used for the following purposes:

• The funds given are also needed for purchasing better editing software and

hardware such as cameras, audio recorders, tripods, lighting equipment, and high performance computers for content

production.. as our video/audio content plays a pivotal role in the membership.

The funds gathered will be used for the following purposes:

• Rent, utility and other expenses for venues where we hold talk shows which are recorded

and used as the main video content for our memberships.

• On top of that, our website, costs us website hosting

and maintenance fees which can be sorted for a few years if we reach our target.

Now you may be wondering, what would you be getting in return for your contribution.

With all the faith that we have in the effectiveness of our product in changing lives, the best commodity that we have to offer are

subscriptions to our memberships.

And so, the Perks that we are offering are as follows:

For USD 10

One year membership in Ascendance's 'The Community' worth $9.90 with a Bonus Digital

'Thank You' PostCard from the Ascendance Team sent by e-mail.

For USD 50

One year membership in Ascendance Nation worth $59.90 with a Bonus: 'Thank You' Video

from the Ascendance Team sent by e-mail.

For USD 100

Two year membership in Ascendance Nation (Worth $119.80) and as a Bonus, One Year

free Domain Name and Basic Website Hosting provided by New Wave Synchroniser (ET

Ideas Associate Company) *bonus terms and delivery date depending on provider.

For USD 500

The Couple Pack: TWO - 5 Year membership to Ascendance Nation (Worth $599) with a  Bonus of: TWO - 1 Year free Domain Name

and Basic Website Hosting provided by New Wave Synchroniser (ET Ideas Associate

Company)*bonus terms and delivery date depending on provider.

For USD 1000

Lifetime membership to Ascendance Nation, worth $59.90 per year.

As you can probably see, we are very proud of the products that we are offering.

Even with the minimal funding that we’ve had, we have managed to establish quality products,

with our website where the memberships operate, going live less than a week before this

campaign launched.

To get a better idea of the benefits that these memberships entail, please do check out their

descriptions on our site:

The Community at:

Ascendance Nation at:

Now while our target is $50,000.00, you may have noticed that we have opted for flexible


This is because our products are already up and running and accessible.

Therefore, failing to reach our target will not affect our product in any way.

But any funds raised will help us to grow in leaps and bounds, improving our services and allowing us to market our product better, thus

reaching and helping more people. And the funds raised, even if under the target, will still

be used for the purposes mentioned above. 

That being said, we hope that you can help us reach our target which would be optimum for us to grow and venture into the operating capacity

that we are targeting.


Now if you’re one of those pessimistic kind of people who don’t really believe that our idea is workable, first of all, what are you doing on a site full of awesome ideas, and second, we’re

sorry to disappoint you but what we’re trying to do is already actually working out there, for


One of the main examples that we’ve experienced personally is the ET Ideas team (

They are a beautiful mix of Gen X’s, Y’s, and Z’s who work together as a team to achieve their goals

and dreams inline with what their Heart’s want.

Guided by Elango Thiyagu, a super cool and understanding mentor who’s filled with loads of awareness, knowledge, wisdom, humour and 30 years of business experience, this dynamic team

has started showing tons of success and is home to over 25 different companies in various fields, over

the period of the last 8 years.

They are already hitting success and have proven that this works.

And guess what’s the best part?

We plan to bring all that awesomeness to you! Mustering all the resources we can provide from

the ET Idea Associates, plus tons of videos, articles, forums, discussions and much, much more, we are

presenting to you, the world’s very first online Community… nope… even better… Nation of


By contributing, and becoming a fellow member of our awesome Community or Nation, you have the opportunity to grow together with so many other

awesome people, all heading towards a more fulfilling life doing what they love and finding

success in those fields.

Your own online world of awareness. A Nation built on awareness, solutions, following your Heart,

doing what you really want, and most importantly, being truly Happy.

A world where you'll find people similar to you, where everyone is in the same frame of mind -

pursuing success, wanting to be who they are and being able to do the crazy stuff their Heart asks

them to do.

A place where you don’t have to be afraid to be you. A society built on Truthfulness, Creativity and


And our hope is that not just you, but so much more people in the world may gain these benefits that we

have found and are trying to share.

And your help and contribution will not only benefit you, but also provide us with leverage to reach

more and more people, thus also bringing to them, the positive impact of our products which will only

keep getting better and better.


What happens if we don’t gather much funds? Will the whole idea fall apart?

Nope. Nothing has stopped us so far.

We will keep going like we have up till now. Our growth may be slower, but it’ll be as steady as it

has been so far. In one years time, a group of youngsters have taken this idea from nothing to

where it is today. A working online platform rearing to provide our services to the world. Having the

extra funds will make it easier for us to grow. And you will get your contribution’s worth of services as


You see, for us to succeed, the challenge that we face is to reach more people. Its simple.

More reach = more subscribers = more revenue = more improvement in our products and services.

And marketing our product requires some investment. The Internet is a free country, and we are already utilising free to use mediums such as social media to put ourselves out there and reach more people. But reachability on these medias are

rigged to favour those who pay for reach. So raising some funds to invest in marketing will only

improve our odds of success.

At the end of the day, both the content production team and the marketing team of this venture are made up of a bunch of passionate and dedicated

people who are unwaveringly focused on pursuing the success of this idea to form a massive online

Community of Awareness.

And our faith in ourselves and our idea/products gives us no room for the doubt that we can grow tremendously. We are here to invite you to join us

this journey of personal growth, and help the Community grow in order to provide that

opportunity for growth to more and more people. And any contribution that you can give us to do that

is very much appreciated.


We understand that it's possible that you just aren't able contribute right now, but that doesn't mean

you can't help...

If we have managed to convince you of the merits of our venture, and you still wish to help, what you

can do is get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.

Share our story with your friends and family using the Indiegogo share tools. Maybe a short post

about us, sharing the link to our campaign on your own social media pages. We kindly request that you

include our campaign hashtags when you do so.

 (#Ascendance #ETideas #CommunityOfAwareness #JoinTheCommunity #FeedYourAwareness)

Any help we can get to get the word out to as many people as possible will be highly appreciated.

And you welcome to Join our Community of Awareness even after the campaign is over, by

signing up at our site:


Thank you!

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