arka princes grassalkovics de...

Post on 11-Mar-2018






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Jovan (Johann) Grassalkovics

oo Susana Egresdy

Anton(ije?) (Antal) I Grassalkovics *1694 - +7.12.1771.

Baron 1736, Grof (Count) 1744 oo1724, Christina Theresa Baronica (Baroness) de Klobusiczky

Anton(ije) (Antal) II Grassalkovics *7(24?).8.1733. - +5.6.1794. (Wien)

Grof (Count), Knez Sv. Rimskog Carstva (Prince of the Holy Roman Empire) 8.5.1784. oo2.5.1758, Maria Anna, Princeza (Princess) Esterhazy von Galantha (otac/father: Nicholas Joseph Prince Esterhazy de Galantha, majka/mother: Maria Elisabeth Countess Ungnad von Weissenwolf)

Anton(ije) (Antal) III Grassalkovics

*12.9.1771. - + 29.9.1841. Knez Sv. Rimskog Carstva (Prince of the Holy Roman Empire)

oo25.7.1793, Maria Leopoldine, Princeza (Princess) Esterhazy von Galantha *11.4.1778(?)- +20.12.1864. (otac/father: Paul Anton Prince Esterhazy de Galantha, majka/mother:

Maria Theresia Countess Erdödy de Monyorokerek & Monoszlo)


covich, Graszalkovich, Grazsalkovics...) pomiwe se krajem 17. veka, a postaje prominentno u prvoj tre}ini 18. veka, negde izme|u 1724. i 1736. Gla-vni izvori su nam heraldi~ko-genealo{ki kom-pendijumi, koji i sami ne obiluju detaqima. Tako Almanah Gota (Almanach de Gotha) daje ne{to {ire podatke o posledwem Knezu u svojim izda-wima za godine 1836. i 1848, da bi posle toga samo registrovao da je knegiwa udova `iva (po-sledwa godina koju smo proverili bila je 1859). Maksimilijan Gricner u svom obimnom opusu2 navodi da su Gra`alkovi}i “veoma staro ugarsko plemstvo”, {to pitawe nacionalnog porekla ostavqa sasvim otvorenim, a kosi se i sa in-formacijom o poznoj nobilitaciji (1694.); Gricner pomiwe i da je Anton I bio sekretar i pravni savetnik cara Karla VI, kao i da je tu funkciju nastavio da obavqa i za vlade wegove k}eri Marije Terezije. Daqe veli da je Anton Gra-

`alkovi} uzdignut u rang ugarskog barona 26.5. 1732. poveqom datom u dvorcu Laksenburg3; samo 11 godina kasnije, baron Anton postaje ugarski grof (poveqa data u Be~u 5.4. 1743), sa kvali-fikacijom “visokoblagorodni” (Hoch- und Wohl-geboren). U to vreme on predsedava Ugarskom komorom i o`ewen je baronicom Kristinom Te-rezijom Klobu{icki. Rod Klobu{ickih od Klobu

{ica i Zetewija (Klobusiczky de Klobusicz es Zeteny) je znatan u vreme sklapawa braka Anto-na i Kristine Terezije. Poreklom su iz Klobu-{ica u Tren~inskoj `upaniji (Slova~ka), i doku-mentarni su feudalci tog mesta jo{ od sredine 15. veka. Vlastelinstvo Zetew stekli su 1686, a naredne godine uzdignuti su u dostojanstvo bar-ona. Grofovsko dostojanstvo su dobili 1756. go-dine, u vreme kada je Ferenc Klobu{icki, brat prvog grofa Antona, zauzimao visok polo`aj ka-lo~kog nadbiskupa. Jedini sin4 Antona I, grof Anton II, nasle|uje oca 1771. godine. Bio je o`ewen prin-cezom Marijom Anom, iz izvanredno visokog i mo}nog kne`evskog roda Esterhazija od Galan-te. Godine 1784, poveqom datom u Be~u na dan 7. maja, uzdignut je u dostojanstvo kneza Svetog Rimskog carstva, kao Knez Gra`alkovi} od \ar-ka, nasledni gospodar vlastelinstava “Gödöllö, Hatvan, Detrö, Baja und Konjatky”, Carski i Kraqevski aktivni tajni savetnik, Komornik i @upan Bodro{ke `upanije, sa pravom na kvali-fikaciju “visokorodni” (Hochgeboren), “Va{a milost” (Ew. Liebden) i na oslovqavawe sa ”dragi ro|a~e” (Lieber Oheim) od strane Cara i Kraqa. Nasledstvo kne`evskog dostojanstva i titule dato je u liniji prvorodstva. Uz sve to, izvr{eno je “poboq{awe” grba u skladu sa no-vim visokim dostojanstvom porodice. Kako se ispostavilo, pitawe prvorod-stva jedva da je i bilo potrebno pomiwati. Je- dini sin Antona II, Anton III, bio je ujedno i posledwi izdanak mlade kne`evske loze. Ro|en 1771. godine, o`enio se princezom iz doma svoje majke, Marijom Leopoldinom, k}erkom princa Paula-Antona (Pal-Antal) Esterhazija od Gal-ante. Iz tog braka potomstva nije bilo, i rod Gra`alkovi}a od \arka ugasio se svega 57 гo-dina po uzdizawu me|u kne`evе Svetog Rimskog carstva (Carstva koje su, uostalom, nad`iveli za ~itavih 35 godina!).


Poreklo velika{ke ku}e Gra`alkovi}a i danas predstavqa misteriju. Ni{ta u tom pre-zimenu ne govori u prilog wihovog pretpostav-qenog ma|arskog korena, a ipak Slovaci se nisu pretrgli od nastojawa da ih prisvoje, Srbi poka-zuju uobi~ajenu nezainteresovanost1, a Hrvati - ~udo nad ~udima - nisu uvrstili ove presti`ne katolike me|u svoje velikane! Na{a istorio-grafija Gra`alkovi}ima posve}uje odre|enu pa`wu, pre svega delovawu grofa Antona I i wegovoj ulozi u kolonizaciji Ba~ke i Banata Ma-|arima i Slovacima, ali se mnogo ne bavi prob-lemom porekla te porodice. Dakle, ko su, odakle su Gra`alkovi}i? Moramo odmah re}i da na to pitawe ne-mamo potpun odgovor. Zna se {ta su postali i kada su to postali. Zna se {ta su radili i kak-vo su nasle|e ostavili. Ipak, svi nama dostupni izvori postaju apsolutno diskretni kada je u pi-tawu poreklo roda Gra`alkovi}a, i kada treba odgovoriti na elementarnu znati`equ: kako je bilo mogu}e da jedan, po svemu opskurni rod, do|e do carskog Dvora, da osvoji takve pozicije, da u roku od 90 godina pre|e put od plebeja do kne`eva Svetog rimskog carstva, a da pritom ni-su slavni ratnici, da nemaju nikoga u vrhu kato-li~ke Crkve, da nisu diplomati od karijere... Slu~aj je fascinantan, ne samo {to nam obrazac pona{awa Gra`alkovi}a i wihovo }utawe o sop-stvenom poreklu dosta li~i na pre~anske Srbe u usponu (setimo se Preradovi}a), ve} i zato {to su Gra`alkovi}i - {ta god da su bili - ostavi-li na na{em tlu duboke tragove, a opet ostali van vidokruga svih osim onih najpomnijih istra-`iva~a istorije Srba u Ugarskoj. Prema nama dostupnoj literaturi, ime Gra`alkovi}a (pisano Grassalkovich, Grassal-

Dvorac Gra`alkovi}a u Gedelu, gravira L. Edera po slici Ludviga Rorboka iz 1858. / Grassalkovics Castle at Gödölö, steel engraving of L. Oeder, after a painting by L. Rohrbock from 1858.

Dvorac Gra`alkovi}a u Bratislavi, prema savremenoj bojenoj litografiji / Grassal-kovich Palace in Bratislava, according to a contemporary hand colored lithograph.

1. Baronski grb Gra`alkovi}a / Baronial Arms of the Grassalkovics 2. Grofovski grb Gra`alkovi}a / Arms of the Counts Grassalkovics 3. Kne`evski grb Gra`alkovi}a. / Arms of the Princes Grassalkovics 4. Plemi}ki grb Klobu{ickih / Arms of the Nobles von Klobusiczky 5. Grofovski grb Klobu{ickih / Arms of the Counts von Klobusiczky 6. Grb grofa Antona (Antala) I, uklesan nad ulazom u porodi~nu kriptu u parohijskoj crkvi Sv. Martina (Feldebre, `upanija Heve{). U odnosu na grofovski grb sa slike 2, uo~ava se da lavovi (dr`a~i grba) nisu os- vrnuti, kao i lanac Ordena Sv. I{tvana koji okru`uje kompoziciju / Arms of Count Anton (Antal I) Grassalkovics de Gyarak carved in stone above en-trance to the Family Crypt at the Parish Church of St. Martin in Feldebrö (Heves County); the lion supporters here are not reguardant, and the Collar of the Order of St. Stephen encircles the Coat of Arms 7. Grobnica Antona I i wegove supruge, ro|ene baronice Klobu{icki, u kripti crkve Sv. Martina u Feldebru, sa bronzanim grbovima supru`-nika apliciranim sa predwe strane grobnice / The Tomb of Count Antal I and his consort, Baroness von Klobusiczky, at the St. Martin Church Crypt, in Feldebrö, with bronze armorial achievements of the committal couple displayed at front of the stone memorial








Za relativno kratko vreme koliko je rod u`ivao u slavi i bogatstvu, Gra`alkovi}i su ostavili dosta spomena o sebi. Pre svega, gran-dioznu palatu u centru Bratislave5, dvorac u Gedelu6 (koji je u arhitekturu magnatskih dvoraca u Ugarskoj uveo novi stil zvani “Gra`alkovi}-ev”), dvorac u Somboru, nekoliko crkava7, ali pre svega izmewenu populacionu sliku Ba~ke i Banata (uglavnom u korist Ma|ara). O ovome pi{e dr D.J. Popovi} u svom delu “Srbi u Vojvo-dini”. Kada je re~ o graditeqskim poduhvati-ma, me|utim, vaqa napomenuti da je knez Gra- `alkovi} bio zadu`en za radove na dogradwi i rekonstrukciji kraqevske palate u Budimu, i da je ve}i broj arhitekata i majstora anga`ovanih na kraqevskom projektu, istovremeno radio i na porodi~nim zdawima Gra`alkovi}a. Kada su u pitawu heraldi~ki izvori, stvari stoje ovako: =Ritstap8 donosi o Gra`alkovi}ima dva kratka teksta (”Grassalkovicz de Gyarak, Hongrie, Co-mtes du St. Empire 1749, princes du St-Empire, 6. mars 1784. M. et. le 29 sept. 1841" i "Gras-salkovics, Comtes, Aut.") na stranama 818 i 819 prvog toma. Geza ^erge9, pak, na strani 204 svog magnum opus-a donosi dodatne podatke o grofu Antonu I, navode}i izme|u ostalih wegovih do-stojanstava i ono ^uvara Sv. ugarske Krune, Vr-hovnog kowu{ara (Oberster Stallmeister) i vi-teza Velikog krsta Ordena Sv. I{tvana. Za we-govog sina, Antona II, navodi i se i funkcija Glavnog kowu{ara Ugarske (Oberstallmeister) i inkolat u plemstvo Dowe Austrije na osnovu ku-povine poseda grofa Salm-Kevenhilera u Be~u 16.11.1786. godine. O Antonu III se navodi samo da je bio Carsko-Kraqevski tajni savetnik i ko-mornik. Delo Ivana Na|a10, u kome se o Gra`al-kovi}ima govori na stranama 378-379, nije nam za sada dostupno, dok Kirnbauer11 govori isto {to i ^erge, samo sa akcentom na ve} pomenuti inkolat u Dowoj Austriji. Najiscrpnija su ve} pomenuta dela Gricnera i ^ergea, koja donose grofovski i kne`evski grb (oba dela), odnosno baronski grb Gra`alkovi}a i tri grba Klobu{i-ckih, uz odgovaraju}e komentare (samo ^erge). Plemi}ki grb Gra`alkovi}a nam je ne-poznat iz literature, ali se analizom baronskog grba (vidi sl. 1) mo`e zakqu~iti da 1. kvartir predstavqa izvorni plemi}ki grb Gra`alkovi}a, jer su 2. i 3. kvartir evidentno alijansna poqa Klobu{ickih (grb baronice Kristine Tereze, vi-di sl. 4); sama ~iwenica da je baronski grb Gra-`alkovi}a inkorporisao poqe Klobu{ickih go-vori o ugledu porodice iz koje je do{la supruga,

odnosno o skromnom poreklu samih Gra`alko-vi}a. Tre}i kvartir, kao i insert u stopi, ve-rovatno predstavqaju elemente “poboq{awa” izvornog grba po uzdizawu u baronsko dostojan-stvo. U svakom slu~aju, blazon izvornog plemi}-kog grba mogao bi da glasi: u srebrnom poqu na zelenom trobregu koji se di`e iz stope crveni propeti lav zamahuje srebrnom isto~wa~kom sa-bqom zlatnog bal~aka; ^elenka je izrastaju}i crveni lav, a pla{t je crven postavqen sre-brom. Poboq{awe grba pri unapre|ewu u baron-sko dostojanstvo obuhvatilo je, po tada{woj praksi, i dopunski {lem sa ~elenkom (izrasta-ju}a figura ugarskog ratnika sa sabqom); ~e-lenka Klobu{ickih (tri nojeva pera) nije inkor-porisana u grab Gra`alkovi}a. Uzdizawe u rang grofova Sv. rimskog Carstva donelo je daqa “poboq{awa”: unet je pretenzioni {tit sa ini-cijalima Marije Terezije, dodata je i tre}a ~e-lenka (izrastaju}i prirodni leopard), kao evi-dentna aluzija na 4. kvartir, u kome na crvenom poqu po zelenom tlu prirodni leopard zamahuje sabqom) i, kona~no, dva zlatna osvrnuta lava kao dr`a~i grba. Kne`evski grb je doneo rela-tivno umeren repertoar “poboq{awa”: pored ne-izostavnog kne`evskog {e{ira i porfire, jedi-na izmena je pove}awe broja ~elenki za jo{ dve (duplirana je ~elenka sa ugarskim ratnikom, a centralno mesto je zauzeo zlatni vizirni {lem krunisan kne`ev-skim {e{irom na kome je dvoglavi crni krunisani orao). The origin of the great ba-ronial House of Grassalkovics has remained much of a mystery. Nothing in that family name sug-gests that their origin was alleg-edly Hungarian, and yet Slovaks apparently are not eager very eager to claim them, Serbs are disinter-ested as usually1, while Croats, wander of all wanders, missed to include these representative Catho-lics in own Hall of Fame. Our own historiography has paid certain at-tention to the Grassalkovics, pri-marily to Count Anton I and his role in colonization Hungarians and Slovaks in Bacska and Banate, but not to the question of the ori-gins of the family. Well, who are and where from come the Grassalkovics? We must say in first place that the complete answer to this question is not available. It is known what and when did they achieve. It is known what they did and what heritage they left. And yet, all sources available to us so far keep deep silence when issue of the origin of the House is con-cerned and when a natural curios-ity requires to be satisfied: how was it possible that a lineage so obscure arrives to the exclusive position of confidential service at the Imperial Court, to win such po-sition that in span of only 90 years they crossed the chasm that divides simple commoners from Princes of the Empire, without being either famous soldiers, or related to high dignitaries of the Catholic Church, or diplomats of the career... It is a

Palata Gra`alkovi}a u Somboru, podignuta 1750-1763, u stvari je slu`ila kao Komor-ski centar za kolonizaciju Ba~ke / The Grassalkovich Palace in Sombor, errected be-tween 1750 and 1763, was in fact used as Chamber representative seat for the collonisa-tion of Bachka (Bacska)

fascinating case, not only because the model of behavior of the Grassalkovics and their si-lence regarding own origins is much reminis-cent of the behavioral pattern of some Serbian families in Hungary (case of Preradovich), but also because the Grassalkovics - whoever they were - left deep impact in our lands and still managed to escape attention of historians, ex-cept for a few of them with particular dedica-tion to the history of Serbs under Austrian and Hungarian Crowns. The available literature mentions name of Grassalkovics (also written Gra`alkovi}, Grassalkovich, Graszalkovich, Grazsalkovics...) at the very end of the 17th Century, and the name acquires prominence by first third of the 18th Century (between 1724 and 1736). The main sources are heraldic and genealogical compendia, generally devoid of much detail. Almanach de Gotha dedicates some space to the last Prince in the issues of 1836 and 1848, registering afterwards just bare information that the Princess Dowager was still alive. Maximilian Gritzner, in his gi-gantic work2, claims that the Grassalkovics are "very old Hungarian nobility", which does not answer the question of their origin, while be-ing at odds with information that the family

Ulazni hol i sve~ano stepeni{te u palati Gra`alkovi}a u Bratislavi, delo arhitekte Majerhofera / Entrance Hall and Great Staircase at the Grassalkovich palace of Bra-tislava, built by Architect Andreas Mayerhofer

was ennobled very lately, in 1694. Gritzner also mentions that Anton I was Secretary and Legal Adviser to the Emperor Karl VI, and that he con-tinued in same capacity to serve Emperor's daughter Maria Theresia. Further, he reports that Anton Grassalkovics was raised to dignity of Hungarian Baron on May 26, 1732, and that only eleven years after that he was further raised to dignity of a Count3 (April 4, 1743), with qualifi-cation of the High- and Well Born (Hoch- und Wohlgeboren). At that time Anton Grassalkovics was presiding the Hungarian Chamber, and was married to Baroness Christina Theresa de Klo-busiczky. The Family Klobusiczky de Klobusicz and Zeteny was of rather high standing and well positioned; they were feudal Lords of Klobu- sicz in County of Trenchyn (now in Slovakia) since mid-15th Century. Family acquired Lord-ship of Zeteny in 1686, and was elevated to the dignity of Barons the next year. They became Counts in 1756; at that time the brother of the first Count was Archbishop of the important See of Kalocsa. The only son4 of Anton I, Count Anton II, succeeded his father in 1771. He was married to Princess Maria Anna from very high and mighty House of Esterhazy de Galantha. In 1784 (7th of May), Count Anton II was elevated to the dignity of the Prince of the Holy Roman Empire as Prince Grassalkovich von Gyarak, hereditary Lord of Godolo, Hatvan, Detro, Baja and Kon-jatky, Imperial and Royal Active Secret Coun-cilor, Chamberlain and Zhupan (Count) of the County of Bodrog, with qualification of the Highly Born (Hochgeboren) and Your Grace (Ew. Liebden), and entitled to be addressed by the Emperor as Dear Cousin (Lieber Oheim). The position and title were transferable in the primogeniture, and the armorial achievements were, accordingly, bettered. As it proved soon enough, the issue of primogeniture was of no importance. The only son of Prince Anton II, prince Anton III, was the last offspring of the young Princely House. He was born in 1771, and married a Princess from his Mother's House (Maria Leopoldina, daughter of Prince Pal-Antal Esterhazy de Galantha). The marriage proved to be childless and the House of Princess Grassalkovich de Gyarak died out in only 57 years after being admitted to rarefied strata of the Princes of the Holy Roman Empire (the Empire that they would still survive for an-other 35 years). During the relatively short period in which the Family enjoyed glory and richness, the Grassalkovics left many monuments to their be-ing and doing. There is a large Palace at the cen-ter of Bratislava5, a Castle at Gödölö6 (which made significant influence upon the architecture of Baronial Palaces in Hungary and introduced a new style called "Grassalkovics Type"), a town Palace at Sombor, several churches7, but most of all completely changed national mix of the vari-ous peoples in Bacska and Banate (chiefly favor-ing ethnic Hungarians). It is perhaps important to remember that Count Anton I managed the con-struction works at the Royal Palace of Buda, and so it came that a number of architects and skilled workers were employed by him for own con-struction projects. Regarding the heraldic sources, we shall mention but a few: Rietstap8 has two entries on the Grassalkovicz de Gyarak and Grassalkovics, claiming that they were Counts and Princes of Holy Roman Empire and Austria from Hungary. Geza von Csergheö9 brings additional informa-tion about some of the functions held by Count

Anton I (Keeper of the Crown, Master of the Horse and GC of the Order of St. Stephen). For Anton II, Csergheö reports that he held also posi-tion of Master of the Horse and that, following the purchase of property of the Count Salm-Khevenhüller in Vienna he possessed the Incolat of Lower Austria as well. About Anton III, Csegrheö reports only that he was Imperial and Royal Secret Councilor and Chamberlain. We were not able presently to check the entry in magnum opus of Ivan Nagy10, while Kirnbauer11 refers same facts as Csergheö. Coat of Arms of the Grassalkovics as Nobles we could not find in disponible literature, but the analyses of the Baronial Arms direct one to conclude that the 1st quarter must had been content of the original achievement, since 2nd and 3rd quarters are obviously fields of the Klobusiczky. The betterment of Committal and Princely Arms, however, are obvious regarding the content and apparent self-control of the heral-dic ambition, because the only new motive is in-escutcheon with Imperial Cipher; the multiplica-tion of the helmets and crests, as well as lion supporters, were minimal adornments that could hardly be omitted by the standards of the time. ______________________________ 1 Osim ako se ne uzme kao neka vrsta pre- tenzije ve} to {to je porodica Gra`alkovi} uneta u odeqak "Plemi}ke porodice II' (t.j. porodice katoli~ke veroispovesti) u ediciji "Vojvodina II" dr D.J. Popovi}a (Novi Sad, 1940-1941), str. 157. Na 117. strani istog dela Popovi} stidqivo navodi: “Najbogatija porodica u Ba~koj bila je porodica Gra-`alkovi}. Misli se da je bila poreklom od na{ih katolika. Ova porodica je ve} u 18. veku imala znatne posede ali, izgleda da je ve}inu svojih poseda dobila u prvoj po-lovini 19. veka. 1750 dobila je Baju, 1775 Plagu a 1779 Mateovi}. 1826 imali su Gra-`alkovi}i 108.663 jutra...” / Perhaps one may consider as a pretension the mere fact that House of Grassalkovics was entered into the Chapter “Noble Families II” (Families of the Roman Catholic Confession) of “Vojvodina II” by Dr D. J. Popović}, who made remark that the Grassalk-ovics were thought to be of our origin. 2 Maximillian Gritzner, Die Fürsten des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Nürnberg 1878, Anhang, str.287, table 390, 391. 3 Dr D.J. Popovi} i V.A. Duj{in, u citiranom prilogu u ediciji "Vojvodina", navode da su Gra`alkovi}i stekli plemi}ku donaciju 1694. godine, zna~i iste godine kada je ro|en budu}i baron i grof Anton I. / Popović and Duišin, in the above referred publication “Vojvodina II”, claim that the Grassalkovics were ennobled in 1694. 4 Prema istom izvoru (dr D.J. Popovi} i V.A. Dui{in) grof Anton I je, osim sina, imao i ~etiri k}eri: Francisku, Klaru, Marijanu i Tereziju. Ne znamo za koga su bile udate. / The same source (Popović, Duišin) claims that Anton I had four daughters (Francisca, Clara, Mariana and Theresia), but we know not whom, and if, they married eventually. 5 Za ceremoniju krunisawa Leopolda II, 1790. godine, knez Anton III podigao je veliki sl-avoluk ispred svoje bratislavske palate na Suvom trgu, u obliku tvr|ave iz gradskog gr- ba. Uve~e je u kne`evoj palati prire|en ra-sko{ni banket za novokrunisanog ugarskog Kraqa i u~esnike u krunidbenoj sve~anosti. O tome pi{e Štefan Holčik, Korunovačne slav-nosti, Bratislava 1563-1830, Bratislava 1992, str. 44 i 48. Bratislavski dvorac je izgra-

dio arhitekta Majerhofer oko 1760. godine. U tom dvorcu, kao i u dvorcu bratislavskog Nadbiskupa, naj~e{}e su otsedali austrijski carevi i ugarski kraqevi kada bi dolazili u posetu Bratislavi. Posle smrti udove knegiwe Gra`alkovi} 1864, dvorac je koris-tila Gradska uprava Bratislave, da bi 1990. godine postao zvani~na rezidencije Pred-sednika republike Slova~ke. / Prince Anton III, on occasion of the Coronation of Leopold II in 1790, erected a huge Arc de Triomphe in front of his Bratislava Palace, and in the evening he hosted the Coronation Dinner attended by the newly crowned King and all the official guests. The Bratislava Palace was built in 1760 by An-dreas Mayerhofer, and now serves as official residence of the President of Slovakia. 7 Za dvorac u Gedelu Tibor Koppany, Man-sions in Hungary, Budapest 1992, str. 19, veli da nije izvesno ko je bio arhitekta, Andreas Majerhofer ili Ignac Ora{ek, i da je pri-tom direktno inspirisan novim konceptom dvoraca koji je primewen prilikom do-gradwe Kraqevske palate u Budimu. / The Godolo Castle was influenced by the Royal Pal-ace of Buda. 7 To su, pre svega, parohijske crkve Sv. Pe- tra i Pavla u Baji (`upanija Ba~-Ki{kun), gde je 1765. godine grof Anton I darovao ba-rokni glavni oltar sa skulptoralnom kompo-zicijom Sv. Trojstva i oltarskom slikom opro{taja Sv. Petra od Sv. Pavla, i Sv. Ma-rtina u Feldebru (`upanija Heve{), gde su Gra`alkovi}i sproveli velike radove na rekonstrukciji stare crkve, i izgradili po-rodi~nu kriptu u kojoj su sahraweni grof Anton I i grofica Kristina Terezija; veliki nadgrobni spomenik grofovskog para izradio je 1772. g. Georg Dorfmajster (vidi: B. Derc-sényi, G. Hegy, E.. Marosi, J. Török, Katolische Kirchen in Ungarn, Budapest 1991, str. 264, 274, 275...). / Main contribution were Churches of St.St. Peter and Paul in Baja, and St. Martin in Feldebrö, where Family Crypt of the Grassalk-ovics is built. 8 J.B. Rietstap, Armorial général , 1884, reprint London 1965. Blazoni koje citira u potpuno-sti odgovaraju ilustracijama i blazonu Gric-nera (op.cit.). 9 Géza Csergheö de Nagy-Tacskánd: Wappen-buch des Adels von Ungarn sammt den Neben-ländern der St. Stephans-Krone, Nürnberg, 1885-1887. 10 Ivan Nagy, Magyarország Családai Czimerek-kel, Budapest (edicija u 20 tomova). 11 J. Kirnbauer von Erzstätt, Der Niederösterrei-chische Landesständische Adel, Nürnberg 1901-1918, str.134) Dragomir Acovi} / Dragomir Acović

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