are you what you sign : arnaud velten talk @grappahat 5/6-03-2016

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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30 talks conception

15 :01 Fuck .. Im Late

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.


- Im Arnaud from ANNECY not ANSSI ANSSI (IT French National Security Agency For Non French people)

- If you dont understand what I speak about , dont think its deep ... Its my English ...

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Who I am ?

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Why Im Here ?

First coz I love U :D

Second My girl love to Travel (We marry next Month)

Third My girl love to Travel

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Are you what you sign ?

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Let me tell you a little Story (nldr : very egocentric trip i plan to be politic)

When I was a kid : I was a very Shine KID

I have no friends Cause Im a fucking : Geek

I meet no girls, because i was a geek

But I have Italian Friends

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Context why I love ITALIAN people ?

Girls are so smart & cute

My friends was italian Lovers (they teach me to be smart with girls )

I was wareZ Swaper So much people like me ;)

My Italian friends grant me the access to all bars & nightclubs

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Now The story

The first community that accept me as a friend was Artists : Musician , Djs , Night Clubers , bar Owners (im also a graphist sometimes ;) )

When Night Club offered me to go to the beach in Annecy with them it was a consecration : That went somethings like : Hey this guy is cool , he is with us, he is from our Crew

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.


But (There is always but in this kind of story )

They called me : Auschwitz Cause i was skinny

But : I Accepted it because i was so proud to be with them and find some friends

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

The Point

Several year after I learned that My grand father was from the resistance movement and was busted by GESTAPO

He took a train to Dachau (via Lyon)(He escaped in Dijon and returned to Glieres )

So i realised I will not accept ANYMORE Stupid Jokes Cause if im alive that is because due to a lot of good guys who DIED to make me Free

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

My Question

Should i accept anything to have Friends ?

Should i accept any conditions to have job ?

Should i sell my mind ?

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.



Djinn XIII By Pic by Arnaud VELTEN Ink By Yannick CorbozExpo Pursang au Comptoir de la Folie OrdinaireClich : BAK XIII Concert @ USINE GENEVE

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

But What i can do ?

I could break the system and a be a bad digital black blockI could learn from my friends (be sure of that )

Or i could contribute to a nice , transparent and honest project (remember im a nice GEEK ;)

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

I was Lucky

I met Sylvain From CSA (hello all the crew XXX)

I met Jean Henry from Thinkservices (hello all the crew XXX)

I met Raoul from Security Brokers (hello all the crew XXX)

So i chose to be a :White (Good) Jedi (ndlr Skin color is not important Actions are !)

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

During a Hackathon in GENEVA UniI met Marvelous people of Thinkservices

I initially thought they were laughing about me like always i spoke in France

But Swiss are not like that They tell you to express yourself

So i explained to them my position And they asked me to please join them (the second time i thought they joking with me ;)

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

So i Contributed to the Cloud Responsibility Project

I must thank : PASCAL KOTTE for Big work and to allow me the honor to contribute to the project (Thanks to Bruno Chanel For his very HelpFull Co Coaching With a Ze French Viking ;) )

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Would you trust this Guy ?

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Would you trust this Brand ?

Sorry for the exemple i really love this brand CI expert know what happen and u have our support Be sure of That

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Would you give your money to this Guy ?

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.


Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Am I Rude ?

TODAYS NEWS :DeepFace Facebook Project

thx 2 : Mr T. for Information

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

What we offer ?

Make a Cowd Sourcing Extension to make people realize what conditions they are accepting

Source :

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Graphic : View

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Any Questions ?

Dont ask questions : ACT !

AfterAll : Note to the fuckin Buggy DeamonFrom the OLD World

You are yesterday WE ARE TOMORROW

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

Arnaud Velten / @BIZCOM

Digital Seraphin & Punk Consultant

.:. Speak- Do+ .:.

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