application letters technical communication skills application letters presented by: saad fattachi...

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Technical Communication Skills

Application LettersApplication Letters

Presented by:

Saad FattachiRajaa Hammi

Macoumba Ndiaye Oum Keltoum Nejmi

Spring 2009


• Introduction• Strategies for Application Letters

– Organizational Strategies– Strategies for the Introduction– Content Strategies

• Plan an Application Letter• Design and Format• Conclusion Workshop “Find the 11



• What is an application letter?

• Why does it help in professional context?

Strategies for Application Letters

• Organizational Strategies.

• Strategies for the Introduction.

• Content Strategies.

Organizational Strategies

• Education-experience approachBeginning of the careerBetter begin with education section

then work experience

• Functional approachExperienced applicantsSections according to area of

qualifications to match job requirements

Strategies for the Introduction

• Indicate the purpose of the letter.

• Identify the job you are applying for.

• Draw the reader in and make them read further.

Content Strategies

• Address readers’ needs rather than your own

• Provide specifics, details, and examples

• Avoid self-congratulatory statements • Sound interested • Avoid negatives

Steps to Plan an Application Letter

On large scale, you want this letter to have a youthful, energetic, perky good-natured feel to it- just like you in person. You want your potential employer to get the sense that you’d be fun to work with, a dependable and reliable worker, a flexible and adaptable person, and quick learner.

Steps to Plan an Application Letter (con’t)

1. Analyze the job announcement

2. Find out what you can about the company

3. Make a list of your strongest qualifications

4. Plan a strategy for the main paragraphs of your


Two choices of organizations and content for the

application letter type:

A: Education- experience approach

B: Functional approach

Steps to Plan an Application Letter (con’t)

5.Select the details for each of the main sections

• Names• Dates• Product names• Dollar amounts • Other additional information

Steps to Plan an Application Letter (con’t)

6. Plan the introduction to the application letter

7. Plan the conclusion to this application letter

8. Plan the delivery mode

Steps to Plan an Application Letter (con’t)

Design and Format

• Margin adjustements• Standard/Formal font and type size

(depending on the field you apply for)

• Block format• Left-aligned• Letterhead• It’s all about style !

Design and Format (con’t)

• Access the ‘Black and Asian Grad’ website (link in your n-stud mailboxes)


• Find the 11 mistakes of the provided bad application letter sample

• Time allowed: 15 minutes

Good Luck !

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