apparel industry management i mr. mckinney by winnie chan casara lagree anne mack

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Apparel Industry Management IMr. McKinney

By Winnie Chan

Casara LaGreeAnne Mack

• Company Overview

• Siemens PLM Fact Sheet

• Teamcenter PLM

• NX for Design

• Target Market

• Current AFA customers

• New Product Recommendations

• What’s the ROI?

• Good Points!

• Improvements…


Company Overview

• Founded in 1997

• HQ in Plano, TX (5800 Granite Pkwy, Ste 600)

• 71,000 customers worldwide in 80 countries

• 7 MM licensed seats

• FY2011 Revenue of $837.2MM

Siemens PLM Fact Sheet

• Top Competitors:

Teamcenter PLMTeamcenter Key Features:

• Platform for collaborative PLM

• Integrated specification development

• Collaborative line planning and calendar management

• Global sourcing and collaboration enables communication among all involve.

NX for Design

NX Key Features:

• Advanced solutions for product design process

• Multi-discipline test simulation

• Complete part manufacturing during production

• Integration with Teamcenter

• Manufacturing companies, particularly those in the automotive, aerospace, machinery and high tech markets.

• Solutions for small, medium and large companies.

• The top 20 auto suppliers ALL use Siemens PLM Software's CAD/CAM/CAE solutions.

• 68% of the Global 500 use Siemens PLM Software technology.

• 50% of the Fortune 100 companies uses Siemens PLM Software.

• Over 50% of Industry Week’s list of 1,000 manufacturing companies use Siemens PLM Software.

• Almost 80% of the companies in the Automotive, Aerospace, Machinery and High Tech markets use Siemens PLM Software.

Target Market

Footwear / Apparel

• Black Diamond Equipment Ltd.


Current AFA Customers

Design• Marimekko

Accessories• Button International• Risi• Samsonite

• Software solution to evaluate garment fit using a 3D virtual model to evaluate fit.

• Integration with business and consumer analytics into the design and PLM component for future design reference.

• Provide organization of all forms of marketing media used (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) so updates are automatically synched and readily available for future strategic development.

New Product Recommendations

• Manage data bettero Central location of all data.o Easily accessible by all.

• Make better decisionso Visibility into calendars and planso Collaboration and monitoring of performance

• Enable more effective sourcing processes.o Tracks new product & supplier development.

What’s the ROI?

• Basic overview on PLM and industry specific introductions.

• The retail-specific summary video.

• Wealth of webinars, conferences and seminars, searchable by product, event type and/or time of the year.

Good Points!

Improvements…• Not a captivating website at first glance.

• Retail-specific video was hidden and not as helpful in understanding the specifics of Siemen's PLM portfolio.

• Website navigation is not intuitive.

• Addition of search engine / filtering capability to look for AFA customers among their myriad customers


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