apis enabling iot

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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APIs enabling IoTHarish Vadada~ harish.vadada@ieee.org

“If wireless sensors and big data cloud are the brains, APIs are the


Authentication & API Calls

3rd party Apps

New Normal <Technology Stack>

HBR Article: https://goo.gl/15X0M4

APIs - two-sided markets & MVP*

*MVP - Minimum Viable Platform

BHAG - Connectivity to everything via APIs

IoT <> API Platform Play

Embedded APIs

• Embedded APIs inside the chip (SoC)• Information and plentiful data crunching capabilities on the other • APIs turn limited little things into powerful portals of possibilities

APIs to/from Devices

• API calls to and from the device• They interact with people and their homes (Nest API)

• They learn from our users, communicate with local energy providers and work seamlessly with the complicated HVAC systems people have in their homes.

Device as an API

• Device as an API, where device has full API management capabilties• Device API allows developers to create Web applications that interact

with device hardware• Device uses an authorization server to authorize access

Types of APIs

Most often-used types of web service APIs:

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): SOAP is a protocol that defines the communication method, and the structure of the messages. The data transfer format is XML. A SOAP service publishes a definition of its interface in a machine-readable document, using WSDL – Web Services Definition Language.

XML-RPC: XML-RPC is an older protocol than SOAP. It uses a specific XML format for data transfer, whereas SOAP allows a proprietary XML format. An XML-RPC call tends to be much simpler, and to use less bandwidth, than a SOAP call. (SOAP is known to be “verbose”.) SOAP and XML-RPC have different levels of support in various libraries. There’s good information in this Stack Overflow thread.

JSON-RPC: JSON-RPC is similar to XML-RPC, but uses JSON instead of XML for data transfer.

REST: REST (Representational state transfer) is not a protocol, but rather a set of architectural principles. The thing that differentiates a REST service from other web services is its architecture. Some of the characteristics required of a REST service include simplicity of interfaces, identification of resources within the request, and the ability to manipulate the resources via the interface.

IOT & API platforms

IoT Platforms ..

For 49 of these - https://blog.profitbricks.com/top-49-tools-internet-of-things/

Solutions for developers to build and deploy powerful IoT applications, tools for device manufacturers to quickly add new connected services to products — including legacy M2M products — and technologies for everyday users

Standardization efforts in IoT/M2M space


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