apg review session #1 good evening, troops!. weaknesses of the articles of confederation inability...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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APG APG Review Session Review Session


Good Evening, Good Evening, Troops!Troops!

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

•Inability to Tax

•Inability to Regulate Commerce

•1 Branch: Unicameral Legislature

•Equal Representation

•9 of 13- Law

•13 of 13- Amend

Road to Philadelphia

•Mount Vernon (1785)

•Annapolis Convention (1786)

•Philadelphia “Constitutional” Convention

Constitutional Compromises

•Great Compromise

•Three-fifths Compromise

•Commerce Compromises

•Executive Compromises

•Slavery Compromises

Federalsit #10 Publius, Madison

•Extended Republic Argument

•Factions will occur

•Ambition Check Ambition

•Public Weal

•Representative Government

Federalsit #51 Publius, Madison

•Men are not angels (nor gals)

•Those governing are not angels

•Separation of Powers


Checks and


The Amendment Process


•2/3 Vote

•Both House and Senate

•Conventional called at request of 2/3 of the States


•3/4 Vote

•State Legislatures

•Specially called Conventions in each State

Framers Distrust of Public Opinion

•Representative Democracy

•Electoral College

•Extended Republic

•Separation of Powers


•Amendment Process

National and State Powers

•Delegated, Enumerated, Expressed

•Implied (Elastic Powers)

•Reserved Powers (Amendment X)

•Denied Powers

•Concurrent Powers

Federalsim•Dual federalism

•Delegated Powers

•Limited Government

•Amendment X

•Cooperative Federalism

•Artcile 1, Section 8, Clause 18

Grant in Aid/ Conditions of Aid


•Formula (entitlement)

•Project (competitive)

•Block Grants

•Revenue Sharing (ended in 1986)

Devolution Revolution

•Nixon- New Federalism= Block Grants

•Reagan- New Federalism (also)

•Rehnquist Court= Lopez Case (1995)

•AFDC TANF (1996)

Unfunded Mandates

•State/local government must comply with federal rules.

•Clean Air and Clean Water Standards

•Americans with Disabilities Act (1991)


•No Child Left Behind Act

•National government overriding state/ local actions

•Class Size, accountability testing

•10th Amendment/ Reserved Powers?

Direct Democracy in the U.S.




•17th Amendment

•New England Town meeting

Majoritarian Democracy

•Does what a MAJORITY of the folks want




Elitist Theories on Democracy

•Negative Views

•Karl Mark- Bourgeoisie

•C. Wright Mills- The Power Elite

•Max Weber- Bureaucracy

Pluralist Democracy

•Madison’s Public Weal Argument

•Many Publics

•Extended Republic

•Hyper Pluralism and Gridlock

Political Ideology





Political Ideology: Conservatives

•Individual Responsibility

•“Rugged Individualism”

•Lassiez Faire (Business)

•Market Driven Economy

•Regulation of Community Standards

Political Ideology: Liberals

•Government remedy of social injustices

•Government regulation of economy

•Affirmative Action

•Separation of Church and state

Political Socialization


•Schooling and Information



Cleavage in Opinion and Voting in the U.S.






* Socioeconomic Status (SES)

Reapportionment and the Decennial Census

•Size of House (435)

•# of rep’s each state

•# of People per District

•Shape of District

Controlling the White House (1968 – Present)












Democratic Party Has Lost Voters




Direct Democracy in the U.S.




•17th Amendment

•New England Town meeting

Linkage Institutions

Policy Making Institutions

The Media•Gatekeeper





•BOMFOG (Rockefeller)


•Trial Balloon

•Spin Doctor

•Raise and Frame Issues

•Press Conferences

•Bully Pulpit

Political Participation

•U.S.- voter turnout lower, participation in other ways higher (compared to European nations)

•Conventional vs. Unconventional

•Direct Action

•Supporting vs. Influencing Behavior

Interest Group Tactics

•Direct Lobbying


•Donating $ (PAC)




•Rallying support

•Class Action

•Amicus Briefs


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