apcs winter project presentation

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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  • 1.
    • Shooting Boids
    • APCS Winter Project


  • Starts with Boids
  • Boids has a group of "birds" that creates a flock. The movement of the flock is quick and fluid, something fun to shoot at.


  • Added Rocket from Asteroids
  • Both Boids and Asteroids has a Vector class. Used for direction. (NOT World or Actor) At first, I was going to integrate the Vector class so that it would service both Boids and Rocket, but I realize that the Asteroids in Asteroids use the Vector for movement. No need. I cheated, wanted a vertical Rocket, made it rotate 90 degrees upon initialization instead of rewriting code. Had to copy Asteroid images and sounds over to my project.

4. 5.

  • More from Asteroids
  • Realized that I wanted to hit the Boids. Which means I had to make them act like Asteroids. Asteroids creates two smaller Asteroids upon hit until a certain size, then dies. Boid die upon hit.


  • Added from Breakout
  • Rotating the Rocket was weird, wanted left and right on bottom of screen. So I used the code from Breakout for their Paddle. I changed the Rocket reaction from "left" and "right" from rotation to movement instead.


  • Added from LunarLander
  • Hitting the Boids were fun, but and explosion would be funner! So I took the explosion object from LunarLandder. I needed the explosion to kickoff when the Boid got hit. Just like how the sound file for explosion got set off, I wanted the visual as well. Wanted smaller explosion, revised the number of images to 4 instead of 8. This was an array of pictures the program goes through. It exploded everything. Chain reaction, needed to shrink size of explosion and not explodeOthers()


  • I complied a lot.
  • I compile every time I made a small change. Otherwise, I would not be able to resolve larger issues later on. There were many small changes that had to be done for each part of the integration. Change variable names, change input parameters, and knowing what pieces can be integrated. like hit(int damage) was changed to hit() and the body that dealt with reducing the size of the Asteroid was commented but kept the explode().

9. Labels BulletDisplay modeled after Explosion It's created in the world and updated every time a bullet is fired. 10. End Game Box Different text for winner or loser.Score is based on an accuracy ratio and how many birds are left. 11. Scoring Algorithm Tried to make the game competitive by implementing a scoring factor. I had trouble figuring out a good equation.For now, it's 5 points per panda kill and a plus for accuracy bonus (ratio of bullets to pandas killed). 12.

  • Graphics
  • Last but not least. Change graphics. Graphics don't mean much unless the program works. This is the easy part. Used Inkscape. Free vector creation software.

13. Backgrounds 14. Don't want to kill birds 15. Other Graphics 16. Music Used the sounds that came with the programs for collision and movement. got bored and recorded my own eventually. I put in music for the game, 2 different songs. 17.

  • Shooting Boids
  • APCS Winter Project

18. Made a Button Created an executable button for the game and customized the icon. 19. Voila!

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