ant or termite? learning whether you have ants or termites is key to protecting your home

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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DESCRIPTION – You probably know that ants and termites look similar, but why should you really care which one is invading your house? You need to get rid of either one, right? Both ants and termites can and will cause lots of damage to your home, but termites, just don’t quit until there is nothing left. If you think you have ants or termites in your home, contact a professional pest control company like Ransford Environmental Solutions Inc.


Ant Or Termite? Learning Whether You Have Ants or Termites is Key to Protecting Your Home

A Dangerous Difference

Wondering why you should care about the difference between ants and termites? They can both cause serious problems in your home, but termites just don’t quit.

They’ll keep eating away until you do something about it or your home collapses in on itself, so figuring out which you’re dealing with is an absolute must.


Ants usually have a thin, pinched waist. They have long, angled antennae, and their back wings are typically smaller than the front. They can swarm at any time of the year.


Termites tend to have straight bodies with thick waists. They appear to have one long body segment, and small, straight antenna. Both sets of wings are exactly the same size, and they typically only swarm in the spring.

Symptoms To Watch For

If you do have termite problems, there are several things you may notice right away. You may notice groups of swarmers in your home.

You may also notice distorted paint inside your home. It’s also possible you’ll notice mud tubes on exterior walls.

If you notice any of these problems, you should contact a pest control professional immediately.

What You Can Do Now

There are a number of things you can do to prevent termites. You can start by keeping your lawn well mowed and eliminating as much yard waste as possible. Be sure you stack firewood well away from your home, and repair any leaks immediately.

The Next Step

If you do think you’re infested, the single best thing you can do is call your local pest control company for help. Whether ants or termites, they’re tough to get rid of on your own!

Making the Right Choice

Ransford Environmental Solutions Inc. has been the name to know in pest control since 1896. Specializing in termite problems just like yours, they’re the only solution. Call us today for a free estimate.

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