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E n g l i s h E d u c a t i o n , O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8


Call for Nominations: James N. Britton Award

English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE), formerly the Conference on English Education, is now accepting nominations for the James N. Britton Award for inquiry within the English language arts. This award, presented in odd-numbered years, recognizes exemplary studies published in any format/modality during a given two-year period. The purpose of the award is to encourage English language arts teacher development by promoting classroom-based research and reflective inquiry in which teachers at any educational level raise questions about teaching and learning in their own teaching/learning settings. The nominated work should (1) represent classroom-based research conducted by an English language arts teacher at any level—preschool through university; (2) be focused on a systemic study of any aspect of the inquirer’s own teaching, including collaborative research with other practi-tioners; (3) be published during the two-year time period under consideration in any format/modality, including books, articles, and digital illustrations of model practices in the field. Nominations may be made by any language arts educator or by self-nomination. Nominations for studies published between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2018, must be received no later than May 1, 2019. Send nominations and materials to ELATE Britton Award at, Attn: ELATE Liaison. Winners will be notified in July 2019 and announced at the 2019 NCTE Annual Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Copyright © 2018 by the National Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved.


E n g l i s h E d u c a t i o n , V 5 1 N 1 , O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8

Call for Nominations: The ELATE Janet Emig Award

The Executive Committee of English Language Arts Teacher Educators, for-merly the Conference on English Education, invites colleagues to nominate articles published in the ELATE journal, English Education, for the Janet Emig Award for exemplary scholarship. The award is given in honor of Janet Emig, professor emeritus of English education at Rutgers University, for her contribution to the field of English education. Although all articles published during the previous calendar year (January through December) will be considered, readers are encouraged to draw to the attention of the awards committee articles that they feel exemplify excellence in scholarship and provide educational leadership.

Letters of nomination may be made by any language arts educator or by self-nomination. Nominations for articles published between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018, must be received no later than January

31, 2019. Send nominations to ELATE Emig Award at, Attn: ELATE Liaison. Winners will be notified in July 2019 and announced at the 2019 NCTE Annual Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.

Call for Nominations: James Moffett Award

NCTE’s English Language Arts Teacher Educators, formerly the Confer-ence on English Education, offers this award to support teacher research projects that further the spirit and scholarship of James Moffett. Moffett, a great champion of the voices of K–12 teachers, focused on such ideas as the necessity of student-centered curricula, writing across the curriculum, alternatives to standardized testing, and spiritual growth in education and life. This award is offered in conjunction with the National Writing Project. Applications for the Moffett Award should be in the form of a proposal for a project that one or more K–12 classroom teachers wish to pursue. The proposal must include

• A cover page with the applicant’s name, work and home telephone numbers and addresses, email address, a brief profile of the appli-cant’s current school and students, and a brief teaching history.

• A proposal (not more than 5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font) that includes an introduction and rationale for the work (What is the problem or question to be studied? How might such a project influence the project teacher’s practice and potentially the practice of other teachers? Why is such a project important?); a description of the connection to the spirit and scholarship of James Moffett; initial objectives for the study (realizing these might shift during the

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A n n o u n c e m e n t s

project); a clear, focused project description that includes a timeline (What will be done? When? How? By whom?); a method of evaluat-ing the project; and a narrative budget.

• A letter of support from someone familiar with the applicant’s teaching and perceived ability to implement and assess the proposed project.

Moffett Award winners receive a certificate designating the individual as the 2019 recipient of the ELATE Moffett Award and a monetary award (up to $1,000) to be used toward implementation of the proposed project. Submit proposals to ELATE Moffett Award, at, Attn: ELATE Liaison. Proposals must be received by September 19, 2019. Propos-als will be judged on such criteria as the strength of the connection to James Moffett’s scholarship and the perceived value and feasibility of the project.

Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholarship for Public School Teachers

English/language arts teachers working in public educational institutions are eligible to apply for an Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholar-ship. This $500 award supports postgraduate training to enhance teaching skills and/or career development in teaching. To qualify, the recipient’s degree or nondegree course must be provided by an accredited, degree-granting public or private two-year junior or community college, four-year college or university, or graduate or professional school. Recipients must be NCTE members at the time of award. The application deadline is Janu-

ary 31, 2019. For more information, see

Promising Researcher Award Winners

The recipient of the 2018 NCTE Promising Researcher Award in Recognition of Bernard O’Donnell is Cati de los Ríos, University of California, Davis. Dr. de los Ríos is an assistant professor at University of California, Davis’s School of Education. She received her PhD in English education from Teachers Col-lege, Columbia University, in 2017 and is a former school teacher in California and Massachusetts. Cati’s research spans a number of phenomena, includ-ing Chicanx and Latinx adolescents’ critical and close readings of corridos, multimodal and translingual literacies, youth community engagement, and the civic literacy practices extant in secondary ethnic studies classrooms. Cati is a Ford Foundation Fellow and part of the 2014–2016 cohort of NCTE’s Cultivating New Voices Among Scholars of Color program. Her dissertation on

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E n g l i s h E d u c a t i o n , V 5 1 N 1 , O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8

the Common Core State Standards–aligned literacy activities in a secondary ethnic studies course in California recently won two 2018 AERA Outstanding Dissertation Awards. Her latest scholarship can be found in Reading Research Quarterly, Research in the Teaching of English, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, and English Education.

The Promising Researcher Award is sponsored by the NCTE Standing Committee on Research. Submitted manuscripts are evaluated based on their statements of research problems, reviews of relevant literature, methodol-ogy and data analysis, grounding of evidence, significance of results, and clarity and style. For more information on the NCTE Promising Researcher Award, go to

Cultivating New Voices among Scholars of Color Program, 2018–2020

The NCTE Research Foundation’s Cultivating New Voices among Scholars of Color (CNV) program is designed to provide two years of support, mentoring, and networking opportunities for early career scholars of color. The program aims to work with doctoral candidates and early career postsecondary faculty of color to cultivate the ability to draw from their own cultural and linguistic perspectives as they conceptualize, plan, conduct, write, and disseminate findings from their research. The program provides socialization into the research community and interaction with established scholars whose own work can be enriched by their engagement with new ideas and perspectives. The 2018–2020 CNV program participants are listed below:

Sara P. Alvarez, Queens College (CUNY), NYLucía Cárdenas Curiel, Michigan State University, East LansingWintre Foxworth Johnson, University of Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaJustin Grinage, University of Minnesota, MinneapolisDavena Jackson, Michigan State University, East LansingLydiah Kananu Kiramba, University of Nebraska, LincolnSaba Khan Vlach, University of Texas at AustinKira LeeKeenan, University of Texas at AustinMaría Leija, University of Texas Rio Grande ValleyTeaira Catherine Lee McMurtry, Milwaukee Public Schools, WIJoaquin Muñoz, Augsburg University, Minneapolis, MNArturo Nevárez, University of California, RiversideTiffany Nyachae, Buffalo State University (SUNY), NYAh-Young Song, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY

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English EducationOctober 2015 I Volume 47 I Number 1


Perspicax saburre circumgrediet rures, etiam vix gulo

Aegre bellus agricolae divinus iocari satis pretosius saburre. Augustus

senesceret suis, iam fiducias adquireret zothecas. Optimus adfabilis quadru-

pei vix neglegenter miscere Octavius, ut bellus cathedras fermentet fiducias,

quod fragilis agricolae miscere apparatus bellis. Catelli vocificat bellus fidu-

cias, semper cathedras miscere adfabilis concubine, utcunque saburre

comiter vocificat cathedras. Bellus agricolae iocari aegre adlaudabilis suis.

Perspicax saburre circumgrediet rures, etiam vix gulosus suis amputat

ossifragi. Aegre adlaudabilis matrimonii miscere zothecas, quamquam bellus

umbraculi adquireret Medusa.Utilitas ossifragi deciperet fragilis umbraculi,

ut oquod fragilis agricolae miscere apparatus bellis. Catelli vocificat bellus

fiducias, semper cathedras miscere adfabilis concubine, utcunque saburre

comiter vocificat cathedras. Bellus agricolae iocari aegre adlaudabilis suis.

A egre bellus agricolae divinus iocari satis pretosius saburre. Augustus

senesceret suis, iam fiducias adquireret zothecas. Optimus adfabilis quadru-

pei vix neglegenter miscere Octavius, ut bellus cathedras fermentet fidu

Conference on English Education National Council of Teachers of English

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Don’t Miss the ELATE Luncheon on Friday, November 16, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., at the NCTE Annual Convention in Houston, Texas!

The speaker will be David Levithan, author of many ac-claimed and bestselling YA novels, including Every Day and its new sequel Someday, Another Day, Boy Meets Boy, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (with Rachel Cohn), Two Boys Kissing, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (with John Green). His newest novel written with Rachel Cohn, Sam and Ilsa’s Last Hurrah, will be published in April. By day, David is an editor and pub-lisher of other people’s children’s and YA novels. By night, he sleeps in New Jersey.Ph



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