annotated directors notebook

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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Part of my final year portfolio; Annotated Notebook


Based on the trial and error of the rehearsals I made a few notes on what I wanted to too happen on set as the actors played out the shot.For example where it says: Ridley sits down before he says “In Life”Beneath that I then have the notes I took on the day.The first point “Jeffrey wanders towards Ridley looking him closely in the eye” is what is written in the

For this scene the notes detailed are the ones that occurred on set. I outlined how I wanted to shoot certain lines that I felt held great emphasis.At the bottom:[MSx2/EST/CUX2]CU of J leaning on bedThat is me keeping count of what is left to film of the scene so that I could update the cast and crew to

Just like Scene 7 above all notes were made on set.In the same format of alterations from the shot-list and notes to myself of extra shots to include, i.e.: Cut to close up of J picking up bottleAs originally Jeffrey was supposed

To refrain from getting out and putting away the track and dolly, we decided to leave all the tracking shots to the end.During a break I made a list of all the tracking shots we needed to do within each scene (based on the shot-list) so that we could stay

Notes of how the scene should be carried based on what I have decided on set as the actors run through the scene before we hit record.

At the bottom of the page is me noting the additional shots that I did.

This, Like in the Hotel is because I hadn’t seen the location prior to

The location we discovered we filmed this shot was a lot narrower than anticipated and so I had to improvise by getting in a few extra shots than the original One Shot.I sometimes write in visuals as I can’t get the words out. Once I have drawn what I can see in my head it then makes it easier for me

This is more of the same layout as my other pages, deciding on how to action shots based on run throughs.

Due to the layout for the theatre interior, all scenes not on stage had to be “winged” this is my quick list of the shots I needed for

Left: Again this is me making notes of shots to add/adjust that weren’t on the shot-list or script Right: As time was fast spent I took a moment to write what was left to do and number them by their importance, so I knew which

Left: All notes made on the day, changes needing to be made and things for me to remember.Right: In brackets I jotted down the props that we would need. On the day I have the time that Josh needed to leave and then more

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