anger management in marital relationships

Post on 15-May-2015






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It doesn’t matter how clever, diplomatic or pleasant looking you are. The anger in you can desecrate, ravish and expose the hollowness and inadequacies in your personality. -Ivan Ukiwah When you allow yourself to be plagued by ANGER, you will not only give the devil an opportunity to enter your marriage and take residence, your marriage will also be chauffer driven by the devil. His services may be free, but enjoy the bumpy chaotic ride. - Ivan Ukiwah




RELATIONSHIPSChristianupdate International

Anger is an emotional state that may range from minor irritation to intense rage.

Christianupdate International

You can be slave to Anger


Anger can turn you into a human volcano?

Christianupdate International

Act responsibly, take control and learn to be the master

over yourself. Beware of that unseen and uninvited adversary (the devil).

Be HONEST with yourself if you are vulnerable. SEEK Help.

Christianupdate International

It doesn’t matter how clever, diplomatic or pleasant looking you are. The anger in you can desecrate, ravish and expose the hollowness and inadequacies in your personality.

-Ivan Ukiwah

Christianupdate International

When you allow yourself to be plagued by ANGER, you will not only give the devil an

opportunity to enter your marriage and take residence, your marriage will also be chauffer driven by the devil. His services may be free,

but enjoy the bumpy chaotic ride.- Ivan Ukiwah

Christianupdate International

Anger can be disgraceful if NOT checked

Christianupdate International

Anger at the core of any marriage if not dealt with immediately – is probably worse than any known volcano in human history. Anger if left uncontrolled is a dreadful plague - Ivan Ukiwah

Christianupdate International

 6 “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? 7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

Christianupdate International

When you allow anger to sit on you, because you failed to sit on it and be its master, the consequences

can be deeply and dreadfully devastating.

Christianupdate International

Are you wounded by something your partner said to you in anger?

Have you any volcanic scars?

Christianupdate International

Do you tear people apart when you are angry?

Christianupdate International

6 “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? 7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

When you are angry act swiftly to control the chain of events that follows.

It doesn’t matter whether your principles are violated or not, once you have launched yourself

into anger look for an emergency exit for your partner and yourself. Ensure you leave no scars

behind. -Ivan Ukiwah

Christianupdate International

Anger is an emotional state that may range from minor irritation

to intense rage.

How minor or intense is your anger?Do you tear people apart when you are angry?

Do you say things that deeply hurt people?Are you worried about the scars you might leave

on your marriage because of your anger?

Christianupdate International

Deal with the anger in you NOW!!!!!

Before it deals with you.Be angry and SIN not –leave no scars behind, clear the rubbish (bitterness, self destructive thoughts, adulterous inclinations), bin them

and start afresh. The LORD is your strength

Christianupdate International

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