anchoring script

Post on 11-Apr-2016






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Anchoring Script


[A] With your permission owing dignity to the protocol let’s make humble beginning.

[B] Quotations/Illustration (solutions)

Two roads divert in a wood

I have chosen one

Let’s travel by

That’s make all the difference

Ladies and gentleman challenges become opportunity when we take them as privilege.


[C] For the ground of safety precaution lets know the exit and entry of the building.

We are at third flour with seven doors and two elevators. Ensuring your comfort you can avail rest room at my right/left

I would like to request to keep your mobile on silent mode for smooth functioning of meet today.

(1) Lighting of the lamp

Light fade away darkness. Light symbolize knowledge and wisdom free will. To solemnize the special invitation I would like to entreat……………. To illuminate this lamp lighting.

(2) Bouquets presentation:-

Home away home is perception to welcome some special we don’t possess adequate hospitality to bestow our love. But we have a set of aesthetic flowers with that adorability may I request to greet our guest with a bouquets.

(3) Welcome song:-

Music is universal language spoken out of heart, which needs only emotion sentiment and strong feeling to understand. Here at your service a welcome song put your hands together for the chorus.

(4) Dance item:-

It’s natural to feel about the rhythm of music. This music emerges from the depth of truth it becomes celebration. It’s time to tap your feet with the musical beat. At your service we have got a fantastic dance item.

Help me welcome………………….onto the stage.

(5)Talk/ Speech

Words can move the mountain. There is synergic power in every sense of the word. Words motivate people to take action and make difference in life. We have now an opportunity to fuel our thoughts.

May I request ……….. to bless us with your ideas and inspire our zeal.

(6)Felicitation: -

An award motivates us to do better next time. Winning doesn’t count much but a fair play matters. Today we have got talent to motivate with awards and certificates.

Over to…………………. To follow the function.

(7)Vote of thanks:-

The metaphor of success can be compared with an ocean. Water body joins the streams, rivers, books than merge. They into ocean tributaries join the ocean great ocean. This contribution of such as range with a………………….b………………..c…………………..d………….

Help me to convey sincere gratitude to make grand success.

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