an independent guide to modern bathrooms · an independent guide to modern bathrooms with real-life...

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An independent guide tomodern bathroomsWith real-life case studies and intro byJackie Daly, Editor of KBB magazine


Geberit has been a pioneer inthe business of designing andmanufacturing concealedmounting frames for wall-hungsanitaryware for over four decades.

Today, we are market leaders inthe field and can justly claim to bethe strength behind modernbathroom design.

The Duofix range continues tobe refined and developed to thepoint that it can now be installedso quickly and easily that itmakes the design and hygienebenefits of wall-hung accessibleto many who may havepreviously considered it tooexotic or costly.

This brochure sets out to showjust how achievable a modernwall-hung bathroom can be.

Russell WrightRetail Sales ManagerGeberit Sales Ltd

Introduction from Russell Wright,Retail Sales Manager, Geberit Sales Ltd Page 1

Modern bathrooms today – an update from Jackie Daly, Editor of KBB magazine Page 2-5

The strength behind modern bathroomdesign – how Geberit Duofix works Page 6-7

Case study 1Charlie & Olivier Deslandesof Milton Keynes Page 8-9

Case study 2Miriam Hillerof Hackney, London Page 10-11

Case study 3Jayne & Dennis Swainof Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham Page 12-13

Case study 4Elaine & Andrew Woodof Coalville, Leicester Page 14-15

Case study 5Lynn & Richard Oliverof Ashford, Kent Page 16-17

How to choose the right Duofix frame Page 18-19

A flush plate to suit everydesign scheme – plus, design your ownflush plate with the new Sigma50 Page 20-23



During my time as a magazineeditor, I have seen the bathroomevolve from an often cold,clinical space where we quicklytook care of our daily ablutions,to a modern, welcoming retreat– a sanctuary, where we canrelax, unwind and rejuvenate.

It all began with the influence ofContinental design – stylishcreations from Europeandestinations that not only gaveus new ideas for bathing andpampering but also allowed for acleaner, sleeker look that createda feeling of restful spaciousnessas well as offering chic, practicalsolutions for the UK’s typicallysmall bathrooms.

Without a doubt, the single mostimportant idea brought to usfrom the Continent was theconcept of wall-hung sanitary-ware. At last, here was anoption that turned the often

cumbersome and sometimesugly WC and basin into stylishsolutions. Gone was theunsightly and dust-trappingpipework and no longer wouldwe have to get down on bendedknee to scrub pedestals. Sopopular is this trend today thatwall-hung sanitaryware is offeredby virtually all manufacturersavailable at every price point.

The secret behind these fittingsis a concealed support frame,perfected by companies suchas Geberit in Switzerland, thatallows for effortless, hassle-freeinstallation. In simple terms,bathroom fittings slot on to theframes for maximum supportand strength, and can then bepanelled and decorated in thesame way as any other wall.And you don’t have to worryabout maintenance as panelsare built in for easy access.


If you’re looking to update yourbathroom, I believe there’s nobetter solution than wall-hungas it really does open up somany amazing opportunities forthe modern bathroom.

Sleek and streamlinedThe real beauty of wall-hung isthe clean, simple line it creates

within a bathroom. Wall-hungsanitaryware appears to levitateabove the floor and this createsa sleek, open feel as the eye isdrawn across the room.Importantly, as all fittings aresuspended along the profiles ofthe room, wall-hung options canbe real space-savers too.

In moderate to large rooms theyfree up floor area to make wayfor a really indulgent pamperingspace – some people are evenfurnishing the room withsumptuous seating or decadentdressing areas to create theultimate retreat.

In small spaces, wall-hungelements are even more likely tobe the favoured choice. Corneror offset fittings can easily beused to effectively make themost of every inch of availablespace – such as those deadareas within the right-angles ofa room or beneath a slopingceiling. You can even build-inrecesses and shelves within thefalse wall that conceals thesupport frames to pack in usefulextra storage space.

Ensuite-styleThe view of the bathroom as aprivate sanctuary means thatmore and more people areopting for an ensuite space in

addition to a family bathroom.And for those with money tosplash out on a me-only retreat,open-plan wetrooms are verymuch in vogue.

Ensuites, by their very nature,tend to be bijou and may lacknatural light so anything thathelps to create a bright,streamlined space is a must.Wall-hung fittings are often usedin ensuites as they take up littlefloorspace, allowing for thecreation of a more capaciousshowering area or the provisionof a freestanding bath.

Now who wouldn’t want that?

More importantly, wetrooms areall about creating free-flowingspaces where water is allowedto cascade across the floor andin this sort of environment,wall-hung fittings become theonly sensible option.

If however, you don’t thinkyou’re quite ready for the totalopen-plan experience, WCs andbasins can be easily screenedoff with a pane of glass orpartial partition wall for a littlemore privacy.

Sound solutionOne of the possible drawbacksof incorporating an ensuiteadjoining a bedroom is noise.

Modern Bathroom Design – an update from Jackie DalyEditor of Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms

Cleaning’s a doddle with modernwall-hung units.

The flush plate is the only clue to thesophisticated frame concealed in the wall.

Frames are also available to supportwashbasins and bidets.


Nobody looking forward to arestful night’s sleep wants tohear the sound of flushing aftermidnight and, likewise, thosepreparing for a luxurious soak inthe tub wouldn’t want theirtranquillity disturbed by thegoings on in the rest of thehouse. And, here’s where a wall-hung frame system offers agreat benefit. By sandwichingthe frame system between anoriginal wall and a false wall, a

recess is created that effectivelydampens sound. Companiessuch as Geberit have also gone to great lengths to meetand exceed European acousticstandards. Its cistern filling valve is designed to refill silently,despite working at pressuresfrom 0.1 to as high as 10 bar. In addition, push rods arerubber tipped to deadensound. It’s just this sort ofcareful attention to detail that

helps to create today’s tranquilbathroom retreats.

Clean and pristineLet’s talk about practicalities.Nobody enjoys cleaning thebathroom and anything thatmakes this chore a breeze is amust. Wall-hung is by far thebest easy-clean choice for thebathroom. As elements sit abovethe floor there are no awkwardfittings to negotiate as you cleanand no nasty pipework meansno nooks and crannies to trapdirt, dust and germs. And youdon’t have to worry aboutgetting to the concealed cisternand pipework for maintenance.The flush plate is easily removedto provide access to movingparts at any time, including thefilling valve and flush valve.

For enhanced carefree cleaning,look out for sanitarywaredesigns with smooth curvedprofiles and options with easy-clean coatings. This specialcoating makes water bead androll off the surface, carrying dirt,grease and soap with it. In thisway, it also inhibits the build-upof limescale.

Perfect positioningBathrooms designed with easyaccess and ergonomics in mind

are simpler and ultimately saferenvironments for everyone,particularly those with childrenand elderly family members.Ergonomic design allows for theway the body moves in a spaceand eliminates unnecessarystrain or movement. One of thebenefits of wall-hung sanitary-ware is that it is removed fromthe floor and thus eliminatesobstacles that might interruptthe flow of movement througha room.

Then there’s the added benefitof flush plates that complementwall-hung WCs. These replacethe conventional WC lever thatcan be difficult to operate fortiny or stiff fingers and areinstalled flush to the wall for aseamless and stylish look. Youcan even select different finishesand stylish designs to matchyour interior scheme and, withthe option of a dual three or six-litre flush, you can be assuredyou’re saving water – great forthe environment and your wallet!

However, one of the keyfeatures of wall-hung that Iparticularly like is the ability toposition fittings at specificheights so there’s no need forunnecessary bending whenusing the basin or loo.

Think of the benefits for anelderly or less-abled person –this will be something we’ll allneed to think about as moreand more people reach theover 50 mark.

Jackie Daly,Editor of KBB magazine

Key facts

n Wall-hung solutions arestrong, sturdy and longlasting. A frame system suchas Geberit’s can support upto 63 stone.

n Frame systems are quick andeasy to install and support allkinds of sanitaryware in anytype of space, leading to aneasy to clean hygenicenvironment.

n Maintenance is easy ascistern can be accessed viaremoveable flush plate.

n WC frames include a 6/3 litredual-flush system offering awater-saving solution.

n Panelled frame systemsdampen sound emanatingfrom the bathroom maintaininga restful ambience.

“With modern wall-hung equipment and a bit ofplanning, you can make the most of any space.”

With the Duofix corner mountingframe, you can fit sanitaryware intootherwise wasted spaces.

Wall-hung sanitaryware is availablein a wide range of styles.

Stylish flush plates complement theflowing lines of wall-hung.


The strength behind modern bathroom design

Cistern is shrouded in a polystyrenejacket to avoid condensation andfurther reduce noise.

Friction feet make adjustingframe height for mounting aseasy as possible.

Standard plumbing fittings are flexibly mounted to reduce theacoustic profile.

Built-in mounting points at standardoffsets to fit a wide range of proprietarywall-hung sanitaryware.

Each frame comes already equippedwith industry standard plumbing forhassle-free connection.

High-grade welded steel frame isthe heart of the system’s strength.

Acoustically insulated flush and fillvalves are accommodated in thiscompartment, situated behind theflush plate, which is easily removedfor maintenance access.

Adjustable wall fixing. (Frames can also be fitted using a purposemade rail system where two ormore frames are to be used.)

The Geberit Duofix frameThe assembly on the leftrepresents the results of manydecades of careful research anddevelopment and defines thestate-of-the-art in support systemsfor wall-hung bathroom fittings.

It is the hidden structure thatmakes the many benefits of wall-hung sanitaryware possible. It isavailable in eight different versionscovering every possible wall-hungbathroom application.

The frame houses the flat,insulated cistern that delivers adual flush of either 6 or 3 litresby means of acousticallydamped valves, accessible formaintenance through an easilyremoveable flush plate, whichremains the only visible part ofthe system.

It is so sophisticated that thelatest UP320 version can beinstalled without the use of tools.Duofix frames are immensely

strong and have been tested to63 stone – about the weight of asmall elephant! Enough, we feel,to amply justify our claim to be‘The strength behind modernbathroom design’.

n Designed to take a heavy load(tested to 400Kg/63St).

n Allows ample access forcleaning underneath WC andwashbasin, making a morehygenic bathroom.

n Access for servicing availableat any time via flush plate.

n Dual flush system encourageswater saving.

n Wall-hung sanitaryware doesnot take up any more space.

n Different heights available tosuit various requirements.

n Built-in cistern with hi-techvalves cuts down noise onflushing and filling.


“Only a wall-hung bathroom wouldcomplete our modern home.”

After Geberit

The Deslandes used a 0.98m frame with (in this case) service accessconcealed in a cupboard above the unit because they had chosen thediscrete HyTouch single flush palm push metal button.

Before Geberit Olivier and Charlie Deslandes

Not many people would everrealise that Charlie and Olivier’sstunningly modern house inMilton Keynes was built in the’70s. Featured in the Architects’Journal at the time, it was onlythe size and style of the avocadobathrooms that betrayed its age.

All that’s changed now, thanks toGeberit and the use of wall-hungtoilets and basins.

Geberit’s concealed frames keepthe pipework and cistern out ofsight, while allowing easy accessfor cleaning beneath the units andcreating an impression of spacein even the smallest room.

The Deslandes decided to convert the downstairs bathroomfirst, wisely spreading the costand disruption over a longer

period. However, any doubts theymay have harboured about thebenefits and strength of thesystem were soon dispelled andthey were keen to apply whatthey’d learnt to the upstairsbathroom too, up-grading to theminimalist, wetroom-style thatyou see here.

The results speak for themselves. And all this had been achievedwithout having to spend a thingon making the rooms bigger.As Olivier himself put it:

“For anything modern,I don’t see how you can dowithout wall-hung. It wouldn’tbe complete.”

We of course, would add that foranything wall-hung, you can’t dobetter than Geberit.


All the kids love their Gran’snew wall-hung bathroom.

After Geberit

Mrs Hiller’s scheme called for the 0.98m Duofix WCframe with Kappa50 flush plate gloss chrome and a0.98m Duofix washbasin frame.

Before Geberit Miriam Hiller

Mrs Hiller lives on the 8th floor ofa tower block in north London.She’s lived there for 40 years andhas no intention of ever giving upthe fabulous views of AlexandraPalace to the north and CrystalPalace in the south.

For the sake of her extendedfamily and many grand and greatgrandchildren (pictures of whomappear all over her home), shemade up her mind to upgrade herold bathroom to make it moresmall-children-friendly (and easierto keep clean and tidy).

Prompted by her sons, shedecided on wall-hung and soonrealised that wall-hung meantGeberit. Miriam liked the idea ofsaving water with the dual flushand was reassured that anymaintenance could easily be

carried out via the removableflush plate.

Her bathroom, though small anddesigned in the early 60s wasalready neat, practical andefficient, so she was pleasantlysurprised by the space themodern Geberit system seemedto create and how painless thewhole process of converting towall-hung proved to be.

From go-ahead to the day thebathroom was commissioned, thewhole process took under twoweeks and was far less disruptivethan she had ever imagined itmight be. Now the bathroom looksnoticeably bigger and is certainlymuch easier to keep presentable,even after the ravages of the familyvisits which, needless to say,continue unabated.


“Maybe we won’t have to move after all.”

After Geberit

The Swains used a 0.98m Duofix WC frame with Kappa20flush plate matt chrome and a washbasin frame.

Before Geberit Dennis and Jayne Swain

It was a skiing trip to Switzerlandthat first brought wall-hungbathrooms to Mr Swain’s attention.They were everywhere and he wasimpressed by their obvioushygiene benefits and the cleandesign they made possible.

So, when it was time to upgradetheir own bathroom, the Swainsdecided wall-hung was for them.Their two teenage sons wouldsoon be leaving home and with a possible move on the horizon, itseemed a conventional bath withshower would appeal to potentialbuyers more than the simpleshower that had served them wellwhile the kids were growing up.

The original bathroom was quitesmall and Jayne was concernedthat the accommodation of the

Geberit Duofix frames, combinedwith the space taken up by re-fitting a bath, would make it seemeven smaller. She needn’t haveworried. The results look greatand the room actually feels bigger.

She’s particularly pleased with thewater saving achieved by the splitsix and three litre dual flush andwith the soft-close toilet seat thatis a boon in a house full of men.Cleaning is a lot less trouble andshe is reassured by theknowledge that the Geberitsystem can support 63 stone.

Now Jayne is beginning to thinkthat, if the rest of the housemake-over is finished to thestandard of the bathroom, sheand Dennis may decide not toleave after all.


The Lambs were advised to use a 0.82m Duofix WC framewith a top-mounted Artline dual flush plate and sanitarywarerecommended by their plumber.

Before Geberit Elaine and Andrew Lamb

As an ex-army couple, Andrewand Elaine Lamb were very happyto finally be in their very own homeafter having to cope with whateverthey’d been assigned to on theirvarious military service postings.

On their wish list were a newkitchen and bathroom but, sinceaccess for the bathroomrenovation would be through thekitchen, the bathroom came first.Money, as ever, was tight butthey were fortunate to have aswitched-on local retailer.

He convinced them that, withGeberit wall-hung, their budgetwould stretch to the streamlined,modern bathroom they were after.

He pointed out that wall-hung tookup no more room, was incrediblystrong and created an impression

of greater space. Not only that, itwas easier to keep clean, the dualflush facility saved water and,should maintenance be called for,it was easily achieved via thequickly-removable flush plate. Bestof all, it wasn’t as expensive asthey thought.

Making the decision was easyand the installation was equallystraightforward, causing minimaldisruption.

Now the hardships of army life area distant memory and Andrew andElaine are looking forward toapplying what they’ve learnt aboutbathrooms to the transformation oftheir kitchen.

Sadly, we can’t help them there.We only do bathrooms. But we dothem very well.

“We would never have thoughtwall-hung was within our budget.”

After Geberit


“Once we’d seen our plumber’s own bathroom,we knew Geberit wall-hung was for us.”

After Geberit

Before Geberit Lynn and Richard Oliver

When Lynn and Richard Oliverthought it was time to upgradetheir bathroom, they couldn’tagree on how to go about it. Theybought all the books and didplenty of window-shopping aroundtheir local dealers but, aftermonths of indecision, Lynn took itinto her own hands and made aradical decision.

She threw away all the booksand made up her mind to let aplumber take over the whole job.

The first plumber she chose nevershowed up to quote but shestruck gold with her secondchoice and he convinced them ofthe benefits of Geberit wall-hungby inviting the couple home toshow them the improvements tohis own bathroom.

The Olivers were so impressed

with the clean, fluid looks, hygieneand water savings achievable withthe Geberit Duofix system thatthey decided to give their plumbera free hand, right down to thechoice of sanitaryware. Lynn’sonly stipulation was that it shouldbe simple, modern, easy to cleanand preferably, white.

The results fully justify her bold(she says lazy) decision. Richard,who laid the floor himself, agreesthat it was a practical way to goand that the tough Geberit framehad soon put to rest any doubtshe might have had about thestrength of wall-hung.

It seems it’s easy to make theright choices once you’ve chosenthe right plumber. And, if youchose wall-hung, you should bechoosing Geberit.

The Olivers used a 0.82m Duofix WC frame with a top-mounted Kappa20 dualflush plate and sanitaryware recommended by their plumber.


Choosing the right Duofix frame for your modern bathroom is easy.

Corner frames are 1.12mhigh and designed to make useof a traditionally difficult space,turning it into a stylish designfeature while saving valuablefloor area.

A unique blend ofstrength and flexibilityChoosing Geberit gives you theopportunity to make the most ofyour modern bathroom design,whatever its shape or size, whilebenefiting from the immensestrength and practicality of theDuofix system.

Designed to copewith heavy loads.Geberit Duofix frameshave been tested to

400Kg (or 63St). This is roughlythe weight of a small elephant.

Takes up no extra space.Sometimes, people seem tothink that concealing all theplumbing in the wall willactually take up more spacethan replacing their old,conventional toilet. This is notthe case and they are usuallypleasantly surprised to discover

that Geberit’scompact designmeans that itappears a lotless intrusive

when in place than they mighthave imagined.

Saves water.All Geberit WC framescome equipped with

dual flush systems offering achoice of 6 or 3 litre flushes.Its a simple way for you tosave money while helpingthe environment.

Easy maintenance –access available

at all times.All the moving parts in

the Geberit Duofix system, suchas the valves and their controls,are grouped convenientlybehind the easily removableflush plate so that maintenancecan be carried out quickly andwithout difficulty. The system isotherwise completely selfcontained and concealed withinthe wall. The flush plate itselfprovides the only external cluethat its fitted.

Superior hygiene. By banishing dust-collecting pipes andfittings to the

mounting frame and the spacebehind the wall, the Duofixsystem creates a modern,streamlined feel and makeseveryday cleaning a quick andhassle-free affair. You’ll soon bewondering how you evermanaged without it.

Tradionally, bathrooms in the UKhave been fitted into less thanideal spaces and, with the trendtowards family homes typicallyhaving two or more bathrooms,pressure on space is becomingever greater.

Geberit Duofix frames are idealfor maximising the impression ofspace in modern bathroomsand perfect for supporting wall-hung sanitaryware in bothnew-build and renovation work.

All unsightly pipework is hiddenaway and frames can beinstalled inside or in front of aplasterboard wall, as well as infront of a solid wall. The flushplate is the only visible part ofthe finished system.

Low height frames are either0.82m or 0.98m high anduseful where sanitarywareneeds to be fitted below awindow or where a lower shelfis desired. In these cases flushplates can be mounted eitheron the top or on the front ofthe unit.

Full height frames are 1.12mhigh and are ideal for walls withhigher shelves or no heightlimitations allowing an ultramodern, streamlined look tobe achieved.

Low height frame installation.

Full height frame installation.

Corner frame installation.

Rail-mounted sytem for WC and wash-basin, ready for sanitaryware and tiling.

Cut-away of the finished installation.

Finished bathroom with a sleek,modern appearance.


With a Geberit Duofix frame,the only part of the system ondisplay is the flush plate, sonaturally, it’s desirable to be ablemake it as compatible with thesurrounding decorative schemeas possible. Fortunately, Geberitflush plates are available in awide range of designs, coloursand finishes, enabling acomplementary match to befound for any conceivablebathroom design.

The spread opposite shows arange of designs available forboth single and dual flush plates,together with examples of thestandard finishes and colours foreach design. Other colours andfinishes are available. Pleasecheck with your retailer.

If that’s not enough choice foryou, there’s a whole new andexciting range of design opportunities awaiting you withthe introduction of our newSigma50 range. In addition tothe options shown on thespread, you can now specify aflush plate to even more closelymatch your decorative schemeby designing it yourself.

Sigma50 bespokeflush platesThis is the very first range offlush plates where you decide

on a finish that will suit yourplans for your bathroom down tothe very last detail. The basicelements of the Sigma50 designcan be changed and customisedwith wood, stone, slate, fabric,

anything you like – evenphotographic images!

Some examples are shown herebut the possibilities are just aslimitless as your own imagination.

Flush plates to suit every design scheme(With the new Sigma50, you can even design your own.)

The stylish and modern Sigma50 range of flush plates can now be supplied with ablank plate to allow you to create the design you want for a truly bespoke look.Here are a just a few examples.

Sigma10 – Black / gloss chrome / black Sigma50 – Smoked Glass ReflectiveSigma10 – Gloss chrome / mattchrome / gloss chrome

Sigma20 – White / matt chrome /matt chrome

Sigma10 – Matt chrome / glosschrome / matt chrome

Sigma50 – PergamonSigma20 – White / gold plated / white Sigma20 – Gloss chrome / mattchrome / gloss chrome

Sigma10 – White / gloss chrome / white Sigma50 – BlackSigma20 – Black / gloss chrome / black Sigma50 – White

Sigma10 – White / gold plated / white Bolero – Gloss ChromeSigma20 – Matt chrome / glosschrome / matt chrome

Sigma50 – Green Sanitised

Sigma10 – White / matt chrome /matt chrome

Bolero – Matt ChromeSigma20 – White / gloss chrome / white Sigma50 – White with Ornament X

Bolero – White Kappa50 – Matt ChromeSamba – Black Kappa20 – Matt Chrome

Bolero – Black Kappa50 – WhiteTango – Gloss Chrome Kappa20 – White

Samba – Gloss Chrome Artline – Gloss ChromeTango – Matt Chrome Kappa20 – Black

Samba – Matt Chrome Tango – White Artline – Matt ChromeKappa20 – Pergamon

Samba – White Artline – WhiteKappa20 – Gloss Chrome Kappa50 – Gloss Chrome

22 23

Geberit Sales Ltd. PO Box 67 College Road Aylesford Kent ME6 9BX

Freephone: 0800 077 8365 Fax: 01622 710 010 in Eire: +44 1622 717811 Literature: 0800 007 5133Eire literature: +44 1270 824015

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