an authentic walk 30mar2014

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Good New Community Fellowship's Sunday Sermon last March 30, 2014


1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Those who are in Christ has made a radical, transformed authentic walk that exposes a superficial, unchanged life.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

A genuine walk with God, our genuine Christian walk will preach louder to the unsaved, unchurched than anything we can ever verbally speak.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Do we have an authentic walk with Christ? There is a big difference between authentic walk and a superficial walk with Christ. The Bible teaches us that a real Christian will have a certain character traits that will differ from the non-Christian.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Walking an authentic Christian walk is not a request but a requirement.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

When Christ set up His church, He gifted the Church with leaders. This passage is directly talking to the church about their relationship to their leaders as well as to live authentic Christian life.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Three exhortations to the Church regarding their proper attitudes toward their leaders:

a) They are to respect them and appreciate them because of their work.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

b) They are to esteem, value, and respect them for their work’s sake. Hold them in highest regard because of the nature of their responsibility before God.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Not just some respect, but the highest respect is due to these leaders, and it is to come from an attitude of love for them. Why? Because they are always right? No! Because of their work! Because of their calling! Because of who called them.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

c) They are to live in peace with each other. The idea here is to maintain peace because peaceful condition existed in the Thessalonian church but they had to continue to live in peace.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Authentic Christian lives a life with a highest regard to their leaders.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

a) The idle need to be warned. Those who neglect their duties need to be stirred up to action.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

b) The timid or the fainthearted people tend to become discouraged and despondent more easily than most. They need cheering up, stimulation to press on, and extra help to live the Christian life.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

c) The weak need help. They have not yet learned to lean upon the Lord as much as they should for their spiritual needs. Until they do they need strong support from other believers.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

d) Be patient with everyone. God is not finished yet with each one of us. God is still working patiently (long suffering) with us and so we must be patient as well.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

e) Retaliation is not an option for a Christian. Even if the wrong done to him springs from evil intent, the offended one never has the right to repay wrong with wrong. One’s response should be to show kindness in such instances.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

f) It is not enough to abstain from evil; one is also to do positive good – to be kind to each other.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Authentic Christian life lives peaceably and does not seek to get even.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Check your attitude concerning the following areas:

a) Be joyful always. Authentic Christian is joyful all the time.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Be joyful – some of the time.

Be joyful – when things are going great.

Be joyful – only on payday or when we have money.

Be joyful – only on Sundays.

No! Be joyful always.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

New Testament Christianity is permeated with the spirit of holy joy, and there is no reason why 21st Christianity should not have the same joyfulness.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

2) Pray continually. Authentic Christian prays continually – both in crisis and success moments.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

It is not in the moving of our lips but in the elevation of our hearts to God which enables us to pray without ceasing and to be all our days in the spirit of prayer.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Realizing our dependence on God for all that we have and all that we are, realizing His presence with us wherever we may be, and yielding ourselves continually to Him for the doing of His will.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Where there is such an inward state, it will find outward expression in verbal prayer that it becomes so natural and so continual for us, that the frequency of such prayers becomes habit forming.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

c) Give thanks in all circumstances. Authentic Christian always finds something for which to be grateful. Even in difficulties and trials, God is teaching us valuable lessons.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Therefore, such trials are to be welcomed. Knowing God’s sovereignty and providence prompts us to give thanks under all circumstances.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Although, it is often difficult to see the brighter side of a particular trial, but it is our deep conviction that God is over all, and that His hand is in the particular trial we are undergoing.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Then, we cannot but recognize His goodness and make our act of thanksgiving in every circumstance.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

What God wants us to have is an authentic walk that will provide a genuine expression of a transformed life done in the power of the Holy Spirit.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Not a reformation but a true transformation that effect change from inside out, to be seen in our authentic Christian walk. Not superficially and in hypocrisy but a genuine life that exhibits the Christ-like life.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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