alzheimer's awareness campaign pr & word of mouth route

Post on 08-May-2015






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Campaign Ideas

By :

Dementia & Alzheimer's are issues which society needs to fight at large with a collective action. The pupil who take care of older ones have to be aware of handling or taking care of such situation.


Now, getting communities to work & be aware of this requires a very unique approach towards the messaging. So lets


We careIs the campaign created towards getting people aware that they need to take n extra effort for their loved ones who are facing dementia or Alzheimer's.all this because they care about their loved ones. All this because as a healthcare brand , we care for them as well.


Now REMAINDERS, in the form of written post it notes or sign

boards are greatly used to come along in this situation & hence we use the same to remind

users the extra effort required by them.

At select Fortis facilities or malls , we have people holding pluck cards with basic directive messaging to finally get them to the campaign messaging.

Turn right

Look Up

Press button for lift


The idea is to make post it notes wall that says " we care " , which each post it notes having more info on the campaign messaging.

All campaigns are based on ground activity which is video-graphed & given media PR to get multiple the word of mouth for the campaign messaging with the end call of action going to a micro-site with further details.

ROI-The idea is to generate word of mouth & leverage the same on social media. -Has enough PR material to attract press. - combination of on ground & web eye balls

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