alternative digital economies

Post on 29-Jun-2015



Economy & Finance



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Talk for BarCampBoston5.


  • 1. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact

2. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact The US Population 3. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact 9.5% of them want jobs and don't have them. 4. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Another ~10% are underemployed. 5. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact And a whole lot more people don't have very fulfilling or interesting jobs. 6. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Despite all this, it's still a pretty decent system. 7. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Whyis it like this? Howcan we fix it? Whatcan we build that will make it better? 8. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Whyis it like this?Some Hypotheses:

  • Too Much Regulation 9. Not Enough Regulation 10. Regulatory Capture 11. Capitalism 12. Socialism 13. American Debt Binge 14. Chinese Savings Glut 15. Inflationary Federal Reserve Policies 16. Deflationary Federal Reserve Policies 17. Traders and MBAs 18. Structured Finance Quants and Risk Managers 19. Mortgage Brokers

20. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Lots of Overlapping Reasons... Little Clarity... Much Intentional Obfuscation... 21. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Lots of Overlapping Reasons... Little Clarity... Much Intentional Obfuscation... Very little regulatory change is on the way. We're still near 10% unemployment. 22. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact How can wefixthis?

  • Agile Banking 23. OpenTransact 24. Ripple Monetary System

25. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Agile Banking

  • A community focused on rebooting money and finance. 26. Join now 27. Single purpose ventures and tools. 28. Cooperation can lower barriers to entry. 29. Rough consensus and running code.

30. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact POST/transactions/usdHTTP/1.1 Authorization: OAuth ...oauth_token="ad180jjd733klru7" , ... Content-length: 239 amount=700.00 & & memo=JanuaryRent OpenTransact

  • Simple RESTful protocol for financial transactions.
  • Built on OAuth authorize payments and analysis w/o credential transfer. 31. Support one-time and recurring payments. 32.

33. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Ripple Monetary System

  • Web of Trust for Money / Distributed Credit Card 34. Support for various units of account conventional money, credit, & commodities. 35. Users choose whose IOUs to accept. 36. Payments are sent along lowest-cost trusted paths. 37. 38. 39.

40. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact None of these have made it to the real world yet.Some reasons why:

  • High regulatory barriers to entry. 41. Severely negative network effects during launch. 42. Macroeconomic problems need microeconomic solutions.

43. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact What has made it to the real world?

  • Couchsurfing Bittorrent for couches. 44. WIR bank started printing their own money in Switzerland during the Great Depression.Trading $1.5 billion/year now. 45. Local currencies Ithaca hours, Berkshares, 46. Barter exchanges $8 billion/year in corporate barter.

47. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact Most alternative economic systems have proven useful as either Person-to-Person or B2B. The first one to give both businesses and people great microeconomic incentives to participate could rule the world and help a lot of people. 48. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact What's our role as programmers and designers in fixing the economy? How can we better coordinate our efforts to change stuff? How good would a solution need to be before you would start using it? How can people make money and still provide a moral, widely accessible system? 49. @jplewicke Building Alternative Digital Economies with Real World Impact The Goal

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