aloha, kelly shearon

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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Aloha, Kelly Shearon. (ps – you can’t see it, but she spilled water all over

her dress in this picture)

Kelly is obsessed with Instagram.

So without further ado….

Particularly on all those long flights fromDallas to Boston.....


I truly admire how well and gracefully you challenge people. You aren't afraid to say what you think and stand with confidence. You have also never failed to leave me feeling that you were the expert in whatever we were talking about, despite the fact it might have been the first time you'd grappled which such an issue or challenge - you were always in control. I will SOOO miss your spirit, attitude, dry wit and never-ending aura of coooolness.

Much love, Addie


It's hard to imagine New Profit communications without you! You have taught me so much!! I'm ever grateful for your partnership and your friendship over the years. I look forward to staying in touch :-)

XO, Jen


You are the best! I will miss your laugh, smarts, ideas, energy, and general attitude -- you have always kept us entertained, on our toes, and moving will be truly missed. May I leave you with this wish...Don't just play the game, transform it! Take that bar and throw it right out of the stadium......your legacy lives on!


While we didn't get the opportunity to work together very often, I am so grateful that we got the chance to become friends. Your honest and engaging spirit will be missed greatly -- best of luck in your exciting new endeavor and please don't forget about us here in Boston:)


You didn't raise the bar, you designed it, copy-edited it, then smashed it into little pieces and ate it. There, there is no bar. And now you're catapulting out of our stadium. It is hard to know what we'll do without the bar you set (and then ate).


Schooled by KCS: What I've Learned I attended three schools as a kid: ACS, TAS, and PCS. But it was KCS who taught me how to handle kerfuffles with aplomb.

Twisted SIFster ROCKS!

PS: If you don't know what aplomb means, get over it; I had to look up kerfuffle!

Dear Kelly,

You're probably one of the few persons I know that is too snarky for recycled Someecards goodbye. I'll miss you, but not enough to stop using NPI. Oh and Will Novy-Hildesley? Really? Just promise me when we cross paths again that your accent doesn't change to British and smug. (Sorry, smug always accompanies British accents...) Great working with you from afar.

Friends foreva-eva and eva-eva,Jam

Dear Kelly,

Kelly, I will miss your quick wit, thoughtful perspective, kind heart...and, of course, your unparalleled sass ;-) Miss you already.

Love, KP

What a powerhouse! Kelly, thank you so much for bringing your particularly spicy combination of insight, curiosity, courage, and calm to our work here. We've surely weathered our storms and come out stronger for your contributions and presence. Thanks for thinking ahead, for weaving it all together and for doing it with humor and style. Stay in touch - we'll miss you!



Wishing you all the best--and amazing heights--in the next chapter of your life. You are such an incredibly talented and thoughtful person, and I'm so glad our paths crossed on the third floor of 2CP in our old space--how else would I know anything about Uganda, or which four letter words are o.k. to use when your child is in the womb :). Stay in touch...we'll all miss you...


Kelly, You are going to rock your new job just like you rocked the last one. Regardless of the fact that the majority of our shared projects have been stressful, after-hour intensive, nightmarish ordeal type situations, not to mention that this is the second time you are leaving me while I have not forgiven you for the first, I will still miss everything about working together. :) I love the genius way you think through a problem and working together has made me better at what I do. So now we will have a friendship based around sarcastic gchats and boozin together whenever we are in the same town - I can live with that but I still miss your face, and glad you/Em have the lobstaaaah to remember me by, LC ;)

To my favorite annoyingly punctual t-riding buddy:

I will miss your laugh, astute observations delivered with sarcasm, and genuine kindness. And your skills that transformed New Profit's website into a thing of beauty and stretched communications at New Profit in a new direction. You will be missed, Mrs. Shearon!!


crammed with creative capacity consummate cheese-making championchockablock with compassion for the causecommand of complex, conjectural computerized circuitrychoice colleague, cool companion, and caring chum

all the best as you hone your craft and take on this exciting new challenge!


Twitter fiend, when you moved to Texas, New Profit's sass-o-meter hit an all-time low. It was devastating, and now that you're leaving, it's a void I'm not sure will get filled--just like the void you're leaving in my heart. Seriously, Shearon, I will miss you!

Dear Kelly,

To an honorary treat club member, constant contributor of fantastic sarcasm and sass, and relentless seeker of all that is innovative and cutting-edge - Kelly, your presence at New Profit will be greatly missed! Good luck in your new adventures. I look forward to hearing all about them via Twitter. :)

Dear Kelly,

You have been such a special presence in my life these past few years. I'm inspired by your honestly, commitment, humor, and insight. I wish you the BEST of luck in the next step in your journey and please stay in touch with those of us stuck in snowy cold Boston!!

<3 Rachel


From the day you took the lead on updating the New Profit web site Ihave admired your sharp mind, boundless enthusiasm, curiosity,creativity, thoughtfulness, judgment, and commitment. I've said itbefore . . . You are the BEST! Best wishes for your next adventure!



We were just getting started on changing the world and having fun and you up and leave for some exciting new gig! Seriously, how dare you?

Dear Kelly,

I wish I was able to get to know you better! Best of luck on this new adventure. You will do great!


Communications Dictator,

How could we possibly go on without your wisdom and uber awesome personality? Who will handle the kerfufles? Who will drop f-bombs at our meetings? Who will bully our managers on g-chat? The fate of our mojo is unknown but one thing is for sure, we will continue to cherish the special moments that we've had under your command; your humor and sass will be greatly missed; I hope we continue to benefit from them in the future! Keep in touch and good luck with this amazing next phase!


Thank you for always being a listening ear! I'm sad to see you go, but I know our paths will cross again.

All the best, Andrea


One thing that I learned very quickly in my short time at New Profit is that you are one of the most respected and valued people in this organization. Everyone is so bummed to lose you. I wish you all the best in this next phase and don't hesitate to drop us a line now and then!


Dear Kelly,

Thank you for you many valuable contributions to New Profit. I only wish we could have collaborated on more projects. I know I would have learned a lot from working with you. I wish you lots of luck in your new role.

Best wishes, Kris Mumby

Dear Kelly,

The seat next to me will forever remain empty in your honor. Your presence in the office was like no other.


Dear Kelly,

I will miss our resident anarchist greatly. Always keep in mind the wise words of America's most famous female anarchist, Emma Goldman: "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." If it's not fun, then be done.

Big hugs, Diana

Kelly, it has been inspiring to watch you bring passion, wit, and proper grammar to each of our 'kerfuffles' both big and small. Stay in touch and I wish the very best to you (and Houston and Emerson, too) in this new phase of your life!

Dear Kelly,

Kelly - although the wiki didn't get off the ground, the project gave me an up close view of how smart and creative you are, and what a great teammate! I was mostly impressed, though, that you had the foresight to marry someone named after a city in the state you chose to live in - one of your many superpowers! Wish you the best of luck - I know you'll be hugely successful in your next adventure.

Kelly, thank you for helping New Profit find its identity. You have clearly left your mark, and I am excited to see what the future has in store for you!

HAIL, O All-Powerful Communications Dictator!

So I was already extremely sad that you were leaving, but I am even more sad (elated?) that I am following closely on you heels (I accepted a temp to perm position at Novartis Pharmaceuticals this past Wednesday!). I have so many awesome things to say about/to you, but I really want to

drive home how much I loved working with you. You have been a part of a majority of the projects I've worked on since starting last November, and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you. I want to wish you the best of luck in your new role, and please stay in touch!


So sorry that we didn't get to work together more this year. We'll have to save that for the next time. Thanks for many good conversations, and you help on the Spark presentation.

Very best of luck! Lance


I'm sorry that we didn't get to work together more. I wish you nothing but the best in your next adventure!

Dear Kelly,

Without you, I’m not sure who will be here to (a) make fun of my blue shirts, (b) not laugh at my puns, (c) make snide comments about my music, (d) keep me up to date on the hipster fads.

I’m seriously going to miss you. You suck. But I wish you all the best, and can’t wait to see where this world takes you…or rather, where you take this world.


Dear Kelly,

Thank you so much for all your guidance and direction. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you. I wish you much success and many blessings in your future. Sandy


Thanks for making a lasting impact at New Profit. Your creativity, sense of humor, and leadership will be missed. Best of luck in your next exciting life chapter.

Dear Kelly,

East Boston became a little less cool when you left. Now, so will New Profit.

Dear Kelly,

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you over the past couple of months, both on a professional and personal level. although i'm obviously sad to see you leave new profit, i'm excited to have our friendship continue. you've stretched and challenged me/my thinking in so many ways -- i can't thank you enough for that. your talents, contributions, and stellar personality will sorely be missed at new profit. new profit's loss is surely quicksilver foundry's gain. i'm sure you will be a tremendous success with the new opportunity. best of luck. -t


I can't believe my efforts to steal you and make you work for the Studio never worked! I am sad you are leaving New Profit but very excited for your next big adventure. Working with you is a delight. I hope even after you leave New Profit that you'll still amuse me with random IM's, enhance my vocabulary (blerg), and send me funny stories about Emerson, homeownership, and your husband's crazy kitchen projects.

Take care,Julie


Kelly, you changed me in so many ways. You'll always be my second favorite. Always.

So long Kelly.

You’ll be missed.

Thanks for all the fish.

And much love.

-- New Profit (Visionaries welcome. Shearons required.)

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