alkaline lifestyle by dr. pravin chordia

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Alkwa is the most advanced water ionization equipment. You need to fill it with your regular drinking water. The water goes through a process of electrolysis using mild direct electric current. It separates water into 2 chambers – acid and alkaline. Alkwa produces highly powerful, rejuvenating ionic alkaline water (with magnetic effects) of pH 8.5 or above. Alkwa has surplus electrons and it acts as an anti-oxidant. It balances your body pH to 7.4. Alkwa flushes out excessive and stored acids from your body. It makes you healthier, fitter and younger. Whether you suffer from any illnesses or not, you should drink Alkwa. You will notice the differences in less than 30 days. Visit For more info.


Alkaline lifestyleTake control of your health

Holistic health care – need of the hour

Dr. Pravin Chordia M.B.B.S., M.S.

• How to live medicine free life?

• How to live qualitative life?

Health is wealth

Choice is oursUnfortunately many of us are on wrong path

Healthy life Life on medicines, life with diseases

Remember medicines don’t cure• Wrong lifestyle invites problems

• Wrong lifestyle invites diseases

• wrong lifestyle is troublemaker for this wonderful body machine

• Unless we correct this wrong lifestyle, we are fooling ourselves.


• Don’t wait till your body starts showing various out of order signs and symptoms

Hyperacidity, indigestion constipation, Bloating etc.

Gastro-intestinal system

Brain (central nervous system)Fatigue,Irritability, loss of sleepHeadaches, MigraineMemory problems, depression

Cardio-vascular system problems

Ischemic heart disease, Hypertension,Palpitations,Cardio-vascular accidents,Etc. etc.

Obesity – monster difficult to controlThis problem is creeping over all over the world.

Skin and hair problemsDermatitisEczemaPsoriasisWrinklingHair loss and premature graying

Thyroid disorders and other hormonal disorders

Hypothyroidism, HyperthyroidismDiabetesAdrenal stress

Infertility is serious problem all over world.

Impotency,Decreased sex desire,Infertility,Suboptimal sex life

Pregnancy & related issuesExcessive vomiting, Fetal growth problems,Hypothyroidism, Abortion and preterm deliveryStress induced diabetes, Chances of caesarian are moreRheumatoid arthritis, Baby’s immunity tends to be lessDental issues and gum problems

Why so many problems?Acidosis … acidosis

Our body pH is 7.4 means our body is alkaline.

We are alkaline by design but acid generating by function.

Body alkalinity is critical for living healthy & disease free life.

Despite this, one of the most widespread and insidious causes of illness that plague our society is acidosis.

• Modern lifestyle has many aberrations which are leading to ingestion and/or endogenous production of acid more than the body can effectively process and thus leading to its accumulation.

• In a continued effort to maintain alkalinity, the neutralizing alkaline reserves are depleted and various organs starts malfunctioning. In acidosis body always shows declining potassium, magnesium, calcium reserves.

An Acid pH Is the Seed-Bed of Degenerative Diseases

• Gastro-intestinal issues• Cardiovascular Diseases • All Forms of Cancer • Diabetes, Insulin resistance, Obesity • Neurological Diseases, Memory problems and Parkinson's disease • Liver & Kidney Disease • Senility, Dementia, Alzheimer's • Immune Deficiencies • Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis & Tooth Loss • Hormonal Imbalances • Premature Aging, infertility & impotency

Total healing of chronic illness only takes place when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH – pH 7.4

Reasons To Avoid Acidosis Alkaline = surplus electrons Acidic = in search of electrons


• Accelerates Free-Radical Damage and Premature AgingAcidosis accelerates Free Radical Damage of cell walls and intracellular membrane structures. Thus creating wrinkling, age spots, dysfunctional hormonal systems, interfering with eyesight, memory, and a host of other age-related phenomena.

• Damaging to cardiovascular system• Causes Weight Gain, Diabetes and Obesity

• Inhibits proper metabolic processes-

As everybody knows pH is most important parameter to decide functioning of various chemical reactions. As body function is nothing but series of chemical reactions.

• Inhibits Cellular Regeneration & DNA-RNA Synthesis For DNA-RNA synthesis and healthy cell proliferation to occur, cell pH must not be acidic and cellular environment should not be hypoxic. Therefore an acid pH increases the possibility of cellular mutations (Cancer).



• When it is health issue, in fact prevention is the best option.

How to remain alkaline?How to repair acidosis?

• Drink plenty of (3-5 litres) good quality ionized alkaline water• Consume plenty of organically grown fresh veggies, fruits• Consume nuts, seeds, sprouts, oilseeds• Prefer millets, whole grain, unpolished versions of rice/dal• Keep some timeslot for physical exercise• Meditation, positive thinking makes person alkaline

Importance of drinking good quality alkaline water

• As everybody knows water is major constituent of our body and it ranges from 80% (infant’s body) to 55% (Adult’s body). Thus drinking good quality alkaline water helps in a great way to rebalance the pH of the body towards 7.4

• Its consumption improves our pH balance. It helps our body to get rid of acidic waste products. It helps body in retaining its important alkaline minerals.

• Alkaline water has surplus electrons and it acts as an anti-oxidant. It helps our body in retaining its important alkaline minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium. It flushes out excessive and stored acids from your body – resulting relief from hyperacidity, migraine, hypothyroidism, kidney stones, gout and other metabolic problems.

It is not only you or me but all of we people, our family members, our near & dear ones are the victims of this lifestyle calamities. So it us join hands together to save ourselves, to save our mother nature.Thank you – Dr. Pravin Chordia

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