albany ladies probus club -€¦ · albany ladies probus club ... noreen campbell is...

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The Albany Ladies Probus Club held an Easter Bonnet competition at their April meeting.

Many of the


sported some

amazing hats

and the event

was enjoyed

by all.


Vol 5 Issue 2 June 2014

Albany Ladies Probus Club

Wishing the new Committees in the 2014/15 Probus year lots of success

with plenty of fun, friendship and fellowship for all Members.

Liz Davies & Kay Cunningham

President Charmaine Hickman & Gwen


Winner of the Most Amusing hat Lesley Whittle, and

Erica Wilkinson who won the Most Attractive hat

Veana Scott

As a rule AGM’s are times when people shuffle uneasily in their seat and hope not to get nomi-


But not at Mundaring Probus. After a brief formal

meeting The Gladtones, including Sid Pearce (99)

(left) and Audrey Newby a youngster of 89,

brought back vaudeville, 1950s pop songs for us all

and nostalgia for the poms, and those who would

have liked to have been poms, in the audience.

Noreen Campbell is the new president and a new

committee was formed, containing many familiar

faces and a few new ones. Thanks to Geraldine

Hart, Audrey Bottrell and Frances Millhouse who

retired after long and distinguished service on the

club committee. The meeting wound up with the traditional chicken, salad and champagne.

Mundarimg Probus Club - Gladtones make Probus AGM a day to remember

Frank Smith


Twenty eight members from mostly city Probus Clubs, representing 14 Clubs, joined the Villa

Probus South West gathering travelling to Albany and then on to Busselton.

The tour began with collection from our homes, and then travelling south through Williams and

on to Kojonup were we had an enjoyable lunch at Kodja Place. We then stepped aboard the new

Kojonup Tourist Railway. We continued on to Albany were we were welcomed by our hosts at

the Ace Motor Inn.

Day two - we were welcomed by Members of the Albany Mens Probus Club and enjoyed morn-

ing tea with them. Lunch was at our leisure in Albany, and then an interesting visit to the Albany

Museum. A Sunset cruise on the harbour was very enjoyable and we returned to the Ace Motel

for dinner with Members of other Albany Probus clubs.

Day three - off to Busselton. We stopped to visit Denmark Surf Life Saving Club which has been

operating there for over 50 years. The Club has stunning views over Ocean Beach. A very tasty

home cooked morning tea was served by some of the Members and they explained the opera-

tions of the Club. Back on the coach with a stop in Walpole to have lunch and then to Busselton

staying at the lovely Abbey Beach Resort.

Day four - The Busselton Mens Probus Club, which is shortly to become a combined club, wel-

comed us to their meeting and morning tea. We then travelled on to Cowaramup and enjoyed

the sweet treats at the Candy Cow. Lunch was at the Nookery Cafe at Woody Nook Winery and

we then visited The Grove to sample their wines and liqueurs. The evening was very special with

dinner at the Equinox Cafe overlooking stunning Geographe Bay with Members of the Vasse,

Dunsborough and Busselton Probus Clubs.

Day five - We enjoyed roaming around the Busselton Historical Museum housed in the old but-

ter factory to look at their great collection of memorabilia and then on to Bunbury to enjoy lunch

at the Rose Hotel before returning home.

This tour was made very special to us all by the wonderful Villa Coach crew, Jeff and Carey, who

certainly did everything possible to make the gathering a happy and memorable experience.

Look out for Villa's next Probus Gathering!!

Floreat Ladies Probus Club

Betty Blake


At the AGM on the 4 March Albany Probus Club welcomed

Local MLA Mr Peter Watson who joined the group as guest

speaker outlining the life of a politician. Jokes were a plenty

with fun and fellowship.

The Villa Carlotta tour ventured through Albany once again

bringing with it 28 Probians representing 14 clubs. Probians

from as far away as Kalgoorlie and Merriwa attended.

Following the AGM, visitors enjoyed sailing on the waters

surrounding Albany followed by a dinner that evening in

which 12 local Probians joined them.

Albany Probus Club

MLA Peter Watson

Villa Carlotta tour members

Graham Kirkwood


The Leeming Combined Probus Club recently had their 6th

Annual General Meeting to which they

invited a group of twelve singers from Mandurah Island Probus Club.

Known as ‘The Islanders’ this group of Probians – by their own admission – began with enthusi-

asm and very little else! However they have now developed into very professional and enter-

taining performers.

Their presentation ranged from their own Club song, to songs associated with John Denver and

The Seekers before moving into beautiful renditions of ‘The Rose’ and ‘I have a Dream.’

At the conclusion of the

meeting, they joined

Leeming Club members

for lunch at Glen Iris

Country Club, before re-

turning home.

A very enjoyable inter-

change between two

Probus Clubs.

Leeming Combined Probus Club

Barbara Mitchinson “The Islanders” pictured with the new Committee of the Leeming Club

The Probus Club of Attadale, was hardly two years old when Ken Ewing joined. He was smiling

then and he is still smiling at the age of 93,

despite a recent illness that kept him away

from club activities. It was good to see him

at the March meeting where he finally

received his 30-year membership certifi-

cate from our retiring President, Peter

Golding. Ken stayed on to join other

Members for lunch.

Narogin-born Ken, who had a twin brother,

is a modest chap who has had a good life,

including marriage to Lorna for 64 years.

He started work as a post office messenger

boy and ended his career as a widely re-

spected senior valuer. For a while he was a

tutor at the Royal Melbourne Institute of

Technology for Valuation Correspondence

students in WA. Like many of his generation, his life was interrupted by WW2 and he saw service

as an army officer in New Guinea and New Britain. He is a former president and speakers

officer of the Club.

Attadale Probus Club

Glyn Williams



Thirteen members and partners were given complimentary cuppas and biscuits to begin the tour.

Guide Geoffrey Highham modified his introductory talk as he will be the Guest Speaker at our

May meeting. The group were informed about the history of the museum and how it is self-

funded other than for some special grants. Then it was off to meet the stars.

First up was “Jane”, engine

No 1 in the WA Railways in

1881. “Jane” was built by

Robert Stephenson & Co

and with a sister engine,

started on the Fremantle to

Guildford line. Our group

crowded around “Jane” for

the photo. Some members

may have even wanted to

take a “Selfie” on their

cameras. Next we went to

sit in the restored carriage

hauled by the two sisters.

Everyone was willing to sit

in the 2nd Class section,

mainly because the seats in

the 1st class have not been fitted yet. The wooden bench seats ran lengthwise on either side

down the small carriage. “Jane” was later sold to the West Australian Jarrah Forest Co and spent

time ranging the bush. She was named “Kate” by the bush timber workers after Kate Kelly, Ned’s


Our next experience was to be seated in a 1918 dining car originally designed for 24 people, but

later seating 40. Used on the Kalgoorlie overnight train, there were two meal sittings and the

cooks only had 45 minutes to cook the second meal. Geoffrey described the three course meal

we would have enjoyed, with a choice of a mixed grill or a roast for the main meal. After that ex-

perience, we were free to roam and view the other exhibits and some extra guides were on hand

to answer our questions. One pleasing feature was that the ladies especially, obeyed the large

signs which stated “No Expectorating on the Platforms”. For the benefit of the genteel readers,

expectorating means spitting.

At a cost of $7 for Seniors, the tour is good value and 9279 7189 is the

contact number.

Fremantle Probus Club

Barry Prosser

A senior lady was asked “At your ripe old age, what would you prefer

to get: Parkinson's or Alzheimer's?”

The wise one answered, “Definitely Parkinson's—better to spill half

my wine than to forget where I keep the bottle”.

And so say all of us !!


On a very hot day in February, 21 ladies from the

Shoalwater Ladies Probus Club went to the Olde

Quindanning Inne for lunch. Fortunately the bus had

efficient air conditioning and wasn’t cramped so we

were all comfortable. Our first stop was Dwellingup

where we parked under huge shady trees and the

driver provided us with a big morning tea of sand-

wiches, cakes and biscuits. A short distance away was

a gift shop that was crammed with so many interest-

ing items that we didn’t know where to look. Also on

sale were home made jams, chutneys, honey etc and

plums donated by a local farmer. Everyone took

advantage of buying such fresh fruit and we each

came away with a bag of plums. The money from

the fruit all went to charity.

On the next leg of the journey, we were amused to see plums rolling up and down the aisle of the

bus - those belonging to one lady had all come out of the bag. The drive to Quindanning was

quite hilly and scenic and after a cooling drink we were served with a delicious meal. Between

the courses, the owner of the inn, told us some of the history of the building and the previous

owners each of whom had added his own personality to the building’s development. After-

wards we were free to look around the lovely gardens and buildings and all commented on the

beautiful lounge that contained some of the original furniture from the earliest days. We re-

turned by a different route with a brief stop in Serpentine. A happy and interesting trip on a hot

summer’s day.

Shoalwater Ladies Probus Club recently held a very

successful AGM. Once again, a full committee of ten members was

elected including several new faces.

The photo shows the retiring President Paula Clohesy who had just

passed on the regalia to new President

June Ingley.

Shoalwater Ladies Probus Club

Joan Dodd

On 14th March, thirteen members from the Melville

Ladies Probus Club spent a very pleasant morning

wandering through the beautiful Patsy's Rose

Gardens in Gooseberry Hill.

After a delightful Devonshire morning tea and a

friendly informative talk with Patsy we proceeded to

Kalamunda for a cafe luncheon and a browse around

the nearby art gallery and gift centre.

Melville Ladies Probus Club

Lorna Green


Booragoon Men’s Probus Club

In March, the Men's Probus Club of Booragoon enjoyed a visit to the WA Main Roads Traffic Op-

erations Centre in Perth.

This involved an introductory video presentation in which we learned that the Main Roads

Department manages over 18,000km of freeways, major highways and arterial roads across WA.

To do this it uses approx. 200 CCTV cameras, computer and web based systems to observe net-

work situations and convey information to the public via the Main Roads website, Twitter, nu-

merous radio stations, and a 24 hour Telephone information service.

After the video, we were able to view the Operations Centre in action through a Special viewing

window and see the Video Wall (200 CCTV cameras), the Northbridge Tunnel wall (48 cameras),

the Public Transport wall (40 cameras).

The Centre operates 24 hours per day and 7

days a week. It controls and coordinates traffic

signals across WA using the SCATS System

(Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System).

Questions were answered by charming and

experienced staff.

Following the visit, some of those attending

enjoyed a pleasant lunch at the nearby Hyde

Park Hotel.

Mel Austin

On Monday 10th March, 2014 at our

General Meeting, Gerard Woerlee was

presented with his Certificate of Life

Membership by President Bob Elliot.

Gerard has been the Club's Bulletin editor

and a member of the Management Com-

mittee for several years and coincidently

reached his 95th Birthday on the 13th

March, 2014. All of which combined to

warrant Gerard receiving this honour

which was a popular decision by Mem-

bers of his Club.

Well done Gerard.

Tony Carter

Combined Probus Club of Attadale

The Centre in action


The Interest Group of Stitches and Yarns from the Combined Probus Club of Attadale recently got

together to stitch with love a small rug

for one of their Club Members who

isn't having much fun at the moment.

Sewing Co-ordinator Maureen and

President Jessie said the whole club

were hoping that Sue will improve

rapidly when she receives the surprise

they have made for her.

Attadale Combined Probus Club

Winston Marsh

On the 15th May Melville

Ladies Probus Club celebrated

their 25th birthday with a

grand luncheon at Quinlans

T.A.A.F. restaurant , Beacons-

field. About 70 members

attended. 8 lucky members

won raffle prizes wrapped in

silver paper to continue the

theme of our special day.

Melville Ladies Probus Club

Darryl Williams (representing PAWA )

presenting Verna Hevron (our President)

with our Silver Anniversary certificate.

The beautiful and most modern cup cake tower

made by our member Patricia Goodridge for our

special birthday cake.

12 Founding Members of our Club gathered

around the cake along with President Verna.


The Probus Club of Mandurah Inc recently celebrated its 30th Anniversary with members and

guests at the RAAFA Estate, Meadow Springs. Those attending enjoyed morning tea, cutting of a

cake, signed a table cloth to commemorate the event and listened to a musical interlude from

students from a local school during lunch.

Mandurah Probus Club

Eric Hamilton Peter Connolly & Lorraine Hume

Marion Blair & commemora-

tive table cloth

Mandurah Island Probus Club

The Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin coastal track winds along the South Western coast of WA

between two gleaming white lighthouses standing sentinel over the turbulent waters. Our in-

trepid group of Mandurah Island Probians have walked and scrambled the 135kms three days

each year for the past 3 years. The group of 20 (odd) aged 63 -76, male and female from all walks

of life and parts of the world have

developed wonderful camaraderie

over that time and there is a strong

emotional bond between us. Each

day’s walk caters for various endur-

ances; two groups walk either a full

walk of 12-15 kms, the other 5-7kms.

The first year’s walk from Cape Natu-

ralist Lighthouse to Gracetown cov-

ered 47 kms over three days. We will

never forget the mesmerizing views

from the ridges out over breaking

waves of crystal clear water to the

bluest of blue water beyond. The track winding into the distance edged with beautiful flowering

bushes above the rugged limestone cliffs. Looking down on a pod of dozens of dolphins surfing

the huge breakers below us. The crunch of coarse yellow sand along the gently curving beaches.

An energy sapping scramble through steep granite hillsides south of Yallingup. The views across

to spectacular Canal Rocks; a steep cliff climb up endless steps at Wyadup; the arduous scramble

high above the crashing waves around the point at Gracetown.

Lorraine Hume


Edited by Enid Holt

Please send contributions to Enid by e-mail

Photographs to be in high definition attached to

emails or any hard copy mailed to Enid Holt at

MIPC, PO Box 256, Mandurah 6210.

Our second year saw us trek a further 40kms south of Gracetown. More great experiences

awaited. The long cliff top hike from Gracetown to historic Ellensbrook homestead; a green oasis

with a white washed stone homestead tucked into a little valley framed by high sand hills with

crystal clear Ellen brook gurgling down to the sea. Further on the waterfall and grotto at Meeka-

darabee Caves. The dazzling white sands at the mouth of the Margaret River. The sad remnants

of fire ravaged Wallcliffe House sitting high above the beautiful river. Further on more than 300

steps leading down steeply to Boodjidup Brook amidst a violent thunderstorm booming it’s

threat directly over our heads. The magnificent stretch of coastal cliffs riven with caves; steep

descents and climbs through trees and shrubs clinging precariously to the hillsides near Bob’s


This year saw us back for

the final 51kms to Cape

Leeuwin. The days were

warm and sunny with one

rainy exception along the

6.5km memorable Bo-

ranup beach to historic

Hamelin Bay. From Contos

Campground we passed

through majestic Karri for-

ests with their creamy

brown trunks and rich

green crowns of leaves

towering over us. The

deep quiet broken only by the calls of an occasional bird spreading alarm at our intrusion. A

salmon caught just as we approached Hamelin Bay was a fascinating diversion. Lunch at the old

jetty was a welcome break where we met up with other members of our group joining us for the

afternoon leg to Cosy Corner. From Cosy Corner there was a truly memorable experience clam-

ouring over the rocky platform jutting out over the ocean. The 700 metre long platform sus-

pended above the ocean below. Hollowed out by ceaseless waves eating away underneath we

wondered how it stills stands; fissures and numerous blowholes provide tuneful notes as the air

rushes upwards from the force of the waves. Truly memorable! An exhausting climb of nearly

600 feet in 1500 metres from the beach at

the end of day three left all exhausted but

with a sense of achievement. The final day

was very memorable as we approached

Cape Leeuwin lighthouse. The old lime en-

crusted waterwheel was a welcome sight.

What comes next is the question? It has

been a wonderful adventure through mag-

nificent country; it’s not to be missed.

Grant Draper

Mandurah Island Probus Club

Private and confidential for Probus use only and not to be used for any other purpose.

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