ainthropology: ai, cyber-psychology and the meaning of god

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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AInthropology: AI, Cyber-Psychology and the Meaning of God

Mary Reisel

This is the birthplace of a terminator robot!

But… this is also the birthplace of a terminator robot!

Oh my God, I love you but

I’m so confused…Please give me a sign

God and Science in the History of Religion

Adam and Eve, The Sistine Chapel

• Advanced new research methods that can analyze Big Data better and explain why.

• Don’t follow trends, MAKE THEM !!!!!

• English is knowledge, NOT grammar. Knowledge is power.

• List the key questions: Why? For what purposes? Copy-paste with no meaning is a dead-end.

So… how do we face the future of AI?..How do we move forward?...

• Don’t underestimate the power of words and abstract ideas – they create history !

AI may be an algorithm for engineers and still far from independent “intelligent thinking”, but its an concept with huge emotional power over millions of people.

• Think carefully how you detour and go beyond the fear factor to reach the heart of users.

Can you create a new idea that is globally friendly?...

It depends on

each one of you !!!!

Is the future going to be the end? Or the beginning of a new Renaissance?

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