a.g.m final document

Post on 23-Oct-2015






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AGM Report


Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT-BISHOP DAVID THAGANA ......................................................................... 4

Our Mission ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Our Core Values ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Our Vision .................................................................................................................................................. 4

GOA 21ST Year-1st April, 2012-31st March 2013. ........................................................................................... 5

Our Church Growth Ministries ...................................................................................................................... 5

Church Planting ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Missions to the Unreached ....................................................................................................................... 6

Sports Evangelism ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Gospel Campaigns and Weddings ............................................................................................................. 7

Youth, Women and Men Ministries .......................................................................................................... 8

Pastoral Care and Discipleship. ................................................................................................................. 8

Our Compassion Ministries ........................................................................................................................... 9

Caring for the hurting, homeless, Vulnerable and HIV/AID Infected ....................................................... 9

Tumaini Children’s Home- Kinangop ...................................................................................................... 10

Merciful Redeemer Children Home ........................................................................................................ 10

Strong Tower Children’s Home ............................................................................................................... 10

Christ Compassion Rehabilitation Centre ............................................................................................... 10

Beat the Drum ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Kieni West Children’s home .................................................................................................................... 11

Rhema Children’s home -Kinangop ........................................................................................................ 12

Rehema Girls Rescue Centre ................................................................................................................... 12

Programs for Widows and children with HIV/AIDS ................................................................................ 12

Community Development and GOA SACCO ........................................................................................... 12

GOA SACCO ............................................................................................................................................. 12

Education ................................................................................................................................................ 13

GOA Educational Center ......................................................................................................................... 13

Merciful Redeemer Primary School ........................................................................................................ 14

Maggie School Akatuman ....................................................................................................................... 14

Our Conflict Resolution Ministries .......................................................................................................... 14

Our Leadership Development Ministries .................................................................................................... 15

Post Secondary Training .......................................................................................................................... 15

GOA Global University (GGU) ................................................................................................................. 16

ILI and History Makers ............................................................................................................................ 16

Mentoring Programs ............................................................................................................................... 16

Men of Destiny Mentoring Program ................................................................................................... 16

Women of Destiny Mentoring Program ............................................................................................. 17

GOA University Students and Alumni Association GUSAA ................................................................. 17

Our Governance and Administration .......................................................................................................... 17

Our Theme for 2013 ................................................................................................................................ 18

FINANCIAL REPORTS ................................................................................................................................... 18


We here at GOA want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. Here is the report of the blessings that God has provided through you. We look

forward to continuing to strengthen the partnerships that God has been developing around the world. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Our Mission

Glory Outreach Assembly has since 4th May 1991 existed to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission, reaching out to both the churched and the

unchurched peoples of Kenya, East Africa and beyond; to develop fully mature disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Core Values

The following Core Values are the foundation upon which all GOA ministry activities are built: Embrace People: Because people matter to God, and Christ died for all people;

we treat all people as His children while fulfilling the Great Commission-making disciples of all nations.

Compassionately Serve: Jesus has given us the model of caring for the poor

and suffering, which we strive to follow to the best of our abilities.

Pursue peace: We will strive to build peace and bring an end to conflict in our


Embody Godly Leadership: Our leaders will practice ethical and accountable

governance and management, while serving our ministries with excellence. Our Core Values have remained a binding force that has helped GOA family in

making the right decision in the face of differing views.

Our Vision

Glory Outreach Assembly will impact our communities in the following ways:-

By creatively responding to the Great Commission, there will be an increase in the number of people who have a saving faith in Jesus Christ

and are growing in Spiritual maturity. (Church Growth Vision Area)

There will be improvement in the quality of life of those at greatest risk in

our communities, especially vulnerable children, the homeless and those impacted by HIV/AIDS. (Compassion Vision Area)

There will be Peace building and resolution of conflict in families,

churches, tribes and nations (Peace building and conflict Resolution area).

Our ministry will function with excellence in spiritual leadership, governance and management practices which are rooted in scriptural

principles (Leadership Development vision Area).

GOA 21ST Year-1st April, 2012-31st March 2013. The GOA 21st year that has just ended was guided by the theme: “There are

still very large areas of land to be taken over”. (Joshua 13:1). By the Grace of God we have taken over May large areas in the past year not only in the four vision areas but also in the fifth area that provides Governance, administration

and oversight of the entire ministries vision and mission.

Our Church Growth Ministries

Church Planting

GOA is actively engaged in a variety of evangelistic programs in both established and un-reached areas of Kenya and surrounding East African

Countries. These activities are resulting in church plants being established at an exponential rate. Basic metal sheet church buildings, 20 feet by 60 feet, are constructed once a congregation exists. In partnership with International Co-

operating Ministries (ICM), we also construct Permanent 53ft by 27ft stone buildings. In the past financial year 2012/2013, GOA has partnered with ICM

in the construction of three churches. The three churches are GOA Rwanyambo (Nairobi region), GOA Mukinduri (KEM region) and GOA Kwambekenya (Kinangop region). While Mukinduri church was dedicated on

April 28th, the other two will be dedicated soon, to the glory of God. The impact resulting from these three church constructions is numerical growth, solidarity enhanced as members worked together and planting of daughter churches.

GOA Rwanyambo has planted Karangatha church. Another church planted in the past financial year include Ngobit in Laikipia which now has 20 committed

members while 2500 people were reached thorough films and open air meetings. The church has the potential to grow if funds to construct a basic metal sheet church are available to put up a structure on Pastor Muriuki’s

family plot in Gobit shopping Centre. Churches that have been re-launched in the past financial year include Isinya and Kitengela. GOA Makutano was

planted in the past year in Tharaka after the sub-region leaders brought potential GOA pastors in the last AGM.

Missions to the Unreached

One of the unique church Growth ministries is the missions to the unreached tribes. Our ministries assist our churches to witness the reconciling love and forgiveness that God extends to all humanity through Jesus Christ. In the past

financial Year over 1000 unbelievers from the unreached areas of Turkana, Boran, Samburu, Burji, Orma, Pokomo and Rendille have been led into a

personal relationship with Christ.


Sports Evangelism

Football (soccer) league are established and a series of games planned over a 3-

4 month period with playoffs, prizes and professional players speaking. Every game includes a time in the word of God and a speaker. Young men and women are brought to faith in Christ and tribal conflicts are alleviated. One of

the greatest achievements of the past financial year was the launching of the official GOA Nairobi soccer Team. They are currently enrolled in the ongoing

Nairobi County league and they are leading in their pool. At GOA Wendani, Sports Evangelism Outreach Combined with bible study managed to teach over 50 youths, some of who have been turning up, at the local church for

discipleship. In Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums, a volleyball tournament brought together over 1000 youths. 350 did pray to receive Christ into their lives.


Gospel Campaigns and Weddings

A total of 12 Gospel campaigns and 9 weddings were held within the past financial year. The Gospel Campaigns were held in Bundalangi (3000 reached)

Isinya, Tunyai, Wanjohi, Kahawa Wendani, Kagumo, Lodwar, Geta, Nunguni, North Horr, Marsabit among other places. Several people have made decision

for Christ during these campaigns and have been added to varies GOA Congregations. The weddings on the other hand have added the number of couples in the congregations, a reflection of growth and an encouragement to

young people in GOA congregations as well.

Carol and Paul’s wedding pastor Achuka’s wedding

Youth, Women and Men Ministries

One International Youth Conference was held in the month of August 2012.. It brought together over 400 Young people from all GOA Homes and churches for

one-week of fellowship and interaction. A GOA movement was formed during the conference. The name of the Youth movement is GOA World Transformers. Their vision is “Change the Youths to change the world”. What a blessing for

GOA to have Youth who are seeing themselves as agents of Global Change. Praise God. May God allow this happen in our time, to behold the Power of visionary youth. A family seminar held at the GOA Wendani on the 20th

October, 2012 greatly impacted those who participated. The focus was on family bonding and growing together through painful and Joyous family

moments. Other single mothers and married women seminars were held in various regional levels. On a national scene, very little happened last Year for children However, local and regional activities may have happened unreported.

Developing a curriculum for teaching children in Sunday school is probability the greatest achievement.

Pastoral Care and Discipleship.

During the GOA 20th AGM in May 2012, a partnership with Bible League was

launched at Kahawa Wendani. Resulting from the partnership 1500 bibles have been given to successful graduates who have gone through the detailed study of the manuals designed for children, Youth and adults, during the

2012/2013 financial year. This discipleship strategy has been implemented in the Nairobi, Kinangop, Western, Turkana, Samburu, Nyeri and Kipipiri for

evangelism and discipleship in the immediate vicinities of the churches. The same program has been launched in Tharaka sub region in the current financial Year 2013/2014.

Bible league graduation-Kahawa Wendani G.O.A

Many of our pastors are serving in areas of severe poverty. Their congregations are unable to provide for their families, so typically the support for the church

is minimal. While our pastors are very dedicated, we desire they be able to meet the basic needs of their families, allowing them to focus on their ministry. Some of our pastors serve in very large and remote areas where travel is

difficult and dangerous. We continue to pray that God may provide motor bikes, bicycles and even cars to GOA pastors to enhance their movements and increase ministry effectiveness. I’m greatly humbled by GOA congregations

that in spite of their diverse needs have sacrificially bought cars for their pastors. GOA seeks to develop a system of regional income generating projects

from which profits from the business will be used for pastors support in that region. Such proposals may be submitted to the Director of Church Growth so long as they benefit the region. We do not have funds available for this but will

include such proposals in our sustainability effort.

Our Compassion Ministries Our Compassion ministries are divided into three sub-groups:

Caring for the hurting, homeless, vulnerable and HIV/AIDS infected

Community Development and GOA Sacco

Education-Primary and Secondary

Caring for the hurting, homeless, Vulnerable and HIV/AID Infected

GOA has eight children’s homes. The children in the homes include orphans,

vulnerable, street, abused and even HIV positive. There are 356 children in all the eight homes.

Tumaini Children’s Home- Kinangop

This orphanage began in the converted family home of the Munyiri’s. It soon

grew too small and with the help of generous donors land was purchased, and construction began on dormitories and dining halls. The Centre currently houses 94 children and envisions to a final capacity of 200. During the past

financial year the programs have emphasized the teaching of life skills, job skills and civic responsibility. The children were greatly involved in helping

with the farm, kitchen, caring for their cows and the normal household activities that any child in a family home should learn. Our vision is to complete the administration block, expand on the farming and other income

generating projects so that the orphanage can become self-sustaining. In this past financial year, we focused on maintenance of the home, due to funds

limitation. With reduced child sponsorship funds, resulting from Heart for Africa moving into Swaziland, the home got into huge debts to provide food and education. By the Grace of God, almost all debts are now paid.

Merciful Redeemer Children Home

The orphanage is located in Empakasi near Kitengela. The children population

at the home is 95. The priority for the home is completion of incomplete staff houses; repair of the home facilitates to qualify for the renewal of home registration

Strong Tower Children’s Home

The orphanage which is located in Naivasha, targets street kids especially form Naivasha town. The home currently has 66 children. Our vision is to be providing care for 120 street children by 2018. We also plan to make the

project self-sustaining through zero grazing livestock production, production of cereals and grains. In the past financial year there were no capital projects due to reduced funding. The focus was on providing basic needs of food and


Christ Compassion Rehabilitation Centre

In the past financial year 2012/2013, we took the girls in CCRC to Rehema Girls, turning the home into a boy’s home as we envisioned from the start of

the home. The main goal is to rehabilitate the children and give them the skills which will make them self-reliant in future. The future expansion of this home is so limited by the small piece of land that we own. The priority is to buy big

land and eventually move the home into a spacious compound. This remains a future dream because just like the other homes this past year was mainly to

sustain the home by providing food and education.

Beat the Drum

This is the only GOA home with the unique model of caring for the orphans in

a small cottage family setting. We have built 4 cottages of 5 kids in each cottage making a total of 20 kids. In this past financial year, we learnt that though this is a very good model especially in providing care to the HIV/AIDS

infected children, the operating costs of cooking in each house are much higher. Cooking from one house for all the kids cut down the costs. Therefore

our priority is to build a kitchen and a dining hall to enable us cook common meals and eat together. Other care of the kids will remain in their cottages with their mothers.

Kieni West Children’s home

The home is located in Kieni Area of Nyeri County. The home was opened last

august and the children from old Kieni who were living in Tumaini are now back home. The home has 21 children some in primary and others in high school. The home is in need of a dining hall.


Rhema Children’s home -Kinangop

The home has a population of 23 children. All the children are in school in

primary and high school. Last year one of the boys was admitted at Masinde Muliro University.

Rehema Girls Rescue Centre

Last year the home was relaunched and it houses 13 girls. All the girls from CCRC were moved to this centre. The home is for girls only and in future we

hope to accommodate more girls. The home is need of staff houses and beddings so that it can admit more girls. The home is situated in Nyahururu


Programs for Widows and children with HIV/AIDS

We support a group of widows whose husbands have died of HIV/AIDS, giving them a means to generate income, such as by providing a cow, chicken, and by covering school fees for some of their children. The three groups of widows

that we support are Uhotani and Wendani both of them part of the GOA Ndunyu-Njeru Community. The third group is the Seagull who are part of the

Karai/Tumaini Community. Their children receive education at GOA Educational Centre. Again the past financial year was mainly maintenance of previously initiated projects and providing education to their kids.

Community Development and GOA SACCO


GOA SACCO was began in 2009 and registered with ministry of co-operative and marketing. This was after the GOA Micro-finance program failed due to

high defaulters. The SACCO’s aim is in line with ministries compassion core value of helping the needy by reducing poverty. It provide loan at affordable

interest while enabling members to save. GOA SACCO audit report for 2012 is available to members on request to the SACCO officials. During the past financial year GOA SACCO members deposited Kshs 1,472,636. During the

same financial year the income on interest paid by the members loans amounted to Ksh 108,138. The outstanding loans to members amount to Kshs

1,574,589. The SACCO has had 3 audits since registration in 2009. The management of the SACCO operates with an approved budget which is approved at the SACCO annual General meeting. To ensure that GOA

Members are well equipped for economic growth, we have entered into a partnership with Equity bank of Kenya for financial literacy program and

Entrepreneurship program for those in business. All GOA staff were trained last year. Equity bank trainers are available to train all GOA members in

their own/churches of 30 people could be gathered for 3 full days.


GOA has 3 primary schools, One High school and one University which operates under leadership development. They are GOA Educational Centre,

Merciful Redeemer School, Akatuman Maggie School and GOA High School.

GOA Educational Center

This is our first primary school located in Tumaini Children’s Home in Nyandarua County. Its current population is 103 children, 46 are from Tumaini home, while 57 are form the community. In this past year, 2012 the

school had 21 KCPE candidates. They got a mean score of 318. The leading candidates in our school earned full educational scholarships for all the four

years of secondary education by the Wings to fly program of Equity Bank. He joined Koelel High School.

Murimi on his first day at koelel

high school

The greatest challenge of GOA Educational Center is low student enrollment which translates into low pay for teaching staff and consequently low

motivation. By God’s Grace the school is still able to get a very high school mean score. In 2011 the school’s best performing boy joined Starehe boys Center.

Merciful Redeemer Primary School

This primary school is located at Merciful Redeemer Children’s Home. Its

population is 97 children, 67 children from the home and 20 from the community.

Maggie School Akatuman

This is a primary school that is located 85 kilometers from Lodwar town in the remote desert of Akatuman village among the Turkanas. It was started by GOA in memory of Maggie, with the financial support from Wink McCleod-mother of

the late Maggie. Before Maggie school was started, there was no school in this community and illiteracy level was almost 100%. The school consists of

nursery to class five with a total kid’s enrollment of 917. This past year 2012/2013 the school received funding from the CDF to build a modern classroom. They also received funding form Maggie school friends to do


Our Conflict Resolution Ministries

GOA is actively involved in the Peace Building and Conflict resolution services to families, churches, tribes and nations. Training for leaders in Christian family life and family conflict resolution as well as for conflict negotiation

within churches and tribal grouped are some of the activities for this vision area. In the past financial year 2012/2013 family seminars were held in KEM

region, Kahawa Wendani, 5 premarital counseling, distribution of premarital manuals to pastors and one post marital conflict. Counseling both in the children’s homes and churches increased in this past financial year. Clients

support from the eight homes and groups counseling were carried out. Over 50 children were counseled individually as per their issues. Follow up was

done. More than 50 individuals from churches and community were counseled in the past year. The boys going through the Rite of passage Encounter (Ripen)

were helped to understand both their physical transition and academic transition to form one.

Providing emergency and re-settlement services to families who have lost their

homes and possessions as a result of inter-tribal conflict is one of the ministries of this department. In this past financial year Conflict resolution activities were carried out in two areas namely Tana Delta and Mathare slum.

Food, encouragement and counseling of the victims are some of services given in this area. In Mathare, several meetings on Peace Campaign were carried out. The peace campaign was meant to ensure Peace among the Mathare slum

communities before and after the general and presidential elections. Prayers for the peace of Kenya were done before and after the elections in both the head

office and the entire GOA regions. With recent experiences on disasters such as flood we want to establish an Emergency Response fund to assist with natural disaster management.

Our Leadership Development Ministries Recognizing the need to grow Godly leaders to achieve an effective harvest,

leadership development has always been a top priority for GOA. Our leadership department has continued to equip servant leaders through post Secondary training, International leadership Institute conferences, History

makers, GOA Global University and mentoring programs

Post Secondary Training

During the past financial year 2012/2013 we held four graduations. Our Executive Director-Bishop Thagana graduated in August with masters in leadership at Pan African Christian University (PACU). The other three who

graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Theology are; Rev. Phyllis Kimeli-Director of Leadership training and development, Tabitha Wangari-Manager Kieni West

Children’s home and Pastor Twagira Yesu of GOA Burundi. Two students from Kieni West Children’s home also graduated with diplomas at Nairobi Institute

of Business Studies (NIBS). Three students joined post Secondary program last year. The program closed the year with a total of 16 students in post

Secondary Institutions.

Bishop graduating Phyllis and Tabitha during their graduation

GOA Global University (GGU)

The past financial Year saw GOA realize our long time dream of having our own

University, on 25th June, 2012 the GOA Global University was launched in Tharaka. We enrolled a class of 25 students of Theology. We enrolled both certificate and diploma students who will move on to do a degree program. We

have so far been having classes one week in every month.

ILI and History Makers

By the end of the past year we managed to train 5,189 leaders with the 8 core values of Leadership in Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Tanzania,

DRC Congo, South Sudan and Zimbabwe.

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring has been a great need not only in GOA but all over.

Men of Destiny Mentoring Program

The program was launched on September 1st, 2013, at GOA Kahawa Wendani.

This program connects young men and the experienced ones where mentoring is on going for different areas in life including business, family, profession,

ministry among others.

Women of Destiny Mentoring Program

The program is scheduled to be launched at GOA Kahawa Wendani on 29th

June, 2013. The aim of these programs is to connect the more experienced leaders to the potential of the upcoming leaders for a great future.

GOA University Students and Alumni Association GUSAA

This mentoring program was launched on 25th, 2012 at GOA Kahawa Wendani. This Association provides an opportunity for the University students to be mentored as they also mentor high school and orphanage kids. The

Association has also created a great forum for the students evangelizing and discipling especially in Universities, Colleges and schools. The GUSAA

members meet every last Sunday of each month at GOA Wendani where they have the opportunity to demonstrate Servant Leadership.

Our Governance and Administration

Over time GOA has developed and implemented a system of governance and management that is exemplary in every way, meeting the requirements of

financial accountability and best practices required by financial accountability agencies around the world.

The current GOA Independent board of Governors has just completed their first

year of service. The main focus of the GOA board is moving our organization towards a sustainable future. A board retreat in this past year created an

opportunity of strategic thinking which resulted in a 5 year strategic plan. This plan will guide our organization until 2018. We continue to revise our organizational structures to accommodate the best

practices of an outgrowing Christian Centered organization. Our books are audited by Ernest and Young. The books of this year are yet to be audited because of both financial limitations and the auditors are still auditing the

2011/2012 books.

Our Theme for 2013

Our theme for 2013 is proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour(Jubilee) (Luke 4:18). It is Jubilee for GOA, as the Executive Director celebrates his Jubilee

and also our beloved Nation celebrates Jubilee under a Jubilee Government. We expect God’s favour in atonement and Restoration as we pursue GOA vision and mission (Leviticus 25:8-54). May God grant GOA the deliverance that

accompanies the year of Jubilee (Isaiah 61:1-7). We anticipate an year of increase, restitution, remission of debts, liberation for Jesus came to preach

good news to the poor to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour (Luke 4:18-19). Part of the liberation that we envision is dependency on

foreign funding to a sustainable organization that is enjoying local funding.


Below is the most recent Financial Audit, it is for the financial year 2011-2012. Please note that

we are currently one year behind in these audits and need approximately $8,750 per audit to

contract Ernst and Young. In order to receive an audit for the financial years 2012-2013 and

2013-2014 we are trusting God to provide $17,500. GOA’s financial year starts from 1st April

and continues up to 31st March the following year.

Here are the figures of the in-house audit pertaining to the stories within this document from

April 1st 2012 to March 31

st 2013.

The following funds were received in the months listed below:-



Dollars KSH




























January Year 2013



February Year 2013



March Year




Funds received locally in Ksh form (through Head



Total funds April 2012 to March 2013


GOA 2012 -2013 Financial Report Summary

Projected & Actual Combined

Area Budgeted Actual % of



1.0 Church Growth Projects 18,302,191 6,438,081 35%

2.0 Compassion Projects 57,827,434 23,881,995 41%

3.0 Conflict Resolution 1,878,750 193,320 10%

4.0 Leadership Dev. Projects 23,834,623 8,480,718 36%

5.0 Administration 12,816,000 8,580,977 67%

Totals/Average 114,658,998 47,575,091 41%

Totals in USD $1,433,237 $594,689

The table above shows that funding of GOA activities was only about 41% of the budgeted

Total. One of the explanations is the tendency by our Financial partners to Finance more of the

operational budgeted costs, may be due to global financial crunch. This meant that 59% of other

required finances was not realised. As a result of this, the ministry suffered deficits that affected

various areas including compassion (eg some homes having food debts), Education (some of our

kids ended up with fee balances) and operational shortfalls. Many of our staff made sacrifices to

help sustain the hardships.

GOA is seriously addressing the issue with a long term focus in form of Projects sustainability.

Sustainability is only possible if funds are available to jump-start the projects proposed and also

allow for capacity building over a period of time.

The following is a reflection of the funds spent in Church Growth Vision Area as per

designated funds annexed below:-

As at 31st March 2013

1.0 Church

Growth Project Name






Church Building Construction

Unreached Areas 4,215,489 0


Church building Construction in esta.

Areas 5,620,562 805,000

1.2.1 Sports Evangelism 618,140 344,748

1.3.1 Mission Surveys and Missionary Support 410,000 282,051

1.4.1 Women Ministry 228,000 0

1.4.2 Men Ministry Projects 228,000 0

1.4.3 Youth Ministry Projects 500,000 333,270

1.4.4 Children Ministry Projects 1,140,000 26,400

1.4.6 Regional Empowerment 342,000 59,343

1.6.1 GOA Churches' HQ-Relocation 5,000,000 0

Pastors' support and Missionary Support


Kingdom Hse Construction


Total for Church Growth Projects 18,302,191 6,438,081

$US @.80

228,777.39 $75,742

The funds spent above were financed by designated funds received from the following sources:-

Cumberland Community Church 3,626,354

GOA Switzerland 818,935

GOA USA 1,072,449

ILI & HM (ILI Team on Mission) 55,000

The Roser Foundation 805,000

Various(Admin /Local Funds rcvd HQ) 60,343

Total 6,438,081

The following is a reflection of the funds spent in Compassion Vision Area as per designated

funds annexed below:-


Compassion Project Name




Expenses Tumaini Children's Home Capital 4.102.417 0 Tumaini Children's Home Operating 6,600,000 3,744,846 Merciful Redeemer Capital 2,946,997 0

Merciful Redeemer Children's Home

Operating 4,357,838 1,835,620 Strong Tower Capital 2,365,412 0 Strong Tower Operating 3,031,732 2,690,860 Christ Compassion Capital 1,806,997 429,532 Christ Compassion Operating 3,800,000 1,783,055 Kieni West-Capital 3,655,245 1,176,382 Kieni West-Operating 2,612,000 201,500 Rehema-Capital 1,653,795 0 Rehema -Operating 2,135,821 510,017 Rhema-Capital 880,000 0 Rhema-Operating 2,219,624 1,245,742 Beat the Drum- Capital 1,881,247 0 Beat the Drum-Operating 2,409,000 1,802,586

2.2.1 Food Sustainability 403,000 141,480

2.3.2 Maggy’s School-Akatumani 2,864,419 3,017,737 GOA High School - Capital 3,724,330 3,519,643 GOA High School - Operating 4,377,560 478,805

GOA Edu Centre Ed. & Food Support


GOA Switzerland –Volunteers Prog.


GOA Children Homes Christmass Gifts


Total for Compassion Projects 57,827,434 23,881,995

$US @.80 $722,968 $298,525

The expenses were financed from the following sources:-

Bright Point for Children 5,737,177

Cumberland Community Church 1,057,213

GOA Switzerland 8,289,055

GOA USA 5,403,817

Heart for Africa 2,496,521

Mt Pisgah UMC 500,732

Mwangaza Found (Lee & Consolata Gituto) 261,000

Total 23,740,515

The following is a reflection of the funds spent in Conflict Resolution Vision Area as per

designated funds annexed below:-

3.0 Peace Building & Conflict Resolution

3.0 Conflict

Resolution Project Name





3.1.1 Family Life Seminars 995,500 -

3.1.2 Conflict Resolution in Congo 261,060 -


Conflict Resol. Among Tribes(Tana R &

Mathare) 137,940


3.1.4 Conflict Resolution in Burundi 193,800 -

3.1.5 Cultural Diversity Celebration 165,870 -

3.1.6 Counseling 224,580


Total for Conflict Resolution 1,878,750


$US @.80 23,484


The expenses were financed by funds from GOA Switzerland amounting to Kshs 193,320.

The following is a reflection of the funds spent in Leadership Vision Area as per designated

funds annexed below:-


Leadership Project Name





4.1.1 ILI & History Makers 17,401,120


4.1.2 GOA Global University (GGU) 1,311,200


4.1.3 Post Training for Pastors 4,698,223


4.1.4 Cell Training 424,080 -

Home Manager's Training 0


Launch of GOA Mentoring Programme 0


Total for Leadership Dev. Projects 23,834,623


$US @.80 $297,932.79 $106,009

The expenses were financed by funds designated from the following sources:-


GOA Switzerland



Heart for Africa 5,000

Mt Bethel UMC


ILI East Africa


10% Admin Retention 20,105

Total 8,480,718


The following is a reflection of the funds spent in Administration per 10% funds retention from

various sources annexed below:-


Administration Project Name





5.1.1 Head Office Operating Cost 9,396,000


5.1.2 Head Office Operating Capital 3,420,000 -

Total for Administration 12,816,000 8,580,977

$US @.80 $160,200.00 $107,262.21

The expenses incurred in Administration Department emanated from 10% retention and sundry

sources amounting to Kshs. 8,580,977.

Summary of Balances & Totals

Balance of designated funds b/f from


5,276,046 $65,950.58

Total Funds Received during the

Financial year (includes local funds of

Kshs. 1,950,070)

49,561,258 $619,515.73

54,837,304 $685,466.30

Total Expenditure for the year


47,575,091 $594,688.64

Balance of designated funds c/f to


7,262,213 $90,777.66

It is important to note that:-

1. Local Churches of GOA raise funds from among their Congregations to cater for their

own needs.

2. Funds raised locally amounting to Ksh. 1,950,070 represents funds received in Kenya

Shillings form at the GOA Head Office. In addition to these funds, some various gifts are

usually received in kind.

3. Administration Fee charged for the year of income 2012/2013 amounted to Ksh

4,956,126 which is far below the expenses standing at Kshs. 8,580,977. Fortunately

though, there was a reserve of Ksh. 5,276,046 carried forward from the previous

Financial year which, alongside Local Funding of Ksh. 1,099,258 which helped sustain

the shortfall.

4. The balance of Ksh. 7,262,213 is a sum total of funds earmarked for work in progress and

special allotments specified by the sources of funds.

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