advanced systems accreditation of a grassroots movement for educational change, ... four million...

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AdvancED Systems Accreditation

Richland School District Two External Review Visit – March 26-29, 2017


▪ Thank you for being here. ▪ What is AdvancED?

What is AdvancED

AdvancED is the largest community of education professionals in the world. We are a non-profit, non-partisan

organization that conducts rigorous, on-site external reviews of Pre-K-12 schools and school systems to ensure that all

learners realize their full potential. While our expertise is grounded in more than a hundred years of work in school

accreditation, AdvancED is far from a typical accrediting agency. Our goal isn’t to certify that schools are good enough.

Rather, our commitment is to help schools improve.

Combining the knowledge and expertise of a research institute, the skills of a management consulting firm and the

passion of a grassroots movement for educational change, we serve as a trusted partner to 34,000 schools and school

systems—employing more than four million educators and enrolling more than 20 million students—across the United

States and 70 other nations. AdvancED was created through a 2006 merger of the Pre-K-12 divisions of the North

Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of

Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI)—and expanded through the

addition of the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) in 2011.

AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools

Standard 2

Governance and Leadership

“The system operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student

performance and system effectiveness.”

● What is governance?

● What is leadership?

● How do we promote and support student performance?

● How do we evaluate and improve system effectiveness?


▪ Introduce yourself and your role in Richland Two

Why You?

Why doWhy do you think you were invited to serve on this committee?you think you were invited to serve on this committee?

Why do you think you were invited to serve on this committee?

The goals for your group

▪ To interpret the statement of our district’s responsibility (Chart Paper)

▪ To list ideas for evidence that could support our claims (Sticky Notes)

▪ Consider the different departments within the district (Handout)

Indicator 2.1 - 15 mins

“The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools.”

▪ Define what this means to us on your chart paper. ▪ List all examples of evidence that could support this

– Ex. = handbooks, emergency plan

Indicator 2.2 - 15 mins

“The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.”

▪ Define what this means to us on your chart paper. ▪ List all examples of evidence that could support this

– Ex. = Policy manual, Strategic Plan

Indicator 2.3 - 15 mins

“The governing body ensures that the leadership at all levels has the autonomy to meet goals for achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively.”

▪ Define what this means to us on your chart paper. ▪ List all examples of evidence that could support this

– Ex. = Strategic Plan, Professional Development Plan

Indicator 2.4 - 15 mins

“Leadership and staff at all levels of the system foster a culture consistent with the system’s purpose and direction.”

▪ Define what this means to us on your chart paper. ▪ List all examples of evidence that could support this

– Ex. = Annual Report, Survey Results, 4 Squares

Indicator 2.5 - 15 mins

“Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the system’s purpose and direction.”

▪ Define what this means to us on your chart paper. ▪ List all examples of evidence that could support this

– Ex. = Partner groups, Improvement Plan

Indicator 2.6 - 15 mins

“Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved professional practice in all areas of the system and improved student success.”

▪ Define what this means to us on your chart paper. ▪ List all examples of evidence that could support this

– Ex. = PD Express listing, SAFE-T Training

Gallery Walk

▪ Take 2 minutes at each sticky poster to review the ideas of all groups.

▪ Rotate when the signal is given. ▪ At the last poster, take 2 minutes to share

your reflection with your group members. ▪ One person from each group should be

prepared to give one summary statement about your group’s impression.

On your chart paper

List any areas that have or have not been mentioned with regard to Governance and Leadership that could be improved and any suggestions your group has for possible strategies for making these improvements.

Take 10 minutes for this activity.

Report Out

Select one item for improvement from your discussion and share it out with the group.

Rubric Review

▪ See handouts on your table ▪ Take 5 minutes to rate our district based on

your opinion. ▪ Take 10 minutes to compile a summary rating

for your group on a separate rubric. ▪ Report your rating from your group.


Standard National Indicator Average

2.1 2.96

2.2 2.91

2.3 3.15

2.4 3.09

2.5 2.79

2.6 2.74

Next Steps

▪ A list of evidence examples will be compiled based on your input.

▪ Principals will be walked through this activity focusing on their schools at the Key Leaders meeting in September.

▪ Their participation will be used in crafting our narrative for Governance & Leadership along with your statements & evidence.


Thank You!!!!!!

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