advanced advertising tvc - sights and sounds

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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TVC – Sights and sounds

TVC - Why

If a picture is worth a thousand words – a moving picture is worth ten thousand words.

TVC communicate sight, sound, motion and emotion.

It helps the viewer see the product, view it in various situations, determine the benefits and leave a lasting impression of the product and the business.

TVC - How

Effective TVC combine audio and video into a powerful sales tool

Both audio and video are equally important

If you turn down the voice of a TVC, you should still be able to get the message and vice versa to be effective.

TVC - Tips

Put people in your ad – people relate to other people.

Plan your video – use the most effective shots to convey your message. Do not cram lots of information in a small time.

Writing the Script - use words to grab the attention of the viewer. Keep sentences short and punchy. Your audio should tell the consumer about your product even if he is not watching the ad.

Audio and video must match – e.g. if you are talking about a wide showroom, you should be showing the showroom instead of the building.

Get to the point – You have 2 seconds to grab the attention of the viewer , just like a strong headline. Then about 5 seconds to tell the viewer what the ad is about.

Keep your message simple – Stress the benefits of the product – visually. It is good to show rather than just telling.

Be sure to tell the viewer your name visually – show your name to the viewers. They should know who is giving them the message.

Never forget the call to action – Tell your consumer to act, to go and buy your product, to visit you.

Stick to time – A 30 sec package means 30 sec. You are not going to get one more second, so keep your message in time or it will be cut off.

Hiring a production company – Keep your work professional. If you lack the resources to handle all aspects of your ad including writing, shooting, editing your commercial, hire a production company.

Scheduling your commercial – Select the time when your target viewer is watching TV. Having your ad played at 3 in the night might save you some money but your audience will not get the message.

Frequency – A TVC played once is not enough. Make sure your message is repeated many times when your viewer is watching TV.

Consistency – Keep your message consistent. Use the same announcer, jingle, fonts, colors etc to keep your ads consistent.

This helps the consumer identify you even before the actual message.

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