adlesperger t multicultural and bilingual learners

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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1. Multicultural and Bilingual Learners TALON ADLESPERGER DR. G ED 220-8095 1/30/2015 2. One Learning Strategy I plan to Use to Accommodate a Multicultural Learner: I plan on taking basic information and turning it into a song which also includes some of their primary language as well. The video to the right is of Haitian children singing and dancing after learning their body parts in English. 3. My Second Teaching Strategy that I will Implement in the Classroom: With multicultural learners, I would have a culture day once a week until we had covered each culture. The students from that culture could share their personal experiences and customs. As well as cooking the foods of the places studied. 4. The Third Teaching Strategy that I would use in the Classroom: I would use teacher and peer coaching in my classroom for the students who are having difficulties in the course. 5. Ways to make Multicultural Learners Feel Welcome in the Classroom 6. Additional Ways of making the Multicultural Learners feel Welcome SMILE! Have Welcoming body language 7. In the Classroom: ALLOW THEM TO SHARE THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES ALLOW PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING AND SOCIAL INTERACTION SET A ROUTINE Having a routine helps reduce anxiety KEEP VOCABULARY ACCESSIBLE KEEP WELL STOCKED ON LIBRARY BOOKS Try have books about different homelands MAKE STUDENTS FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH MAKING MISTAKES Without taking risks, the students will not learn 8. Additional Classroom Techniques EXERCISE THESE NEEDS DAILY: Reading Writing Speaking Listening USE VISUALS Bus schedule Post-cards Video clips 9. Ways to Help Multicultural Learners be Successful ALL TEACHERS SHOULD VIEW THEMSELVES AS LANGUAGE TEACHERS UNDERSTAND THAT THEY ARE NOT JUST ENTERING A NEW SCHOOL, THEY ARE ALSO ENTERING A NEW CULTURE ASK ABOUT THE STUDENTS LIFE OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL Homework might not be a priority if other things are expected of them

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