adhd ii (2)

Post on 25-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity


The following defi nition is a literal translation for this problem.

• Attention – concentration level on any task.• Deficit – not being able to keep their attention on one task.• Hyperactivity – cannot stay still.• Disorder – the inability to do something others can do

AD/HD (Attention-Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

Is a neurobiological disorder characterized by developmentally inappropriate impulsivity, attention, and in some cases, hyperactivity beginning in childhood, "typically" by the age of 7.

Children with AD/HD often have a 2-4 year developmental delay and frequently have other coexisting conditions.

AD/HD (Attention-Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

Symptoms must be more frequent or severe than in other children with the same age. Symptoms must be present for at least 6 months.

Symptoms of Childhood ADHD

Children with ADHD show signs of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity in specific ways. These children:

Are in constant motion.

Squirm and fidget.

Do not seem to listen.

Have difficulty playing quietly.

Symptoms of Childhood ADHDOften talk excessively.

Interrupt or intrude on others.

Are easily distracted.

Do not finish tasks.

Types of ADHD in ChildrenHyperactive/Impulsive Type.

 Children show both hyperactive and impulsive behavior, but are able to pay attention.Inattentive Type. 

Formerly known as attention deficit disorder (ADD), these children are not overly active. They do not disrupt the classroom or other activities, so their symptoms might not be noticed.

Types of ADHD in Children

Combined Type (Inattentive/Hyperactive/Impulsive). 

Children with this type of ADHD show all three symptoms. This is the most common form of ADHD.

AD/HD predominatelyinattentive type

Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes

Has difficulty sustaining attention.

Does not appear to listen.

Struggles to follow through on instructions.

Has difficulty with organization.

Avoids or dislikestasks requiring sustained mental effort

AD/HD predominatelyinattentive type

Loses things.

Is easily distracted

Is forgetful in daily activities.

AD/HDpredominately hyperactive-impulsive type

Has difficulty remaining seated.

Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in chair.

Difficulty engaging in activities quietly.

Acts as if driven by a motor.

Talks excessively.

AD/HDPredominately Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

Blurts out answers before questions have been completed.

Difficulty waiting or taking turns.

Interrupts or intrudes upon others.

AD/HDCombined Type

Individual meets both sets of inattention and hyperactive/impulsive criteria.


predominatelyinattentive type






“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”

-Henry Ward Beecher-

What Causes ADHD?One of the major causes of this disorder

in children is the GENES which children get from their parents. This disease is mostly a hereditary one that passes on from a parent who suffered the same problem.

Damage In The Brain

Another cause of this disorder is some kind of damage that may have occurred to the brain of the child. This damage may result from a fall, an accident, or even a tumor in the brain. A brain injury can be one of the most relevant reasons that lead to ADHD and other focusing problems. 

Surgeries on The BrainSurgeries on the brain are also studied to have caused ADHD, though in a smaller percentage of the victims.

Effect of Toxic Substances Produced in Industrial Areas

Toxic products like lead particles are released into the environment from factories, and these particles can cause serious trouble, especially to those children, who are below the age of 3


Misconception of the food they eat can be a cause of ADHD. Though the role of food in causing ADHD is not certain or proven, most people believe that this factor also contributes to the development of ADHD in children.

A smoking mother 

This is one of the most common and ignored reasons that bring about ADHD in a child.

Similar is the case with drugs, alcohol or other items that are taken during the time of pregnancy.

Artificial Sweeteners

Aspartame- Studies have proven that this chemical sweetener can cause the symptoms of ADHD in kids.

How Is ADHD Diagnosed?Know that it is very difficult to diagnose ADHD

in children younger than 5 years of age. That's because many preschool children have some ADHD symptoms in various situations. In addition, children change very rapidly during the preschool years. It is also difficult to diagnose ADHD once a child becomes a teenager.

A physician can conduct a medical history to help put a child's behavior in context. They will ask what symptoms a child is showing, how long the symptoms have occurred, and how the behavior affects a child and his/her family.

Behavioral Treatments for Children With ADHD

Children with ADHD involves adjusting the environment to promote more successful social interactions. Such adjustments include:

1. creating more structure.

2. encouraging routines.

3. clearly stating expectations of the child with ADHD.

4. Social skills training.

5. Support groups and parenting skills training.

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