ad 5 ad 10 ad 15 ad 20 ad 25 ad 30 ad 35 ad 40 compiled by robert booth timeline of the apostle paul...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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AD5 AD10 AD15 AD20 AD25 AD30 AD35 AD40

compiled by Robert Booth

Timeline of theApostle Paul [part 1] dates are


AD 5Saul wasborn as an Israelite, from the tribe of Benjamin. He was born in Tarsus as a Roman Citizen. [Acts 7:58; 22:25-29]

AD 10 - AD 30received his education including studying under the Jewish scholar, Gamaliel

AD 30 - AD 35persecuted Christians, including watching with approval the stoning of Stephen[Acts 7:57-60]AD 37

converted [Acts 9:1-19]

preaches in the synagogues[Acts 9:20-25]

goes to Jerusalem; Jewish leaders are suspicious[Galatians 1:18-19]

spends 3 years in Arabia AD 37-40

[Acts 9:23; Galatians 1:17]

AD40 AD45 AD50 AD55

compiled by Robert Booth

Timeline of theApostle Paul [part 2] dates are


AD 46Paul goes with Barnabas to Antioch in Syria to preach for one year [Acts 11:25-26]

First Missionary Journey

AD 47 - AD 49

Second Missionary Journey

AD 49 - AD 51

Third Missionary Journey

AD 52 - AD 57AD 49Jerusalem Council[Acts 15:1-35]

AD 49Galatians letter written

AD 51Paul appears before GaliloAD 511 & 2 Thessalonians written

AD 53 - AD 55 Paul in Ephesus

AD 56 1 & 2 Corinthians written

AD55 AD60 AD65 AD70

compiled by Robert Booth

Timeline of theApostle Paul [part 3] dates are


AD 57 - AD

62 Journey to Rome

AD 57 Arrested in Jerusalem

AD 57 Romans written

AD 57 - AD

59 In prison in Caesarea

AD 59 Shipwrecked

AD 60 Philemon written

AD 60 Ephesians written

AD 60 Colossians written

AD 61 Philippians written

AD 64 1 Timothy written

AD 64 Titus written

AD 62 - AD

63 Released from Prison

AD 66 2 Timothy written

AD 67 Imprisoned in Rome

AD 68 Paul’s death

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