actors and locations presentation

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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For my trailer the four main things that are paramount of importance are the actors, locations of the trailer, costumes needed to be worn and props needed to complete most scenes. In this presentation I will be explaining the reasons why I have chosen the chosen actors, locations, costumes and props for my trailer which will be an Action trailer.

The first thing I need for my trailer are the actors. After assessing a variety of actors for my trailer I have decided who my final set of actors will be for my trailer. My film will consist of lots of action, so I will need actors who will be able to thrive when under pressure and to do quality acting. I will need 6 characters in total for my trailer; the two brothers who are at the centre of everything in the film are the main characters. I have chosen Jaspreet Singh to be the elder brother (Ranvir Singh) in my trailer and Reece Bahia who will play the younger brother (Rajiv Singh). The detective who will be investigating the death of the elder brother will be Enamul Miah, (Detective Robert’ Da Costa), the three ladies who are the girlfriends of the three men, are (Elise, Samantha and Anita). After assessing these actors I have decided that they are most appropriate for my trailer. I decided the actors for my trailer by giving a couple of them interviews.

Locations – For my trailer I will need quite a few different locations, I have decided on my locations after intense testing and assessments. My main location will be Grace Academy Darlaston which has most of the facilities that I need to complete my trailer. It is also most suitable as all of my characters will be available for me to use everyday and I won’t need to go to them personally outside of school to shoot some shots. This will be both inconvenient for myself as well as my actors as I could be using time out of school to complete other parts of my Media coursework and the same applies to my actors who could be using their time out of school to complete their work.

Another setting for my film will be in my local town where I will be filming the racing scenes. I previously had tried to do every scene in my trailer within Grace Academy but found it extremely difficult to do certain scenes such as the racing scenes, so with these scenes being impossible to do I have chose to do the racing scenes on the streets in my local town. I also felt that with the school environment that some scenes may not be suitable and will be hard to maintain the quality of the trailer. Also by doing some of the scenes in my local town it will make my trailer look more realistic and professional because if I wanted to do the racing scenes in school, then firstly the only facility I could use is the car park; this is quite small as it is, whereas on the orads outside of school there is loads more space I could use and by being on actual roads, again it makes my trailer look more real and professional

Costumes - For my trailer I will need a variety of different costumes as the scenes in my trailer will consist of different settings and props. So the different costumes will need to match with the intensity of the scenes, for example in a romantic scene the characters will be in a place of serenity and calm atmosphere, their clothes will also match with the scene, so a lady might wear a long white dress in a romantic scene and a man might wear a suit and tie. For my trailer I will need mainly be needing casual clothes as most scenes will include action, I will also need smart clothing for particular scenes. I first chose casual clothing as the main type of clothing for my trailer, I then went through my storyline and noticed that money and wealth has a big part, so I then added smart clothing to it as well. By changing it to smart and casual, it matches more with the theme of my film. It also matches with the clothes worn by most actors and actresses in Action films, hence the reason why I have chose this type of clothing for my trailer.

Props – My trailer will consist of lots of action and maybe a bit of comedy, to ensure I get my trailer to be the best, I will need appropriate and suitable props. So for example, for a cycle race I will need bikes and helmets. This is to ensure the overall quality and professionalism of my trailer is upheld because if there was a cycle race without the helmets , then viewers may perceive this as unprofessional and think of my trailer as a kids film where in reality it is aimed towards people aged 18+. This may also sway the viewers to not go and watch the full film. For scenes such as the racing scene props such as cars will be needed, so for these scenes I will be using my own car which I will let the appropriate actors to drive and I will ask one of my teachers if they can use their car in order for me to construct the perfect trailer. Again I am using these props so I can improve the overall quality and professionalism of my trailer. There will be loads of other scenes where I will be needing a variety of props for my scenes to run smoother. These props include: Fake Guns, briefcases and many more, all these are needed to ensure my trailer is unique and looks realistic, also so it matches with the themes of the trailer. After testing with the props mentioned above, I feel that I will not need to change anything as they are all suitable and appropriate for my trailer. There were some props that I tested but felt they were not suitable or inappropriate, for example for the racing scenes I tested some other cars rather than my own, but after testing with them I felt they were not suitable for the trailer as they do not match with the intensity of the film, whereas a BMW as I have now chosen, matches up to the quality and fast paced race as well as the trailer on the whole.

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