academy news 27th may 2016 e x p l o r...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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Principal’s Report

Sara Davey - Academy Principal

Finally, our staff, who lead by brilliant example. Congratulations to Neil Eddy who this week sent us news of his success in Barcelona taking the latest of his Triathlon “Iron Man” challenges.

All that remains is for me to wish you all a brilliant half term.

At Mounts Bay we aspire to give everyone the skills and confidence to be the “best that they can be”. We often summarise this ambition in the expression BE BRILLIANT and it is my pleasure to see examples of students and staff doing this in the Academy every day.

This newsletter is crammed with illustrations of this, from the launch of our new Brilliant Scholars’ Programme for our older students to the REAL projects work we are doing in Year 7. A fantastic example of this is the work we have been doing with our visitors from High Tech High in California, who, whilst they have been here have also been making a documentary about their experiences. The film will be shown at the Newlyn Filmhouse next month. However, for a taste of the work we are doing in REAL Project lessons, take a look at the video our students have made on our website:

Our philosophy is that brilliance comes in many forms and should be celebrated and nurtured. Another great example can be found in our High Performance Institutes that celebrate everything from sport to creativity. This week I had the privilege of listening to a rehearsal of a piece performed by our High Performance Choir that you can listen to here:

We also should not forget our students who work tirelessly “behind the scenes” brilliantly supporting the Academy as part of our Technical, Sports, Media and Digital Leader Teams. These student-led initiatives are proactive throughout the Academy and support our staff with many of the practical needs in keeping us brilliant.


Twelve students from Years 9 and 10 have successfully applied for places on the Scholars' Programme which is run by the Brilliant Club.

The purpose of the Scholars' Programme is to increase the number of students from state schools who apply for and successfully gain places at the top most selective universities across the country. The twelve students are now preparing for their first University trip to Wadham College, Oxford University, where they will meet their Phd tutor who they will be working with over the course of the next half term. They will then complete an extended assignment that will be marked at 'A' level standard before attending a graduation event at Southampton University early next academic year.

The application process involved students writing personal statements and then being interviewed by Mrs Davey. Well done to Hannah James, Skylar Finch, Eleanor Booker, Lamorna Tregenza Reid, Stanley Roynon, Thomas Hughes, Ellie Sawbridge, Lily Wadham-Duke, Heather Searle, Pasha Wilson, Hudson Hewett and Jenny McKniff.

We had nineteen students apply for this exciting programme and whilst we do not want to disappoint any students it was an important learning experience for all that places are limited and not everyone will be successful. One of the unsuccessful students reaction to not being selected was immediately "how can I improve my application for next time?".

Mr Jack, who is running the programme on hearing this said: “This is exactly the attitude that we aim to foster in our students and I have no doubt she will be successful in the future.”

The Scholars’ Programme


REAL Projects

Over the last two weeks at Mounts Bay Academy, we have been hosting our visitors from High Tech High in California. Emily and Sam have been working closely with the REAL team and the wider academy to develop our curriculum ideas for the next academic year.

Sam and Emily have been at Mounts Bay as work experience to end their REAL project education at High Tech High, where they have been taught through project based learning between Years 10 and 13. Sam and Emily found the experience very rewarding.

They have also been teaching within the current REAL Project lessons, which the students involved have enjoyed very much! While they were here a film has been made to document their visit, our Year seven REAL Projects this year, and also the connections between High Tech High and Mounts Bay Academy.

'I enjoyed having the Americans here; their lessons were interactive and I liked the Art Movement quiz. Our group made a creative presentation from their guidelines and the film and interviews were fun.'

Flo Sibley

'The filming was a great experience because it really shows what happens when two cultures combine, to show the differences and comparisons between Britain and America. It has also forced me to think quicker and sharper, so it has been a valuable experience.'

Wilbur Slade

It has been a pleasure getting to know Sam and Emily while they have been here, they have been enthusiastic, motivated and positive with everything they have done. We have learnt so much and shared many positive ideas, theories and observations about alternative and creative approaches to education. The staff and students are going to miss them!

'It was such a great opportunity to get to teach a Year seven Real Project class. It was inspiring to see the students take what they learned in lessons and turn their knowledge into creative pieces in groups. Everyone was very engaged and you could tell that they were passionate about what they were learning.'

Emily and Sam


Musical Success

Well done to Jack Cross who last week entered the Wall Music Festival in the Woodwind Intermediate (Grade III and IV) category.

He played Neville’s Waltz by Patrick Doyle on the flute. Jack is currently at Grade III level and out of the eight candidates entered in his class he won first prize with a score of 88 points giving him a high Distinction mark.

Jack won the Perpetual Trophy which he can now keep for the year.

The whole experience was great for Jack and he is hoping to win again next year!

Propeller Dance

The Academy Arts Award team has been promoting Propeller Dance, a new dance training programme for young people across Cornwall. Auditions were held at The Acorn this week and two of our Dance Leaders went along to try their luck.

We are pleased to say that both Steffi Fashokun and Tessa Sawbridge were successful in their auditions and will join ‘Propeller’ in September for a year of intensive training from highly trained professional dancers and choreographers.

They will both have opportunities to see and participate in performances, earn accreditation towards ‘A’-level (or equivalent) courses at Cornwall College and Falmouth University. Propeller members are also given practical support and encouragement should they wish to become involved in national opportunities such as National Youth Dance Company.

Well done Steffi and Tessa!


The TrenchReport by Miss Osborne

We’ve had another great rehearsal at Cape School for the production of The Trench, a drama set in World War 1, which will be performed at Levant from Friday 1st July through to Sunday 10th July 2016 inclusive. The production only runs for nine days and is limited to 60 people maximum per performance so if you want to see us, it is advised to book early! This theatrical experience will simulate life in the trenches using an area of ‘No Man’s Land’ landscape at Levant Mine.

Audience members will become participants who ‘enlist’ and are given a real identity, taken to the trenches and discover for themselves the realities of life on the Western Front and the build up to going over the top. The experience will culminate in the mess tent, where participants will discover the real-life fate of their assigned character in a fascinating exhibition curated by the National Trust.

This time we worked on the German version of Silent Night, Stille Nacht, and I was even roped in to support the harmonies for this, meaning I have a part to learn now too. We also participated in a “hotseat” exercise where students were asked to share information about their character and answer questions from the cast. I was so pleased to see how confident and informed our students were, it was a pleasure to listen to them.

The report below is a brilliant example of the experience we are all having.

WW1 Drama Project Report by Kate Matthew

In the short time we have been rehearsing, we have done lots! We have been measured up for costumes, chosen our characters and have learnt some German! My Character To choose our characters, Sally, a helper at the club, laid out about 12 - 15 sheets of A4. As they are real people, each one had information about the character such as where they worked and their family. Then, we were asked to go up and pick one. I chose a man called Hugh Oats. In the car back home, I told my mum who my character was, and she was sure it was a relative of mine. After much research on my iPad, we eventually worked out the connection; Hugh's grandad is a brother to my great, great, great, great granny! This is a bit complicated so we put together a family tree. I think it's amazing that by chance I managed to pick a relative, and I feel like it's a real honour to play him.

Overall I think this is a really great project that is really teaching me a lot about what life was like in the trenches and just how hard life truly was. All the people involved in the project are really nice and I think this is such a good experience!


Artist of the Week

This week Artist of the wWeek is awarded to Lauren Wright in Year nine. Lauren has worked with real dedication and focus this year when completing her fast-track GCSE, and has made real progress with her acrylic landscape paintings. Lauren's use of colour alongside her generously applied paint marks and brush strokes has resulted in a very sophisticated portfolio of work being created.

The paintings Lauren has produced recently capture the rural Cornish landscape with maturity; the movement in water, the variety of greens and browns that build the image. Lauren has explored a common theme in art but in an inventive and insightful way, documenting her journey in her sketchbook with clarity and care.

Well done Lauren!


Last week, Cornwall Music Education Hub held their prestigious Hub Sounds showcase at the Hall For Cornwall in Truro. The show featured a wide variety of Cornwall’s top young musical talent, with everything from jazz bands and orchestras to junk bands and ukulele groups taking to the stage.

MBA was represented by not one but two performances at the show, with both Emma Eddy and the Mini Band Mixx primary band being invited to perform.

We all arrived at the venue in the afternoon and sound-checked on the stage with the crew, which included friend of Mounts Bay, Martin Stansbury. After flawless rehearsals of both performances we had a little break, and then reconvened to watch the first half of the show.

During the interval we all made our way back stage to our dressing room, and got prepped. In what felt like only a few minutes we were called down to the side of the stage ready to go on!

First up was Emma Eddy. Emma has been really busy with her band ‘Eleventh Hour’ this year but has started branching out into solo performances, and this was her biggest solo show (so far!) She sat at the Hall’s lovely grand piano and performed Noel Gallagher’s “Half The World Away”. It was a stunningly beautiful performance which drew a huge reaction from the audience, and for me (obviously I’m slightly biased) it was the highlight of the show. Emma worked really hard to get ready for the performance and we’re all massively proud of her.

Top Musical TalentReport by Mr Roberts

Emma Eddy performing “Half the World Away”


As Emma walked off stage the curtains raised to reveal Mini Band Mixx set up and ready to rock! The Mini Band Mixx project has been running since November last year, and has brought together musicians from across our feeder primary schools into one band. The band have even written their own song, The Song Song!

The project has been led with the help of Silver Arts Award Students Brody Barden and Alice Thacker, and at this show they led the performance on stage.

The band were fantastic, and the song featured a big fat drum beat from 8 year old Jack Jeffery, riffs and solos from guitarists Sid Lewis, Eliot Oakley and Bernie Shilson, (who also wrote the lyrics), rumbling bass grooves from Finlay Stephens, Jools Holland style (but better) piano from Nat Thompson and a Jethro Tull style vocal and flute combo from Annie Rees

The performance drew massive cheers from the crowd and everyone went off stage with a massive smile on their face, and lots of high fives!

Brody and Alice were absolutely brilliant, not just leading the performance on stage but in being brilliant leaders with the children backstage and keeping everyone focussed and relaxed, and we’ve had lots of comments from other schools this week congratulating them on their’s and Emma’s brilliance.

Thank you to all of the parents, supporters and the children themselves, and massive massive well done to Alice, Brody and Emma.

I’m looking forward to going again next year!

Mini Band Mixx

Mini Band Mixx

Click here to see a video of the event on our website


Top 10 VIVO StudentsWell done to all students at the Academy who continue to work hard in lessons, produce excellent work and get highly involved in life at Mounts Bay.

Everyone is making a fantastic effort; here are the top 10 students with the most Vivo's so far this academic year.

FREE SWIMMING AT JUBILEE POOL Jubilee Pool re-opens this Saturday, 28th May 2016 after its two million pound refurbishment

Students and families are invited to swim for free between 10am and 6pm. There is live music from the Boundless Brothers from around 3pm and the Friends of Jubilee Pool would like as many people as possible to enjoy a great day.


45 Bronze D of E Report By Mr Fish

Fresh from my visit to Buckingham Palace with Mrs Davey, where we were presented with a plaque, displaying our Directly Licensed Centre status by none other than Ray Mears, it was my privilege to help another 45 Year 10 students to complete the expedition section of their Bronze DofE Award.

They made their way, without incident (phew!) to Penderleath Campsite near Zennor, and back. The external assessors who came to help were very complimentary about the group's skills and behaviour whilst out and about.

Many thanks to the staff and parents who gave up their time to make it happen: Mr Davies, Miss Harry, Mrs Coode, Mr Raggett, Miss Muray Lambrou, Miss Dolan, Mr Kent, Mr Larke, Mr Found, Mr Hooper, Mr Berwick and Mrs Murray.


Maths Quiz

Last week’s solution: 459Explanation: Multiply Leftmost number from right and left columns to calculate the first 2 digits of the number (9x5=45) then divide the rightmost 2 digits of the left column by the rightmost digit of the right column (81 / 9 = 9).

House Competition

Red: 47 PointsBlue: 35 Points

Yellow: 24 PointsGreen: 20 PointsPurple: 18 PointsOrange: 10 Points

Click here to submit your answer

Win an iTunes voucher

Whoever submits the most correct answers over a semester will win an iTunes voucher – prizes are also awarded to the top scoring parent/carer/staff.

Closing date for Entries: 9/6/16

This Week’s House Totals

174 173 165 152 150 141


Maths Badge Competition

Welcome to the 2016 Design a Badge Competition!

Your task is to design a badge which can be given to and worn by students across the country! We are looking for eye-catching designs with some mathematical content; you’ve seen our attempt – can you do better?


• Badges work best when the design or message is bold and simple.• Badges will have the website put around the edge – you don’t need to do this.• The finished badge will be circular – it is a good idea to work with a circular design.• It may help to create a design which is bigger than the finished badge – but remember that it

will be reduced so keep the design simple and bold.

Prizes for entrant:£100 book tokenBadges produced and distributed to Year 10 students across the country during the 2017 Maths Feast

Prize for teacher of winning entrant:£100 book tokenMaths Inspiration DVD

To enter

• Entries must be emailed to: to be received by 30th September 2016.

• Entrants must include their name and school. Entries can be sent from a teacher’s email account as long as it is clear which student has created the design.

• You can enter as many designs as you wish, though we are looking for quality rather than quantity!

• Students must be in school years 7 to 11 when the entry is submitted.

For more details see Miss Mckenzie

Be creative. Be ambitious.


To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word achieve. Send in your sentence using the link below.


Congratulations to Marlene Favata who wins a Edge of the World Bookshop Voucher.

Click Here to enter the competition

Marlene with her voucher

This week’s word is: Achieve

Definition: to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort

Origin:Middle English (in the sense ‘complete successfully’): from Old French achever ‘come or bring to a head’, from a chief ‘to a head’.

Image of recipient here

Year 7 CricketReport by Jacob Pengelly

On the 25th May our Year 7 cricket team travelled to Truro to play against Truro school.The two captains met for the toss (Ben and Jacob) and after winning Truro chose to bowl first.

James Swan and I went out to bat and after we scored 10 runs off the first over felt we were on a roll. In the 5th over James Swan was called out to be replaced by Joe Benson who was nearly out on his first ball!

Joe was in for 2 overs and then he got out to a plum LBW. After that Jack Edwards scored around 4 runs but was caught trying to hit the ball too hard. Meanwhile I got my 50 so put my bat in the air to a round of applause.

Then Callum Kitchen came in but unfortunately only faced one ball and was out for a duck

Next to come in was Michael Osmand, he batted very well and he rotated the strike a lot until he hit a beautiful drive shot that unfortunately got caught by the bowler.

The last person that came in was Dylan Jones. He didn't score many runs but when there was a chance to run he ran well and we both batted to the end getting a final total of 111 runs. I finished the innings having batted for all 20 overs and scored 78 runs.

In the interval, known as tea, we were treated to sandwiches, cakes and sausage rolls.

The second half of the game commenced and Truro went out to bat, however they didn't have as good a start as us but they persevered and caught up with us by scoring a run rate of 5 an over.

In the 6th over Ryan Barrass took over the bowling and on his very first delivery Ben Coston, the Truro Captain, played a cover drive shot that was just about to touch the ground until I got my fingers underneath the ball and I caught it, sending him back to the pavilion.

However, Truro continued to bat well and went on to beat our score of 111 runs with 4 overs and 9 wickets to spare.


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