abstract data types 抽象数据类型 2015/4/12institute of computer software nanjing university 1

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Abstract Data Types


2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


提要 软件构造:从面向过程到面向对象 抽象数据类型规约 作为模块化设施的 ADT 语言对 ADT 的支持


2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


软件构造 程序设计语言是最重要的软件构造工具。

PL 的设计体现软件构造原则。

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


回顾:结构化软件开发 “ 结构化( structured )”开发方法 开发过程侧面

以实现功能为中心 自顶向下,逐步求精

程序设计侧面 小结构: concatenation, selection, and

repetition. 大结构:过程抽象,避免全局变量

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


自顶向下( Top-down ) 的功能设计

Apr 18, 2023 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University



C1 I1 C2 I2 I

Topmost functional abstraction

Loop Conditional


回顾:结构化软件开发 “ 结构化( structured )”的合理性

管理复杂性的有效手段 分解 , 抽象 , 层次


Extendibility? Reusability?

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


从面向过程到面向对象 “ 结构化”的基本思想已经深入人心

但对于复杂、易变、交互性软件系统,以“功能”为中心的分解方式有局限 完全自顶向下的功能分解? 线性过程式的程序组织?


2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


例:考虑一个工资系统 一开始,客户说他的需求很“简单明确”:

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


Employee information

Hours worked

Produce Paychecks


例:考虑一个工资系统 这种功能明确的系统确实适合结构化的开发方法:自顶向

下,逐步求精。 你完美地完成了任务。

而后,极有可能,客户会跑过来跟你说: 给我加个统计报表撒 下个月我想一些人发记时工资,一些人发计件工资啊行啊,有人

每月一发,有人每周一发哦 加个个人所得税系统接口 加个图像用户界面,用交互查询

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


从软件构造的角度看 修改变动不可避免

因此问题是如何使其代价较小 修改“局部化” 寻找相对稳定的架构,封装变化的部件

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


对程序的一般理解 程序运行:在某个数据体上施以某些操作。 两个要素

操作(功能) Functions [or: Operations, Actions] 客体(对象) Objects [or: Data]




如何导出软件系统的结构? 两条途径:

从操作 / 功能入手 从客体 / 对象入手

形成两种分析设计方法: 基于过程的分解 面向对象的分解


面向对象的分解好在何处? Reusability: 数据(结构)及其上之操作的整体

复用,而非仅仅复用操作功能; Extendibility, Continuity: 对象更直接对应问题

空间的概念,因而较“功能”更稳定 .


“ 面向对象”的含义(之一) 面向对象的软件构造乃是基于系统所操作之对



The O-O designer’s motto

Ask NOT first WHAT the system does:

Ask WHAT it does it TO!


对象刻画 Consider not a single object but a type of

objects with similar properties. Define each type of objects not by the objects’

physical representation but by their behavior: the services (FEATURES) they offer to the rest of the world.

External, not internal view: ABSTRACT DATA TYPES


对象刻画问题 The main issue: How to describe program

objects (data structures):



Without overspecifying? (Remember information hiding)

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


A stack, concrete object






representation [count] := x












“Push” operation:count := count + 1

representation [free] := x“Push” operation:

free := free - 1

new (n)n.item := x

“Push” operation:

n.previous := lasthead := n

A stack, concrete object






representation [count] := x












“Push” operation:count := count + 1

representation [free] := x“Push” operation:

free := free - 1

new (n)n.item := x

“Push” operation:

n.previous := lasthead := n

抽象数据类型 一种数学的刻画方式 “ 类型”? -- (Data type, 简称 Type)

值 操作 函数 规律 公理

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


Stack: An abstract data type

Types: STACK [G]

-- G: Formal generic parameter

Functions (Operations): put: STACK [G] G STACK [G] remove: STACK [G] STACK [G] item: STACK [G] G empty: STACK [G] BOOLEAN new: STACK [G]


Using functions to model operations


put , =( )

s x s’

Reminder: Partial functions

A partial function, identified here by , is a function that may not be defined for all possible arguments.

Example from elementary mathematics: inverse: , such that

inverse (x) = 1 / x


The STACK ADT (cont’d)

Preconditions: remove (s: STACK [G]) require not empty (s) item (s: STACK [G]) require not empty (s)

Axioms: For all x: G, s: STACK [G] item (put (s, x)) = x remove (put (s, x)) = s empty (new)

(or: empty (new) = True)

not empty (put (s, x))

(or: empty (put (s, x)) = False)24

put ( , ) =

s x s’

Formal stack expressions

value = item (remove (put (remove (put (put (remove (put (put (put (new, x8), x7), x6)), item (remove (put (put (new, x5), x4)))), x2)), x1)))


Expressed differently

s1 = new

s2 = put (put (put (s1, x8), x7), x6)

s3 = remove (s2)

s4 = new

s5 = put (put (s4, x5), x4)

s6 = remove (s5)

y1 = item (s6)

s7 = put (s3, y1)

s8 = put (s7, x2)

s9 = remove (s8)

s10 = put (s9, x1)

s11 = remove (s10)

value = item (s11)


value = item (remove (put (remove (put (put (remove (put (put (put (new, x8), x7), x6)), item (remove (put (put (new, x5), x4)))), x2)), x1)))

An operational view of the expression

value = item (remove (put (remove (put (put (remove (put (put (put (new, x8), x7), x6)), item (remove (put (put (new, x5), x4)))), x2)), x1)))







s2 s3(empty)










s7 (s9, s11)x8










Expression reduction (1/10)

value = item ( remove (

put ( remove (

put ( put ( remove (

put (put (put (new, x8), x7), x6) )

, item ( remove ( put (put (new, x5), x4)

) )

) , x2)

) , x1) )







Stack 1 Stack 2

Expression reduction (2/10)

value = item ( remove (

put ( remove (

put ( put ( remove (

put (put (put (new, x8), x7), x6) )

, item ( remove ( put (put (new, x5), x4)

) )

) , x2)

) , x1) )



put remove









Stack 1 Stack 2

ADT 函数分类 一个 ADT T 中可有三种函数 :

Creators:OTHER T e.g. new

Queries:T ... OTHER e.g. item, empty


T ... T e.g. put, remove

Note : Mutable vs. Immutable2023.04.18 Institute of Computer Software

Nanjing University30

ADT 规约质量? 到底要描述多少特性才足够?

相对什么而言 完全? 数学的完全?

会不会描述的太多 “言多必失”? 一致性?

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


Sufficient Completeness

一个类型 T 的 ADT 规约是 sufficiently complete 当且仅当 对于任何 well-formed 的表达式 e 均可依据该 ADT 的公理

S1 • 判定 e 是否 correct.S2 • 若 e 为查询表达式且 correct, 则

e 的值可不用任何 T 类型的值就可表达。(一般而言不可判定)2023.04.18 Institute of Computer Software

Nanjing University32


An ADT specification is consistent if and only if, for any well-formed query expression e, the axioms make it possible to infer at most one value for e.


2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


Stack: An abstract data type

Types: STACK [G]

-- G: Formal generic parameter

Functions (Operations): put: STACK [G] G STACK [G] remove: STACK [G] STACK [G] item: STACK [G] G empty: STACK [G] BOOLEAN new: STACK [G]


The STACK ADT (cont’d)

Preconditions: remove (s: STACK [G]) require not empty (s) item (s: STACK [G]) require not empty (s)

Axioms: For all x: G, s: STACK [G] item (put (s, x)) = x remove (put (s, x)) = s empty (new)

(or: empty (new) = True)

not empty (put (s, x))

(or: empty (put (s, x)) = False)35

put ( , ) =

s x s’

证明证明上述 ADT 的 sufficient completeness

判定任何一个 well-formed 的栈表达式 e 的correct与否

若 e 的确 correct, 求 empty(e) 和 item(e) 的值(以不包含栈值的表达式表示)

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


基本思路 对表达式长度(嵌套层数即括号对数)进行归纳

操作性解释: 影响 correctness 的关键是栈中元素多少 查询操作不改变栈状态 仅 new put remove 改变 Empty(put...) item(put...) 均可求值 故消解


2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University



The weight of a well-formed stack expression not involving item or empty is defined inductively as follows:

W(new) = 0. W(put (s, x)) = W(s) + 1 W(remove (s)) = W(s) - 1

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


Weight Consistency rule : A well-formed stack expression e, involving

neither item nor empty, is correct if and only if its weight is non-negative, and any subexpression of e is (recursively) correct.

Zero Weight rule: Let e be a well-formed and correct stack

expression not involving item or empty. Then empty (e) is true if and only if e has weight 0.

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


以归纳法证明上述两规则: e 是 well-formed 的 不包含 empty 和 item 1. e 是 correct 的 <=> W(e) ≥ 0 ∧ e 中的子表达式 correct 2. 若 e 是 correct 的, empty(e) <=> W(e)=0

嵌套层数为 0 :必为 new ,上述两规则显然成立(当然我们也可以验证为 1 的情况)

假设对于嵌套层数不超过 n 的表达式上述两规则均成立,现证明对于嵌套层数为 n+1 时它们成立 考虑 e 的最外层函数 必为 put 或 remove

若 e = put(s, x), ......

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


.......若 e = remove(s), 1=> e is correct, s is correct and not

empty(s), W(s)>0 W(e)=W(s)-1 ≥0


2 W(s)>0, s至少有一个 put ,设其最外的put 为

put(s’, xexp), 在 e 中它的外面必为remove

... remove( put ( s’, xexp ) ) ...

e 变成 e’ 层数减 2 empty 值不变 规则 2成立

Correct 的无 empty 和 item 的表达式可消去remove

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


利用这两个规则证明 sufficient Completeness.再对嵌套层数进行归纳 e = f(s)

S 嵌套层数为 0 必为 new, empty(s)= TRUE, item(s) 不 correct

假设 s 层数不超过 n 时 f(s) 的 correctness 可判定,若 correct 则 empty(s) 和 item(s) 的值可求 现证明 层数为 n+1亦如是

考虑 s 的子表达式 u, 若 u 最外层为 empty 或 item ,因 u嵌套层数不超过 n ,它的 correctness 可判定,若不 correct, 则 s 不 corrct, 若 u 是 correct 的,则可求值;不断对这样的 u 求值 最终 消解 empty 和item, 消解 remove, 仅剩 put 和 new ,若外层为new 上面已讨论, 若 s=put(s’, x), 则 empty(s) 正确且等于 FALSE , item(s)正确且等于 x

ADT 与软件开发 ADT 为软件模块分解提供了理论基础:

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


ADT and software architecture

Identify every module with an implementation of an abstract data type, i.e. the description of a set of objects with a common interface.

The interface is defined by a set of operations (implementing the functions of the ADT) constrained by abstract properties (the axioms and preconditions).

The module consists of a representation for the abstract data type and an implementation for each of the operations. Auxiliary operations may also be included.


Implementing an ADT

Three components: (E1) The ADT’s specification: functions,

axioms, preconditions. (Example: stacks.)

(E2) Some representation choice.(Example: <representation, count>.)

(E3) A set of subprograms (routines) and attributes, each implementing one of the functions of the ADT specification (E1) in terms of the chosen representation (E2).

(Example: routines put, remove, item, empty, new.) 45

A choice of stack representation





capacity “Push” operation:

count := count + 1

representation [count] := x



Secret part:

•Choice of representation (E2)

•Implementation of functions by features (E3)

ADT specification (E1)Public part:

“ 面向对象”的含义(进一步) 面向对象的软件构造乃是将系统构造为抽象数


这个“抽象数据类型的实现”就是类( class )


从程序设计语言的角度看 应当通过恰当的程序设计语言支撑上述软件构


抽象机制:在过程抽象的基础上,还需要数据抽象 封装机制:实现信息隐蔽

2023.04.18 Institute of Computer SoftwareNanjing University


何谓“抽象” An abstraction is a view or representation of

an entity that includes only the most significant attributes

Nearly all programming languages support process abstraction with subprograms

Nearly all programming languages designed since 1980 support data abstraction

数据抽象 程序设计语言对抽象数据类型的支持是指允许

用户自定义具有如下特征的数据类型:1. 模块封装: The representation of, and

operations on, objects of the type are defined in a single syntactic unit

2. 信息隐蔽: The representation of objects of the type is hidden from the program units that use these objects, so the only operations possible are those provided in the type's definition

数据抽象的优势 模块封装的优势

Program organization, modifiability (everything associated with a data structure is together), and separate compilation

信息隐蔽的优势 Reliability--by hiding the data representations,

user code cannot directly access objects of the type or depend on the representation, allowing the representation to be changed without affecting user code

要支持 ADT ,需要 A syntactic unit in which to encapsulate the

type definition

A method of making type names and subprogram headers visible to clients, while hiding actual definitions

Some primitive operations must be built into the language processor

Design Issues

Can abstract types be parameterized? What access controls are provided?

Language Examples: Ada The encapsulation construct is called a package

Specification package (the interface) Body package (implementation of the entities named in the

specification) Information Hiding

The spec package has two parts, public and private The name of the abstract type appears in the public part of the

specification package. This part may also include representations of unhidden types

The representation of the abstract type appears in a part of the specification called the private part More restricted form with limited private types

Private types have built-in operations for assignment and comparison Limited private types have NO built-in operations

Language Examples: Ada (continued)

Reasons for the public/private spec package:

1. The compiler must be able to see the representation after seeing only the spec package (it cannot see the body package)

2. Clients must see the type name, but not the representation (they also cannot see the private part)

Language Examples: Ada (continued)

Having part of the implementation details (the representation) in the spec package and part (the method bodies) in the body package is not good

One solution: make all ADTs pointers

Problems with this:1. Difficulties with pointers2. Object comparisons3. Control of object allocation is lost

An Example in Adapackage Stack_Pack is

type stack_type is limited private;max_size: constant := 100;function empty(stk: in stack_type) return Boolean;procedure push(stk: in out stack_type; elem:in Integer);procedure pop(stk: in out stack_type);function top(stk: in stack_type) return Integer;

private -- hidden from clientstype list_type is array (1..max_size) of Integer;type stack_type is record

list: list_type;topsub: Integer range 0..max_size) := 0;

end record;end Stack_Pack

Language Examples: C++

Based on C struct type and Simula 67 classes

The class is the encapsulation device All of the class instances of a class share a

single copy of the member functions Each instance of a class has its own copy of

the class data members Instances can be static, stack dynamic, or

heap dynamic

Language Examples: C++ (continued) Information Hiding

Private clause for hidden entities Public clause for interface entities Protected clause for inheritance (Chapter 12)

Language Examples: C++ (continued) Constructors:

Functions to initialize the data members of instances (they do not create the objects)

May also allocate storage if part of the object is heap-dynamic

Can include parameters to provide parameterization of the objects

Implicitly called when an instance is created Can be explicitly called Name is the same as the class name

Language Examples: C++ (continued) Destructors

Functions to cleanup after an instance is destroyed; usually just to reclaim heap storage

Implicitly called when the object’s lifetime ends Can be explicitly called Name is the class name, preceded by a tilde (~)

An Example in C++class stack {

private:int *stackPtr, maxLen, topPtr;

public:stack() { // a constructor

stackPtr = new int [100];maxLen = 99;topPtr = -1;

};~stack () {delete [] stackPtr;};void push (int num) {…};void pop () {…};int top () {…};int empty () {…};




Evaluation of ADTs in C++ and Ada

C++ support for ADTs is similar to expressive power of Ada

Both provide effective mechanisms for encapsulation and information hiding

Ada packages are more general encapsulations; classes are types

Language Examples: C++ (continued)

Friend functions or classes - to provide access to private members to some unrelated units or functions Necessary in C++

Language Examples: Java

Similar to C++, except: All user-defined types are classes All objects are allocated from the heap and

accessed through reference variables Individual entities in classes have access control

modifiers (private or public), rather than clauses Java has a second scoping mechanism, package

scope, which can be used in place of friends All entities in all classes in a package that do not have

access control modifiers are visible throughout the package

An Example in Javaclass StackClass {

private int [] stackRef;

private int [] maxLen, topIndex;

public StackClass() { // a constructor

stackRef = new int [100];

maxLen = 99;

topPtr = -1;


public void push (int num) {…};

public void pop () {…};

public int top () {…};

public boolean empty () {…};


Language Examples: C#

Based on C++ and Java Adds two access modifiers, internal and

protected internal All class instances are heap dynamic Default constructors are available for all classes Garbage collection is used for most heap

objects, so destructors are rarely used structs are lightweight classes that do not

support inheritance

Language Examples: C# (continued)

Common solution to need for access to data members: accessor methods (getter and setter)

C# provides properties as a way of implementing getters and setters without requiring explicit method calls

C# Property Example public class Weather {

public int DegreeDays { //** DegreeDays is a propertyget {return degreeDays;} set {

if(value < 0 || value > 30) Console.WriteLine( "Value is out of range: {0}", value); else degreeDays = value;}

}private int degreeDays;...}

...Weather w = new Weather();int degreeDaysToday, oldDegreeDays;...w.DegreeDays = degreeDaysToday;...oldDegreeDays = w.DegreeDays;

Abstract Data Types in Ruby Encapsulation construct is the class Local variables have “normal” names Instance variable names begin with “at” signs (@) Class variable names begin with two “at” signs (@@) Instance methods have the syntax of Ruby functions

(def … end) Constructors are named initialize (only one per class) Class members can be marked private or public, with

public being the default Classes are dynamic

Abstract Data Types in Ruby (continued)

class StackClass {def initialize

@stackRef = Array.new @maxLen = 100 @topIndex = -1 end

def push(number) … end def pop … end def top … end def empty … endend

Parameterized Abstract Data Types

Parameterized ADTs allow designing an ADT that can store any type elements (among other things)

Also known as generic classes C++, Ada, Java 5.0, and C# 2005 provide

support for parameterized ADTs

Parameterized ADTs in Ada Ada Generic Packages

Make the stack type more flexible by making the element type and the size of the stack generic

genericMax_Size: Positive;type Elem_Type is private;package Generic_Stack is Type Stack_Type is limited private;function Top(Stk: in out StackType) return Elem_type;…end Generic_Stack;

Package Integer_Stack is new Generic_Stack(100,Integer);Package Float_Stack is new Generic_Stack(100,Float);

Parameterized ADTs in C++

Classes can be somewhat generic by writing parameterized constructor functions

class stack {…

stack (int size) { stk_ptr = new int [size]; max_len = size - 1; top = -1; };

… }

stack stk(100);

Parameterized ADTs in C++ (continued)

The stack element type can be parameterized by making the class a templated classtemplate <class Type>class stack { private: Type *stackPtr; const int maxLen; int topPtr; public: stack() { stackPtr = new Type[100]; maxLen = 99; topPtr = -1; } …}

Parameterized Classes in Java 5.0

Generic parameters must be classes Most common generic types are the

collection types, such as LinkedList and ArrayList

Eliminate the need to cast objects that are removed

Eliminate the problem of having multiple types in a structure

Parameterized Classes in C# 2005

Similar to those of Java 5.0 Elements of parameterized structures can be

accessed through indexing

Encapsulation Constructs

Large programs have two special needs: Some means of organization, other than simply

division into subprograms Some means of partial compilation (compilation

units that are smaller than the whole program) Obvious solution: a grouping of subprograms

that are logically related into a unit that can be separately compiled (compilation units)

Such collections are called encapsulation

Nested Subprograms

Organizing programs by nesting subprogram definitions inside the logically larger subprograms that use them

Nested subprograms are supported in Ada, Fortran 95, Python, and Ruby

Encapsulation in C

Files containing one or more subprograms can be independently compiled

The interface is placed in a header file Problem: the linker does not check types

between a header and associated implementation

#include preprocessor specification – used to include header files in applications

Encapsulation in C++

Similar to C Addition of friend functions that have access

to private members of the friend class

Ada Packages

Ada specification packages can include any number of data and subprogram declarations

Ada packages can be compiled separately A package’s specification and body parts

can be compiled separately

C# Assemblies

A collection of files that appear to be a single dynamic link library or executable

Each file contains a module that can be separately compiled

A DLL is a collection of classes and methods that are individually linked to an executing program

C# has an access modifier called internal; an internal member of a class is visible to all classes in the assembly in which it appears

Naming Encapsulations

Large programs define many global names; need a way to divide into logical groupings

A naming encapsulation is used to create a new scope for names

C++ Namespaces Can place each library in its own namespace and

qualify names used outside with the namespace C# also includes namespaces

Naming Encapsulations (continued)

Java Packages Packages can contain more than one class

definition; classes in a package are partial friends Clients of a package can use fully qualified name

or use the import declaration Ada Packages

Packages are defined in hierarchies which correspond to file hierarchies

Visibility from a program unit is gained with the with clause

Naming Encapsulations (continued)

Ruby classes are name encapsulations, but Ruby also has modules

Typically encapsulate collections of constants and methods

Modules cannot be instantiated or subclassed, and they cannot define variables

Methods defined in a module must include the module’s name

Access to the contents of a module is requested with the require method

小结 The concept of ADTs and their use in program design was a

milestone in the development of languages Two primary features of ADTs are the packaging of data with

their associated operations and information hiding Ada provides packages that simulate ADTs C++ data abstraction is provided by classes Java’s data abstraction is similar to C++ Ada, C++, Java 5.0, and C# 2005 support parameterized

ADTs C++, C#, Java, Ada, and Ruby provide naming


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