about akanksha ngo

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  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO




  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO



    The Akanksha Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide children

    from low-income communities with a high-quality education, enabling them to

    maximize their potential and transform their lives. Akanksha works in the field of

    education, initiating school reform through The School Project, and providing asupplemental education through the Akanksha centers.

    Currently, Akanksha reaches out to over 4400 children through two models: the after-

    school or center model and the school model. Akanksha has 25 centers and 15 schools

    in Mumbai and Pune. Through the centers, a commitment is made to support each

    child by providing a strong educational foundation, good time, self-esteem and values,

    and to help them plan how they can earn a steady livelihood as a step towards

    improving their standard of living. The School Project is a venture to open high-quality

    schools serving children from low-income communities in Mumbai and Pune. These

    schools are in partnership with local municipalities, with the vision of creating smallclusters of model schools in these cities that can be used to impact the mainstream

    education system.

    Akanksha or Aspiration is a non-profit organization that educates less privileged children

    from Mumbai's slum areas and provides them with vocational opportunities. Over the

    past 10 years, Akanksha has managed to create opportunities for 1000 children who

    study in Akanksha centers. A center can be based in a school after school hours,

    colleges, offices and other existing spaces. Akanksha does not invest money in brick

    mortar. We use existing under-utilized space.

    They believe that an early start with good basic education is the

    best way to help Mumbai's slum children help themselves. We

    aspire to provide them balanced education that focuses both

    intellectual and emotional development.

    Volunteers are an important part of the programme and over

    250 volunteers spend time teaching at Akanksha. Volunteers

    comprise school and college students, housewives and

    professionals. For each volunteer, Akanksha is a unique learning,

    as well as a giving experience.

    Education at Akanksha is non-formal but structured, creative, innovative and targeted

    towards developing each child holistically. The progamme develops in each child a

    sense of dignity, integrity and the self-confidence to take on the world. Thus, in its own

    way Akanksha is helping mold its children to be socially responsible citizens.

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO


    Akanksha's vital aim is to integrate the children into the formal school system. For this the

    teachers counsel the parents on the importance of education and the necessity of

    going to school. We reimburse parents for the children formal school expenses like fees,

    books, uniforms, etc.

    The children therefore attend the formal school as well as the Akanksha school. Weprovide them with the additional support that they need to keep them in school and

    monitor their progress.


    * Good education accessible at an early age is the best way to help lessprivileged children help themselves.

    * A balanced education must focus equally on a child's physical, mental andemotional development.

    * It is important to instill dignity and self-worth in children if they are to becomegood citizens.

    * Children need a physically and psychologically healthy environment to workand play.

    * Volunteers can play a vital role in their educational programmes.

    These beliefs from the base of their educational philosophy and curriculum

    Established in 1991 as a registered charitable trust, Akanksha today has 17 schools, 850

    children and over 300 volunteers.


    Today an increasing number of children are born and live in

    one of the numerous slums spread all over Mumbai. Trapped

    in a daily cycle of forced work and physical and emotional

    abuse they grow up without experiencing any part of

    childhood. They need someone to show the joys of childhood,

    they need educational opportunities so they can build abetter future for themselves. Akanksha tries to be the hand

    they can hold and the opportunity they can take.

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO



    The Akanksha Foundation was started in 1990. Registered as a charitable society and

    trust in 1991, Akanksha has grown from an organization run completely through

    voluntary efforts to a professional institution with full-time and part-time staff that

    channel voluntary efforts towards providing educational opportunities to less privileged


    Akanksha began with a simple idea. There were thousands of slum children who

    needed and wanted to be educated. There were thousands of college students who

    had the energy, enthusiasm and time to teach these children. And there existed

    pockets of available spaces located in schools that seemed ideal teaching

    environments. The simple idea then, was to bring together the three kids, student

    volunteers and spaces. Once they made this three-way connection the first Akanksha

    center was born.


    Akanksha believes that a strong afterschool model can effectively fill many of the gaps

    in the school system. Founded on the principle of maximizing existing resources, centers

    are run in under-utilized buildings and spaces for 21/2hours a day, five days a week for a

    group of 60 children. Each center is staffed with professional teachers trained in

    imparting the Akanksha curriculum and methodology, assisted by volunteers and social



    The mission of the Akanksha centers is to impact the lives of less privileged children

    enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives.

    We want each Akanksha child to

    * have astrong educational foundation* have a deep sense ofself-esteem* have a good timein a space where they can be children* successfully completesecondary school* Grow into concerned citizens and leave with a job.

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO



    It is the social worker who maintains the link between the parents, the community and

    Akanksha. They recruit the children: the poorest kids, kids with single parents, first

    generation learners are given priority. Besides ensuring that children attend Akanksha

    and formal school regularly, and trying to control dropouts from the system; the social

    worker monitors parental involvement, educates parents on health, hygiene, AIDS,

    against physical abuse and parental neglect, etc, through monthly parents meetings.

    The Empowerment Program, conducted by the Social Work team at all the adolescent

    centers educates children on dealing with alcoholism, substance abuse as well as issues

    related to sex and sexuality.

    The Social Workers are in the communities every single day and are respected

    Akanksha representatives in the communities; they catalyze social change amongst

    the parent community just as an Akanksha center strives to do that with the children.


    1. CEO - Vandana GoyalVandana worked with the Boston-based nonprofit organization Citizen Schools,

    an organization dedicated to changing the life trajectories of underprivileged

    children in urban areas, for four years. At Akanksha, she served on the team to

    create a blueprint for Teach for India, later moving on to manage the Beyond

    School department serving all adolescent children of Akanksha. In 2007, she

    became the Director of The School Project, launched to create a network of

    high-achieving schools within the government system. She took over as CEO in

    January of 2010.

    2. Chief Financial OfficerSmita KaushalSmita is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a law graduate with over 20

    years of experience in key roles with Siemens in India and other countries. At

    Akanksha, Smita provides leadership and coordination in all administrative,

    budgeting, accounting, and business planning efforts, coordinates with the BMC,

    while helping to develop strategy and long-term planning.

    3. Chief Learning OfficerReena Shah4. Director EducationAnjali Sabnani


    OperationsAnandhi Yagnaraman.5. Director CLASS (Career, Life and Socio-emotional Skills)Poorvi Shah6. ConsultantStrategySreeja Nedungadi7. Director ArtRuchika Gupta8. Director Human ResourcesNupur Bhargava9. Director MarketingChitra Pandit

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO



    Mahalaxmi Mumbai Public School Pre- primary

    Coordinator: Ruzin Master

    Timings: 12:30 PM5:30 PM

    Address: Near Mahalaxmi Temple, Behind Shobha Hotel, Bhulabhai Desai Road,

    Mahalaxmi, Mumbai

    Students: 32 Students

    Retention Rate: 94.1%

    Teachers: 4 Teachers

    Attendance Rate (2012-2013): 93%

    * Has Junior & Senior KG in Afternoon sections.* Offers a unique program where children learn through multiple intelligences.* 8 basic intelligences that the school successfully use in their lessons: musical,

    linguistic, mathematical, inter-personal, intra-personal, spatial, visual, and

    kinesthetic intelligence.


    * Akanksha Foundation does not get any aid from the government to run itsprogrammes.

    * It generates funds from corporations and individuals through word of mouth,presentations, proposals, marathons and other fund raising events.

    * Also, they collect funds through online donations.

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO


    1. How do they are attract students (why people send their children to theirschools)?

    At Akanksha they offer a unique teaching program where the underprivileged

    children learn through multiple intelligences

    They want to impact the lives of less privileged children enabling them to

    maximize their potential and change their lives.

    They want to encourage them to dream. But more importantly, they want to

    empower them to deliver on their dreams.

    2. How they are differentiating themselves from other private schools?

    Akanksha has a strong afterschool model can effectively fill many of the gaps in

    the normal school system.

    It is founded on the principle of maximizing existing resources; centers are run in

    under-utilized buildings and spaces for 21/2 hours a day, five days a week for a

    group of 60 children.

    Each center is staffed with professional teachers trained in imparting the

    Akanksha curriculum and methodology, assisted by volunteers and social


    It works on donation and it is not expensive as other private schools.


    * Aid teachers in maintaining class order.* Assisting teachers with differentiated learning strategies.* To help the students to learn and write.* Everyday revision of days, numbers, etc.* Encourage students to give answers.* Everyday homework.* Focus of each and every student while teaching.* Theoretical as well as practical education.

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO


    * Volunteers are an integral part of Akanksha classrooms in both schools andcenters.

    * They aid teachers in maintaining class order and assisting teachers withdifferentiated learning strategies.

    * More than this, they become role models and friends to all Akanksha students,often times finding they becoming more and more involved with Akanksha as

    the years progress.

    * In Akanksha, as a volunteer the activities done by us were to help the student tolearn and write English Language.

    * As per the guidelines given by the Akanksha group we also taught the studentsEnglish letters and correcting them if they went wrong in given homework.

    * Along with that we made numbers chart for the children to understand theaddition.


    * MMPS has a unique style of teaching* Education at MMPS is non-formal but structured, creative, innovative and

    targeted towards developing each child holistically

    * The progamme develops in each child a sense of dignity, integrity and the self-confidence to take on the world

    * How to mould children to be socially responsible citizens* How to integrate the children into the formal school system* Making children understand about what is good and bad for them* As a volunteer, Akanksha was a unique learning, as well as a giving experience.* Education at Akanksha is non-formal but structured, creative, innovative and

    targeted towards developing each child holistically.

    * The progamme develops in each child a sense of dignity, integrity and the self-confidence to take on the world.

    * Thus, in its own way Akanksha is helping mould its children to be sociallyresponsible citizens.

    * With the help of Akanksha's group we were able to learn about how to integratethe children into the formal school system.

    * We learned about how to make childrens understand about what is good andbad for them in the way of teaching them in schools and cultural activities.

  • 7/27/2019 About Akanksha NGO



    * MMPS is a BMCs organization that educates less privileged children fromMumbai's slum areas and provides them with vocational opportunities

    * Now BMC schools are revamping their education system with the help of NGOslike Akanksha

    * It aspires to provide them balanced education that focuses both intellectualand emotional development

    * Akanksha or Aspiration is a non-profit organization that educates less privilegedchildren from Mumbai's slum areas and provides them with vocational


    * Over the past 10 years, Akanksha has managed to create opportunities for 1000children who study in Akanksha centers.

    * They believe that an early start with good basic education is the best way tohelp Mumbai's slum children help themselves.

    * It aspires to provide them balanced education that focuses both intellectualand emotional development

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