abordajesconflic tnophotos monica gandolfo

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Proyecto PROHUMCapacitación Docente para

Graduados Profesores de Inglés del Nivel Secundario

“I have taken great care not to laugh at human actions, not to

weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them.”

Baruch Spinoza, Tractatus politicus, 1677

“Se acuerdan que vimos que cada humano tiene dos escenas: la que más teme y la que más desea. Con la que más desean ustedes comenzaron la carrera. . . . sobre la escena más temida y más deseada como operador (docente). ¿Qué es lo que más temen como operador (docente) de un grupo?, que el grupo los desconozca, que se quede en silencio, que el grupo se tiña de agresividad, que se descompense, que me arrastren en su patología?. A cada uno le va a pasar cosas distintas, esto no es malo. Lo malo radica en no conocer qué temo o qué deseo.”

Things we have observed

“Apathy” “Special” humor (don´t fall!) (si/no; “Carteras”) Open challenge to authority ⇒ Contextualize/personalize⇒ “mild” challenge, invite, play along, ⇒ Clear rules, “strong” l imits (no gett ing angry),⇒ “break into their terr itory”


“ . . . If children (adults, adolescents?) do not understand the spoken (written?) language,

they cannot learn it. “Cameron, Lynne, Teaching Languages to Young Learners, 2001, Cambridge: CUP,


Diversity“Why there can be no best method

for teaching a second language”

“Teachers can provide ‘general guidelines, restrictions, [and] recommendations’, and each individual brain has to figure out the best way to adapt to the input”

“If the learner cannot find an alternative, learning is likely to be abandoned”

Programa Fines el inglés es una de las materias por las que los alumnos no terminan su secundaria) [1]

[1] Dato aportado por la Prof. Silvana Barboni, UNLP.

Diversity (2)• Teacher/student: L1/translation• Student/student: text/ / no texts

Shame/self-consciousness /mistakes (explicit,when made to speak out in public, not only FL)

• fear o being made fun of Attention (as the reason why they do not

understand??): (Teacher explains well/does not explain well [?]= Teacehr does not hold attention by systematcally calling on students in a PROACTIVE/PREVENTIVE WAY?)

• Preference for bb use for socialization [?] ;

The Components 5 major components are involved in a direct broadcasting satellite (DBS)

system: the programming source, the broadcast center, the satellite, the satellite dish and the receiver.

Programming sources are simply the channels that provide programming for broadcast. Programs are not created by the provider; it pays other companies (HBO, for example, or ESPN) for the right to broadcast their content via satellite.

The broadcast center is known as the central hub of the system. At the broadcast center, the TV provider receives signals from various programming sources and a broadcast signal is sent to satellites in orbit.

The signal is received by the satel l i tes and they re-broadcast them to planet Earth.

The dish in a house receives the signal from the satellite and sends it to the receiver.

Finally, the signal is processed by the receiver and the picture is presented in a standard TV.

1. Complete the diagram using the names of the components.

Direct Broadcast Satellite System

The next two activities are intended for them to work on the new vocabulary items. I expect them to find equivalent terms and also to differentiate concepts from examples.


Remember you need a focus on VERBS (as lexis) !!

3. KNOW - BROADCAST – INSTALL – SEND - TRANSMITMake sure to check non-transparent verbs and other vocabulary in the

text (not here)4. Create a diagram which represents the Cable TV System in

the text)5. Write a description of the diagram

Yesterday I saw an assault in the street.A thief stole a bag from a woman.A dog caught the criminal.The police officers arrested the thief.The police officers returned the bag to the woman.The thief went to prison

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