a2 unit4 combination & alliances

Post on 14-May-2015






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  • 1.UNIT 4 COMBINATION &ALLIANCESAREA OF INVESTIGATION :-the use of juxtapositions,superimpositions and sounds,and the impacts of them

2. Disorders deaf, blind, maimed, mentalwhich I am especially in sign languageas I have done something to do withblindness in my unit 2 3. ARTIST RESEARCH AND IMPLEMENTS: Mark Rothko and his use of big juxtapositions of colours; In psychology colours like red, orange and yellow triggers hungerand colours in the shades of blue draws out sympathy. Marks use of colour although it is just plain colour without and shapes can pull out feelings form his audience.Left : Blue & grayRight: Cubierta 4. One inspiring film i have found during the break is Sign language which is an Englishshort film about a guy who hold signs for living. I like the way the director documentsdaily basis of a guy on his last day of work and how he is talking passionately aboutthis. Also I like the camera techniques such as when the camera is on close up on hisface when he is talking, it became blurred from time to time. 5. For more artists researches please visit my actual blog on artistresearches :http://pamunit4.wordpress.com/explore/ 6. DocumentaryNarrativeBlack & WhiteVoice OverHand held cameraNatural Lighting (No extra lights)Jump cutsStop motionPhotographs 7. So the ovarall idea is to COMBINE film, text, images and surrealism together.Please check out other pages in the wordpress website 5The End.

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