a unique opportunity for eosdis

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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A Unique Opportunity for EOSDIS. The explosion of advanced technology coupled with a more sophisticated, insatiable demand for information has created a need for accessing big images, real fast. What is MrSID?. MrSID stands for M ulti r esolution S eamless I mage D atabase - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


A Unique Opportunity for EOSDIS

The explosion of advanced technology coupled with a more sophisticated, insatiable demand for information has created a need for accessing big

images, real fast.

What is MrSID?

• MrSID stands for Multiresolution Seamless Image Database

• MrSID is a powerful wavelet-based compressor, viewer and file format for massive raster images that enables instantaneous viewing and manipulation of massive images locally, and over networks while maintaining maximum image quality.

MrSID Product Description

• MrSID technology includes a full line of compressors and viewers tailored for different users.

• MrSID Compress typically compresses 10Mb to 50 Gb images and displays them in seconds.

• Primary benefits include instantaneous browsing of massive images and increased storage capacity.

MrSID: Easy Access to Large Imagery

• Image Creation/Editing

• Accuracy• Speed• Ease-of-Use/Access• Application Metadata

• Speed• Ease-of-Use/Access• Metadata

Task SpecificEnvironment



• Number of UsersNumber of Users

History of MrSID

• Originally developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory.• Years of research & development behind the

technology.• Same team developed wavelet-based image standard

used by FBI.• Three patents issued.• LizardTech established as exclusive commercialization

agent through U.S. Technology Transfer Act.• LizardTech developed commercial MrSID application.• First commercial product introduced in March 1997.

MrSID Commercialization

• LizardTech responsible for standardization and extension of technology.

• Broad-based industry and user support.• Initial market focus includes

Mapping/GIS, Document Management, and Medical Imaging.

• Goal: Make MrSID a standard like Microsoft Word ®, Adobe PhotoShop ®,and ArcView GIS ®.

MrSID Features

• Unsurpassed Compression Ratios 15-20:1 for Grayscale/ 30-50:1 for Color

• Uncompromised Image Quality• Seamless Wavelet Compression®• Automatic Seamless Mosaicking• Selective Decompression®• Selective Multiresolution Browsing®• Unprecedented Speed• Compress Images of Practically Any Size

MrSID Benefits

• Next-generation, wavelet-based image compression.

• Inherent Multiresolution.• Seamless, automatic mosaicking during

compression.• Image Database innovation which allows selective

decompression of any part of the image.• Ideal for massive images (100s of Mb/Gb).• High compression ratio; variable settings.• One file format, any platform/OS.• Highest quality in the market.

MrSID Versus Tiled Imagery

A single, seamless image

One of many catalogued images

{ x , y }• Automatic

mosaicking• Single image

file• No seams• No tiles

• No pyramid• Incremental

display of imagery

• Instantaneous display

• Application independent

• Platform independent

• Any part of the image, at any resolution, in seconds

MrSID Multiple Resolutions

1 meter/pixel1 meter/pixel

2 meter/pixel2 meter/pixel

8 8 meter/pixelmeter/pixel

MrSID Selective Decompression

•No PyramidsNo Pyramids •Only decompresses what’s

needed•On-the-fly, view dependent•Output to other format(s)(s)

150 Mb of 150 Mb of Imagery Imagery

500 Kb of 500 Kb of Im

agery Im


MrSID Product StrategyProducts Specification• MrSID Publisher Virtually any image size.

Multiple image seaming/ mosaicking.• MrSID Professional 500 MB image size limit.

Multiple image seaming.• MrSID Limited 100 MB image size limit.

Single image.• MrSID Viewer(s) Internally, OEM, and partner

developed viewers.• MrSID Image Server Client/Server

architecture. Large images over Internet, FAST.

MrSID Viewing Solutions


• Use free MrSID Software Development Toolkit (SDK) to enable existing applications to read MrSID format.

• LizardTech to accomodate HDF-EOS Grid format in addition to formats already supported (GeoTIFF, ERDAS, BSQ, BIP, BIL, Sun Raster, USGS DOQ, and flat raster).

Compression Technology Comparison

• Parameters MrSID LZW JPEG• Compressed Size 639Kb 9,340Kb 1,872Kb• Compression Ratio 33:1 2:1 12:1• Resolution Excellent Excellent Poor• Decompress Speed 2 s 14 min. 5.11min.• Seamless Compression YES no no• Multiresolution YES no no• Selective YES no no

Decompression• Geometric Accuracy YES YES no• Compress/ Decompress YES no no

Any Size Image• Efficiency Excellent Poor Poor

Input File: An 8 by 10 inch 24-bit color image scanned at a physical resolution of 300 dots per inch. The image requires 20.6Mb to store uncompressed.

Compression Technology Comparison

• MrSID versus FractalMrSID has faster decompressionMrSID has superior qualityMrSID has pixel level/geometric accuracy

• MrSID versus FlashPix/JPEG PyramidsMrSID has much smaller file sizeMrSID has better quality & higher compression ratiosMrSID builds views based on existing data (not separate files)

MrSID vs JPEG Pyramids

• MrSIDMrSID33% 33% largerlargerbefore before compressicompressionon

JPEG JPEG PyramidPyramid

NO file size increaseNO file size increasebefore compressionbefore compression

Wavelet-Based Competitors

• Other wavelet-based image compression products all share the same limitations MrSID solves:

• Lack of mission critical image quality.• Limited size of image that can be compressed.• Lack of integrated selective decompression.• Lack of single, cross-platform file format.• Lack of legacy system support.• Lack of imaging and mapping industry support.The ability to compress images of virtually any size

without edge artifacts or seams and Selective Decompression are the basis for the patented intellectual property in MrSID.

MrSID Market Focus

• Aerial/Satellite Imagery• Geographic Information Systems• Document Management Systems• Medical Imaging• Image Archives (e.g., Museums &

Libraries)• Games/Synthetic Worlds

MrSID Solutions - GIS

• Work with MrSID imagery just like any other image format.

• Complete geo-spatial and geometric accuracy.– Accurately measure distances/areas– Existing/new vector data overlays precisely

• Automatic, seamless image mosaicking.• Same .sid image file can be used for any

mapping/GIS application on any platform.

Benefits for EOSDIS

• HDF library can integrate MrSID API• Terabytes of imagery collected each

day can reach users more quickly• Commercial imagery providers,

software vendors and users are embracing MrSID to the point where it will soon be a standard delivery format of processed imagery.

Contact Information

LizardTechKevin Howald - Eastern U.S. Manager7812 Old Chester RoadBethesda, MD 20817TEL: 301-320-9817 FAX: 301-320-9818howald@clark.net or


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