a roman catholic stewardship church...jan 15, 2017  · making your new year’s resolutions...

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MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil 5pm Sunday 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm 1:45pm, 6pm (Español) Daily (Mon—Sat) 8am (Rosary following Mass) First Friday 8am National Holidays 8am

RECONCILIATION: Friday 4pm—5pm Saturday 3:30pm—4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday 8am—7:45am Benediction Saturday 8am

MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Second Saturday of the Month 8am

HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: Vigil 6pm Holy Day 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)

21682 lake forest drive, lake forest, california, 92630 sdccatholic.org

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M, T, W, T, F 8:30am—1pm, 2pm—8:30pm

Sunday 9am—12pm, 1pm—5:30pm


Fr. Greg Márquez

parochial vicar

Fr. Joseph Young Priest in Residence

Humberto Ramirez deacon

Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval pastor

Fr. Gregory Dick, O.Praem Weekend Assisting Priest

Dan Diesel deacon

A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

Church/Chapel Sunday, January 15 Baptisms 3:30pm

Monday, January 16 Wedding Rehearsal 6:00pm

Tuesday, January 17 Ensayo Coro 7:00pm

Wednesday, January 18 Children’s Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm Ensemble Rehearsal 7:00pm Our Lady Q of P Prayer Group (Chapel) 7:00pm

Thursday, January 19 Santiago Minstrels 7:30pm

Friday, January 20 Wedding (Akagawa) 4:00pm Confessions 4:00pm-5:00pm Grupo de Oración 6:00pm

Saturday, January 21 Wedding (Reyes/Origel) 2:00pm Confessions 3:30pm-4:30pm

Parish Center Sunday/Domingo RCIA Children’s Liturgy Knights Tootsie Roll Drive Library Open Christian Men in Commerce

Monday/Lunes Library Open Religious Education St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises St. V de P Meeting

Tuesday/Martes Cub Scouts Pack 651 Friends in Faith Encuentros Matrimoniales Cristo Rey Home School Music Class Spiritual Direction

Wednesday/Miércoles Bible Study Staff Meeting Knights of Columbus Meeting Religious Education

Thursday/Jueves RCIA Clase de Biblia

Friday/Viernes Christian Men in Commerce Al-Anon Home School Dance Class Grupo de Crochet Formación en la Fe

Saturday/Sábado VITA Tax Preparation RCIA – Burrito Ministry Installation Mass Reception Kryie Children’s Liturgy

Mass Intentions for the Week of 1/16 to 1/22/17 Monday (8am) Luis Grepo† Tuesday (8am) Marta Fowler Wednesday (8am) Ruth Zebrun† Thursday (8am) Owen Zebrun† Friday (8am) Rafael Valdes-Camin† Saturday (8am) Elizabeth Okada Saturday (5pm) Thomas Hughes Sunday (7am) M.J. Joseph† Sunday (8:30am) Amelia Barragan† Sunday (10:15am) Julio Enriquez† Sunday (12pm) Josefino Goco† Sunday (1:45pm) Sunday (6pm)

Readings for the Week Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 -- 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Is 8:23 -- 9:3; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17; Mt 4:12-23 [12-17]

Pictures 0n Front Cover • After the rain and before the patio columns came down. Photo submitted by Kathy Goebel.

Prayers for the Sick Myrna Alferos, Ofelia Alvizo, Matthew Burges, Burgos Family, Alexander Gustavo Bracamontes, Mr. Carchetta, Abram Durah, Cherie Deeble, Duran Family, Vincent Eacona, Rhodora Encarnacion, Jose Espinoza, Rodolfo Fernandez, Enrique Fuentes, Michael S. Garcia, Bill Goebel, Carmen Gonzalez, Bea Guogeon, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Frank La Franco, Takoa Last, Maurice Maloney, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Verónica Molina, Beverly Nare, Mary Odierna, Lumi and Rudy Palacio, Erika Pena, Cyrus Rhee, Blas Rodriguez, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Jose Marie Seijo, Michael Seijo, Marcia Shadron, Doris Sinclair, Irene Sullivan, Gladys Velloso, Pola Williams, Conrado Yuvienco.

Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: kgoebel@sdccatholic.org.

In Memoriam 2017 Elena Perez entered into Eternal Life on January 4, 2017. Her Funeral Mass was held on Thursday, January 12th at 10am. Frank A. Martinez entered into Eternal

Life on January 3, 2017. His Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, January 20th at 11am.

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

The Epiphany of the Lord I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. -- Isaiah 49:6b

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (1/8/17)

Sunday Offertory: $ 15,569.43 Average Weekly Parish Pay: $ 4,639.25 $ 20,208.68 Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory: $ 22,350.00 $ (2,141.32)

Building Fund: $ 215.00

Mass Intentions 2017 Our Reception Office is now taking Mass Intention Requests for the first quarter of 2017 (January through March), and will continue to do so until that quarter is booked. The requested donation remains $10 per Mass. For more information please contact our Reception Office. The rest of the schedule for quarterly start dates are as follows: • March 1st = April - June • June 1st = July - September • September 1st = October - December

Financial Statements In an effort to save the cost of postage, end of the year tax

statements that are requested will be emailed to you or will be available for pick up in the Reception Office. This

would be a good time to update or add your email contact information. Financial contribution statements for 2016

will be processed only if you have used weekly envelopes. To request a statement, call the office at 949-951-8599 or

email: sburgos@sdccatholic.org.

Knights of Columbus Bill Breen Tootsie Roll Drive

January 14th and 15th

The Knights of Columbus will be collecting funds to support the Intellectually Disabled in Orange County next weekend after all Masses. They will be giving away

Tootsie Rolls. Please donate what you can to the volunteers in the yellow and red aprons.

No donation is too small.

Sunday, January 15th 8am to noon Shoot some hoops and have some fun! Boys and girls 9 to 14 compete by age and the winners will progress to district and state competitions. Participants must furnish proof of age and written parental consent. All contestants will be recognized. Join us in the lower parking lot.

Parish Offices Closed Monday, January 16th

Parish offices will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.


Fr. Thomas’ Installation Mass Saturday, January 21, 2017 5pm Mass

Please join us for this special liturgical celebration. Bishop Kevin Vann will be here to formally install Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval as Santiago de Compostela’s Pastor! The appointment came last July and Fr. Thomas has been official in his role for a while now, but this Mass will formally solidify Fr. Thomas’ role

as Pastor with Santiago’s committees, staff and parishioners. There will be a Reception immediately following in the Parish Hall. We look forward to seeing you all there!

St. Vincent de Paul Second Collection January 22, 2017

On Sunday, we are having a second collection for Santiago’s St. Vincent de Paul ministry. 100% of your generous donations help our parishioners and their families in financial need, within the church’s boundaries. Thank you for your generous support in the past. We cannot operate without you.

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

Santiago Meal Ministry Santiago has a Meal Ministry that provides short term assistance to parishioners in need of meals due to illness or incapacity to cook. If you are in need or know of someone in the parish who is in need, please call Mary Ann at 949-770-3056. We are here for you.

100 Days Until We CHOOSE LOVE! Choosing love is choosing life! Choosing love means standing with those in need, defending the helpless, and proclaiming the beauty of every human life. Choosing love takes time. Choosing love gives of yourself. When we

choose love, together we build a culture of life.

We invite you to join us at our 3rd annual OneLife LA on January 21, 2017 as we challenge LA to choose love!

RSVP on OneLife LA’s Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/724538874312318/ and invite 3 friends to join you for our 3rd year!

Watch for updates as we announce our incredible speakers and performers! This is one line-up you won’t want to miss!

Friends in Faith We are a ministry for Adults with Special Needs. We celebrate our faith by prayer, music and crafts. While refreshments are served, it is a great time to socialize with our participants. Everyone leaves the

evening nourished spiritually and bodily. We will be starting our fifth year this September. We meet every 3rd Tuesday (January 17th) of the month, September through June, at 6:30pm in the parish hall. We are looking for someone in the parish who has a special talent that would like to share their gift with our participants one evening (i.e. ceramics, story telling, dance, exercise, arts and crafts, etc.). Contact Kathleen Collins at 949-230-4424 or Dottie Gannon at 949-689-3020. If you know of anyone who would like to be part of this ministry, please call us. Thank you for your support and prayers.

Senior Activities All seniors ages 55 and over are welcome.

To help coordinate the event, please call Pearl at 949-770-4939 to assure the

number of seats available. January 17th: Lunch at Olive Garden

On El Toro Road next to St. Nicholas Church in Laguna Hills. Meet there at 11am.

Marriage Encounter February 10 to 12, 2017

Is your marriage in need of a tune up? While making your New Year’s resolutions consider attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend to put some spark and romance back in your marriage. Our first 2 weekends for 2017 are February 10-12 and March 24-26.

For more information please contact Jim or Cheryl at 949-551-9156 or John and Maggie Lee at 714-873-5136.

Sign-up is also available at www.OCWWME.org.

Memory Loss Do you or a loved one have questions or concerns about memory loss issues? The

Interfaith Outreach Program through the Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County provides public awareness, education and support to faith based communities regarding Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses. Educational information, emotional support and referral to free programs are available. For more information call Teresa at 949-701-5125.

Zumba Class Hiatus Due to a lack of participation during the winter months, Zumba Class will be put on hold from their Monday evening meeting time of 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Rooms J and K in the Parish Hall. Parishioner and Zumba Instructor, Maria Rodriguez, will be happy to reinstate the class if interest picks up. To contact Maria, please email her at: armrodriguez2003@yahoo.com.

Knights of Columbus Brizio Fundraiser Wednesday, January 18th from 5pm to 8pm

Look for the flyer in this week’s bulletin for this fundraiser opportunity for the Knights at Brizio’s, located at 21771 Lake Forest Drive, Lake Forest 92630.

Operation Shoebox Thank you to all of our very generous parishioners who put shoeboxes together for the homeless of Orange County. Our parish donated over 300 boxes which were blessed by the Bishop at one of the morning Masses and delivered to the Isaiah House. We also delivered many extra items which were truly appreciated. Your kindness and thoughtfulness has made a significant difference in the lives of those less fortunate. God Bless!

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

JMJ 15 January, 2017 My Dearest Parish Family,

God be with us always.

Now that we have entered the Ordinary Time in our Liturgical Calendar – let us take a moment to circle back to Christmas Season. One of my favorite Christmas songs has this as the last line of the refrain: “ And May the Spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts.” Is this not a good advice to heed?

If the Spirit of Christmas remains in our hearts – we will have generosity, joy, light, goodwill, peace and love each day of 2017. I am only naming a few of the graces we are given by the Season that has passed. We are halfway through the first month and indeed a lot has happened. We begin to get caught again with the daily grind of routine and the things we need to do.

Let us not forget that God is “hiding in plain sight.” We must pray, ponder and stop time and again to love into the silence of our hearts where we encounter the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen and comfort us. Whatever looming challenge or difficulty is waiting round the corner of each day, week or

month that passes – we know that the “Emmanuel - God is with us.”

Here are some pictures that captured the Glorious Season of Christmas. May it speak to us the thousand words that can give us the faith, hope, trust and love we need for 2017. God bless and take care.

Love and prayers,

Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval P.s. I ask for your prayers because next week will be the Installation Rites for me as the Pastor of Santiago de Compostela – may God bless me with the graces I need.

JMJ 15 de enero 2017 Querida Familia Parroquial, Dios esté siempre con nosotros. Ahora que hemos entrado en el Tiempo Ordinario de nuestro Calendario Litúrgico, tomemos un momento para recordar la Navidad. Una de mis canciones favoritas de Navidad dice en la última línea del refrán: "Y que el espíritu de la Navidad esté siempre en nuestros corazones". ¿No es esto un buen consejo para prestar atención? Si el Espíritu de la Navidad permanece en nuestros corazones - tendremos

generosidad, alegría, luz, buena voluntad, paz y amor cada día del 2017. Yo sólo estoy nombrando algunas de las gracias que nos dejó la temporada pasada. Estamos a mitad del primer mes y de hecho han ocurrido muchas cosas. Empezamos a quedar atrapados de nuevo con la rutina diaria y las cosas que tenemos que hacer. No olvidemos que Dios “se oculta a la vista.” Debemos orar, reflexionar y detener una y otra vez al amor en el silencio de nuestros corazones, donde nos encontramos con el Espíritu Santo para guiarnos, fortalecernos y confórtanos. Sea cual sea el desafío o la dificultad que se avecina está esperando a la vuelta de cada día, semana o mes que pasa – sabemos que el “Emmanuel – Dios está con nosotros.” Aquí algunas fotos que capturaron la Gloriosa Temporada de la Navidad. Puede que nos hable las mil palabras que nos pueden dar la fe, la esperanza, la confianza y el amor que necesitamos para el 2017. Dios los bendiga y cuide. Que Dios los bendiga y cuídense. Amor y oraciones,

Padre Thomas Paul K. Naval P.s. Les pido sus oraciones porque la próxima semana será el Rito de Instalación para mí como el Pastor de Santiago de Compostela – que Dios me bendiga con las gracias que necesito.

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

Confirmation and Youth Ministry Next Retreat: is January 27-29, 2017. Please call for information, details and verification that you are registered to attend this retreat. Please make sure you have completed one retreat for each year of confirmation. Check your handbook for a complete list of requirements.

Confirmation Classes for February:

CI class is Tuesday, February 7th from 7pm to 8:45pm.

CII class is Tuesday, February 14th from 7pm to 8:45pm.

Just a reminder to check your handbook to see that there are two classes for both CI and CII in March! These are the last classes for the year.

Reminder: the faith sharing originally scheduled for January 21st was cancelled for the Bishop Vann’s visit to Santiago for the installation of our Pastor, Fr. Thomas.

Next Faith Sharing #8: on Saturday, February 11th. More on this to follow...

Next FNL/Youth Group Meeting: on Sunday, January 8th from 2pm to 4pm in the parish hall. Bring a friend and a snack to share!

Leader Retreat Planning Meetings: on Sunday, January 15th from 2pm to 4pm and Sunday, January 22nd from 4pm to 6pm in the YM Office for the January retreat team. Youth Day: is Thursday, February 23rd from 6am to 4pm at the Anaheim Convention Center. Tickets are $40 for bus and event. Bring your check in now to reserve a ticket for this awesome experience. You will receive a form to give to your admissions office to be readmitted to school the next day for an excused absence for a religious event. This is a day you will not forget with 25,000 teens attending a day of speakers, workshops, Mass in the main arena with all of the Cardinals, Bishops and priests from surrounding dioceses. Don’t miss this!

St. Junipero Serra Catholic School Open House

Sunday, January 29, 2017 from 10am to 12pm

Just a few reasons why SJSC is a leading Diocesan Catholic Parish Elementary School: ♥ Rooted in Catholic faith, SJSC provides our students

with an education that extends beyond the classroom, through local outreach activities, parish communities, and serving those in need throughout the world.

♥ Selected to be part of the inaugural cohort of the STEM Teaching Fellows at the University of Notre Dame.

♥ Promoting student success through challenging and diverse education programs that meet the learning needs and unique potential of each student.

Coming Soon! 2017 groundbreaking of our St. Junipero Serra Chapel and STEAM Education Wing, which will include a Digital Media Studio, Performing Arts Center, and Outside Learning Areas. To learn more about how SJSC is educating the Catholic leaders of tomorrow, visit our website at www.serraschool.org or call our Admissions Director, Shirley Merchant at 949-888-1990 ext.123.

Bible Study Wednesday, January 18th 9am or 7pm

This week in Bible Study, one of the women we study is Hannah. Her long awaited son plays an important role in Israel’s salvation history. He is Samuel, the last of the judges and the one who anoints Israel’s first two kings, Saul and David. When Hannah dedicates her infant son to God, she sings a hymn. Thus she

joins Miriam and Deborah as the voice of Israel’s praise. Her hymn’s theme is God’s preference for the poor and powerless. (1Samuel 2:1-10)

For further information, please call Nancy at 949-766-8126 or Barb at 949-768-1170.

SMCH Winter Open House Thursday, January 12th

from 6:30 to 8:30pm The evening will start with presentations in our

gym followed by group walking tours so please try to be on time so that you can be placed in a tour group. Come and learn more about our Performing Arts, Robotics, Mock Trial, and our Business Club, Eagles Edge. Our Athletic Teams will be represented as well so you can find out about our top ranked Trinity League Teams, and sports camp dates. Our school is located at 22062 Antonio Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita, 92688. The placement exam at Santa Margarita Catholic High School will be held on Saturday, January 28th from 7:45 am to 12:30 pm and any 8th grade student wishing to test only needs to have an application on file. For more information, please visit our school website at www.smhs.org or contact us by phone at 949-766-6076.

myParish App Text App to 88202, download myParish App and select our Parish after opening. It is that easy!

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

Estados Financieros Las declaraciones de contribución del año 2016 que sean solicitadas, serán enviadas por correo electrónico o estarán disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Este es un buen momento para que actualice su información en nuestro sistema parroquial. Dichos estados financieros, serán procesados sólo si usted ha utilizado sobres semanales. Para solicitar su declaración de contribuciones comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 949-951-8599 o por correo electrónico sburgos@sdccatholic.org.

Cornelia Connelly School Attention all 8th grade students

applying to Catholic High Schools -

Sign up to take the HSPT at Cornelia Connelly School on January 21st, and not only will you be elgible for great scholarships, but you will also be treated to In-N-Out Burger for lunch that day with all the other 8th graders taking the test at Connelly. To register for the test, please call or email Mrs. Ali Aceituno in the Admissions Office at 714-776-1717 ext. 221 or aaceituno@connellyhs.org. For more information about Cronelia Connelly School,

please visit: connellyschoolanaheim.org

St. Michael’s Preparatory School St. Michael’s Prep School serves young men of moral commitment and the academic potential in a Catholic, five-day boarding setting. St. Michael’s is ranked as one of the fifty best Catholic high schools in the United States. We invite you to enjoy a tour of our school and find the answers to all your questions regarding admissions.

High School Entrance Exam Pre-registration required

Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 8am For more information, phone Mrs. Christian at


9 Days for Life Saturday, January 21st to Sunday, January 29th

During 9Days for Life, join thousands of Catholics nationwide in 9 days of prayer and action focused on cherishing the gift of every person’s life:

1. Pray for the respect and protection of each person and his or her life using short prayer guides with different intentions, reflections, and more each day!

2. Gather together in prayer, action, and fellowship with others.

3. Share your experience online!

Sign-up now and participate Saturday, January 21st through Sunday, January 29th. Visit www.9daysforlife.com to download the free mobile app or novena, sign up for daily emails or text messages, or discover many other ways you can participate!

Caballeros de Colón “Bill Breen Tootsie Roll Drive”

Enero 14 y 15 Los Caballeros de Colón estarán colectando fondos para apoyar a las personas con discapacidad intelectual del Condado de Orange este fin de semana después de todas las Misas. Ellos estarán regalando Tootsie Rolls. Por favor done lo que Ud. Pueda a los voluntarios de delantal amarillo y rojo. ¡Toda donación es valiosa!

Conéctate con tu Parroquia via Celular Infórmate de todos los eventos de Santiago bajando la aplicación móvil: myParish App Envía el Texto App al número 88202 y después de bajar la aplicación selecciona nuestra Parroquia.

San Vicente de Paul - Segunda Colecta 22 de Enero

La proxima semana, la sociedad de San Vicente de Paul tendrá una segunda colecta para beneficios de los más necesitados en nuestra comunidad. Dicha sociedad asiste a familias en crisis financieras a pagar la renta y demás necesidades. Gracias por su auyda y generosidad, este ministerio no podría ayudar sin su generosa colaboración.

The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

Bodas Comunitarias Te anunciamos que las próximas

Bodas Comunitarias serán el sábado 18 de febrero de 2017.

El Retiro de Parejas, el cual es indispensable para las parejas que se casarán en las Bodas Comunitarias,

será el: domingo 5 de febrero de 2017

de 9 am a 5 pm. Costo: $150 (incluye el retiro)

Información: Oficina Parroquial

No te pierdas esta oportunidad de recibir la bendición de Dios en tu vida, familia y matrimonio que te ofrece tu Parroquia Santiago de Compostela.

Reunión de Padres de Primera Comunión 20 de enero de 2017

6:00 pm (Solo para quienes tienen sus hijos en Segundo

Año de la Catequesis)

Programa de Formación en la Fe Nuestra próxima clase de Catequesis será el:

27 de enero de 2017 6:00 pm

Favor llegar 15 minutos antes de la hora de clase


5 Febrero


Costo: $80

Por pareja (cupo limitado) Incluye almuerzo

Re ro: 9 am – 5 pm

Inscripciones: Oficina


“...y serán los dos una sola carne. De manera que ya no son dos, sino uno solo” Marcos 10, 8

El Grupo de Oración Cristo Rey Les invita para su próxima reunión de alabanza y ora-

ción que será el 20 de enero de 2017,

comenzando con la Santa Misa a las 6:30 pm.

Viernes 27 de enero, 6:30 pm

Acompaña al Padre Gregorio a una Hora Santa con la exposi-ción del Santísimo Sacramento por el aumento de las vocacio-nes religiosas. ¡Tu oración es

muy Importante!


Estudio de la Biblia en Español

Esta semana estudiaremos las cartas de San Pablo a los Gálatas:

"Ya no vivo yo, sino que es

Cristo quien vive en mi" (Gal 2, 20)

¡Te invitamos a conocer ese Cristo que vive en ti! Ven, acompáñanos, todos los jueves de 6:45 a 9pm en el salón parroquial. Adultos solamente.

Cartas a los


Oficinas Parroquiales Cerradas 16 de Enero

Las oficinas parroquiales permanecerán cerradas en conmemoración del día de

Martin Luther King Jr.

Misa de instalación Padre Thomas Sábado, 21 de enero, 2017 Misa de las 5PM

Únase a nosotros para esta celebración litúrgica especial. ¡El Obispo Kevin Vann estará aquí para instalar formalmente al Padre Thomas Paul K. Naval como párroco de Santiago de Compostela! El Padre Thomas fue asignado como nuestro párroco el pasado Julio 1, 2016, pero esta Misa formalmente

solidificará al Padre Thomas como párroco. Habrá una Recepción inmediatamente después en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Esperamos verlos a todos ahí!

La clase de Zumba tendrá un receso Debido a la falta de participación durante los meses de invierno, la Clase de Zumba tomara un receso de su reunión los lunes de 5:30pm a 6:30pm en los salones J y K en el Salón Parroquial. La profesora de Zumba, María Rodríguez, estará encantada de reintegrar la clase si el interés aumenta. Si usted está interesado en participar en la clase de Zumba por favor contáctese con Maria a: armrodriguez2003@yahoo.com. Esperamos contar con su participación.





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