a perfect storm: four converging megatrends

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONTom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Pre-Conference Session:

“Personal Learning Plans for All Students as a Foundation

for College & Career Readiness and Life Success ”

Rebecca Dedmond,The George Washington University

David Militzer,California Department of Education

Dan Blake,Sonoma County Office of Education

Educating for Careers ConferenceSacramento Convention Center

February 13, 2012

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

A Perfect Storm:Four Converging

MegatrendsGreat Recession




Of JobsUnprepared Workforce

Phil Jarvis, The National LifeWork Centre, Memramcook, New Brunswick

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

The Great Recession…

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

They estimate that today’s students will have 10-14 jobs

…by the age of 38.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

The percentage of teens &

young adults who have jobs…

is now at the lowest level since WWII.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Changing Demographics…

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Key factors to consider:

Latino students now make up the majority of K-12 students in California

The racial/ethnic groups that are the least educated are the fastest growing.National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

If current trends persist, the U.S. will experience a decline in educational attainment levels from one generation to the next for the first time in its history.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Upskilling of Jobs…

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Job Market in 1960…Percentage of jobs requiring a 4-year degree = 20%

Percentage of jobs requiring a2-year degree or certificate = 20%Percentage of jobs requiring minimal on-the-job training = 60%

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Job Market Today…Percentage of jobs requiring a 4-year degree = 20%

Percentage of jobs requiring a2-year degree or certificate = 65%Percentage of jobs requiring minimal on-the-job training = 15%

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

For over a century, the U.S. led the world in equipping its young people with the education they would need to succeed…and the U.S. economy thrived

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Some alarming statistical trends:

The U.S. has fallen from 1st place to 13th in high school graduation rates

The U.S. now ranks 12th in the percentage of 25-34 year-olds with an A.A. Degree or higher

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

However, the U.S. does lead the world in one important statistic:

The U.S. has the highest college dropout rate in

the industrialized world.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

93% of middle school students say there is “no chance” they will drop out of high school

29% of Californians age 18-24 lack a high school diploma

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Perhaps most importantly…

when surveyed, the majority of high school dropouts say they began

to “disconnect” in middle school or earlier.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

At a time when the need for career counseling is more critical than ever…

California’s counselor to student ratio is 814 to 1, ranking California last in the nation.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Unprepared Workforce…

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

According to a 2006 report…70% of employers cite deficiencies among workers in the areas of professionalism, work ethic, & critical thinking

40% of employers say incoming employees are deficiently prepared even for entry-level jobs

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

What do you want to be when you grow up?

We’re asking the wrong question…

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Most of us acquired a superficial and narrow knowledge base of occupations

while we were growing up. Our occupational knowledge reflected what we knew about our family members’ jobs, the jobs of our neighbors, and the people we

came in contact with in our community on a regular basis. This natural occurrence tends to severely limit the career options that students see for themselves. It may

explain why so many children mention the jobs of firefighter, police officer, nurse, or teacher when asked what they want to be

when they grow up. These jobs are familiar to them in their daily lives.

(Colussy, 1998)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

The reality is, we are currently preparing

students for jobs and technologies that don’t

yet exist…

in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

As a result of this “Perfect Storm,” teens and young adults are

persistently disconnected from both

education AND employment

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

What are the ramifications of this “perfect storm” on the way we approach career development in the 21st Century?

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

OLD: Choose a destination What will you be when…?NEW: Focus on the journey

Who are you now?What are your special

skills, abilities, talents, (assets)?

What will you do next (stepping stones)?

What competencies will you work on?

What does your future look & feel like?

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

These “megatrends” lead to an important conclusion:A new approach to career awareness, exploration, and preparation beginning in middle school (or earlier) is a moral & economic imperative if we are to fulfill our responsibility to current and future generations.

Career Development ContinuumPreparing all Youth for Success in College, Career, and Life


Career Awareness

Learn about a wide variety of jobs and careers

Career Exploration

Explore, research, and plan for the future

Career Preparation

Gain education, training, and work experience








K-8Awareness Exploration Preparation

Classroom & School • Web Research• Guest Speakers• Career Interest Assessment• College & Career Fairs• Career Contextual Instruction• College Awareness

School & Workplace• Core Academic Preparation• Career Technical Courses &

Programs• Career-Related Project-Based

Learning• Career Plan Refinement• Work-Ready Certification/Soft Skills• Occupational Certifications• Job-Seeking Skills• Work Experience• Internships• College Preparation

Families & Neighborhood

• Adult Interaction • Role Model Observation

Families & Neighborhood

• Risk Taking• Role Playing• Progression of Responsibility

Workplace• Job Shadowing• Career Mentoring• Community Service Projects• Informational Interviews

Workplace• Industry Tours & Field Trips• Career & Job Fairs • Youth in the Workplace

Classroom & School• Career Pathways, Courses, & Clubs• Integrated Curriculum• Classroom Simulations • Career Plan Development• Career-Focused Projects &

Assignments• College Exploration

Postsecondary Options• Community College• 4-year College or University• Trade/Technical School• Military Service/National Service• Apprenticeship• Enter Workforce (full or part time)• Self-Employment/Entrepreneur

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Program Goals & Objectives

Expand knowledge of career options

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Program Goals & Objectives

Expand knowledge of high school & post-

secondary education/training


TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Program Goals & Objectives

Increase perception of post-secondary

relevance(stress the importance ofeducational attainment)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Program Goals & Objectives

Increase understanding of career goals, interests, and


TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Program Goals & Objectives

Increase awareness of middle school staffs &

parents regarding career development

resources and educational options

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Program Goals & ObjectivesIncrease the number of students who develop

integrated academic/career

development plans, including course

sequences that are consistent with career

pathway options

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Charting a Course Through The Perfect

StormCan Personalized Learning

Plans Be A Compass?

David MilitzerEducation Programs Consultant

California Department of Educationdmilitzer@cde.ca.gov

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted Waters: What Is Happening in

California?*California’s CTE Standards set high bar for career and college planning but lack middle grades approach for all students*Efforts to increase school counselors—AB 1802 lowers ratio from 954:1 to 395:1 (2002–09)*SB 70—Middle grades career exploration funding, increased multiple pathways *Financial cuts, crises, student-centered services being reduced—student/counselor ratio now over 800:1*Unchartered waters—reform efforts, budget cuts, flexing of dedicated funding, increasing recognition of what’s working, and polarized debates aboutpurpose and goals of education

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

2010 -11

• 88% of 277 high school principals surveyed report that budget cuts have stalled reform and professional development

• 66% report reduced college access programs

• 50% report cuts in counselors• 60% who report trying to develop engaging programs such as Multiple Pathways/ Linked Learning are suffering setbacks

“Free Fall: Educational Opportunities in 2011,”IDEA Educational Access Report

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

2011- 2012

• Approximately 70% of 1,000 K–12 principals report reductions in positions and/or hours of support staff (counselors, social workers, psychologists, etc. )

Preliminary data from 2012 IDEA Educational Access Report (Pre-publication)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted Waters

“Our kids are more on their own to succeed and navigate their way through school than they have ever, ever been.”

—California High School Principal, “Free Fall”

Where does this leave schools?

What as educators are we doing to address this?

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted WatersSchool Counselors

• Problems with funding—most states well above recommended 250:1 ratio, California is last in the nation

• Problems with roles/responsibility—lack of clarity about mission/purpose

• Problems with training—around 50% nationally feel ill prepared for their jobs

• Do counselors have a role in K–12 education? If yes, what is it?

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted WatersCareer and College Ready

• 23 states and the District of Columbia have adopted policies for Individual Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) (aka Student Learning Plans, SLPs)

• Growing evidence suggests that such plans reduce dropouts, engage gifted students, increase matriculation to postsecondary

Rennie Center Report on “Student Learning Plans: Supporting Every Student’s Transition to College and Career”, June 2011

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted Waters Career and College Ready• PLPs increasingly being used for developing and maintaining comprehensive career guidance programs

• And expanding activities to connect students with workforce training

• And fostering awareness of CTE programs and courses of study that focus on career development and postsecondary transitions

“Rennie Center Report on Student Learning Plans: Supporting Every Student’s Transition to College and Career”, June 2011

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Purpose: To Develop CTE and Career Exploration in Grades 7 & 8 and…

• Link CTE and Career Exploration• Integrate CTE and Core Academic Curricula

• Develop linkages between middle grades and high school programs of study

• Develop and implement Personal Learning Plans for all students

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Applicants• Total grant funds available $1.8 million

• Number of applications 107

• Grant funds requested $14.8 million

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Grantees• Grants awarded 13

• Average grant amount $138, 461

• Grant period 12 months

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Middle Schools• Participating middle schools 46

• 8th grade students served7,121

• Other students served8,085

• Total students served15, 206

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Postsecondary, Business, & Community Partners

• Community colleges 16

• Four-year institutions 5(UC/CSU/Private)

• Business/community57

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Career Exploration:Middle Grades Students Served

• First semester 3,723

• Second semester (projected) 9,437

• Total (projected) 13,160

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Career Technical Education:High Schools & Pathways

• Receiving high schools 46

• High school pathways186

• Average number of CTEPathways per high school 4

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Career Technical Education:Middle Grades Students Served

• First semester 3,567

• Second semester (projected) 3,018

• Total (projected) 6,585

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Successes: Students• Increased motivation

• Increased academic performance

• Expression of clearer choices and selection of multiple pathways

• Reduced discipline problems

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Successes: Schools• Increased rigor• Increased collaboration• Demonstrated need for expanded CTE at high school level

• Waiting lists for career exploration and CTE middle grades classes

• More talk about student futures

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Successes: District/County/Community

• More middle schools want to participate

• County-wide middle grades initiative• Youth tech center• New grad requirement: 2 CTE classes• Ties to local career opportunities

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

SB70 Middle Grades CTE & Career Pathways Grant Program

Challenges• Changes in administration• Lateness of grant award• Career exploration component• Training new CTE teachers• Countywide communications• Comprehensive implementation• Reduction in counselors

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

From CDE “Study of Pupil Personnel Ratios, Services, and Programs” (July 2003)“We are facing a crisis in pupil support services in California’s schools. Today’s students face increased challenges with decreased support.

Peer pressure, bullying at school, dysfunctional families, drug and tobacco use, growing teen suicide rates all contribute to student feelings of anxiety and depression and create barriers to learning. More than ever before, counseling and pupil support services play a critical role in the academic preparation and social development of our youth.”

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

From “A Handbook for Counselors”

Published by the Association of Deans and Counselors in conjunction with the California Department of Education, 1929Data that were believed to clearly

demonstrate the effectiveness of a school (guidance) counseling program included:

1. a reduction in course failings2. reduction in drop out rates3. reduction in absences/increases in

attendance4. reduction of discipline incidents5. improvement in climate, and 6. strong college and career counseling.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted Waters

• We do not lack good ideas• We do not even need to dig very deeply to see what works and what we could/should be doing but aren’t

• And, we cannot go back in time.• So…………………...

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted Waters

Isn’t it time to use a new compass?

Isn’t it time to chart a new course?

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Uncharted WatersKey References and Sources

“Rennie Center Report on Student Learning Plans: Supporting Every Student’s Transition to College and Career,” (6/11)


“Free Fall: Educational Opportunities in 2011,” IDEA Educational Access Report



TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Personalized Learning Plans

What is the purpose of a PLP?

Each student will have a Personalized Plan for Progress, reviewed often to recognize individual strengths and, within reasonable parameters allow individual design for learning and

progress(adapted NASSP, Breaking Ranks, Recommendation 12, p. 84)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

The Purpose

To help adolescents navigate their way through the world

of adolescence, through meaningful educational &

learning options, and into a satisfied & self-sufficient

future (Freshman Transition Initiative, Dedmond)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Freshman transition helps…Students steer a successful course through the world of adolescence

Students prepare for successful entry into the world beyond high school

Freshman Transition Standards Lead Students to. . .*Develop knowledge & skills needed to compete *Become adaptive self-starters *Raise social IQ

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

The Standards for Freshman Transition &

the 10-Year Plan*Help students plan for development of the broad skills required for success in a competitive global economy*Give students opportunities to develop initiative and explore the changing workplace*Help students develop social IQ through interaction with peers and members of the community

(Dedmond, 2008)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

What are the Benefits of the PLP?

“…the difference in the high school experiences of students

with plans for high school courses and career plans versus students without such counselor-assisted plans was so great that providing help with these plans

must be offered at every school…”

(Orfield & Paul, 1994, p. 11)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

What Information is Included in the PLP?*Foundation begins in elementary school*Continues with exploration throughout middle school*Goal is for Individual Student Plans to become pathways or guides that use the past and present to anticipate and prepare for the future

(Gysbers, 2011, p. 86)

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

In today’s world of…*Competitiveness

*Technology *Globalization

*InformationIn a workplace that demands…*problem solving *superior social intelligence *creativity *communication *entrepreneurship *cooperation*understanding *branding *caring about others *teamwork *shaping the outcomes of social situations *other…..

What is the format?

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Speaker Contact InformationRebecca Dedmond

The George Washington University703-549-6935 /


David MilitzerCalifornia Department of


Dan BlakeSonoma County Office of

Education707-524-2780 /


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