a novel approach to storing and returning feedwater heater shells to service

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    For more than forty years, copper migration and deposi-

    tion have been major problems in fossil-fuel power plants.

    Coming from a variety of locations, including the steam

    side of copper-alloy feedwater heaters, copper particles

    tend to concentrate during startups due to thermal

    stresses on the equipment. As a result of copper migra-

    tion, various points throughout utility stations become tar-gets for deposition. Such points include the boiler water

    walls, boiler steam drums, primary superheaters, and high-

    pressure (HP) turbines. When copper and/or other oxides

    deposit on heat exchange surfaces downstream of feed-

    water heaters, efficiency is reduced and loss of generation

    capacity becomes a problem.

    Of particular concern is the oxide transport from the feed-

    water heaters during unit startups. While most utility sta-

    tions with copper-alloy heat exchangers maintain a reduc-

    ing chemistry during normal operations, some allow oxi-

    dizing conditions to exist during outages. These oxidizing

    environments, when coupled with changes in flows, tem-

    peratures, and startup chemistry, tend to lead to exfolia-

    tion and transport of very high quantities of metallic oxides

    including copper. Unfortunately, condensate polishing

    does not remove all of this material. While the particulate

    removal of iron and other oxides does occur during the

    cleanup phase, condensate polishing does not always sig-

    nificantly reduce copper transport [2]. As a result, copper

    tends to stay in the system longer and deposit on the vari-

    ous plant components during the early phases of the



    Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), with head-

    quarters in Anadarko, Oklahoma, is an electric generation

    and transmission cooperative providing electric power to

    much of rural Oklahoma. WFEC's Hugo Unit 1 (Fort

    Towson, Oklahoma), the primary generation resource, was

    commissioned in April 1982 at 442 MW and upgraded in

    2000 to 475 MW. A Babcock & Wilcox Carolina-type boilerproduces the main source of steam, at 1 510 t h


    (3.33 million lb h1). Steam drum pressure is rated at

    20.51 MPa (2 975 psi) and the superheater supplies

    541 C (1 005 F) main steam to the HP turbine at

    18.2 MPa (2 640 psi). The reheater supplies 541 C

    (1 005 F) reheated steam to the intermediate-pressure (IP)

    turbine at 4.02 MPa (583 psi). The primary fuel source for

    the boiler is Powder River Basin coal.

    Hugo Unit 1 has four low-pressure (LP) feedwater heaters

    and two high-pressure (HP) feedwater heaters. The deaer-

    ator (or #5 feedwater heater) is positioned between the LP

    and HP heaters. The four LP heaters contain admiralty

    SB-395 tube material and the two HP heaters contain

    70/30 copper-nickel tubes. All heaters have carbon steel

    shells. LP heaters #1 and #2 are mounted into the side of

    the main condenser, which also contains copper-nickel

    tubes. The LP heater shells receive extraction steam from

    various points of the LP turbine. Beginning with the shell

    side of the #4 heater, the condensed steam from the LP

    heater shells cascades back through the drain system to a

    collection tank, from which it is re-injected into the feed-

    water system between LP heaters #1 and #2. HP heater #6

    shell receives extraction steam from the IP turbine and HP

    heater #7 receives extraction steam from the cold reheat

    A Novel Approach to Storing and Returning Feedwater Heater Shells to Service

    2008 by PowerPlantChemistry GmbH. All rights reserved.

    A Novel Approach to Storing and Returning Feedwater

    Heater Shells to Service

    Tom Pike and Douglas Dewitt-Dick


    Feedwater heater shells are frequently left unprotected during unit shutdowns and outages. Even though means are

    generally available during outages to protect these critical areas, many plants either fail to protect the heater shells or,

    in some cases, opt to leave the shells exposed to damaging environments. Failure to protect heater shells, even during

    short outages, can exacerbate problems with metal oxide transport when returning the heaters to service particularly

    if the heaters contain copper-bearing tubes. This paper investigates a novel approach used by one utility to circumvent

    problems with oxide transport due to inadequate heater shell storage. It discusses structural modifications incorpo-

    rated by the plant to improve the storage process. It also details the proper chemistry and testing procedures neces-

    sary for shell protection under various conditions. Equally important, this paper outlines critical controls for minimizingcopper oxide transport during subsequent unit startup.

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    line coming from the HP turbine. As with the LP system,

    the condensed steam from the HP heater #7 shell cas-

    cades back to the HP heater #6 shell where both conden-

    sates are re-injected into the feedwater system at the


    Due to years of service and the number of plugged tubes,LP heater #2 was retrofitted with ASTM SB 395 admiralty

    (UNS 44300) tubes during the 2006 spring outage. In addi-

    tion, HP heater #7 is scheduled for re-tubing in 2009 and

    HP heater #6 is scheduled in 2011. It has not been deter-

    mined whether the re-tubing of the HP heaters will involve

    70/30 copper-nickel material or stainless steel.

    With copper-alloy tubes in both the condensate and feed-

    water systems, copper transport to the boiler is a certainty.

    The question then becomes how to minimize the transport

    of copper and other oxides to the boiler. Oxide transport

    studies conducted by the Hugo Plant during both normaloperations and unit startups indicated that the vast major-

    ity of copper and other oxides were transported to the

    boiler during the first few hours of unit startups particu-

    larly following outages in which the feedwater heater shells

    were not stored. In the fall of 2003, the problem facing the

    Hugo Plant concerning copper transport was two-fold:

    1. how to minimize copper oxide transport to the boiler

    during these critical periods; and,

    2. how to store the HP/LP feedwater heater shells to mini-

    mize copper oxidation in its incipient stages.


    During the 1990s, the Hugo Plant conducted a series of

    copper-transport studies to determine how and when cop-

    per was migrating from the feedwater system to the boiler.

    Key to these studies [3] was the corrosion products sam-

    pler1. The corrosion products sampler is an on-line sam-

    pler that collects dual-stream water samples over a period

    of time by filtering the water through a series of three filter

    pads. The first filter pad, a 0.45 m membrane filter, col-

    lects particulate or suspended material in the water

    stream. The second pad, a cation filter, collects any posi-

    tively charged material including metal ions in the sam-

    ple stream; and the third and final pad, an anion filter, col-

    lects any negatively charged materials. All three filter pads

    are secured within a sealed compartment to prevent con-

    tamination and to secure the integrity of the samples.

    During the sampling process, the volumes of water being

    filtered through the dual-stream samples are measured

    and totalized. This method allows the corrosion products

    sampler to collect two samples simultaneously based on

    time or volumes of water filtered. After the samples are col-

    lected and analyzed, the mass flows through the sampler

    can be compared to the mass flows through the system.

    This mass flow comparison, along with the metal loading

    (particulate plus dissolved species), can be used to deter-

    mine how much metal oxide was transported through a

    specific leg of the system during the trial period.

    Using this technology, the Hugo Plant determined that

    much of the particulate and dissolved copper deposited inthe boiler was transported from the feedwater system dur-

    ing the early stages of unit startups. With the sampler, it

    was further determined that the vast majority of the copper

    was released from the shell side of the HP/LP feedwater

    heaters and transported directly to the boiler. As was

    expected, the nature and length of unit outages had a sig-

    nificant impact on the amount of copper ultimately trans-

    ported. Typically, longer outages generated more copper

    oxide for release from the heater shells than did the shorter

    turnaround outages. Likewise, startups following outages

    in which the HP/LP feedwater shells could not be ade-

    quately stored tended to release more copper.

    During a boiler maintenance and cleaning outage in the fall

    of 2003, the Hugo Plant developed a procedure to reduce

    copper transport to the boiler during the subsequent

    startup. The implementation of this procedure was

    straightforward, taking plant design into consideration.

    The Hugo Plant, like most utility stations, uses extraction

    steam from the turbines to heat the feedwater as it moves

    through the heaters on its way to the boiler. Generally, the

    extraction steams are not placed into service until the unit

    has been on-line for awhile and all systems are stable. For

    the Hugo Plant, this equates to 40 MW for placing the

    deaerator into service and 60 MW for the HP/LP feedwater

    heaters. Because the shells of all the feedwater heaters are

    supplied with steam from the turbines supposedly

    "clean" sources the design engineers apparently did not

    think it necessary for the HP drains and LP drips to be fil-

    tered through the condensate polisher before going to the

    boiler. Under normal operations, these drains and drips do

    not need additional polishing; under startup conditions,

    however, drains and drips have tremendous copper load-

    ing and should be diverted through the condensate pol-

    isher until the copper loading can be reduced to accept-

    able levels.

    The corrosion products sampler data indicated the release

    of high levels of both particulate and dissolved copper

    from the HP drains and LP drips during startups. In addi-

    tion, the HP drains contained higher than acceptable levels

    of nickel. Unfortunately, during startups, as with normal

    operation, all HP drains and LP drips were re-injected into

    the feedwater system downstream of the condensate pol-

    isher. In other words, these excessive amounts of copper

    and nickel oxides were bypassing the polisher and going

    straight to the boiler. This all changed during the fall 2003


    In November 2003, the Hugo Plant was involved in a boiler

    maintenance and cleaning outage. The plant would be

    returned to service with a clean boiler, so it was decided to

    A Novel Approach to Storing and Returning Feedwater Heater Shells to Service

    1SENTRY Corrosion Products Sampler, Model CPS-20. .

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    take the necessary steps to prevent the boiler from

    becoming immediately fouled with copper and other

    oxides when returned to service. The sampler data estab-

    lished the problem as being the shell sides of the HP/LP

    heaters; the question then became what to do with the

    heavily contaminated drains and drips from the heater

    shells. Dumping these to the floor presented numerouslogistical problems so it was decided to divert the HP

    drains and LP drips back to the condenser via the emer-

    gency dumps. The objective of this process was to force

    the copper-contaminated condensate from the shells of

    the HP/LP heaters back through the condensate polisher

    prior to going to the boiler. In addition to cleaning the con-

    densate early in the process, this procedure allowed

    greater control over copper migration to the boiler.

    Because many utility stations have some means of moni-

    toring water quality from the HP drains and LP drips, the

    operators using this procedure determine when the heater

    shells are clean enough to place in normal operation. Thismethod allows plants to control copper limits between the

    condensate polisher and the feedwater outlet by leaving

    the emergency dumps to the condenser in the open posi-

    tion until the copper concentration has dropped to an

    acceptable level. For the Hugo Plant, this time varies

    depending on the storage status of the feedwater heater

    shells. When the heater shells are stored with wet chem-

    istry, the copper limits are met shortly after introducing

    extraction steam into the shells. On the other hand, when

    the shells are stored as-is, the copper limits generally are

    not met for 12 h or more after introducing extraction



    Some utilities maintain the philosophy that storing the

    HP/LP feedwater heater shells during outages is not nec-

    essary for two reasons: These systems are supplied with

    "clean" steam from the turbines and should not present a

    problem; and, the overall mass flow from the feedwater

    heater shells is relatively small compared to the total mass

    flow going to the boiler, therefore, impact on the boiler

    water quality is minimal. Only part of this scenario is accu-

    rate the extraction steam diverted from the turbines to

    the heater shells is, in fact, clean that is, unless contami-

    nated with oxides that form in heater shells during out-

    ages. Proper storage of feedwater heater shells is para-

    mount to maintaining the overall health of any utility sta-

    tion. The question should not be whether or not to store

    the shells; rather, the question should be which storage

    method best meets the needs of the station, based on the

    length and nature of the outage.

    Storing the feedwater heater shells can be accomplished

    in a number of ways. One method, incorporating nitrogen

    blankets under slight positive pressure, has been success-fully used throughout the industry for a number of years.

    The Hugo Plant, however, had concerns about personnel

    safety when abandoning the nitrogen blanket method

    soon after going commercial. Valve integrity between the

    shell-side nitrogen blankets and main condenser were an

    issue, especially because employees and contractors

    were frequently inside the condenser either performing

    maintenance or inspections. For this reason, the heater

    shells were generally stored "as-is" when coming off-line

    for an outage. The as-is condition meant that the belly-drains on the bottom of the heater shells were left open to

    drain condensate that collected in the heater as it cooled

    down to ambient conditions. Many utilities, for either

    safety or convenience, continue to leave the heater shells

    in the as-is condition when coming off-line.

    The problem with the as-is method of shell storage

    becomes apparent once it is understood that if water can

    drain out of the shell, then air can get into the shell. This air

    ingress into the heater shell exposes heater tube surfaces

    to the air; in many cases, this exposure continues through-

    out the outage. This oxidation of the shell-side coppertubes may, in fact, help explain why the industry is plagued

    with extremely high levels of dissolved and particulate

    copper during unit startups [2]. At the Hugo Plant, for

    example, when heater shells were stored as-is, copper

    oxides were generated very rapidly during the first 36 h of

    an outage. It was not unusual to generate up to one pound

    of copper metal per hour from the heater shells during

    these critical hours. This rapid rate of growth, however,

    began to flatten out somewhat when outages lasted more

    than two or three days. It appeared as though the oxide

    deposits forming on the shell side of tubes became satu-

    rated and grew at a slower rate after the first few days. As

    expected, the real issue with the shell-side copper oxide

    did not become apparent until the station was returned to


    During subsequent startups, it was believed this newly

    formed oxide did not tightly adhere to the tubes and would

    be the first material flushed from the heater shells. Whether

    the oxide was removed by thermal shock or by steam

    washing did not matter. The obvious problem was the

    unacceptably high amount of copper oxide being flushed

    from the shells and into the feedwater system. Because

    the Hugo Plant had the shells cascading back to the feed-

    water system and bypassing the condensate polisher, this

    copper oxide went directly to the boiler. This process was

    not a one-time occurrence; it occurred with every cold

    startup. Even following quick turnaround outages, during

    which the heater shells were opened to atmosphere,

    oxides were transported to the boiler.

    This theory was somewhat supported during the fall 2006

    outage. During this outage, maintenance crews opened

    the HP #6 heater for inspection and repairs. During the

    inspection, it was determined via eddy-current testing that

    25 % to 30 % of the copper tubes in the vicinity of the

    extraction steam inlet were either below minimum wallthickness or had already failed. Other scenarios are being

    considered but the general consensus at the Hugo Plant is

    that the tube walls became thinner as repeated layers of

    A Novel Approach to Storing and Returning Feedwater Heater Shells to Service

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    oxides were formed during outages and subsequently

    removed during startups as steam was re-introduced into

    the heater shells.

    To help correct for this excessive buildup of oxides, a stor-

    age procedure was implemented for the feedwater heaters

    incorporating minor changes in the plant structure.Because the condensate head tank served as the water

    source, fill-lines were attached to existing condensate lines

    leading from the head tank to allow the heater shells to be

    filled at any time during an outage, regardless of the status

    of the condensate and feedwater systems. These new fill-

    lines were capable of supplying enough chemically treated

    condensate, under 118147 kPa (40 to 50 feet) of head

    pressure, to fill two or more heater shells simultaneously.

    Before removing the Hugo Plant from service, the length of

    the outage and the nature (or expected maintenance) is

    generally known. Based on this information, the chemicaldoses are determined beforehand and are ready to add to

    the head tank as soon as the equipment is available for

    storage. When the condensate head tank and the heater

    shells are available, a reducing agent and an amine are

    added to the head tank. Initially, the water level in the head

    tank is near empty. The purpose of starting with a low level

    is threefold: This allows for thorough mixing of chemicals

    while the tank is filling; it allows operators to monitor water

    quality; and, finally, it allows for periodic testing and chem-

    ical adjustments. Thus far, the Hugo Plant has investigated

    two reducing agents for equipment storage: an organically

    catalyzed hydrazine and catalyzed methyl ethyl ketoxime

    (MEKO). These reducing agents have been used at the

    Hugo Plant since the early 1990s with excellent results.

    Both agents are catalyzed to protect copper and iron com-

    ponents at ambient temperatures [4]. Depending on the

    length of outage, the concentration of reducing agent is

    targeted between 3.570 mg L1

    for heater shell storage

    (70 mg L1

    reducing agent is only used during periods of

    extended outages). Next, an amine is added to adjust the

    pH upward and to help drive the oxidation reduction

    potential (ORP) into the negative or reducing range.

    This reducing environment helps protect both copper and

    iron surfaces for the duration of the outage. Currently, two

    propriety amine blends are under investigation. The HugoPlant is investigating amine blends incorporating cyclo-

    hexylamine with morpholine (amine #1) and cyclohexyl-

    amine with monoethanolamine (amine #2). The pH of the

    condensate head tank is brought into target range (9.5 to

    10.0) as fresh demineralized water is pumped into the head

    tank to the required level. During this filling process, the pH

    of the water is monitored and adjusted as needed. When

    the head tank is full, the water contains proper concentra-

    tions of both the reducing agent and amine. This solution is

    capable of protecting both copper and iron components

    inside the heater shells for the duration of the outage. (To

    help maintain correct levels of the reducing agents and

    amines, curves specific to the Hugo Plant were con-

    structed; see Figures 16).

    A Novel Approach to Storing and Returning Feedwater Heater Shells to Service

    Figure 1:

    Amine #1 pH and ORP in the presence of 20 mg L1


    methyl ethyl ketoxime.

    Figure 2:

    Amine #2 pH and ORP in the presence of 20 mg L1


    methyl ethyl ketoxime.

    Figure 3:

    Amine #1 pH and ORP in the presence of 3.5 mg L1



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    At this point, the water and chemical mixture is ready to be

    added to the heater shells. The belly-drains on the heaters

    are in the open position, as are the top vents. The water

    and chemical mixture is drained from the head tank

    through the fill-lines and into the shells. At the Hugo Plant,

    one head tank volume can fill all six heater shells with a

    small reserve remaining. Generally, this reserve is usedwithin a week to correct for leaks that invariably occur.

    After the shells are filled, as evident by sight glass level

    indicators or water coming from the top vents, the vents

    can then be closed, along with the belly-drains and any

    other open lines. The heater shells are now under wet stor-


    As with any good storage or lay-up program, periodic

    monitoring for program integrity should be conducted. The

    concentrations of reducing agent and amine should be

    checked and adjusted as needed. Other parameters can

    be tested to give insight into the efficacy of the storageprocess. The quality of the sample, however, should

    always be taken into consideration; since a static system

    is being measured, a single analysis may not be represen-

    tative of the bulk water chemistry inside the shells. Trends

    or changes over time are typically better indicators of shell

    chemistry than are single tests.

    In preparation for the subsequent startup, the chemicals

    from the shells can be drained back to the condenser and

    cleaned via pre-startup recirculation through the conden-

    sate polisher; or, the chemicals can be disposed of in

    accordance with state and federal guidelines. As the unit

    comes on-line and extraction steam from the turbines is

    re-introduced to the heater shells, any residual chemicals

    are quickly removed by flushing to the condenser.


    In an effort to protect steam system components, deposit

    formation and chemistry are being researched. This new

    information is leading to a greater understanding of both

    boiler water chemistry and feedwater quality. Research

    has shown, for example, that the most oxidized copper

    state, cupric (Cu2+), is also the most volatile. The next oxi-

    dized state, cuprous (Cu+), is the next most volatile copper

    species. Copper metal (Cu) is the least volatile of the cop-

    per species. These data become more important when

    copper oxide deposits, such as those formed in feedwater

    heaters, are exposed to the increasingly oxidizing environ-

    ments during unit outages and startups.

    Boilers and other steam components are also vulnerable to

    oxidation during unit outages and startups. The startup of

    a utility station tends to allow air inleakage and exposes

    protective oxide layers to unacceptably high levels of oxi-

    dation; this, in turn, disrupts the stable chemistry of routineoperations. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O), for example, is the pro-

    tective coating of many passivated feedwater systems.

    This coating, formed in reducing environments, can be

    A Novel Approach to Storing and Returning Feedwater Heater Shells to Service

    Figure 4:

    Amine #2 pH and ORP in the presence of 3.5 mg L1



    Figure 5:

    Amine #1 pH and ORP in the presence of 70 mg L1



    Figure 6:

    Amine #2 pH and ORP in the presence of 70 mg L1



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    easily destroyed during relatively short periods of air

    inleakage into copper-bearing vessels [5]. Such air inleak-

    age makes the control of ORP difficult, particularly during

    startup, and can negatively impact copper throughout the

    condensate/feedwater systems. When the feedwater sys-

    tem is exposed to an oxidizing environment, the ORP is

    positive and the cuprous oxide is converted to cupricoxide (CuO), thus increasing copper transport.

    Unfortunately, this transition can occur within hours of the

    initiation of an oxidizing environment.

    The shell sides of the HP/LP feedwater heaters can also

    add substantial amounts of copper and other oxides to the

    system through the cascading drains. During periods of

    exposure to highly oxidizing environments, much of the

    protective copper oxide coating can be dissolved and

    transported further downstream. Steam generator water

    wall tubes are typically exposed to greater levels of copper

    following a unit startup. Often, this transported copperbecomes interspersed with the protective magnetite layer

    (Fe3O4) found in the boiler/steam system. This interspers-

    ing of copper can cause additional problems inside the

    boiler such as under-deposit corrosion.

    Most of the feedwater copper is transported to the boiler

    during these highly oxidizing startups. During these peri-

    ods, copper transport is mostly in particulate form and can

    range from 7595 % of the total copper transport [2].

    Some of this copper, however, is deposited in the pre-

    boiler section. In the HP heaters, for example, copper can

    be deposited electrochemically inside the tubes. In these

    cases, a type of copper "foil" or "snakeskin" is formed

    inside the tubes of the HP heaters. This snakeskin should

    be removed as soon as possible from the heaters; other-

    wise, thermal and flow stresses can cause its release and

    ultimate transport into the boiler. This is not the only

    mechanism copper has for reaching the boiler from the HP

    heaters. Denickelfication of the HP heaters, for example,

    can result in copper transport during startups being from

    6070 times greater than during normal operations [6].


    Equipment storage during outages is critical to the overall

    health of any utility station. Damage from corrosion to the

    various systems frequently occurs during outages and is

    well established in the literature. In many cases, inade-

    quately planned or implemented lay-up programs account

    for more corrosion damage to equipment than occurs

    under normal operating conditions [7].

    When a unit is brought off-line for an outage, the equip-

    ment should be stored as soon as practical this includes

    the feedwater heater shells. At the Hugo Plant, as with

    many utility stations, oxidation of the shell-side coppertubes begins soon after exposure to the atmosphere via

    drains and vents and can result in startup copper concen-

    trations as high as 1.02.5 mg L1

    in improperly stored

    vessels. Even relatively short exposure periods can

    account for several pounds of copper oxide being formed

    and transported to the boiler during the subsequent

    startup. For this reason, shell storage early in the outage is

    necessary for maintaining the health of any station.

    Once a storage program has been implemented, routinemonitoring of the various components is crucial to the suc-

    cess of the program. With a wet storage, for example,

    monitoring of the water/chemical levels in the various

    shells is necessary to ascertain that no leaks exist. It

    should not be assumed that leaks are always visible; in

    many cases, valves leak internally and drain the protective

    water away from the shells. Also, amine and reducing

    agent concentrations should be checked to make certain

    these parameters remain within range to protect copper

    and iron components. Adjustments to the program can be

    made as needed.

    Finally, it is a good practice to flush heater shells prior to

    returning them to service. During unit startups, the extrac-

    tion steam of even properly stored heater shells should be

    diverted through the emergency dumps back to the con-

    denser to remove any residual oxides and chemicals. This

    initial flushing of the feedwater heater shells also allows

    copper concentrations time to drop to acceptable levels

    prior to placing the heaters in normal operation. The time

    required for this flushing process depends primarily on

    how well the heater shells were stored. For properly stored

    shells, this flushing may be completed when the heaters

    are ready to place into service. For shells stored as-is, this

    flushing process may take up to 12 h or longer; but these

    few hours of reduced heater efficiency are well worth the

    overall benefit to the plant of not having copper oxide

    needlessly transported to the boiler.


    The authors wish to thank David Sonntag, Operations

    Superintendent of the Hugo Plant, for his valued insight

    and comments during the writing of this paper.


    [1] Pike, T., Lange, E., Proc., International Water Con-

    ference, 2001 (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.). Engineers'

    Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA,

    U.S.A., 62, Paper #01-27.

    [2] Howell, A., Proc., International Water Conference,

    1998 (Pittsburgh, PA). Engineers' Society of Western

    Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., 59, Paper #98-


    [3] Pike, T., Proc., International Water Conference, 1999(Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.). Engineers' Society of

    Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., 60,

    Paper # 99-52.

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    [4] Rondum, K. D., Fuller, E. J., Dewitt-Dick, D.,

    Bargender, A. M., Proc., International Water Con-

    ference, 1989 (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.). Engineers'

    Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA,

    U.S.A., 50, 124.

    [5] Guidelines for Copper in Fossil Plants, 2000. Electric

    Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, U.S.A.,


    [6] Lawrence, G. S., Proc., International Water Con-

    ference, 1995 (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.). Engineers'

    Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA,

    U.S.A., 56, 261.

    [7] Pike, T., Proc., International Water Conference, 1987

    (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.). Engineers' Society of

    Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., 48,


    This paper was presented as part of the 68th Annual

    International Water Conference, which took place in

    Orlando, FL (U.S.A.), October 2125, 2007.


    Tom Pike (B.S., Baylor University, Waco, TX, M.S., Califor-

    nia State University, CA, both in the U.S.A.) has been a

    plant chemist at the Western Farmers Electric Coopera-

    tive, Fort Towson, OK, U.S.A., for 27 years. His main areas

    of research include corrosion control of condensers, feed-

    water heaters, and turbines during idle periods, reduction

    of metal oxide transport (especially during unit startups),

    reliability improvement of high-pressure boilers, improve-

    ment of pretreatment water systems in fossil plants, and

    removal of copper from high-pressure turbines while on-

    line. Tom Pike is a member of NACE, ASTM, and ASME.

    He has over 15 publications, has been a speaker at manyconferences and workshops, and is a co-holder of two


    Douglas Dewitt-Dick (B.S. Chemical Engineering, Univer-

    sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.) joined

    Ashland Water Technologies (formerly Drew Chemical) in

    1983 after working for Basin Electric Power Cooperative in

    Beulah, ND, U.S.A. He is the principal consultant in the

    Global Technology Group and has responsibility for devel-

    oping and promoting technology in the field of industrial

    and utility water treatment. He is a member of NACE

    International and the ASME Research and TechnologyCommittee on Water and Steam in Thermal Systems, and

    serves on the Advisory Council of the International Water



    Tom Pike

    Western Farmers Electric Cooperative

    P.O. Box 219

    Fort Towson, OK 74735U.S.A.

    E-mail: t_pike@wfec.com

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