a-list for january 7-13, 2015

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The A-listA weekly selection of the best of HR and ATS tech

January 7-13, 2015

A Recruiter’s Guide to Social Media Monitoring

You hear social media is affecting human resources in a way it can’t be ignored. Get started with using it for recruiting by monitoring first. This guide gives you the guidelines and the recommended tools for that.

3 Tips for Recruiting in the Age of Social Media

Social media is becoming a more important recruiting channel because of Millenials, who are not only accepting, but also expecting to be contacted this way for job opportunities. Existing employees are also more likely to share their workplace stories with their networks - be prepared!

HR Technology’s Winning Formula: A Tool, Not A Crutch

Neither the human-only, nor the technology-only perspective will be a cure for the challenges HR professionals face. The winning formula would be one where technology enhances the capabilities of the human workforce.

HR Advice to Start 2015

General managers and CEOs must connect to their workforce: HR issues can often be solved by simply listening to employees. Make it your new year resolution!

4 Recruiting Tools You Should Be Using in 2015

If not a master of social media, you can still trust old methods like contacting candidates at job fairs or getting them on the phone.

General Workplace Predictions

If you didn’t already have enough of predictions, here’s HubSpot’s predictions generator. For those who are thinking (a little too) seriously about the future of the workplace.

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