a journal of affirmation - · pdf filea journal of affirmation ... the song of the silence....

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Gr....T, sn 27 ':?f'\aU' grapes I preas sweet wine.

...Henry Harmon Brown

A Journal of AffirmationNerve us with incessant affirmatives. Don't barkagainst the bad, but chant the beauties of the good.


CO( Ie...



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Vol. XVII No. 9

(Founded in 1900 by Harrison Brown)SAM E. FOULDS, Editor

A of Positive Affinnat:ioIlIS.Devoted to Mental Science and

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erring,COflsci'em:e all seared

thralldom ofyou not heard it

language can word it-have you not heard it,

Voice from within?

In times abstraction,When seems distraction,

God waits in theWithin-He iso believe itNo can it-

This of sorrowWhich ends in despair-

Then all the wild uproarShall never be more;

The Silence hasEarth's sorrows are still-o brother, believe it,

sorrows are still,deep from


322 NOW

THE SCIlENCiE OF MENTAL .u..J.:I<!1.L1.1..I.'liU.

physical sciencethe lower

vit.ra'tioJtls, and measure or peJrce:pt:ionsenSl::S ha \'e called into aCltivitv

measure of man, Human Do'welrslimited to the that

or delica1te lrlstr'urrlentll

traveler orSome call us to

There is a worlda life within

our motion,the within knowforces finer than


radtst()r ofthe


IIere is an center of anycenter it can to itself sensation.

Limitations pass away when thus we Limitlessas as the is man. To him

from all motion tends. He radiates God andGod flows to him. This of the God-flowmakes him Man. Until he is animal.As he in becomes more andmore God-manifest. then limitUOlj-manifest?

first nel:esi,ityof mental heaJinlg,lessness human

he can

his whowho


Both aremanif'est in

This orof

When cen-

arethlJlug-hts are limited to

learn to con--vital centers and heal-


Positive and are terms.each person, is to all above intive to all below. center with less velocitvtive to those that in its ownthe whirlwinds, when two andtake a direction follows

the of the two forces. So withThe one law of nature is that the grElatcer

eel. tel'S of like motion the butwhen thus the direc-tion of the e'tlJatler

priIlciple of physics•success treatments.

and many mental healers orpower after treatments. on the

l'iatUre. that of rather than that of. are limited in belief. The afJtinnaltiolt1,

would leave them fuller life after a milliontreatments. I am never after afult of mental and

(Would you recommendin some textbook or the "Paral-

Forces.turn to the wllirllwinn




It isth{} law:

faith be-and

acc:or;ding' to the amount of Ornnipotellcelet:manifestin you.

:faith- is' thougl1tt of theforce that lies other Cel'lte·rs, that it

hiIlllself of any disorderrel<ltlO1ns, 00lJre!SSIOU. will do

becomIng- more stnml2'lv'as or de\relclO thus some

of 'centralization. ma,gn:etize(l, chemi-ca.nz1ea;· are

..("rn·- 'them 'all Think of self asa center and- see that from whirlwind in-

The one raises- dust; a town. Sostronl:("ly cerltelred in will as

centers of power. to,them that whicbdesire.: Here we have



with anecdote teneone's is

bears the same relation to a :::iD:Jrlt-center that IJl,!,l,Pl,etisDlto a magnet to

an electric-center in a Ilravlh'-center ISown of Insulate <.n article

nQt touch it. a soul insull!,tesits lack of faith manifest in some thougllt

it will not directive powersoul. Will is the directiing of the intellect.must be gn)Ullde:d of , of powerto obtain or to

will be who will let DesireFaith in his Soul as a mwifestationThe Affirmation of istations. In this the incuvildualiltyis free to manii'est

Marden.Price not

Dr. inspirlltiQnal all)'new work from his pen seems to than an;;nouncement of to be assured of a wide Andt;ach hits the nail slltlarelv on the head with theprecision of a blow.

The present volume is no exception. The title itself is a chal-lenge, and each is no less direct and vigorous. The bookis a call to action, a constant to the man of ambition,to assert himself. Back of it all ispowers aregently. Tomeh w'tvast p05.sib:ilities,cause we



w 327


officers and other rep-of the of

well knowll expelilllleUllal

other kindred pllerlonlena.were very sellsl'tlve,

ps)rchic results wereThe members of this class came from all partll of the

some from and fal'-Al:lstl"aljl/l and other distant

resentative men andthis class was Carl ......n£I:'H,

l'cientist of theAt this time of my unfoldnlerlt

ested what is c01nmlonlystu(iied atime to pnlctiice.

theto state that the

was apl)oi:nte:d to send for

tain that;frvmtheir minds,

allto some' me:mller" otrious wasthe dass andof psycho'metry;

theBrown issue with

rell,diIlgs were a direct.,,,,,...,,thin<:r has a soul or

seDisitiive j can read the same.that the matter be to

The members the class asked me if I wouldto 'read from an article would be sentthat none in the class know its nature

or ;I to do this. Mr. Carl ]vIatzen was-detailed to write toa friend at a and ask thisfriend to an to be PS)'Ch'Dmetrize,d, Sl)mlething

an historical ",,,,,uie;,could be' i"t"rn1'pt",r! ttlfOllt!h ps)'chom,ett'ywas to be first dass onebut the'sender"at 'a distance was to know the contents ofthe The article was sent and allthe carried out to the lettet. On the

of the of its arrival the class assembled forout the ex]pel:irrlenit,

pal:kllige that was handed to me seemedDrd:inar'v m:ailing tube. had Wr<l,nnF,r!so that

fhr"<:rn';n<:r Iandnot show,

not inform me

Insteadu::u to tell of

theirwas revealed to me in

I associated this at oncethe Mormon across United

to Utah. I stated I saw and theevents that I related to this

Then aU at once it was to mecOIltallne,ll, and I stated without the least doubt

my mind as to "This isa from the first.ever used in the Mormon ended

it was found to contain a pieceon to his friend who

"'..,1...."", found that which I hadreltd.lnl!" was true. It was a that was

of an organ that was trBLnsportedc0111n1r.rv for Mormon Church.

of many in my career as aare all as in their

nature. Some tell me some must haverevealed to me But I assure you that if suchis the case I was unaware of it. The unfoldedhat:urcllly thr,oU12;h my and the be-fore mind's vision in a manner best de-scribed as if I had them im-


manCle-me whole mi!;en,blede!;trtlctiive, tearing-down

are our enemies. whenever rneyan entrance your mind. Avoid them as you

are of our COlTIl'Ort, thievesof power, of happiness. of efficiency, of success.





social fashion.maids and

or at least

to adlie'lehowthat can continuedeavor and thenfrom the of

Yet tocontinuoustion that tends to increase the dispositilonself to venture is ofcannot to what extent the culture of the SO-CalIcO

have induced indirect bane-ISIf 99 per cent


thatDercei,re that

Part 9.Perseverance

Eager"ne:ss often conflicts with effort. 'Fheam.bltion to achieve is more than

We all wish to do makea stir in the but few of us have thehabii of to make our ambition ofmuch

How many have been wastedin the reverie of the in the fire-

and vanish instant-we feel the a strenuous endeavor. The world

undOlL1btedly would' possess a of !fthat comes to human couldmaterialized.

ap))!i<:ati[on and continuousmconverlieIlce and

NOW 331

and ,",,11\11"'"

to moremarket

courts less be-

hath herlD

is the fact that no one caneven well without a vast

aPlpli(:atilon and I have known somewho in

the future was full and anyusher the advent of ever welcome Prince Charm-

to sit for six hours at a with silver coins onknucldes, so to that ne,'-

one of the fall itshowever the muscles

may hammer theAi better to induce sustained effort and per-

severance be conceived. In afterthe faithful but from the "accom-plishrneIlt" as a asset; but she will haveattained much. I f the same effort afterwards bedivertel'! to and bread be as-sured the floor will be clean and the willrl!!;nl:<lv that brown sheen that none but our sainteomothers could COtlljur'e.

It must not be that perseverance is neverachieved until it becomes a habit. It is aa around that leads to the mClUtlltajlnnone are who ascend but those who neverthe tedious How are there outamid the who on first thesummits bethink themselves that afore breakfast is to run up to the as we would run

a of stairs? But after a few moments have Ull-the ever deceived senses, and the buh-

enthusiast has learned that the summit cannot beleached in a few but will reCIUll"emany laborious he is seized with instantaneous

ennui and to tackle a steaktant hills!

Thus ever the eager enthusiast. Hein the of his slim assets the ever ess,en1tial COtlpon.of He would he would he

Macbeth's witches threat ever vanishesvacuous air. He is tired; he to

the effort on sornelXldlyThe first is cOIlcentr'ation.

til you have your well 'Set on what wish to ac-cOlnp!isJI1, your efforts will be scattered and ineffectual.·The cause of human failure is hick of theinclividu.:U to find his fittest in It is Dean

men ever intoand the "round men falt-

holes. Until we find out wheth-round or it is to look for

any at all. But the way we ever this se-cret is to determine to ourselves to some OCI:Ufla-

f which we have resolved. Oncego fall. I once

of the most who was at that·time a that when once he un-dertook a bit of it ulo11lgnit carried him to hell. I never of hisnor did I ever hear of histook.

dis,tir:igtJlislled litf-r:u'v man,The that

he wrote a suc-he must

f" ..h.,,.',, and makelettres. But he

had determined on another of action in winch tocontend for his fame. He wanted to Parliamentand become a In his firstefforts he failed and The did


not seem to want him; the lessmore he was determined to intohe succeeded a "rotten b01FOl.:!g-h

It his chance had atto him.

But a still trial was to test his de1termination,his on the one of his life.

The time at last arrived when could make abefore that Now he would nail theof his fame to utmost of Butalas! Never did man meet with more

defeat. he triedtheatric art and vehement oratun- to attractEar of his his curious fo'lreig-nappearance, his array of C0111511iCl10\1S

all and he was litpflllil,'the floor with a wild of ridicule.

But was he ? No. He had but one ambitionand he was determined to concentrate all his forces uponits attainment. H is face was his blackspllrkled like diamonds; in

of the he cried in "I haveseveral many StlC-at last. sit down time will

come when hear meAnd the not Par-

liament but all wasone of men at the time in the world.

Thus Robert conceived in histhat he would like to be a and but a

many came from time to time tohis mind 011 his one

becall11e at last one of most honoredin the of fame.

When we recall all the111 life; when we relrneml)Cr

with for in our childholod.-howhave from scene of life's ac-

uncoffined and unknown !" Howmany of them have been utter failures! How few ofthem have met with even success! There is but



that while au Elliglilshmll,nvote in an election will stomach

vote ag':l.in:st


vor.True perseverance sustained

;:rardless of all results. looks for ''-;'''fr"',,

too much expe1ctamcy procures it. Theconsists whether

comes or not. Some time "",·tnt·" must come, how-beit it not be in one's own But the very factthat we leaves its own effect upon our

There seems to lte in some lives a fated condition thai:makes success There are those whoare so that Calmet desist once have be-gun, and failure stare them in theneverthless work on and on. Take the case of pOOl

real and inventor of the steam-alt:houg;h 'Robert Fulton has been his-

honor of the invention, unfortunatefor fifteen years to convince the worldcould be to be

and counted born-of several states for assistance;

tOl'mlng a stockof the Hudson

:::eemedsuccess when he made 3

But his best madeMiISS1:SSlpp,i; was it ne\"-

to be ont.rial

10 f1m on

ow J35----------------------he


made an end of his 11l-Iat:eo

raf)ture, exciaime<1 thehave ;1n opera !"

er be reconstructed and the pa1tents {l:Kptreucould build another. And so one disaster after auotl:ier,

on this side and the other side of the AtllantIc,fronted atdriven to actual im,anltylife.

The rrl'")r\'."'1' his life consists in' his perseverance Infailure. But it was not a for

it was decided on the best that in-vention of Fulton was not at all but wasin fact nothing- but a of the patenltsed to Fulton's time eXlpired.

If we ofset outand seems to demandcourage and perseverance first be tried before sheto honor us with But when the heart isonce in love with its it matters all theheavens frown on us, earth with its forcesoppose us, we cannot but work on, as a lover but themore hi" inamorata the less sheaH'onls him.

he who has found the work he loves. HisIS in and little does he disturbwhether or no Dame Fortune smile on him. There wasonce a man who came to New York withsrome wares to sell. He had cOlnplosedwhich he was sure would overwhelm allfirst came when the,he had returned it

course he feltpe:rslste:<J and went from one to the oth-

er till one he found one who was inhis office on amI who sel"med to be in a most

mooo. him with confidence heassured him he had his ann a comic ope;'awhich if he would he felt sure would con-vince him it a fortune for one who would Cy-

it."What!" with


336 N w


struggling author confirmed the man-antlcilpations, heart with when

him arm himhe intended to take the

review it. But insteaa heman, look across the

ex,c!a,imed the manager, "and you see also lIIanywi:m!l)ws. not ?"

stuttered thefriend"-and this with undue delib-

window there a manon his for Bome man-

ager to its my the woodsare full of them."

That settled it. No more comic forthe ambitious lad. But did it kill him wasoverdone drama and we re not. all un-daunted he set himself to the task he so much

and he was to seek an OC(:ur:1atilonas an accountant from which to secure a liveIiholJd,toiled and at at

has since the boardsl'Oll1mrrv and abroad. And if

readers witness the" or may have


man who came to thehe was of

wrote ditties theget no manager to to him. Never-

he wrote on, himself as best hetill he felt that he had to make a show-

when he waited outside the theater till the managerthen attacked him on the sidewalk and threat-

ened to brain him if he did not look at his· stuff.result was that when once the heed· towhat he had he was so it that he

NOW 337

for him.of sev-

which he

Inulle(hately enJ{aJired him to write all hisman can command an

·on henever forfeits if his stuff is refused.

It was the divine for his work thatconsumed him to persevere till finaimaterial success efforts.

That is the law of successful adventure. First en!!al2'ein such work as von most love; theu never desistthe choice of divine till dint of pa1tlellceand perseverance, you have fromtune the overture of her favors.


Hold to ideals and you will drive outbreeder of disease, failure andof mind; out all the

and bv floodi,ngwith thoughts of love, ll"Ol)d-WIIII. Sll1cc:eS!" 11ap,pirless, piwhatever desire to realize your

at your increased power and happiiness.-J\!1Il'rden.


There is hardly a day passes when I do not receive a letteror two from the readers of this me that theythink it is the best of its Alsofrom Jhose who read various books I sell and

the amount of good that has come to them rnlCml'L'n

ap!>IYling philoslDph:y that teach. I could' fill the mag-but nave made it an abidinga of theraore because

do not see these pretty puffs in NOW not think thatare received.

am ofmagazine form year.

if subscribers the present !lize better than thestand;ard size I do not want to make the change. of youwrite me what think of the intended change. reasonI am change is that so many seem under the im-

is very small. The truth is that fewmental science or new thought papers give so for

asked.a that desire to way

a subscription to



Part 2. ..is

to assist or hasten thelatent powers

able corlSClOUi5-what means

the unfoldmentuntoJldnle,tlt of the soul's infinite pow-

pOi5SiltJlhtles, which means the to COll-oo'welrs and uncon-

contains within itself po-fowl expresses, so

within hinllself allthat he can manifest or express, and all anyother individual can ever manifest or express. Tothese latent powers and to consciousnessthe the solution the halPpinel;;sand of race. is powerthe conscioushe

NOW 339

340 NO

to herpelrtel!:t love and


In both ....."''''..,')!""'v is the result of ac(:epltedIn the case on the heagrees to in upon sug-

and this leaves his unconsciousrat:lpo:rt with or under the direction of

the Thisop][)Ot1len!ts of influence an

it is

function,This matter of hy:pnlotl:sm is treated here beCatl&e, all

it was 1 11 __ due to hy)[)ncltic eXJper'imen'ts

NOW 341


to theSUI)Jel:t leads


the relation between the unconscious 01"soul and the mind of the individual wa:; es-

and it is the use of th1sthat determines the of the humanrace. In the hYlpncltic eXpet"lWlents all are withthe many under the "

mind the operator.occur, such as the mttklng

bar of the assumingalmostthat not even beof the individual. Thus

po:ssilbilllta:s of unconscious mind 01de'veIIJpt:d or unfolded at the sug-

as Ut;::>ucu.how this art of

the latentto tremendous prl[)pc)rtilons.

aregesltlOn of

A careful theelusion that the so-called "'UAU ,.u hyplllot:istskilled insame sense asalesman in most anyhYIPU<)tiS:t, for the power of

to their pr(JISpt:ctsas their own act

It is the of these articles tobe used in education. to

pmisib,ilities of the child


About one-half the in the world their time seek-lIIg and the other haH waste a lot of energy be-

their fate because they are not happy. It is the rareand unusual thing for a soul to realize that happiness is not aforce but a result of the harmonious action of many forces, andtherefore is the inevitable effect of their own thought and ac-tions which have put into operation these forces. Happinesshas very little relation to the outside conditions as it relates fromcauses by inner and finer thought effects which ac:directly upon the emotional centers.-Gracc ill. BI"01\/n.

342. N,QW,

.Jtmm STUDY.

It has said "Theman. It certain thatman is his understand thepowers and po:ssiJlilities, and to know what relatii6nmind bears to the and how itconditions and is the mostknow'le{ll:!e to be had. To this we shallour

Modern medicine has SU1)pliedof man's


center ofin this

that is fallwill notmay be


N w

we see

an(l then

faults as wellvou are take

would a of your ownf!l;l",r"" down the law of

vo:ursielf to live up to the

so inin hand asfaults' andwrong andknow.

The Nature of :Mind-We may Mind as thatpart of man which reasons and andconsciousness as that which is awake to sen-

and sensation andto sense and Mind

of man andas a


we observe theall nature. On this

of'Mind of man is too l'1nnnrt",nt

llMaterialAction" or

sois not

it is not ultimate of persc,naJit:y.there is consciousness orseen-is triune in that he a

ego and consciousness are the divine at-soul and

of Consciousnessdoes not need to reason (,r think. It needs

no process to arrive at its Mind is theW'lV of consciousness. and co'nSI:lOlISll1e:;2may be of as the theforms and Soul as of IVIind,the distinction and

It .is Mind that character tosonal It Mind that differentiates onefrom and causes the materials ofbuild a different from other masses of matter. Itis the that makes the man. Mind is the builder.Mind and directs what sort of fann matter shalltake in its called life. Matter of it-self has no or power, but animat-ed limited

NO W "

I, is best defined as the or intelli·or association of or embodiment of

The mind to the mat-tera book. The on the of the' bookis the mind of the It the of int1elligerlcewhich the book contains. So with thewhich is a book of Thematter its contents is what we Mind. The

no leaves the an,aloigy incomplete,but book a self-consciousness offormation it said consciousness added to itsmind matter and the would makeit .a real or person.

In this view of man's mental nature we toconsider the conscious Mind as the lastsonalH:y or of Self. It is the lastman, not the last theThere is athe medium

which makes posslloleform and humanness is faraway inis a sOlnething-Self or indlividual



there is a considerable difference between Scfulas between Mind and matter. We have

It will be seen that thefor the presence or

the same as theanl.ma,tmg p:res'enc:e of Soul h1 order

fact should be heldhut for the sake of

pelrmiissible to use these words inter-otherwise

The Individual convinced that there is anindividual which stands as the re-

of human I can-not conceive how God could an ownlikeness on There must naveto receive the imllUl1;e of the Divine Mind. That

I believe was the or:Spiriltself of individuals

into human form.or V\Tong of the

bea:rm:g' on the wc,rk'l1grsin the '-UJ''''' J''-LJVU

the very heart and soul ofstand as the

np I'<:,,·n " I life and ofthere is an

manifest in human life and in all nature, crr.".,1'",-man, all must admit. what that power is no

know. Some say is others that It 1"or Mental it what

and convinces mostin the sense is an t

:SomethIng- which stands the of allexistence as Creator of the universe.

If have never the existence of aresident in beneath your

seioue atanswer is that

knows anrlunderstands?inteIlligence and to

What makes your


of a humanor ;- What is that in-

makes you what you are insteadsorue'thing else? The answer can be one

there is a or Divinewhich animates your

what you are. That Somethinl!SUbc4:)D!;ci()tls mind whose center is

last of your

can do nothingmedium of imiwelliine:

Tllro1uIJ!'h this medium manInfinite. wherein lies all power

thethethisthat It IS a ofOf this we are certain: It is meansmove and have our It is theof our life, It is the heart

and thus we may say it is

Basicbusiness and success is tosaid that to "'Knowits • to findhave in the Divineis the foundation of your in theSpJiritual Self. That there is in man ano one who observes and studies the nature ofhuman will In IS m

a and decreesnature of there is in the acorn amental is the antecedent of thethe seed the flower decrees what shall be pro-duced virtue of an wi ththe animal and also in man.

within each and ail a sOJ!llething'determines the nature of theof the individuaL

creative In man we have also itof Divine Some claim that

Self or real individual andof God.

which we'and essencesoul of our


N O.W 347

fact ofIt is a COllception, ra(lialrlt with pow-

beamiI1lg with health.lIan's Nature or Innate WIS tleall-

we do not mean to raise issue as to thednrmlty of man. as he is far from be-

But that man was ' but ·little lowerin the a creature dl-

no in Biblical can well toWhen Christ was called to account for

of Himself as the Son of his answerthat he considered all men divine."Do notthat man was once a child<lnd nature, makes him forIt is in this sense that we of the di'rinitv

If it is true that sin man has lost hissalvation and the of God his heJrtt::age is restore<1,

as the we becomesons of nlay

man is divine,"Somewhere in man's

pe:rfe:ctilon; an; an In-


and; a vital functions

life' a transcends all human le::lrIllingpower; a :Some:thllng on which our very life and ex-

istence which is

That of, man. Thusof the we of

spiritual nature, not of physical nature. It is to thisof man"s nature that we must look for life and

power."Man was made in the of God." This

become subconscious-covered un·-[)Ut has not beenlost. is in the recesses of and indel-

stllmped upon the of every burna!'man should become. ThTs

man '-lHd within even eel!

348 NOW


of aacorn. Itieal form

The divine in the consciou&ness ofis the ultimate of the Soul.

lessons we shall have a deal to say aboutthe law of the Mind.

dHigerltly inin life.

Once this gra.spe:d the student wHIstandard of per-

fection is the standar<l, and He said "Beeven as vour Father III heaven is "

meant what he iaid. The we now observe isbased on a scientific future lessons weshall show that there which


One of thePs;vch,olctgy is that its deals

instead of sub-

will now see, awak-a different viewknow you

do and feel as youlife means.and

inner nature the

weand be

in our lives.Yourself-To life in its'

must search out the resources of your ownfor centers in ; the way to find

. that center is to A soul onceworld and the universe circles around

are to find and becomeand 'which

aCQ1uire the


.M:.,ste'riDg Destiny-][t matters not what your 'ex-circumstances may have no

should in the same old way inis ever in old

conditions becaulie ofwho knows how to the

learn to master his c!PI,tirlvde!;tilllV what he

stu:de!nts to the new idea aboutto die. Make

there your life be. Bewhat a man thinketh in

Subc()Os,ciclUS Mind so is he. Your makewhat you are. Your mental life is your real life. It

what you are in the motives of which de-termines your success,and

Man's Place in .l'latuz'e--l1eaJltn, Hia,ppine:ssis the normal ofwho are not the best the earthnot allotment of

other bounties of earth life are notwhich God intended man to fill. Man was

on earth and told to make it serve his needs; and ifman is he should be master of the earth andhave access to its none usare all that we should be: some are tooselfish and cif self. do

N ---

self and the lawl;

tohas been un-

that is he shouldof and the and circum-

stances so that future will be different fromand be what he desires



Theand now, with all the

and he can COllSclOtllSly rna_nit'estHere and Now."

It is to that this affirmation is Greek to theperson Most Ecclesiasticsand the man on the streetof it. The business man, who

and wants to know if it will "bake bread."There are a ,that are be-

gilming to belieye and a few of that number whoceased to believe and know that it is the truth.

.;\ot that anyone has demonstrated it in itsor but there are many who haver1ernonstratcd the and that proves' the pOSSI-bilities set forth in the afj[irrnaltioll1.

It is towho toof



ery action it takes ismovements are todons it carries outis the more or less servant ofmates it. it its responsebe and aut'om'ltic.

mind'of man fUllctiorlslines of thOllgllt

cOlnplete without the other.fenlinine elements of

essential to mental <;:re:atlon.faIlta!5tic indeed have ofJEspring

int,mg:ible and fas]hiOJlsa it COlltra,cts

thc)ii[rht enters it and inflates it· to


inin extent to se-

it mllY dl-in-of

unJljrnitelj, Ull- .

Will •.bow

toIt is the

human likeness or the con-thongllt into its blocks. Emo-

love and

and exercises



E1lllot:iox\S are the raw material that may be workedinto of texture and

ma.chinelry which confers upon it dejfinite.

initiative in one's andemohlon, COIISCIOUISly and he may to

of his desires. character of hisof his of consciousness and

rell,lizatil::m, selection and initiation ofem:ot:ion determines his of immediate

these are exercisedaut1omlttic;ally no be pre:scribed

uaJ and attainme:nt.u'.""r.-

a treatment I doa state of semi-

But there ct'\J'tainlvson calls the

me for it reveals how intimatereal God may Goa

"'ll'V,","'. but shares his


forthfeel the

will thrillam a

and sellerhonest. I expect the 11.11-

knl)wilnlY One to cheat. one of children in order tobenefit another. I must feel and know-that all men are

served transaction in I ask God totake part. 1 never this law when I am asked to

one to attain that their willserve men. I would be to thateveryone who reads this desires a oftheir own should attain for 1 know this would be a.betteF- and world every person owned theirhome.

In the of the Silence we have aeven for all the money

ask kllC)Wlllll!Silence of

"All theas all the sun-


toThis un(1en,Wldil1lg

of man. It is the to limitless power. is the openwhich no man or set of men can close you.

Let me use one illustration. agoas Iwas a class lesson in the myI,;U\Ul;ll.l, I was to the door and atreatment to a woman to be in one ofthe local I was told the woman wanted

come but was toI out our

I vvarnfrom any teacher as anvtlllnf1'

This treatment wasand is usedtofor them.


our thcmghts

Tele-at the time of which I

with work and in incarnpllign, sent me.a



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